The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1987, Page 2, Image 2

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    NeWS B^^sgociate^rgs^^^^^
- Andy Manhart/Daily Nebraskan
Cabs challenge customs
LONDON — A whole new
mine field has been discovered in
the battle to preserve the British
way of life.
It iscalled taxi-sharing, an inno
vation that hit London last week
and, like most change in this in
stinctively conservative society,
was met with suspicion and mis
It seems an admirable idea.
Instead of a single traveler having
1 a whole cab to himself, up to five
l people can share it, each paying a
\ lower fare but in aggregate, assur
1 ing the cabbie a higher price.
But the system is far from
I straightforward. It is going ahead
I despite two failed trial runs. It
I needed a parliamentary order to
overturn a 300-year-old taxi law.
Many drivers say it simply
won’t work. They fear it will mean
fewer fares for the city’s 19,(XX)
drivers. They also doubt that many
passengers will abandon what is,
after all, a London institution —
the spacious black cab in which a
chap can, stretch his legs and
spread open his Times in blissful,
glass-encased solitude.
Meanwhile, the arbiters of eti
quette are wary, imagining all sorts
of upheaval at the prospect of utter
strangers being bundled together
into a cab.
“Exquisite opportunities for
social embarrassment open up,”
noted Sunday Telegraph columnist
Oliver Pritchett.
blsie Burch Donald, who writes
manuals on manners, sounded
thunderstruck when told of the new
She noted that “there are no
established manners and conven
tions for this sort of thing.”
Cabbie David Barnes had his
doubts, too. “London cabbies,” he
observed, “are just as conservative
as their passengers. It’ll take some
time to get this thing going.”
Donald said that if sharing be
comes a habit, her next manual will
include a chapter on shared-cab
Meanwhile, her advice is to
behave as though on a train or bus.
“Just sit and stare straight ahead
I Committee votes
Bork rejection recommended to Senate
WASHINGTON — Judge Robert
Bork’s embattled nomination to the
Supreme Court suffered its worst set
back yet as the Senate Judiciary
Committee Voted 9-5 Tuesday to
recommend his rejection and a key
Southern Democrat and a fifth Repub
lican joined the opposition.
Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., the
committee chairman, said he didn’t
see “any reasonable prospect that
Judge Bork will be confirmed.’
Reagan insisted at the White House
that he would not give up the fight. But
his spokesman said “it’s tough” to win
now. And Tom Korologos, a lobbyist
brought in by the White House for the
Bork fight, said, “I’m not kidding
anybody; I’m not sure it’s over but
we’re in trouble.”
Some Democrats were openly
urging Reagan to find a replacement
The Judiciary Committee recom
mended that the full Senate reject the
nomination when it comes up for for a
vote, probably within two weeks.
Before the vote, Reagan rejected
all talk of giving up. “There’s no
backing off. I’m going all out,” he
White House spokesman Marlin
Fitzwater said after the committee
made its decision: “we’re disap
pointed but we re pushing ahead.” He
conceded,, “it’s tough. There’s not
doubt about it.”
The committee vote fell roughly
along party lines, with Sen. Arlen
Specter of Pennsylvania the only
Republican to join eight Democrats in
recommending rejection of Bork’s
nomination. The committee’s five
other Republicans were on Bork’s
Before its final vote, the panel
voted 9-5 against sending the nom ina
tion to the full Senate with a recom
mendation that it be approved.
The outcome had been expected.
But Sen. Howell Heflin’s decision
was suspenseful, and his support was
coveted by both sides.
“I must vote no,” he said, adding
that he was following the old adage,
“When in doubt, don’t.”
Heflin’s defection was particularly
damaging to Bork’s chances for con
firmation, since White House offi
cials were hoping to use a “yes” vote
from the former Alabama Supreme
Court justice to attractother conserva
tive Southern Democrats to Bork’s
The committee moved to send the
nomination to the full Senate for a
final showdown later this month.
Congress slams door
on Iranian imports
overwhelmingly approved Legisla
tion Tuesday slamming the door on
all imports from Iran, with backers
saying that while it may have little
practical effect, such a ban would
send a signal of outrage over
Tehran’s behavior in the Persian
The Senate voted 93-0 for a bill
that would immediately ban all
imports from Iran — primarily oil
— unless President Reagan certifies
that the ban would harm U.S.
interests. In that case, the president
could delay the effective date of the
cutoff by up to six months.
The House followed suit, voting
407-5 for a similar measure. The
two bills differed slightly, so further
action still would be required before
the bill is sent to Reagan, who has
not yet taken a position on the
“It is outrageous to learn that
American dollars have been flowing
into th^ Iranian war machine,”
which has been laying mines that
threaten the lives of U.S. service
men, said Rep. Mel Levine, D
Calif., a sponsor of the import ban.
The overwhelming support for
shutting down U.S. imports from
Iran reflected frustration on Capitol
Hill about events in the gulf, where
the administration has committed
U.S. military force to escorting oil
tankers against the wishes of many
in Congress.
In a Daily Nebraskan article
printed Sept. 29 the comments of
James Griesen, vice chancellor of
student affairs were misleading.
Griesen did not say cheating is
rampant in many of the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln’s large classes.
Griesen said he has heard students
claim that they cheat to get by because
they believe everyone else does.
Griesen did not state, nor imply,
that he agreed with the claims of per
vasive cheating.
Also, Keith Hays, not Hal Okey,
was pictured in a Navy T-34 Mentor
plane in Monday’s paper.
Editor Mike Rsilley
Managing Editor Jen Deselms
Assoc News Editors Jinn Nyileler
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Night News Editors Curl Wagnar
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An Director Brian Barber
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Publications Board
Chairman Don Johnson.
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Chinese arrest Tibetan marchers
LHASA, Tibet — About 60
people shouting the name of the Dalai
Lama, Tibet’s exiled god-king,
marched Tuesday t a government
office, where arttea l ‘.inese security
forces quickly ane i' 1 them, herded
them into trucks and drove them
The marchers, believed to be
Buddhist monks in street clothes, did
not resist arrest. About 2,000 by
standers made no attempt to help
them or four monks who were ar
rested at about the same time in the
Jokhang Temple square, where pro
independence protests last week left
at least 14 people dead.
The Chinese government has sent
i,uuu armca ponce 10 Lnasa, capnai
of the remote Himalayan region of 2
million people, said a source in the
local Public Security Bureau.
The troops arc to guard against
further unrest on Wednesday, the
37th anniversary of the day China
occupied Tibet, said the source, who
spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Tibetans and Chinese questioned
on the street said they expected the
anniversary to be quiet because of
fears that police would fire on protest
Young black voter turnout
tops that of young whites
WASHINGTON — For the first
time, the share of young blacks who
voted surged significantly ahead of
the percentage of young whiles who
went to the polls, the Census Bureau
reported Tuesday in a study of turnout
Turnout of people aged 18 to 24
has grown steadily among blacks in
recent years, with increasing num
bers of blacks seeking public office
and campaigns being conducted to
Set blacks to register in larger num
Black registration and voting has
grown significantly in the South,
the study added, and it is in that
region that politicians agree that
blacks have had a significant effect.
Indeed, black voters are credited
with helping return Democrats to
power in the U.S. Senate in the
1986 election, by helping unseat in
cumbents in such states as Ala
bama, Georgia and North Carolina
and fending off the GOP in Louisi
On a national basis for all age
groups, whites turned out in larger
shares than blacks, 47 percent to 43
percent in 1986. Four years earlier,
whites had led 50 percent to 43 per
Pamphlets to publish points
WASHINGTON — A guide to
AIDS education issued Tuesday by
the Department of Education urges
parents and teachers to teach children
that sexual restraint is both a virtue
and the surest way to avoid the dis
The guide, reflecting the position
that Education Secretary William J.
Bennett has championed in a dispute
with Surgeon General C. Everett
Koop, emphasizes that “condoms can
and do fail.” Koop has advised sexu
ally active people to use condoms as
a way of lessening the risk of getting
Now, each man has had a pam
phlet published outlining his posi
The Education Department’s 28
page booklet, “AIDS and the Educa
tion of Our Children: A Guide for
Parents and Teachers,’’ will be mailed
to about 300,(XX) school principals,
school boards, presidents of parents
groups and other educators.
But that is only a tiny fraction of
the 45 million copies of the pamphlet
“What You Should Know About
AIDS,” which the Public Health
Service plans to distribute through
employers, health departments and
community organizations.
In Brief
Drunken behavior means no homecoming parade
St Cloud, Minn. — St Cloud State University will celebrate
homecoming this weekend without the traditional homecoming parade,
which has been canceled by organizers who cited drunkenness and
rowdiness by some students along the parade route in past years.
Margaret Vos, chairwoman ot the planning committee, said inci
dents reported in past parades included “majorettes being liten.lly
picked up, pul over a person ’ s shoulders and carried off, trumpets being
pushed into people’s mouths and beer cans thrown down tubas_If
students aren’t going to enjoy it, we aren’t going to do it.”
Sea level rise threatens Massachusetts coast
BOSTON—Thousands of acres of Massachusetts coastal land could
be under water by the year 2025, two scientists predict
The warming of the atmosphere caused by the so-called greenhouse
effect and the sinking of some waterfront areas threaten to inundate at
least 3,000 acres of the state’s coastline over the next 38 years, say the
scientists from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Teacher sentenced for beating student to death
BEIJING A woman teacher was given a suspended two-year
prison sentence for beating a 13-year-old student who later died of his
injuries, China s Women’s News reported.
The report said Wang Xiaoping hit Duan Yongjun on the hand after
she reprimanded him for singing in class and he denied it. When he
denied it a second time, she beat him on the back with a plank. That
mght, Duan began vomiting and felt pains in his head, shoulder, back
and hand, the report said. He received medical treatment but died, it