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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1987)
Presidential candidates converge on Iowa DES MOINES, Iowa — Five Democratic presidential candi dates took shots at each other at an environmental debate here Sun day, but saved their harshest word for their Republican rivals. “We’ve been looking for the Republicans all day and it just occurred to me where most of them probably are. They’re at the court house taking depositions for pol luting the government with sleaze and corruption for the last seven years,” Jesse Jackson said. The debate culminated a busy weekend of campaigning by both Democrats and Republicans in the state, whose February caucuses are a key early test. In fact, Iowans could barely turn around without slighting a presi dential candidate, as 10 of the 12 hopefuls made a round of appear ances. For the Democrats, Sunday’s debate was their sixth joint appear Dole launches campaign amid lingering questions WASHINGTON — Senate Republican leaders Bob Dole is launching his campaign for the 1988 presidential nomination as the clear runner-up to Vice Presi dent George Bush in the polls, but critics and supporters say he faces lingering questions about personal style and political contradictions. As Dole embarks on his cam paign from his hometown of Russell, Kan., there is general agreement on the impressive steps he has taken in the last 12 months as he has emerged from the back of Bush’s pursuers. “I think we’re ready to go one on one” with Bush, said Bill Lacy, a key campaign aide. ‘‘The thing that pleases me most is organization ally, we’ve made dramatic strides,” he said, referring to strong i fundraising and paid political op eratives in 35 states. But others say that won’t be enough. “Dole has a marvelous sense of humor, but it’s like a two-edged sword,” said one campaign aide, speaking on condition of anonym ity. Dole must be careful to use his humor on himself, and not use it for “undermining and deprecating an opponent,” he said. In public he has accomplished that thus far; but in private, Dole is still capable of cutting, acidic remarks. According to one aide, when Dole was musing about how to answer a debate question on which portraits he would hang in the White House, he said he would put up pictures of the men he has defeated in past campaigns. ance and fourth debate in eight days, and some of them decried pressure on them to accept invita tions from influential groups. Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis said he hoped Democratic National Chairman Paul Kirk would step in to help set guidelines for such events, but Kirk indicated over the weekend he had no such plans. Tennessee Sen. Albert Gore Jr. said he was the only Democratic candidate who had refused to enter a pact limiting such appearances. “The question is not what’s most convenient for us as candi dates. The question is what’s in the public interest,” he said after Sunday’s debate, sponsored by the Iowa Wildlife Federation and the state chapter of the Sierra Club. Dukakis, Gore and Jackson appeared at the debate with former Arizona Gov. Bruce Babbitt and Missouri Rep. Richard Gephardt, who complained after the event about the scope of subjects ad dressed and time limits on re sponses. The sixth major Democratic candidate, Illinois Sen. Paul Si mon, missed Sunday’s debate be cause of other commitments, but he made other appearances in the state Saturday. Coup authorities proclaim new era for Tunisia TUNIS, Tunisia — The regime that abruptly removed elderly Presi dent Habib Bourguiba from power proclaimed a “new era” Sunday, promising greater political freedom that could include an amnesty for exiled opposition leaders. The capital city was calm one day after the country’s newly installed prime minister, Zine el Abidine Ben Ali, seized control from the ailing, 84 year-old Bourguiba, Tunisia’s only president in its 31 years of independ ence. Police and armored cars barred access to Bourguiba’s palace in sub urban Carthage, where the “presi dent-for-life” was under military guard, but there was no sign of un usual military activity elsewhere. Ben Ali, who had been the North African Arab nation’s security chief since 1977, was formally swom in as president Saturday. Bourguiba has cataracts, a weak heart and arteriosclerosis. Tunisians long had known he also was becoming increasingly senile and erratic in his conduct of national affairs, but the subject had been officially taboo. Ben Ali, a 51-year-old French and American-trained army general, staged his peaceful palace coup barely a month after Bourguiba named him prime minister. Organ ized with military efficiency, the takeover completely surprised for eign diplomats and Tunisians at all levels. THIS OFFER IS SO GOOD AND THIS OFFER IS SO FINE A COMPLETE WELL BALANCED SPAGHETTI LUNCH - FOR ONLY PRICE INCLUDES SALAD. GARLIC BREAD. BASIC SAUCE AND ALL THE SPAGHETTI YOU CAN EAT SPECIAL SERVED DAILY FROM 11:30 A.M. TO 2:00 PM ■ ■ 228 N 12th -Lincoln • 11th & Howard-Old Market • 84 th & Park Drive-Ralston l\ow that you’ve gotten into Nebraska, IBM can help you get more out of it. 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