Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1987)
2 BR BASEMENT of duplex, new, close tocampus 1541 Whittier $300/mo. 475-1579 or 488-0061 2 BEDROOM 3 years old 539 No. 24th. 423-1029 or 474- 1055. _____ 4 BEDROOM, newly remodeled, close to campus. 1300 N 21st, $450 per/mo. 475-1579 — 488-0061 _2740 R, nice 1 BR, air, laundry, garage $195 — 488 6738 ___ 64(TS0 20th 2 BR, from $275, 1 BR $245 Laundry. 475- 7262 - 2540 S Street npw reduced rates. Three, one bedroom apartments from S175 Call Kim 421-1871 or 489-6258 help wanted OUTDOOR ADVENTURE PROGRAM STAFF Position open beginning Oct. 26,1987 for 2 UNL students (prefer freshman, sophomore, or beginning graduate student) to work in Campus Recreation Outdoor Adventure Program and equipment rental Applicants must possess or Be willing to learn outdoor adventure skills and leadership ability Send letter of application and resume to Mark 1. Ebel, Assistant Director, Office of Campus Recreation, 1740 Vine St., Lincoln, NE 68508-0601 by October 16, 1967._ PART-TIME SUPERVISOR This position requires a mature individual with good communication skills who can motivate newspaper car riers and work with parents and customers as a city carrier route supervisor. This is an excellent opportunity tor a university student which requires being available by 2 30p m. daily,9a.m. Sat. andsomeSun mornings This position requires approximately 35 hrs. a week. Your own vehicle is required with mileage expenses paid Applica tions will be accepted at the Journal Star Office. 926 P. 8 00 a m -4.00 p m. thru Oct 18. 1987 JOURNAL STAR PRINTING COMPANY EOE/AA HIRING VOLLE YBALL OFFICIALS — VOLUNTEER COACHES ALSO NEEDED for YMCAyouth volleyball Games. Saturdays, UNL campus Apply in person at Downtown YMCA 1039 P St 475-9622 for more info ENERGETIC. RESPONSIBLE person for counter sales clerk position Part-time, flexible hours. No experience necessary For interview call 1-339-4276 NOW HIRING — PART-TIME FLEXIBLE HOURS & GOOD PAY $6.50/HR. 488-1227 DATA ENTRY If you have computer keyboard background or good typing then we can teach necessary skills Light ware house duties We require a minimum of 20 daytime hours per week $3 55/hour NEBRASKA BOOK COMPANY 6400 CORNHUSKER HIGHWAY 466-9161 - E0E AEROBICS INSTRUCTOR Prairie Life Center is now taking applications Experience preferred Apply in person only 1305 So 70th ReadlTand Reap! Kay's Restaurant now has cook opening part-time Apply at 1275 So Cotner__ PART-TIME RETAIL sales, counter help Barry's Photo lab. 56th & Hiway 2. Edgewood Shopping Center PHONE SALES No experience necessary PM shifts available Hourly wage guaranteed Call 466-5668 MISCELLANEOUS LIGHT WAREHOUSE WORK We have several openings daytime hours. 12-40 hours per week available We will schedule around your classes. MF This can be permanent year around arrangement $3 35/hour Apply at NEBRASKA BOOK COMPANY 6400 Comhusker Highway EOE TACO INN 11TH A CORNHUSKER Help wanted for all hours Apply anytime Free food after training period WEEKEND HELP perfect hours for students Work2,12 hour shifts and do some studying Operate CRT s and some proofreading Will tram Apply in person 6th floor Gold s Galleria. Rom Publishers S IDS FOUNDATION (CRIB DEATHS) Needs help Call from our office Hourly wage plus bonus Evening shifts available _ Matt at 466-5668_ _ MAkE OVER $200 a week with part-time dancing at the Hour Lounge Call 474 6469 after 12 noon PART TIME CUSTODIAL help needed for late evening hours Apply 314 NE East Campus Union AA/EOE I HE NEBRASKA CLUB is hirmgday food wait per sonnel Must be available 9-2 30 Mon Tri, some night catering dnci football Saturdays required Benefits Apply FirsTier Building, 20th floor, 9 11 a m or 2-6 pm (Ijtni M") ENTHUSIASTIC positive individual trained intabieside entree preparations and knowledgeable in wine service Please apply at Nebraska Club, 20th floor, FirsTier Building 9 11 a m or2-6p m Resumes please No phone calls, thank you BUS BOYS Hours 11-12 p m , 12-1 pm. 56 30 p m 475-1143 Sorority BABYSITTER NEEDED tor 2 boys two afternoons a week at my home Must have own transportation Call Carol. 423-1396 AG STUDENTS Earn up to $1 000 $2 000 by Christmas Ag supplier needs part-time help, flexible hours We tram Send lesume to Sales Manager PO Box 6664 Lincoln. NE 68506 i ABlNET SHOP assistant, must have experience or classes in wood working Submit application and hours idle fur work to Lincoln Lumber Co 932 N 23id Hf IP WANTED Delivery driver andpivvamaker Apply in person The Whole Works, 1227 R St _ IMMEDIATE OPENING Lunch time help wanted Apply 2-5 p m Monday thru Saturday Little Steak house, 1200 N St., Lower Level Atrium (Le Metro lood court) | : _ ~~ WANTED: DRUMMER Former Road Musicians with established weekend band Mus be proficient in Country, Rock, Swing. Jazz. For auditions. 228-0425, 228-4265. (iarpool available! giNEED 2 OU NU football tickets, togetheTMaitT ~WT AIRLINE COUPONS VAUNTED MCh d1-800U2S5M060S' WeS,ern Extra' 0,hers Up ,0 5350 KEYBOARD PLAYER with vocal ability wanted for working SM top 40 band, 475-3569 0^6 tickets OU/NU game, together Will pay good announcements ★ ★ HOMECOMING BIKE RACE , OCT 24 Pick up entry forms at CAP Office, Free Wheelin', or Cycle Works. Oue October 21st. COMINGSOiON DRACUBLOOO '87 FREE MOVIE The Hiding Place" Nebraska Union Ballroom October 16 7:00 PM C . . HIGH HEEL ft THE SNEAKERS Saturday, October 17, Elms Ballroom, Syracuse Stop bv INVISIONS, Jr. and Misses Fashions, 411 5th Street. Syracuse and get 10% off plus free ticket with $25 00 purchase. AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND AND HAWAII' Summertime inJanuary Join an agriculture study tour For details call 472-3264 or stop by Flights & Study Tours. 1237 R Street C.P.R Receive your certification'in CPR Tuesday 7 00-9 30 PM Office of Campus Recreation is holding a CPR Certification *PAS 'uesdaY at the Office of Campus Recreation. 1'*'I® Class inc|udes certification, cost of instruction and CPR book Cost is only $10 00 Class is limited, so s^gn up at the office of Campus Recreation today DANCE in Pla-mor ballroom October 16,8-12 p m. Whiskey River Boys INTERNATIONAL BANQUET AND CULTURAL SHOW Sunday, October 18, 7 p m.. Centennial Room In cludes exotic food from different countries around the world, cultural show and international fashion show Get your tickets $7 00 at City Union Booth ] every day this week WHAT INTRAMURAL RODEO WHEN SUNDAY OCTOBER 18 100 PM WHERE 33RD & LEIGHTON ST 6 people per team at least 2 opposite sex Cost $20/team Awards and co-rec points given EVENTS GUYS BOTH GALS call tying dummy roping goat tying Chute dogging call dressing barrel racing cow riding _ steer riding ★ For those planning on attending the Agricultural Eco nomics and Agri-Business Club field trip to Kansas City please have fees paid before Oct 20 For more information contact M Henry at 467-1605 TO THE STUDENTS OF UHL: It IS with extreme sorror and regret that we must inform you of the death of SAE brother Paddy Murphy Paddy was ruthlessly gunned down at the SAE house last night Before his brutal murder. Paddy was seen playing poker and entertaining B ladies Police have a suspect, identified alleged killed Paddy in retaliation for numerous gambling debts and improprieties with Guidos wife However, close friends of Paddy testify that he was a church going family man ★ ★ ★ HOMECOMING PARTY ON THE PLAZA MONDAY 3:30-5:30 PM ★ ★ ★ HOME COM ING PART Y ON TH E PLAZA When Monday October 19, 1987 Time 3 30-5 30 PM Where ON THE PLAZA Who for Everyone FREE TCBY & Coke and Topper Popper Popcorn Lip Sync Finals. Limbo. Hula Hoop and Twister contest and much more Come join the tun ~ LUTHERAN COLLEGIANS Meeting in the Union. Sunday night at 7 30 If YOU want to p7ay m a band second semester, call 472-2505 Auditions not necessary for membership in some ensembles Basketball Band auditions October 19 20 and 21 _ ★ ★ ★ HOMECOMING PARTY ON THE PLAZA MONDAY 3:30-5:30 PM ★ ★ ★ HOMtCOMING PARTY ONThE PLAZA~ ’ When Monday October 19, 1987 Time 3 30-5 30 PM Where ON THE PLAZA Who for Everyone FREE TCBY. Coke and Topper Popper Popcorn Lip Sync Finals. Limbo, Hula Hoop and Twister contest and much more Come |Oin the fun WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH YOUR LIFE? A three week sermon series on your life work decisions 'MISSION(S) POSSIBLE: Knowing Your Human Calling" Sunday Oct 18. 25 "Shared Assignments CORNETtSTONE-UMHE 640 N 16th St Morning Service — It 00 AM UNL STUDENTS OF ALL DENOMINATIONS ARE WELCOME ---1 Personal M 0 ^ Out of State Now Open $ FAST BUCKS $ Check Cashing Service 1108 North 27th Street Phone 435-4352 Students’ Checks Cashed Instantly — Checks Cashed — Any Kind — From Anywhere _ Open 24 Hours Two-Party Payroll PikhtrS DottleJQttrs t Well DrinkS /228 'P' St Guaranteed Smiles ★ ★ ★ HOMECOMING PARTY ON THE PLAZA MONDAY 3:30-5:30 PM ★ ★ ★ COLLEGE MONEY AVAILABLE $165,000,000.00 UNCLAIMED • UNAPPLIED FOR SCHOLARSHIPS * GRANTS OTHER FUNDING INCENTIVES HIGH SCHOOL * COLLEGE * GRADU ATE STUDBSIT8 * OP THOM NMMM, BTATVNl OAaM AYOAAM. CLAM CTANOMO. OR OOU4M HOT MOM GUARANTEED RESULTS Call Today (402) 476-6579 ^VRITTENWARRANTY^ THINKING ABOUT LAW SCHOOL? Visit with Professor Larry Pape of Drake Law School on Monday, October 19 9:00-11:30 a.m. Career Placement Center Nebraska Union, Room 225 Drake University Law School BLOOM COUNTY_ _by Berke Breathed yjyyy u. THANK YOU FlMNflff HCY HA HA HA I Love HA HA WATCH WATT., mrm\ hahaha HSf/ \ \ HA HA UA I TAKE IT.. JP\^~ /2s L A heaping half-pound of Coco’s delicious golden fried shrimp is the star of this great meal. Crispy on the outside, firm and sweet on the inside, this is the fried shrimp feast you’ve been waiting for. We start you off with hot soup or a crisp salad, then serve the shrimp with lots of French fries (baked potato or rice pilaf after 5pm). It’s a heap of a deal, so don’t miss it! m Lincoln 120 North 66th St. 467-4419 Offer Good For Limited Time Only. .....