The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1987, Page 7, Image 7

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    Arts & Entertainment
Precautionz to play
benefit dance Friday
By Micki Haller
Staff Reporter
A dance benefitting 43 human
service agencies will be in the Ne
braska Union’s Grand Ballroom this
Friday. The Precautionz, a local
cover band, will play at the All-Uni
versity Dance for Health and Human
Services. The dance begins at 10p.m.
and lasts until 12:30 a.m.
Joelle Fallick, coordinator for the
dance, said the proceeds from the
dance will go to United Way, which
supports 27 agencies in Lincoln and
Lancaster County; the Combined
Health Agencies Drive, which sup
ports 12 Nebraska health agencies;
and the Community Services Fund,
which supports 4 agencies in Lincoln
and Lancaster County.
Fallick’s supervisor, Brenda
McMahon, said the group printed
8,200 tickets — enough for all on
campus residents.
McMahon said she only expects
400 to 500 people at the dance, but she
hopes people buy tickets just in order
to donate.
“We’re an optimistic group,” she
McMahon said they started plan
ning for the event in mid-September.
The fund-raising event is the idea
of Bryan Robertson, a UNL graduate
and a volunteer with United Way, she
Touche Ross, an accounting firm
in Lincoln, loaned Robertson to the
United Way for six weeks, McMahon
said. At the end of six weeks,
Robertson went back to his regular
job, and “we kind of took over the
process,” she said,
“We’ve learned a lot since then,”
McMahon said.
Both McMahon and Fallick would
like to see the dance become an an
nual event, they said, but McMahon
said there would have to be more
planning in the future.
McMahon said this year’s lack of
planning may not make the event as
smooth as she would like, but “if we
can get the room full, we’ll be
McMahon plans on spending $860
for the band, advertising and the ball
room, but none of this money will
come from the proceeds, she said.
Instead, the money comes from a
special sponsors’ fund that is specifi
cally earmarked for fund-raising
expenses, she said.
McMahon said the Harper
Schramm-Smith residence halls
“saved the day” by agreeing to co
sponsor the dance. Otherwise, the
organization would not have been
able to use the ballroom, she said.
Although the residence halls will
not receive money from the dance,
McMahon said HSS would get to
decide which organizations would
get the funds from the dance.
Tickets, which cost $3, are avail
able at the Nebraska Union informa
tion desk, residence halls and from
sorority and fraternity social chairs,
Fallick said.
Low ticket sales cancel show
Sweet Honey in the Rock, a gospel
style socially motivated singing group
that was scheduled for Kimball Hall
Saturday night, has canceled the show
because of low ticket sales, said event
organizer Donna Polk.
Polk, who is director of the coun
seling center at the multi-cultural
center, said only 260 tickets were sold
for the concert.
“We don t really have an explana
tion,” Polk said, “other than the fact
that people are not aware of them.
They are well known nationally and
Polk said she probably will look for
corporate or foundation support be
fore attempting future endeavors of
this sort
Phillips ’ ‘Husker Reggae ’
beats traditional fight song
By Bill Allen ---—,
Senior Editor
It’s the time of year when young
minds turn to football, and in
Nebraska that means Comhusker
And, as with any American tra
dition, American merchandising
follows close behind.
Now, along with Big Red sweat
shirts, musical hats and the ever
popular Big Red fake brick, the
Paul Phillips Show offers “Husker
Reggae,” a reggae song about Big
Record Review
“Husker Reggae” is a song
about Nebraska women being the
fairest, Nebraska men being the
squarest and Big Red football
being the best there is.
For some reason, you get the
feeling the song will go over fairly
well with Nebraskans.
The 2:21-minute song has a
definite reggae beat—a somewhat
generic reggae beat — which kind
of lopes along behind Phillips’
lyrics. It’s a pleasant, entertaining
song that Phillips hopes will appeal
to the offbeat tastes in everyone—
even the single-minded worship of
the hard-core Big Red fan.
The song has been played on
several local radio stations, first on
, KLDZ, and including KFRX and
Omaha’s KGOR.
/umougn rnimps wrote me
song, he said, Bobby Curious
played bass on the tape and “added
some additional lyrics and creati v
ity.” Phillips said the song devel
oped almost in retaliation to play
ing the Nebraska fight song too
many times. He plays Thursday
nights in the Brass Rail’s beer gar
den, and before games people
would invariably ask to hear the
fight song, he said.
“I must have played the fight
song about 30 times,” he said. “I
did the country version, the rock
version, then one night I said how
about some reggae.”
The crowd liked the ad-lib reg
gae, he said, and eventually he
worked it into a song.
“It’s a sort of novelty,” Phillips
said. “You certainly don’t expect
to hear reggae associated with
But the Paul Phillips Show does
more than just one song.
Also on this tape is a song called
“Going Out,” which Phillips said is
more representative of what he
usually does.
The song is fairly country influ
enced, a sort of honky tonk be-bop
sound, and very easy listening. It is
the kind of song that goes over well
to a KHAT type audience, and in
bars and Holiday Inn lounges
across America. That’s not meant
as an insult, although those people
i - . - - i i i in r
Dave Hansen, Dally Nebraskan
Paul Phillips
interested in punk/thrash/hardcore
or whatever you call it might take it
that way.
Phillips has a strong, controlled
voice that sounds well on “Going
0»ut,” and a number of cover songs
along the lines of Jimmy Buffett,
James Taylor, Gordon Lightfoot
and other easy-listening greats.
Phillips docs a good job of en
tertaining a crowd with his voice
and guitar, and is thinking of put
ting together a tape of some of his
other songs.
Phillips is selling the two-song
“Husker Reggae” tapes, where he
can, for $3.
“I can’t sell them on campus,”
he said, ‘‘and getting onto the
market area around the stadium on
game days is hard.”
The tape is available at both Dirt
Cheap and Pickles record stores.
Phillips is still available in the
Brass Rail beer garden on Thurs
day nights. He said he is talking to
management at Oscar’s about pos
sibly playing there once it gets too
cold for the beer garden.
He has opened in Lincoln for
several national acts, including
Dave Mason, Pure Prairie League,
B.T.O. and the Romantics.
New moviefunny but fails to entertain
By Charles Lieurance
Senior Editor
“l ike Father, Like Son,” the new
est mindless “soma” from Hollywood
Hills, is sort of across between Carlos
Castenada and a “Bewitched” epi
Movie Review
sode. One keeps expecting one of the
two lead characters— Dudley Moore
as Dr. Jack Hammond, or Kirk
Cameron as his son, Chris — to yell
out “Calling Dr. Bombay!’’ at any
Not that there isn’t entertainment
to be had here. A big budget and two
competent stars manage to keep the
little “Freaky Friday” plot excruciat
ing enough that sitting through this
with a cynical straight face, the de
sired reaction, is impossible.
The basic plot is simply Moore and
Cameron accidentally switch bodies
thanks to an old Indian potion.
For the lack of coherent thought
that went into this movie, it’s too bad
it held my attention long enough to
Suell my initial desire to leave the
icater an hour and 15 minutes early.
But it did. That’s to someone’s credit,
but I’m not sure whose.
Let’s see, could it be that the direc
tor did his job. That’d be a “no” —
unless you consider adequate direc
tion as having your characters mug it
up like trained apes. The guy belongs
in the zany world of sitcoms.
Could it be that Moore and
Cameron are superior actors? Doubt
ful. Moore is really only good at
playing drunk, brow-beaten yuppies
and, until he and his on-screen son
exchange their lack of personalities,
it seemed as if we were going to have
to watch him “act.” Thank God that
wasn’t necessary. Sure enough, once
Cameron and Moore do the big trade,
Moore spends the movie tripping
over his own feet and doing somer
saults over the furniture.
Cameron is the only one saddled
with the enormous responsibility of
“acting” and the movie basically
belongs to him. His change from a
strangely outcast high schooler
(strange because his father is rich, he
mousses his hair and dresses like a
GQ doll) to high school sophisticate
with his father^ lunar IQ is hilarious.
The writer? He should have the
keys of his typewriter individually
replaced by killer leeches from hell.
As he writes he is gradually drained of
his precious fluids. I thought of other
tortures while I watched this mess of
a screenplay being transformed into
valuable film stock, going lickely
splitonto the take-up reel. Videotape
for episodes of “Perfect Strangers” is
far cheaper and that is where this
screenplay belonged — in all its
semi-plagiarized glory.
A few tolerable moments simply
do not make up for all the vacuous
ness in “Like Father, Like Son.” If
there was a cheap joke, cheap moral
ism or cheap sight-gag that this plot
even brought to mind, the filmmakers
used it, indiscriminately. This is
where the thin line between nutty
escapism and broad-sidc-of-a-bam
inanity break down. Now you know.
Thank the filmmakers, not me.