The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1987, Page 6, Image 6

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    Everything is on Sale.
The Sale begins
Wed October 7th
and lasts until closing
on Sun the 11th. a
Beat the Flock.
Sale starts today"
Downtown East Park Plaza
217 N. 11 220 N. 66
447.6061 464.8275
Two Quarts of Coke’
and a
...all for only 95 cents.
(*no strings attached)
Now with any $5 delivery purchase, you can
get a quart of Coke in a colorful Valentino’s cup
for only 95C, and get a second quart of Coke, in
a second Valentino’s cup, absolutely FREE.
Add a length of string (not provided) and you
have a great two-way communication system! Or
remove the bottoms of the cups and you have a
pair of nonelectronic hearing aids.
Win a FREE Dinner for Two
To help you get the most out of your Valentino's
cups, we wanted to give you a list of 101 ways
that you could use them. \Afe tried hard. But we
could only come up with an even 100.
Can you come up with Use Number 101? Write
your best suggestion, along with your name and
address on a piece of paper and send it to us
before October 31, 1987. Or drop it off the next
time you're at Valentino’s. If yours is the most
original and inventive suggestion, you will win a
FREE dinner for two at Valentino s. You must be
18 or older to win. No purchase necessary. Offer
ends October 31, 1987.
1. Iwo-way communication system
(string not included)
. 2. Jumbo salt and pepper shaker set
3. Pencil holder
4. Mini rose bush protector
5. Giant ice cube maker
6. Party hat (one size fits all)
7. Miniature bongo drum set
I. Short-range binoculars
(just remove bottoms)
0. Privacy fish bowl
10. Decorative planter
11. Pins tor lawn bowling
(collect 10)
12. Oil changing kit
13. Stylish ear muffs
14. Megaphone Oust remove bottom)
15 Footmassager
10. Boat bailer
(boat not included)
17. Bock salt spreader
10. Mbrm farm container
10 POSt-lt* Note waste basket
20. ton-electronic hearing aid
Oust remove bottom)
21. Midwestern seashell
(sound of ocean included)
22. String dispenser
(string not included)
23. Indoor/outdoor putting cup
24. Bank
(holds up to 5 million lira)
25. Jello mold (why not?)
20. Cupcake mold (weaker)
27. Foul ball baseball catcher
20. Martini shaker
20. Mini butter churn
(some assembly required)
30. One quart measuring system
31. Small time capsule
32. His and hers toothbrush holders
33. Birdtoeder
34. Sugar cookie cutter
and rolling pm set
30. Fnshee distance markers
38. Marble sack
(drawstring not included)
37. Bobber
(tor optimistic fishermen)
38. Sand castle mold
(beach not included)
31. Paul Bunyan shot glass
40 Needle point thimble
(Rosy Grier model)
41. Barrel
(tor small polka parties)
42. Replica of Leaning Tower
of Pisa (lean not Included)
43. Maracas (pebbles not included)
44. Dumbbells (tor lightweights)
48. Donation cup
(tor best results, remove M)
40. Spittoon
(tor best results, remove lid)
47. Rain gauge
(tor best results, remove lid)
40. Trombone mute
40. Daytime flashlight
(batteries not included—or needed)
SO. Quiver (tor short arrows)
81. Two-in-one circle template
82. Powdered sugar doughnut caddy
53. Emergency tootbal!
54. Ice bucket (tor small parlies)
56. Windsock
(tor all-plastic airports)
55. Dunes hat (tor people
who don't eat at VWentino s)
57. Emergency
spm-the-bottle substitute
55. Backgammon dice cups
55. Bed (clapper not included)
55. Nighttime denture holder
51. Daytime denture holder
(tor people who work nights)
52. May basket
63. Easter basket
54. Portable sand pds
(sand not included)
56. Kde string winder
55. Duck call (cut out
bottom, cad "hersduck")
67. Portable Anger bowl
(water not included)
55. fire extinguisher
(water riot included)
16. tiddly wink goal
(professional model)
75. Rain guard (tor outdoor ash trays)
North • 35th & Holdrege • 467-3611
71. Big top tor a flea circus
72. hkgh rise ant farm
73. Combination muzzle/teed
bag tor your Doberman
74. Unbreakable firefly residence
(airtnies reguired)
78. Barbie and Ken hot tub
(redwood deck not included)
78. Emergency backup fez (a reel
We saver on parade day)
77. Bathtub buoy (to mark place
where seep went down)
78. Jetybean dispenser
78. Paperclip depot
•8. Thumbtack warehouse
81. Tack and brad caddy
(tacks and brads not included)
82. Hypochondriac s pdtooi
83. Saving stamp depository
84. Monkey barrel
88. Pasta canister
88. Leftover pasta container
87. Dual purpose rawVsnow
catching and storing device
88. Punt bucket
88. toter balloon safety
88. Microwave cookware
81. Lunch box tor kids
82. Christmas tree ornament
83. Inkwell
84. Dresser caddy
88. Pudding shaker
88. Self-contained
fishing gear organizer
87. Bookends
(tor light reading material)
88. Birdbath
(tor reclusive birds)
88. Portable shower
(punch holes in bottom)
188 Reusable drinking cup
(now we re getting sidy)
181. 777 _
I Ag jobs are on the nse
By Dorothy Pritchard
Senior Reporter
A study predicting 48,000 new
jobs in agriculture over the next five
years is a “conservative estimate,”
and while enrollment is down, agri
culture students at the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln are earning de
grees in sync with that job market,
said College of Agriculture Dean
T.E. Hartung.
Hartung said he has seen a general
trend in the last few years of more
UNL agriculture students majoring in
agricultural business and support
services or food processing and tech
nology instead of actual production.
t he study by the U.S. Department
of Agriculture compared data from
the departments of labor, education
and agriculture with the numbers of
students graduating from agriculture
colleges across the nation. The study
came up with too few graduates to fill
these new jobs.
But Hartung said the study pro
jected a steady enrollment in agricul
ture colleges, when actually enroll
ment is decreasing. That means an
even wider gap between the number
of jobs and the number of people to
fill them, he said.
According to the study, 32 percent
of the jobs will be in marketing,
merchandising and sales. Another 29
percent will be for engineers, scien
tists and related specialists. Only
about 10 percent will be in actual
production on farms and fcedlots.
Bill Todd, data base manager at
UNL’s Institutional Research and
Planning Office, said although over
all enrollment in the agriculture col
lege is down, the food science depart
ment has remained steady over the
last five years in the total number of
iii1 ... . ■■
credit hours students have enrolled in.
The number of credit hours in
agriculture education has increased
from 583 credits to 972, but Todd
noted that the number of students in
ag education is relatively small to
begin with. All other departments in
the ag college have shown a decline.
Some agriculture-related student
groups are showing increased enroll
Teri Hoelting, the president of the
food science and technology club,
said the group’s membership has
doubled since last year. Although
most students in the club are from
rural areas, Hoelting said, the group is
attracting more members from urban
Bruce Wichman, president of the
ag economics/agribusiness club, said
he has also noticed an increased en
rollment. Wichman said the students
in the group are mostly from the farm
and would like to return, but are more
business conscious now.
“A lot of people really want to go
back to the farm, but you really have
to look closely at it,” said Wichman,
an ag economics major. “You have to
weigh the pros and cons.”
Hartung said a “general image of
pessimism” surrounds the farm econ
omy and is one of the reasons fewer
students arc interested in ag-produc
lion and arc more interested in ag
related fields such as agribusiness or
food technology that present better
job opportunities.
But Hartung said he doesn’t ex
pect a shortage of qualified people to
work on farms. Opportunities to buy
land or to return to the family farm
will always be around, he said.
“I think that will pretty much take
care of itself,” he said.
Car Parking ,J| .
Information Booth J
Courtesy ot Ag Communications
Parking changes noted
Parking on bast Campus has been
changed Wednesday to accommodate
guests at the Institute of Agriculture
and Natural Resources open house.
The East Campus loop has been
converted to a one-way drive with
guest parking on both sides. Parking
on the drive begins just south of the
C.Y. Thompson Library on the south
side of campus and continues to the
Game and Parks Commission build
ing. Guests can also park on 38th
Street between the loop and Hunting
ton Avenue.
Guests are asked to not use the
parking lots that are restricted to stu
dents, faculty and staff.
Once guests have parked, they
should go to the nearest open house
shuttle stop. The shuttle will take
guests to the East Union. Shuttles will
run about 15 minutes apart. Shutt^
stops are marked with signs.
Burger King increases trash volume
..... .. M ...I .
GARBAGE from Page 1
sad. However, the extra costs of
litter pick-up and hauling garbage
were worked into the contract with
Burger King, he said.
The city dump started charging
people who use the dump last yea,
Kuhn said. The charge is based on
how much garbage is dumped. Last
yea, the city dump charged the
Nebraska Union $6,500 and the
East Union $4,400. Kuhn said he
expects these figures to be about
the same for this yea.
The Nebraska Union had an
incinerator for burning garbage,
but it was removed when it broke
(town last yea. The union won’t be
getting another incinerator be
cause of concern about air pollu
tion, Kuhn said. The incinerator
was in the garbage room on the first
floor of the union, which leads out
to the gabage loading docks. The
garbage room now is mostly full of
Used grease is emptied into the
dumpster on the loading docks east
of the Nebraska union. The
dumpster is owned by Norris Ren
dering, which periodically picks
up the grease. The used grease is
recycled and used in hog and live
stock feed, said Ken Brewer,
grease manager for Norris Render
ing. Brewer said his companypicks
up about 500,000 pounds of used
grease every month from a three
state area. Kuhn said the union gets
about $10 a month for the used
Grounds personnel spent more
time picking up during FartnAidHI
than during a home football game,
Dasenbrock said.
Dasenbrock said the depart
ment didn’t let the conceit get lit
tered more than a football game.
“We had a crew on duty cleaning
from Friday night until Sunday
morning,” he said.