Andrea Hoy/Daily Nebraskan Nebraska women s basketball team captain Stephanie Bold Middle, answers questions at photo day Wednesday. I_ Beck promises fast-break offense as Nebraska prepares for season By Steve Sipple Staff Reporter On the eve of the first day of basketball practice, Nebraska women’s coach Angela Beck said this year’s team “will be one of the best we have ever put on the floor.” East season Nebraska finished 16-13 overall and set a Com busker record with eight conference wins. They finished third in the confer ence tournament and fourth in the Big Eight standings. It was *We’re serious about what we’re doing.’ — Beck Nebraska’s first-ever upper-divi sion finish. This year, Beck said, she is even more optimistic. She said that after one year as coach she has seen a new, winning altitude develop. “We’re serious about what we’re doing,” Beck said. “There’s a lot more enthusiasm and work ethic — the kids arc more serious. “It will be a very exciting team to watch.” Beck said a strong group of re turners and an outstanding recruit ing class will aid the Huskers in their bid for another upper-d iv ision finish. Maurtice Ivy, Amy Stephens and Stephanie Bolli re turn as starters for Nebraska. Beck said Ivy, who was named a preseason All-America by Off the Glass and Fast Break Maga zines, and Stephens are expected to lead the offense. Ivy, who led the Big Eight last season with a 24 point-per-game scoring average, enters this season needing 266 points to become Nebraska’s ca reer scoring leader. Stephens, a 5-foot-8 junior guard from Alliance, finished sec ond to Ivy in conference scoring last year by averaging 21.7 points per game. She captained the North squad at this summer’s Olympic Festival. Bolli, a 5-10 senior forward from Burwell, started 13 games for the Buskers and averaged 6.5 points per game. Ivy, Stephens and Bolli, who will captain the 1987-88 Huskers, accounted for 63.5 percent of Nebraska’s scoring last season. Beck said Nebraska’s seven newcomers will add needed depth to Nebraska’s fast-paced offense. Nebraska’s freshman include 6 1 forward-center Ann Halsnc from Spencer, Iowa, 6-1 forward Kelly Hubert from Peoria, 111., 5-10 guard-forward Melissa Sanford from Lincoln East and 5-11 for ward Phazaria Wilson from Omaha Central. The junior college transfers include 5-8 guard Sabrina Brooks from Moberly (Mo.) Junior Col lege and 5-6 guard Amy Bullock from Barton (Kan.) Jun ior Col lege. Heather Smith, who competed for Nebraska’s track team last year, and Kim Harris, a transfer from. Bradley round out the newcomers. The remaining returnees in clude Pam Fienc, Wendy Kriebel, and Debbie Hoffman. Stephens said she’s not certain yet how Nebraska will perform against a schedule that includes Node Dame, DePaul, Iowa, Creighton and a holiday trip to Denmark. “I don’t know right now where we are,” Stephens said. “B y the end of the season I think we’ll be one of the top four teams in the Big Eight. “The pre-conference schedule will be very important to see how wc fit in with each other.” Stephens agreed with Beck that ‘It will be an up tempo, fast break offense.’ — Stephens Nebraska’s offense will be an ex citing one. “It will be an up-tempo, fast break offense,” she said. “If will be a lot more of a motion offense. We’ll play eight to ten people a ballgame. “If your going to run, you goi to look to the bench.” Beck also announced that Ne braska and KLMS radio have signed a contract that makes them the first private radio station to broadcast Huskerwomen’sbasket ball. 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Lincoln, NE 68508-0601 by October 18. 1987___ PART-TIME SUPERVISOR This position requires a mature individual with good communication skills who can motivate newspaper car riers and work with paients and customeis as a city earner route supervisor This is an excellent opportunity lor a university student which requires being available by 2 30pm daily.9am Sat and some Sun mornings This position requires appioxm1ately35hrs a week Your own vehicle is required with mileage expenses paid Applica tions will be accepted at the Journal Star Ollice 926 P, 8 00 a m 4 00 p m thru Oct 18. 1987 JOURNAL STAR PRINTING COMPANY 1017 AA HIRING VOLLEYBALL OFFICIALS - VOLUNTEER COACHES ALSO NEEDED for YMCA youth volleyball Games Saturdays. UNL campus Apply in person at Oowntown YMCA 1039 P St 475-9622 for more into ENERGETIC. 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Centennial Room In cludes exotic lood from different countries around the world, cultural show and international fashion show Gel your tickets $7 00 at City Union Booth every day this week WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH YOUR LIFE? A three-week sermon series on your life work decisions "MISSiON(S) POSSIBLE: Knowing Your Human CeWing" Sunday, Oct 18, a "Shared Assignments CORNEBSTONE-UMHE 640 N 16th St Morning Service — 1100 AM UNL STUDENTS Of ALL DENOMINATIONS ARE WELCOME BLOCK A BRIDAL Thurs Oct. 15.6.30 officers 7 00 initiatives 7:30regular • 15 committee meeting East Campus Union Everyone welcome!! ★ ★ WALPUROISNACHT Committee Important meeting today at 3 00! Enjoy smooth, creamy Frozen Yogurt that tastes like Ice Cream but with 80% less faff -FREE SAMPLES <1 Can’t Believe hs^ YOGURT! Frozen Hbgurt Stores OfOl: 11 a.*.-11 p.M. Daly M—a ll Saalays 70th l Von Dorn, Ph. 489-9116 Holmes Lake Plaza, Lincoln ^■■■■■naa FRIDAY RANDY BACHMAN & BURTON CUMMINGS Drinking age only SATUKDA Y THE MAN’S BAND (X'T. 21 THE FIXX OCT. 26 GRIM REAPER ARMORED SAINTS HELLO WEEN All ages welcome NOV. 6 THE BODEANS All ages welcome — tickets go on sale Oct. 21 ; ALL TICKETS AVA1I.AHLK AITK^KIJS THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON i-m-;—i Rusty makes his move.