Music reading for conference explores race, class barriers By Mick Dyer Staff Reporter Poet June Jordan and musician Adrienne Torf will perform ex cerpts from their musical, “Bang Bang Uber Alles,” as part of the “Literacy, Culture and the Shaping of Democracy” conference spon sored by the University of Ne braska-Lincoln department of English and the Nebraska Council of Teachers of English. Concert Preview The reading with music will be at 8 p.m. in the East Union. The performance is open to the public; a suggested donation of $1 will be asked of those who arc not registered for the conference. The musical premiered at Atlanta’s Seven Stages Theater in June 1986. It tells the story of a group of eight young performers, initially more concerned about paying bills than about social is sues, who act against the Ku Klux Klan after the lynching of a young black man and killing of a Jewish family. Armed with song and danqe, they decide to face the Klan on its turf. They discover in the process the importance of coopera tion across the barriers of race, sex and class, and the necessity of heroic confrontation in the preser vation of basic American values. The music is an eclectic mix lure of contemporary popular styles, moving from pop to jazz to gospel and then to waltz, reggae and funk. It is written for young performers and uses familiar styles to promote ideas and feelings not common in the media. Torf will perform the music on the synthesizer, Jordan will read lyrics for some of the songs, and a local group will sing the gospel-style “Death to the Klan.” Jordan is a well-known poet, teacher and political activist. Her several volumes of poetry and es says include: “New Days: Poems of Exile and Return,” Emerson Hall, 1973; “Things that I Do in the Dark: Selected Poetry,” Random House, 1977; “Civil Wars,” Bea con Press, 1981; and twochildren’s books, including “His Own Where,” nominated for the Na tional Book Award. Torf has composed music for a wide range of settings, from the contemporary eclecticism of “Bang Bang Ubcr Alles” to pro grams for the Brooklyn Philhar monic find music for dance troupes, films, cabarets and public radio. She also has done a solo album of music for piano and syn thesizers. Torf earned a degree in political science from Smith Col lege and Stanford University in 1979. - -----.-l I 475-6363 230 IM. 17th Mon.-Sat. 11:00 a.m.- 2 a.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m.- 1 a.m. * I r - - t - * - * - “NO COUPON SPECIALS” ( WE ACCEPT CHECKS <** Ch***) ■■•aiMiMiaB Valuable • ' I I i ‘2** OFF Any Three I Pizzas • 471-0909 * NAME _!_ ■ ■ Aooncss . DATE --— I tlAlAfS IMI •» • •I" OFF Any Pizza Ordered I 475-6363 11 a m - 4 p.m. j I NAME ______— ] ADDRESS- | DATS - . t «pm(s ii-si ar i • ■■ i ■■ i ■■ i wm • mi i ■■ • ■■ @ 500 OFF j Pizza ' 475-6363 NAME - • ■ ADDRESS__ | DATE _ . I CKRiMtS 1} 31 ■> | LIMITED DELIVERY AREA WE DELIVER DURING LUNCH! [NOW ACCEPTING DELIVERY APPLICATIONS) / J MO OFF/ Ks- / 1 £1 j il I */ m CO * III I or ■ a | *1 * ■* R Fri., Oct. 30 New High Flyers _ Sat., Oct. 31 Halloweenie Party * Bill Staines XJ* (country folk singer) In the Yacht Club Thurs., Nov. 5 The Leaving Trains (from SST Records) I 9 Fri. & Sat. Sidekick O Nov. 6 & 7 (from Kearney) Chesterfield, ’s... 13th & Que - ■ M- ... ^