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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1987)
ulljr (Enlmtial t , The Hebiaika Un-ion 1 <*th & "R" lining "■'30":30 p“ loom Hew ni 1 mp'iovec. Menu ; I GARDEN FRESH SALAD BAR WITH HOMEMADE SOUP.$3.b9 With Sandwich Item. 54.95 CROISSANT EXPERIENCE Tender slices of turkey breast, tomato, lettuce and bacon with a slice of Swiss cheese, served on our French Croissant. .$3.69 CLUB HOUSE Made Colonial style with ham, turkey, bacon, lettuce and tomato layered between toast and served with (>otaLo chips and dill spear.$3.49 COLONIAL CONNECTION Shaved slices of succulent ham piled high on an onion roll, topped with American cheese and served with potato chips and dill spear.$3.29 TUNA OR CHICKEN PLUS Chicken salad or chunky bits of tuna mixed with celery, sliced eggs and lettuce, served on a croissant with potato chips and dill spear.$3.29 CDR CHOICE Succulent slices of ham accented with avocadeo, fresh alfalfa sprouts, Cheddar cheese-and tomato, served with potato chips and dill spear.$3.49 FRENCH DIP AU JUS Tender slices of roast beef served hot and piled high on L__—French bread, served with potato chips and dill spear . - $2.99 101N. 27th 476-1566 I MILLER REG./UGHT $9.48 warm case $5.69 cold 12 pack BUD & BUD LIGHT 16 OZ. $ 12.99 warm case $3.55 cold 6 pack MEISTER BRAU ♦5.97 warm case | ♦3.99 cold 12 pack BARTLES & JAMES ♦2.99 4 pack warm or cold ^PRICES GOOD WHILE QUANTITIES LAST\J COPY CONFUSION? I Take the confusion out of finding ft quality photo copies at affordable a prices. ACCENT COPYCENTER now 1 offers special student rates every weekend, all semester long. Now get 20% OFF our already low COPYCENTER SERVICES by presenting your student I.D.' , ACCENT COPYCENTER. We take the confusion out of quality photo | copying. 'Does not include retail merchandise. I 1 A /N0^lA/ACCENTCOPYCENTEa 1 226 S,16th a 4 «hort blocks from campus t A 1 Juit But of Fvahini Auditorium Coupon Sale Rhode Gear Via Cycle Satchel| The Ultimate Book Bag With Shoulder Strap Regularly $39.35 With Coupon $34.95 coupon not good with any other offer Expires 11-30-87 South 13th 475-02041 Put your degree to work where it can do a world of good Your first job after graduation should offer more than just a paycheck. If you're graduating this year, look into a unique opportunity to put your degree to work where it can do a world of good. Look into the Peace Corps. SIGN UP NOW FOR PEACE CORPS INTERVIEWS Oct. 21st and 22nd 230 Nebraska Union Call Career Planning and Placement at 472-3145 ^Customize r^DUR EYEWEAR CUSTOMIZE mi SWINGS U..... »L. L I . .. / .1 e II // ■ •«> ivmn ""V'vinnnv UR It MM »W1I 1^ i. UMl Mil CyVWViW 4 HllTM > Save up to *30.00 I □ SAVE $25 on prescription eyeglasses. Minimum | purchase of $50. [ 1 SAVE 20% on any style of non-prescription sunglasses. □ SAVE $20 on a complete pair of contact lenses (exam and lenses). f ] SAVE $30 on invisible hiftx:al eases with frame purchase. ln^n«u.ln..«lrmn|. f QC ADI CTV— N.* M NM7 L,m« jT"'Vv,**or' center J «r«*.r*w*iv«irsu«i&i«t. NOBOuy CAKfcSPflft RTS MflRETH ANPEARLE. | C N*7 l\..k IUk Vmn li. Gateway Mall 1182 "O'* Street 464-7416 476-7688 'Marathon' dark, easy to understand MARATHON from Page 9 he despises and distrusts them all, wishes they were his enemy’s chil dren and wills his inheritance to himself. During all this time, Mirko is coming into his own and realizing he doesn’t belong in the staid, boring mortuary business. There’s a new distraction in his life, the movies. The metaphor here is inescapable. “Marathon Family” depicts life in a small village before the advent of modem media technology and at the beginning of its impact on society. Mirko is also distracted by Kristina (Svetlana Seka-Sablic), the imbecilic daughter of “Billy Pv thon” - Topalovic (Zoran Radmolovic), a local small-time gangster who occa sionally does some underground cof fin repossessing for the mortuary. In the meantime, both families consider the other crooks, and even tually a family feud breaks out be tween the two clans over back pay ment from stolen caskets. “Mara thon Family,” a dark, wicked comedy bordering at times on the absurd, plays at Sheldon Film Theater this Sunday at 3,5, 7 and 9 p.m. Admis sion is $2.75 with student ID and $3.75 without. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472 25M $3 00 minimum charge per day on commercial ads Ten words included $2 SO minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads $ 75 billing charge on noncommercial ads All personal ads must be prepaid NO REFUNDS ON PRE PAID ADS NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE 1 p m before publication The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted ads from businesses that are not equal oppor tunity employers VISA MASTERCARD FOR SALE THRfcfc CUBIC foot dorm refrigerators Will sell. $59 95 or rent Derex Company. 1422 S St 435 5834 HOUSE FOR SALE 22nd & S SAVES Asking $15,000 435-4000 ★ SIERE0 EQUIPMENT. Dynaco St 120 Amp and Pat 4 Pre amp both $50 00 Sony turntable with Ortofon cart $160 00, 10 band equalizer $20 00 Dual 1214 turntable w/cart $20 00 Yamaha CR820 55 watt receiver $225 00 Canton GL210 mini-speakers $125 00 Best offer 483 2619___ WHITNEY HOUStON tickets - Row 15 Mam Hoc Available 476-6871 Cannondale SR 600 54 cm lull Dura Ace $750 Alan Alum , 54 cm, $300 Pro Parts & Clothing Campi, Dura-Ace, Descents, _elc . 475-/605 T OR SALE CUSIOMMADE 14K wh'te gold solitaue engagement ring with 69K oval solitaire diamond 14K white gold ring guard, custom made to match with 14 full cut round diamonds Have certified teweliy appraisal available for review, tor serious buyers Call after 5pm 467-4724 IREK MOUNTAIN bike 1 year old Black and red with rack excellent condition Must see, call after 6pm 477 5773 _ POCKET CIGARETTE LIGHTERS CLIFF S SMOKE SHOP _ 140 No 12th St _ NEED SOME PARTY CLOTHES? Try Ihe new Blondie * (with Archibald s Corner) 1170 No 14th 12 8 PM daily Next to the Mill, across from the Zoo YAMAHA CR 1020 stereo receiver 70WPC $27b make offer 464 2509 B0SI0N TICK! IS1 b in Row 7' 6 in Row 20' 9 in Section B, Row 7' Best oilers 435-7251 WEARABLt ARI sweatshirts Handpainted studs appliques Tie dye and batik garments and t-shirts Custom design Handkmt vests, sweaters, custom knitting 464 3096 Baggett $ Knits UNL IN THE 20TH CENTURY The history ot UNL as it happened1 See UNL s qiowth as reported by THE DAILY NE BRASKAN UNL s official newspaper lor 86 yeais THE DAILY NEBRASKAN AN 86 YEAR RETROSPECTIVE pertect tor anyone with an interest in journalism or Nebraska history Only $3 00 available in the Daily Nebraskan office 34 Nebr Union, 1400 R Street AUTOS FOR SALE GONNA SELL Mikey scat 81 Datsun310GLX 4speed ■in sunroof AM/I M cassette $800 Call 477-2191 79CHEVL1II red. good interior $700or best ollei Call 435 0016 after 5pm TOYOTA COROLLA 1980, 4 dooi Engine in good condition $1,500 or nearest otfei Call Kenny at 466 3469 FOR RENT 2804 VINE nice, 1 bedroom, new caipel. most utilities paid $290 2222 VINE large, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, most utilities paid Available now EAST CAMPUS One bedroom one block Irom campus in brick 12-plex' Laundry facilities and off street parking Call Mega Corporation M F 47r. 8407 467 1579