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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1987)
Bl SHE] IBS! IB SHI] 19 HI SI BBS HUH SB IS HU HI! ID 1919 IBIS IB IS 9 IB BBS) 0 m h I judson automotive I ® S ® II g We’re the foreign car experts* | B H ■ ■ g Bring your problem car to the g 1 Professionals!! I H B ■ ■ hi m ■ m factory trained ■ foreign car specialists * 27th & T ® Lincoln, Nebraska 475-9022 g m m i Lincoln’s Mobile Electronics Specialists Sales & Installation Sony * Blaupunkt * JVC * Precision Power * Kicker * Pyle Driver Complete line of accessories including CAR ALARM SYSTEMS & RADAR DETECTORS AUTO BODY SUPPLY, INC. Professional Advise for the Do-it-Yourselfer 'Paint 'Abrasives ‘Body Fillers Fiberglass 'Hand tool 'Spray Equipment 'Striping Tape 'Polishes & Waxes 'Touch-up Paint 'Undercoating 2034 "O" Street HOURS: 7:30 til 5 Mon.-Fri. 477-3941 GET YOUR CAR IN SHAPE with the University Bookstore No Spill Coffee Mugs $3.95 Also chock out our complete line of road maps, atlases and Chilton Car Repair Manuals. COMING SOON!! SNOW SHIELD Windshield Covers & Ice Scrapers Lower Level Nebraska Union Garden Level East Union «tvJlMV TIRE Go Big Red Come In For These Pre-Winter Specials Specials End: 11-21-87 ------- Oil Filter, Chassis Lube, Oil Change $12 • Includes up to five quarts oil • Special diesel oil and filter type may result in extra charges Engine Tune-Up for most cars with Electronic Ignition Systems $35 $44 $55 * ' y* IS i.yi « cyl Includes computerized engine performance analysis • Check battery starling, charging, combustion systems Install now spark plugs • Set timing • Adjust carburetor whore applicable (Extra charge il removal is nocossary) Transmission Maintenance $28 • Hepiace fluid pan gasket, and filter on vehicles so equipped Service not available for Honda or Mercedes Bene. All Wheel Alignment $19 $27* $38 Non Adjustable Shim type Ad|ust*hl«> Mechanic Ally Hear Suspension Rea' Suspension Adjustable Rear • AH 4 wheels aligned for maximum lire mileage • Computer-aligned front and rear to exact mli settings ‘Cost of shims and installation extra where required Chevettes, f-ieros. light trucks 4-wheel rfnvo vehicles and cars requiring MacPherson Strut correction extra Winter Radiator Protection Cl Q Drain and refill the radiator *r 1 ^ and cooling system with up to 2 gallons of antifree/e Pressure test the system Inspect water pump, hoses, belts, and tighten all connections Disc Brake Service New front disc pads, repack wheel *r bearings, resurface front rotors Conventional rear wheel drive vohicles Prices vary for front wheel drive Caliper overhaul $21 00 each if needed Hydraulic service will be recommended if needed for safe operation _Semi-Metallic Pads extra if needed. “Downtown” rrrnn “North” 1918 GRAHAM TIRE 2121 joa ol 11 Hours M-F 7:00-5:30 Sat. 7:80-2:00 CornhllSkeF 476-6521_474-2277 BRAKES MUFFLER *24 • Farrx(us Midas quality <? f* ft Ah *1 year guarantee • Fits most cars ¥ r"| SJ U U <Pipes, clamps and hangers extra.) PER AXLE MOST CARS • New Guaranteed Brake Pads or Shoes ■^1 II I If Jr A (Semi-metallic Rotors • Inspect Calipers • Inspect Wheel Cylinders ^^^B • Inspect Brake I kirdwjtre I fl • Road Test I B fri:i: braki: inspfctk >n 1 I OFFER j I I EXPIRES I ^ J ^ 12/5/87J 2118 N Street 7030 0 Street 477-7724 464-2252 MIDASIZE. GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. Midasize is a rt'iQslert'd servu einaik of Midas International Cof|) Winterize Your Cor -/c Winterize! •$£ Genuine Nissan Cold Weather Service Included In this offer: • Inspection of battery, starter output and draw • Battery terminals cleaned • Inspection of radiator, heater hoses, windshield wipers, drive belts, all fluid levels, exterior lights, tire condition and exhaust system • Radiator drained and fluid replaced with antl-freeze for 20 *-30* below zero • Safety belt operation check $17.95 Plus tax. Nissan and Datsun . Only Tgjfi Offer expires 11-30-87 Nome Your Own Special Discount: On purchase of '• $5.00 $15.00 to $49.00 $10.00 $50.00 to $99.99 $15.00 $100.00 or more Good for discounts on labor, parts and all accessories. Can be used for factory recommended maintenance. Note: Discount for Items other than our advertised coupon specials. Coupon must be presented when Initial order is written. BEN STAHL SERVICE MANAGER DOAN-ROSE AUTO SALES. INC. 125 NO. 21 at STREET LINCOLN. NEBRASKA 66503 OFFICE (400) 476-7000 Nissan and Datsun only Offer expires 11-30-87 Genuine Nissan Oil and Filter Change Included In this offer • Genuine Nissan oil filter Installed and premium oil added per specifications □ plus tax Nissan and Datsun only Offer expires 11-30-87 mm , Doug Carroll/Daily Nebraskan “Husker Bob” Rowe Fan sidelined 'Husker Bob' suffers heart attack From Staff and Wire Reports Bob Rowe — known to Ne braska football fans as “Husker Bob” — was listed in critical but stable condition Sunday after suf fering a heart attack shortly after leading cheers Saturday at the Nebraska-Iowa State game. Rowe collapsed downtown about 4:30 p.m. Saturday. He was administered cardiopulmonary resuscitation by the Bryan Memo rial Hospital heart team and then was transported to the hospital, said Sandra Keefover, nursing supervisor al ihc hospital. According to The Associated Press and a 1985 newspaper inter view, Rowe, 65, was given the nickname Husker Bob nine years ago by a group of NU football fans. The fans a dm ired the way Rowe crossed the football Held unauthor ized, and dubbed him Husker Bob — the 12th man on the field. Rowe often sits near the band section in Memorial Stadium or roams the stadium leading cheers. Students allowed microwaves in residence hall rooms By Brandon Loomis Staff Reporter After yearsof prohibiting the uscof microwave ovens in residence hall rooms, I'niversity of Nebraska-Lin coln housing officials now allow stu dents to have them. Glen Schumann, assistant director of housing maintenance operations, said the housing department changed the rule last year because of student pressure and the efficiency of newer microwaves. Microwaves were first prohibited because of the amount of voltage it took to use them. Microwaves drew more voltage than the rooms arc equipped for and therefore blew fuses, he said. New microwaves require less volt age and arc now acceptable for resi dence hall rooms, Schumann said. The department changed the rule in response to research compiled by a group of students last year. The study showed the efficiency of new micro waves, he said. “The only ones that will be prob lems are old cheap ones that draw more voltage,” he said. Although students may now have microwaves, housing officials still prohibit the use of other cooking appliances such as toaster ovens and hot plates, Schumann said. Appli ances with open heating elements are fire and health hazards to students, he said. “When you start cooking in the rooms, you’re going to have health problems,” he said. Hot plates splatter grease throughout the room, and this attracts insects. Microwaves are more sanitary because they confine grease, he said. Hot plates and toaster ovens al$o produce more smoke and odor than microwaves, a problem that often causes complaints, he said. “Cooking food just doesn’t fit into dormitory life,” he said. If students want to cook, they may use the kitchens in each residence hall complex, Schumann said. CAP award to be given From Staff Reports The Campus Activities and Pro grams Office is accepting appl ications for the Heart and Soul Award, which will go to a student who has done outstanding service w'ilhin a recog nized student group. The student should be recognized by members of the student group as having made a significant contribu tion to the group this fall or last spring, said l anu Goodstcin,CAP’sactivities graduate assistant. The applications are available in CAP’s next newsletter called the Capsule, the CAP offices and the Stu dent Activities and Financial Services offices in Kith Nebraska unions. The applications are due Dec. 4. The CAP awards committee will evaluate the applications and then give out several awards near the end of the semester, Goodstcin said