The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 23, 1987, Page 5, Image 5

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    Most rape victims know rapist
By Mary Nell Westbrook
Staff Reporter
One in three women will be
raped in her lifetime and two-thirds
of the reported rapes will be by
someone the victim knows, a rape
counselor said this week at the
Women’s Resource Center.
Marcee Metzger, a counselor at
the University of Nebraska-Lin
coln, said date rape must be more
clearly defined as rape. Society
tends not to define acquaintance
rape as sexual assault because it
happens with someone familiar,
she said.
Acquaintance rape happens
more often and is increasing faster
than any other crime, Metzger said.
In a survey of UNL students,
Metzger found that 16 percent of
those who responded said they had
been victims of some kind of sex
ual assault. Eighty percent of those
who responded said they had expe
rienced sexual aggression, she
The victim of an acquaintance
rape reports the incident far less
often than a victim of rape by a
stranger, according to a video
called “Re-thinking Rape.”
Society’s perception of rape is
that it happens in dark alleys by
some slimy guy, the film said.
Acquaintance rape has never been
considered a legitimate kind of
rape, Metzger said.
“When you laugh at a sexist
joke at a party, you are giving
someone permission to rape,” the
film said.
This is a part of a sexual aggres
sion continuum that is becoming
more prevalent in society. Violent
pornography is selling big now, the
film said.
Together, Playboy and Pent
house outsell Time and Newsweek
by 20 limes, the film said.
Rape prevention on campuses
focuses on rape by strangers, Metz
ger said. The campus approach
covers where and when not to walk
or how to act confident, she said.
Metzger said that during the last
three years she has worked with
students in the residence halls,
where several hundred students
have come to her to talk about date
When one considers that the
number of date rapes is just the tip
of the iceberg of those who never
talk to anyone, there is a serious
problem, she said.
Of those who do talk to Metz
ger, only 1 percent choose to take
legal action against the offender,
she said.
Wildlife Club teaches hunting classes
By Chris McCubbin
Staff Reporter
In the fall, while a young person’s
fancy often turns to hunting, members
of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Wildlife Club help ensure that young
hunters know how to hunt safely and
Steve Wilhelm, co-chairman of the
Wildlife Club’s conservation educa
tion committee, said members of the
club have been teaching hunter safety
classes for several years.
Most people who attend the class
are between 12 and 15 years old, since
state law requires that people in that
age group receive safety training be
fore they can gel a hunting license. But
some adults also take the course,
Wilhelm said.
The 10-hour course concentrates
on firearm safety and hunter ethics,
Wilhelm said. Wildlife management
and the history of firearms are also
taught. For part of one session the
class moves outside for gun handling
practice, he said.
Classes are taught at the State Fair
grounds and at Antelope Park. The
classes at the fairgrounds are spon
sored by the Nebraska Game and
Parks Commission, while sessions at
the park are sponsored by the Lincoln
Parks and Recreation department.
The course consists of four ses
sions spread over a two-week period,
Wilhelm said. Students at the fair
grounds classes actually get to fire a
gun at an indoor firing range, he said.
Bob Beavers, program coordinator
for the parks and recreation depart
ment, said he is happy with the club
members’ performance, particularly
their ability to relate to their students.
“They’re able to use examples
from their own experience as hunt
ers,” Beavers said.
He said that if the club members
weren’t willing to donate their time,
budget cuts would have forced the
department to cancel the classes en
Each fall 50 to 60 people take the
class at Antelope Park, Beavers said.
Peggy Kapeller of the State Game
and Parks Commission’s outdoor
education division, agreed that the
Wildlife Club was a big help to the
commission’s hunter safety program.
“We wouldn’t be able to do it with
out them,” she said.
The wildlife club trains 100 to 150
people every year at the fairgrounds,
Kapeller said.
Those who pass the course receive
a wallet-sized certificate, a wall-sized
certificate and a patch, Wilhelm said.
There is a small fee for the parks
and recreation course, but the Game
and Parks Cotnmission course is free.
Wilhelm said that Wildlife Club
members donate their time for the
class, and the club doesn’t receive any
money from the project.
Wilhelm said the Wildlife Club
tries to give its membersexperience in
wildlife and natural resources careers.
Members get hands-on experience by
conducting animal population studies
or helping plant trees.
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