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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1987)
HOMECOMING PARADE AND DISPLAY ★ ★ ★ THE MARATHON FAMILY Presented by UPC Foreign Film Series Sunday Oct 18 at 3, 5, 7 and 9 p m. at Sheldon Film Theatre. Admission is $2 75 for UNL students and $3 75 for general audiences LET'S GO skiing over Christmas Break1 Sunchase Tours Sixth Annual Collegiate Winter Ski Breaks to Vail/Beaver Creek, Steamboat, Bteckenridge and Winter Park for five or seven nights including lifts/parties/picnics races and more from only S1541 Opt'onal round trip air and charter bus transportation available Call toll free for your complete color ski break brochure 1 -800-321-5911 TODAY! ★ ★ HOMECOMING SAND VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT Get your 8 member co-ed team together! Pick up applica tions at Wick Center, CAPor ASUN office Due Friday, Oct. 16th._ GIFTS.GIFTS, GIFTS CLIFF S SMOKE SHOP 140 North 12th St. 476-0119 HOMECOMING>ARADE AND DISPLAY ★ ★ ★ Applications due in the CAP office on Friday, October 16 at 4 00 Hay rack rides in Pioneer Park area Call after 9 PM 421-2587 "COME CHRISTIANS, JOIN TO SING" SUNDAY MORNING AT CORNERSTONE 640 N 16th St 10:00 a m — Genesis Bible Study 10:30 a m. — Fellowship Hour 11:00 a m — Morning Worship Students. Faculty and Staff are invited and welcome ROOMMATE RESPONSIBLE FEMALES/males Share large house/ acreage bordering park. 15 minutes from campus by car. $130-»16O. utilities included 423-0264 NON-SMOKING FEMALE needed lor 2 bedroom apart ment on 18th i L S 160/month half utilities 477-0991 PERSONALS ★ HAPPY BIRTHOAY Sammy-Lamby-Punky-Sam-f-Am!! L. Chris. Shey, Mel Surf. or die! Tioger (SEE).' Thank you for a wonderful year!!! You re very special. I love you bunches Pooh (LOH) M Tonight would be a great lasagna night Call me ____ Matt Rick (Chi Phi). Thanks for a great time at King Kamanawanaiaya Hope to do it again Heidi (ADPi) l Come back to the Physical Plant. J. Marker. J i Marker! The Custodial Division Fc God's •aka, Kathleen, Lam on the LSAT. Lai s do tha lunch thing . . . Sometime next month. Partners In crime (a.k.a. the ATTACK women), Brls A Nyff Attractive female grad student seeks a Sugar daddy IHa1 Happy Birthday. Kris!) M4E To a Brownell Buffalo (Theta Xi Little Sisters): Thanks for stopping by Thurs night It was great seeing you! (Love your hair!) Hope we can spend some more time together1 Maybe all the Buffalos could get together1 have a great weekend!) Love. Boog ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE cl A1LIFBA1L 1°1NIGBS1C1A1N I D o lBc o l o rMpIo l a RAC yMc RAT eBBa C I D C H I jC XXX F E E DBO B I pHHEx x x OHEx x la. 1 R x x x x x Mm xxx ZJHHf ELEC tJMh A V E a XXXX A M A hMb I N E TMC OHO a m xxxxxlJlxxxxx ■■FxSK sIr a N EE? c o s[s e TmM|a e s cppB~^ HUT ■f A L Ik s T U XXX E T A LMrIE 1 I InIeIBXXX XX A Al fs" t o t|e|n|dms|k li |r|tMt|e[s' Abortion Services with real sensitivity... you really helped me\" ■ Free Pregnancy Testing ■ Free Pregnancy Options Counseling and Referrals ■ Abortion Procedures tc 12 Weeks ■ Speakers' Bureau ■ Routine Gyn Care ■ Visa. MasterCard and Some Insurance Plans Accepted L WOMEN S MEDICAL CENTER OF NEBRASKA L Street Omaha NF. 681 I 7 (402)734-7500 (800)228 5342. loll If re oulsule N( Tall blonde man with blue eyes; See you between PI and East Campus at 9:00 I'm starting to feel silly looking to see if you're looking. Is it because I walk funny? Or would you be interested in coming over for dinner sometime? _ Shy but interested blonde Sue: Happy Birthday this weekend! How'about taco salad and fried ice creanj?!! Let me know! > Lori P S. Celebrate the big 20. or is it 14 now? What future Nobel prize winning chemist turns 21 on Saturday? Have fun at the bars without us! 82U Two years ago today: Hot red shoes, a phone call, Letterman, ana cocoa, Roxy music, a quiet park, a waterfall, a girl with blue eyes and funny hair You, and a kiss. I'll never forget. I’ll never stop loving you. YO DEAN' Remember what gin is? Happy 21st to our favorite chem TA and inginear KD Phi Psi Coaches, Thank you for the dinner, but you need to work on your etiquette We ve had a GREAT time! Love your KD triksters and Queen SAE-Paddy Murphy Date, Wishful thinking it's you Looking forward to a great time! Shelli (KD) Girl with faded jeans leaving CBA undergraduate advising about 10:20 — Liked your smile. No ring, no boyfriend? Just curious Guy waiting for class (T.L.) Pounder, Happy birthday, sweetie! I'm looking forward to Satur day Love you, b K B Eddie! Eddie! Eddie! Stars! Stars! Stars! Betcha thought youd never get this personal you wanted! Always remember everything! Your roomie. SARA M. SERGERSTROM, Here $ your personal Good hick on your finals See you next weekend Love, Tina Sweet Thing, Happy 2f! Wanna marathon? Stay here! Ms. Mardrgras Greg (Cather 7)— HAkPY BiRTHOAY! Hope you get what you need - hubbada hubbada. Susannah SEKYlCfcS WORD PROCESSING SERVICE Glenda Hinz 475 2253 Dissertations. Theses, Term Papers. Etc. Quality Work. Reasonable Prices COPY SERVICE — Reductions and Enlargements PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or Advanced ZAGER STUDIO _ _423-2709 RESUMES Professionally typeset. $15 plus tax. Monday through Thursday Daily Nebraskan, basement of Nebraska Union 8 00 a m -5 00 p m PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand Call us - 483 2609 TYPING/WORD PROCESSING Computer Type and Services 1630 Que St 476-8973 NEED CASH7 We ve raised our rates and donating plasma is an easy way to earn money while you study We re conveniently located downtown next to Ted 6 Wally s New plasma donors this ad is worth $15 on your first visit LINCOLN PLASMA 126 North 14th Street Suite #2 474-2335 2 hours free parking — Park n Shop EXTRA MONEY is nice, but you can help people loo' Donate plasma lor up 1o $120 a month First donation in a calendar week $10. second donation in same calendar week $20 (Monday-Saturday) New donors receive $2 bonus on first donation with this ad UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER Associated Bioscience of Nebraska. Inc Lincoln. Nebraska 475-8645 Effective until further notice GLORIA S TYPING SERVICE IBM WORD PROCESSING AND TYPING REASONABLE 498-9294_ BONNIES WORD PROCESSING Term Papers, Theses, Resumes. Letters. Editing 4>61635 TYPEWRITERS — WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE BLOOMS 323 N 13th 474-4136 RIDES I NEED a ride on 10/22 or 10/23 to Wichita, KS or surrounding area. Call 472-8408 if you are headed that direction. LOST * FOUND LOST: Calculator in brown case in or around Love Library, 10-8. Reward $25 ~Y0U CALLED about your ring lost at the East Campus Union, it's been found. Please call Ray 472-1776 to identify and claim. LOST: Ladies gold watch. 10/14/87 after 12:15 RE WARD' Call 474-1824 _ _ _ FOUND Ken Frank, I have your U S Spring Calling Card Jim 477-7232 after 3 p m. GREEK AFFAIRS SORORITIES Come see A TO softball. Sigma Chi Sigendales and Farm Aid Mega Bash picture proofs at The Picture Man, 1630 Que' St Deadline Oct. Z3,1987. P.U.S.H. COMING SOON - DRACUBLOOP 17 ★ ★ The men of the SENIOR SCROLL SOCIETY will soon be choosing outstanding Junior girls to be recognized as Senior Scroll Sweetheart*. AGMEN LITTLE SISTERS Don't forget the retreat! Sunday, Oct 18 Meet at the house at 6:45 p m Tri-Delta] ' The serenade was lovely It was good of you to make the trip all the way north. —The men of Chi Phi ★ FarmHouse and Lambda Chi, Only two short weeks til the party of the year! Pick your oates and get set for BE MY IDOL!!! The Chi-0 Idols The captain has turned on the No Smoking sign. Please put your seat in an upright position and make sure your seatbelt is securely fastened Only 166 hours before arrival. Do you have a ticket. PLY DELTA T7 _ Aipna rm uueen ana inkers. Good Kick at Phi Psi 500 — we know ya'H do fantastic! _ Love you Alpha Phi Sisters To the Men ol Phi Delta Theta; Thanks for the great party Wed night It was weft worth your sign Same time next year Love die Alpha Phis Congratulations on being selected to the Student Advisory Board!!! S Rogge L. Skoon A. Haas _ Love. Your Alpha Phi Sisters Good Luck1 Bagel. Jamie, t Becky in the Phi Psi 500. we love you!! Pi Ptu Pledge Class 17 PHI CHI THETA Informal meeting is October 20 at B OO m the Union. All rushees welcome1 Baby Karen (KD) Good Luck at Phi Psi 5001 Make us proud! Love. Mommy and Grandma SiGMA NU LITTLE SISTERS; Get ready for tonight s MEGABASH! TGIF! Paddy Murphy... The legend lives on! Alpha Omicron Pi The Phi Psi 500 is right around the corner, get excited — now1 _ —Your Ptu Psi Coaches To the blonde and the twins in the 3rd floor window of Beta Theta Pi The red light really made you look hot1 If you d like us to serenaoe you personally, respond via personals Chi-0 pledge trio Phi Mu Pledges. Dinner was good The banner is going great Best of all. you girls are super! Good luck Sunday* 500 Coaches (S-B-D) KD Pledges. We all know who has the best sorority pledge class on campus Let s prove it this weekend _ Your Phi Psi Coaches Anne. Good luck this afternoon Time to win the 500 ADPi Your Coaches We ve worked hard Alpha Phislet s winthePhiPsi500 Best of luck _ Your Coaches Female friends of Paddy Murphy Join theSAE brothers in the mourning uf Paddy s death on Saturday Coming Soon~Detta Delta Delta Flap Jack Snack Attack Oct 22 10 p m -1 a m Alpha Omicron Pi Trikers and Queen —we can t lose — we re the best by far _ —Phi Psi Coaches BE MV IDOL Beneficiaries of Paddy Murphy Paddy s bequests will be announced in tomorrow — will reading at 10 30 AXO Pledges ~ " Last day before the big weekend Let s get pumped up and win the 500 _ Your coaches. J-A-G Brothers and friends ol Paddy Murphy Funeral services will be held tomorrow night beginning with the funeral procession at 5 00 rln Stock Can nondole, Centurion, and Diamond Back Bicycles 10% OFF while '87s last! BIKE PEDAIERS V 33rd & B St 474-7000V r BRASS RAIL presents. . . FRIDAY F.A.C. 4-7 DRINK SPECIALS ★ $1.00 Beers ★ $2.50 Pitchers ★ 75° Railroaders — CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Great devastation 6 Shield 10 Astronaut’s agcy. 14 Scipio, to Hannibal 15 Silents siren 16 Viva voce 17 Barely getting by 18 Epochal 19 Had on 20 "Name no one man,’’eg. 22 Khayyam 23 Hitherto, hitherto 24 Adventure seeking 26 French cousin of the F.B.I. 30 Mortise mate 32 Social unit 33 Former labor leader 35 Berm 39 Eddie Fisher hit: 1951 41 All you out there! 43 Fundamental 44 U.S.C.G. woman 46 Utter 47 Brava, Mesa or Rica preceder 49 Seat given up by a lover in 1936 51 Lead ore 54 Area south of Houston St., N.Y.C. 56 Genesis donor 57 Cairo or Copenhagen 63 Nothing, to Lloyd 64 Parched 65 Sourpuss Algerian port 10 Timely phrase 40 Sacred picture 67 Hoarfrost in a Presley hit 42 Straight 68 Ukase 11 Asset of has,. Comb forrp 12 A plastic 45 Diversion 70 Maple-tree wrapper 48 Winged fruit genus 13 On the qui vive 50 Leaf or grass 71Bonheurand 21 Fond hope follower Ponselle 25 Parker house 51 Lively dance Revere "HMi? 26 Strikebreaker 53 Treasonous 1 Dickens villain 27 Arm bone Pierre 2 Singer Paul 28 X followers 55 Part of fromOttawa 29 Lure B.P.O.E. 3 An anagram of 31 Lanchesteror 58-the Red live Maxwell 59 Church 4Buspreceder 34 Defeat calendar 5 Young swan 36 An anagram of 60 Boxer Firpo or 6 Tinker to- mode pitcher Tiant to Chance 37 Rictus 61 Quechua 7 Strangle 38 Famed 62 Prescribes 8 Islamic leader Renaissance 9 Bad temper name