Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1987)
'Zero' is empty ZERO from Page 14 In the “Less Than Zero” school of logic, if you’re going to be a coked-up wreck, you may as well do it with style. Later on, they attend a party in Palm Springs, Rip confronts Jul ian, then forces him to turn more tricks. Blair, with noble enthusi asm, decides to go cold turkey and dumps her last vial of coke down the drain. Then Clay finds Julian practicing fellatio on a guy and rescues him, so the three have to dash away in their car toescapc Rip and his mean muscleman body guard. What follows is a rather mawk ish death scene in the desert, com plete with enough sepia-klieg lights to make it all look like a Levi’s 501 commercial. Getz and McCarthy deliver their lines by role, with little or no conviction. Downey’s doped-up high-jinks border on the absurd, making each “strung-out” scene resemble a drunk in some bad “Three Stooges” film. Spader’s portrayal of Rip the big, bad pusher is distantly effective, but the abject lines he recites destroy any energy he displays. The roving, dizzying camera is supposed to create thematic distur bance, but instead seems to be nothing more than pretty, colorful padding for an empty script. “Zero” can’t even be taken as unintentional camp, for it is too long, overdone and facile to induce laughs. The most unsettling thing about “Zero” is that its homilies about drug addiction are destroyed by unanswered questions about why people get hooked. The audience never gets to see the false visions of the elite, the materialism and avarice that turns children of the wealthy into fringe dwellers. There arc numerous psy chological explanations behind bohemian culture — the rejection of social mores, disgust with the common — that are merely por trayed as scaffolding in the much more complex vortex of altitude that is Los Angeles. “Less Than Zero” explores none of these things, making its title eponymous at best. Music faculty presents two concerts The University of Nebraska-Lin coln School of Music this week will present two concerts performed or composed by faculty members. The Moran Quintet, UNL’s resi dent woodwind ensemble, will per form at 8 tonight at Kimball Hall. The quintet’s program includes early 20th-century work. Featured are Theodor Blumer’s “Serenade” and Villa-Lobos’ “Quintette en forme de Choros.” Also to be performed will be “Gavotte with Six Doubles,” a tran scription by Japanese bassoonist Ryohei Nakagawa of a piece from Jean-Phillippe Rameau’s 1728 “Suite for Harpsichord.” Faculty members of the Moran Woodwind Quintet include John Bailey, flute; William McMullen, oboe; Anthony Pasquale, clarinet; Gary Echols, bassoon; and David Reiswig, French horn. Four original compositions by three faculty members will be per formed at 8 p.m. Thursday at Kimball Hall. The works recently were re leased on a recording titled “UNL Composers.” Included on the program will be Randall Snyder’s “The Wild Swans at Coole,” a setting of a poem by Yeats that will be performed by David Price, tenor; John Walker,oboe; and Snyder, piano. Snyder will also premiere his “Mexico City Blues,” a staged pro duction of 19 Jack Kerouac poems with Snyder in the role of Kerouac. He is assisted by Rebbeca Van de Bogart, flute, and A1 Rometo, bongos. Some of the themes in this work arc not suitable for young children. Parental discretion is advised. Food services look at work-study as solution FOOD from Page 1 lem. One solution being studied is a work-scholarship program in which students would receive free room and board for working a certain number ol hours a week. Iowa State has had a similar program for several years. Food service officials in Iowa report a waiting list of students who want jobs, Rix said. Rix also said a federal proposal to raise the minimum wage may have impact on the shortage, but he is not sure how much difference a higher wage would make. “I believe that students’ attitudes are the issue here,” Rix said. “I ques tion whether or not the dollars really matter.” Poor economy, credit problems stopping transfer students TRANSFER from Page 1 cellor for academic affairs, who also has been working to improve the situ ation, said it is important to remember that community colleges are not geared toward the same kind of cur riculum as UNL. Community colleges tend to be career-oriented, while four-year col leges lean toward a broader, more professional education, she said. In order to improve students’ tran sition to UNL, employees need to keep collecting information, central ize it, update it regularly and coordi nate it with community colleges, Baird said. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 j3 00 minimum charge per day on commercial ads Ten words included ,2 50 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads S 75 billing charge on noncommercial ads All personal ads must he prepaid NO REI UNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED TOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION t OUND ads may be submitted tree ol charge DEADLINE 1 p m before publication The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted ads horn businesses that are not equal oppor tunity employers VISA MASTERCARD FOR SALE UNL IN THE 20TH CENTURY The history ot UNL as it happened' Sue UNi S I, wth as reported by THE DAILY NE BRASKAN UNI s official newspaper fot 86 yeats THE DAILY NEBRASKAN AN 86 YEAR RETROSPECTIVE perfect tor anyone with an mteiest in journalism or Nebiaska history Only S3 00 available in the Daily Nebraskan office 34 Nebr Union, 1400 R Street IMPORTED & DOMESTIC CIGARETTES CUFF S SMOKE SHOP 140 No 12th Streel _ 476 0119 CIGARS FOR PINNING CUFF S SMOKE SHOP 140 No 12th Street 476-0119 HONDA SCOOTER Aero 80 Call between 9 11 p m 474 6903 or 476 0438 GIBSON ELECIRIC GUITAR wdh case 197/ sunburst Marauder, $195 477-0923 FOR RENT 2504 VINE nice 1 bedioom new carpet, most utilities paid S290 2222 VINE large, 2 bedioom 2 bath, most utilities paid Available now EAST CAMPUS One bedioom. one block from campus in buck 12 piex' Laundiy facilities and ott stfeet paiking Call Mega Corpoi ation M F 475 8407 467-1579 2 BH duplex, new. close to campus $275/mo 475 1579 01 488 (J06l b4u SO 201 h 2 BR bom $275 1 BH $245 Laundiy. 475 7262 2540 S Stieel New leduced rates Ihree one bedioom apailments bom SI75 Call Kim 421-1871 or 489 6258 2 BIOROOM duplex Laige clean 30th and Holdtege Appliances, parking $285 00, 475 6669 18 2 BR furnished unfinished Aiea 13th & F Quality, modesl lent only 3 units left Call, leave message 435 3605 477 3617 LARGE 2 bedioom in modem 4 plex $340 a month 466 8046 anytime 3708 Baldwin 1 2 PERSON basement apartment Furnished neai Last Campus, laundiy Utilities paid $280 467-1664 Nl AH 271H 4 W 1 BR. new carpet, new paint, $200 - 464 8984 ONI B10H00M apartment tor rent 1528 So 19th St Available Nov 15 Call 423 6994 __ LiUWN10WN. tuilushed/untui rushed 2 bedioom newer cable paid 477-1878 AVAILABLE DEC 1SI NfWER quiet, spacious, 2 BR, all electric, laundry, Parking, FREE CABLE, no pets $345 plus 1910 Knox. 477 /684, 435-7770 NICE FOUR bedioom 2 baths, gaiage. basement, recently retinished 21st 4 Holdiege neat campus $500 488 0061, 466 1168 HI AU1IFUI SIX bedioom 2 baths gaiage basement, neai campus 24th 4 Vine area 621 N 24th $550 488 0061.466 1168 ,K 1826 A 2 bedioom, newei unit, dishwashei, disposal, laundiy C/A, carpeted No pets, no children, no wateibeds $310 plus deposit Oft street parking 423 1838 ROOMMATE MALE ROOMMAIE wanted to shaie 3-bedroom apait rnint Call 476 3879 NtEU 1W0 roommates toi 3-bedroom apartment $125 plus 1/3 utilities Call 435-7289 _ RESPONSIBLE f EMALE to share new 2-bedioom apait nient Southside-UNL/downtown, garage, $177 50 plus 1/2 utilities 474-4477 FEMALE ROOMMATE to shaie apartment, own room S97/mo plus utilities 475-1208 WANTED ONE non smoking male luommate to share house at 12th & Washington aiea $160 pei month (including utilities'! Call Jim 435-3221 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted S113'month plus 1/3 utilities 421-3955 Ask lor Angie ANNOUNCEMENTS i ★ COORS LIGHT COMEDY COMMANDOS Tickets1 Tickets' Tickets' I On sale now' Botti Unions — Pickles - Out Cheap $2 00 w/student ID. S3 75 it no ID Apathetic Deadline lot ASUN committee and Senate applications is Monday Sure hope you don t miss out Joe Gunner STUDENTS! Pick up youi Campus Events Calendar in the CAP offices, lesidence hall desks, union desks, or watch tor it mother designated areas AFIORD COLORADO' $25/mght toi two Ten co/y log cabins/kite hens/fireplaces Gameroom/fueplace, HBO pooltable sauna Great fishing Cross-counby skiing Downhill Wmtei Park/Silver Creek/MOUNTAIN LAKES LODGE Brochures/Reservations - Grank Lake. CO 1 303 627 8448 Owned by Denver college professor ★ What’ Coors Light Comedy Commandos When7 Thursday. Nov 12th, 8 PM Where7 City Union Ballroom Tickets at Dirt Cheap — all three Pickles locations and at Union booth Why7 Because UPC Special Events and 0102 say so Enough said Monique Good News' We ve finally got something fun to do this semester — Coois Light Comedy Commandos is this Thursday' Meet me at the Union at 8 Kip DO THE Student Unions need changes7 Nebraska Union Board Committee applications are available in the ASUN office and Suite 220 of the Nebraska Union _ UPC Conceits and Coffeehouses presents Dave Sul livan Wed . in the Crib 12-1 Scott, World on Staye sweatshirts are on sale at Westbrook Mon lues and tne City Union Wed Thur ★ ★ UPC Special Events and Model United Nations piesent TOURING SCENIC NICARAGUA ON $3,000,000 A DAY " A show on Amencan Foreign Policy and Dissent in Central America Tonight'! 7 9pm. Geoigian Suite. City Union ATTENTION UNL STUDENTS College h«» been cancelled today. Go back to bad. P<)ti it k_ Have you picked up youi Campus Events Calendar yet7 Better hurry Available in the CAP oHrces Craig ★ ★ COORS LIGHT COMEDY COMMANDOS ★ ★ Government Liaison Committee Tuesday, November 10th Guest Speaker Wall Radclitls 6 15 p m City Union Everyone Welcome' You want Bad7 UPC will give il' Nov 13 at 6 00 pm in Aveiy Auditorium. American Films presents the BAD FILM FESTIVAL, three ot the WORST movies ever Plan Nine trom Outer Space, Terror ot Tiny Town, BAD, Free posters given away___ HAVE YOU evei tell like shooting one ol your teachers7 Enter now and do that' UPC Arts - Campus Photography contest STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Are you curious on how to create a positive interaction with others It so, come to our meeting at 5 30. Nov 10 in the City Union (room to be posted) Our featured speaker is Dr Galrn Dodge. Director ot the Human Resources Foundation at UNL Nominations for elections in December will also be done Be a part ot the 200* students in Teachers College_ CORNHUSKER YEARBOOK Meeting for all interested students on Novembei 11,6 00 pm, City Union_ TOGO’S Cheat* Nachot and 24 oi. drink. $2.00 DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES? Be a model lor the MEN OF NE and WOMEN OF NE calendais If you (eel you have what it takes, pick up an applications at Student Information Center in the Student Union oi call 4/6 0550 _ REMINDER Look loi money-saving coupons in College Coupon and Papei Money coupon books THE TUBBERY Beaveis & Beiy Hope we have some studs apply to be senators representing the Graduate Home Ec and Dental Colleges It s the oppoitunity ot a lifetime Keim FRESH TOBACCO CUFF S SMOKE SHOP 140 North 12th St 476-0119 ADOPTION — Loving, professional couple desire to adopt newborn All medical and legal expenses paid Confidential Call collect (617) 474-5322 CAMPER VAN BEETHOVEN Wed Nov 11. 8 00 PM Union Ballioom 54 50 students w/ID. S5 00 general admission Tickets at Pickles Dirt Cheap, both Unions and Younkeis Sponsored by UPC Concerts & Cotteehouses and KFMQ Mailene Did you see the opening for undergraduate student lepiesentation on the ASUN Convocations and Student Employee Rights committee7 Keim ★ COMEDY INVASION! COMEDY INVASION! COMEDY INVASION' Thursday Nov 12. 8 PM City Union Ballroom Conrs Light Comedy Commandos' Tickets arc being sold now' Both Unions HELP WANTED RESIDENTIAL MANAGERS FEMALE ONLY LOMR is seeking individuals to work and live in a 24 hour a-day living unit Responsible tor work involving life skills instruction supervision and guidance of persons with mental retardation including instruction in daily living habits, interpersonal relationships and use ot community resources College level course work in mental retardation, psychology, special education or related field plus exper ience providing social services to peisons with mental or physical disabilities in a 24 hour-a-day living unit Experience in a supervisory capacity desired At least 19 years of age at time of appointment Ability to provide physical intervention, when needed Valid NE driver s license and reliable vehicle Provide personal hygiene to female clients 1st Position - Hours 7 30 p m-11 p m (overnight] Sun 6am 9am Mon . Tues , Wed , Thurs ,5 30p m-11 p m (overnight) Mon , and 2 30 p m -11 p m (overnight) Tues & Wed 2nd Position — Work with up to seven people in three different apartments, but sleep in one apartment Assist clients with shopping and other community access Schedule not deteimmed yet. but. will include tour or live overnight shitts Must complete a Supplemental Questionnaire in addi tion to City/Co application Closing date 4 30 p m Friday. Novembei 13. 1987 Apply at City/Co Employment Ottice 555 S 10th Sheet, Rm B113 Lincoln, NE 68508 HIRING BASKETBALL OFFICIALS tor YMCA Youth games Saturday games beginning in January Will train new officials Apply at 1039 P Street. YMCA Youth Sports Office or call 475-9622 tor more information _ l XPt Hit NCLL) BAR It NOt R/dooiman needed 15hours available Call Jeff at 476-2262 TEMPORARY PAHI TIME Christmas help wanted T ven mgs Apply after 4 p m N Street Drive Inn HUMAN SERVICES INSTRUCTION ASSISTANTS REGISTER Work involves instructing mentally retarded clients utilizing individual program plans in social, daily Irving and educational skills Skills include toilet training, feeding, dressing, motor coordination, money usage, cooking, shopping, telling time, etc Work includes ore paring meals, administering medications, recording client s daily activities and maintaining sanitary living conditions Hours will vary to include mornings, afternoons, evenings, weekends and overnights Starting salary $5.37 hourly Training in mental retardation, special education or related field and exp instructing mentally retarded or physically handicapped individuals in basic social, daily living and educational skills desired Employee must be at least 19 yrs ol age at time of appointment Possess a valid NE driver s license when operating a vehicle Must complete a Supplemental Questionnaire in addi tion to City/Co application Closing date Friday. Nov ember 20, 1967. Apply at City/Co Employment Office 555 S 10th Street, Rm B113 Lincoln. NE 68508 EOfe/AA S.I.D.S. FOUNDATION (CRIB DEATH) Needs help Call trom our office Hourly wage and bonus f veiling shifts available Call Cathy at 466 5668 t Nt HGEIIC CAMPUS REPS needed to piomote Spnng Break Ski & Beach trip packages Earn FREE TRIPS & CASH! Call Sunchase Tours today toi youi application packet 1800-321-5911 PARI TIME CLERK Woik piocessmg experience help tul Afternoons, evenings and Satuidays Apply at Mail Mail. 5601 South 56th Stieet. Suite 16 (lhe Alamo) 423 2774 _ JUVENILE CARE SPECIALISES ON-CALL Woik as needed in absence of full time staff and as jxlia coveiage Should be willing to woik any one of ihree shifts 7 AM-3 30 PM, 1 30 PM 11 PM, 11 PM 7 AM should be able to work 7 of 21 shitts pei week Someexp working with juveniles in a public oi private social service, juvenile detention oi collection program College level course woik in cnminal justice, adolescent giowth and development, psychology, sociology or social work plus exp woi king with juveniles in a locked environment desired Must have own transportation and home phone Vacancies 8-10 females and 6 8 males needed Must complete a Supplemental Questionnaire in addi lion to City/Co application Closing date 4 30 p m Friday Novembei 13. 1987 Apply at City/Co Employment Office 555 So 10th Street Rm B113 Lincoln, NE 68508 EOE/AA ■ ■- 1 ' — WAN! tD !‘AH 1 -1IML trie seivict peisorr 1b 24 hours week Experience preferred, will tram Applyinpeisonat Tires Inc No phone calls SEARS NEEDS part-time tire installers and waieliouse workers Afternoon, evening hours available Apply Sears Gateway, personnel office Mon 10 ? W&1H12-4 EOE/M-F._ JOIN OUR NANNY NETWORK of ovei 600 placed by us in the Northeast One year woikmg with kids in exchange for salaries up to $250 wk . room and boaid. airfare and benefits We offei the BEST CHOICE in families and location Contact helping hands, INC. at 1-800 544 NANI tor brochure and application F eatured on NBC S TODAY SHOW and in Od 198! WORKING mother magazine as nationally recognized leader in Nanny placement Established in 1984 WORD PROCESSING, Database Maintenance 10-20 his a week, must know DB3 472-2350 Bring in your.student 1.1). and get a half order of beans and rice, I 3 flour tortillas and a soft drink, for $2.00. And when you’re I ready to cool down, try any of our ice cold beers. I 11th & “Q” St. Between 2-5 PM Mon.-Fri. I We Need Good People to Fill These Chairs. Daily Nebraskan Is now accepting applications for the following spring positions: •News editor ^Photography chief •Associate news editor ^Assistant photography chief •Wire editor •Supplements editor •Graphics editor «Depth supplements editor •Editorial page editor *Night news editors •Sports editor ^Editorial columnists •Entertainment editor *Senior reporters •Art director «Copy desk chief Applications are available at the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union. Applications must be returned by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 10. All applicants must be UNL students. Netirakkan Room 34 Nebraska Unicn UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions oi employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to the same