The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 05, 1987, Page 5, Image 5

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    Program launches midshipmen in air
By Terri Hahn
Staff Reporter
Aileron rolls, wing-overs and half
Cuban eights became more than fa
miliar terms for 18 ROTC Naval
midshipmen this weekend.
The midshipmen, who are Univer
sity of Nebraska-Lincoln students,
performed the maneuvers Friday and
Saturday as part of an experimental
program to introduce them to naval
Two flight instructors from the
Naval Air Training Command took
the students up in T-34 Mentors, two
seater turbo prop airplanes.
The flight program resulted from a
joint effort by Lt. Tim Powell, United
States Naval Reserve, and by a firht
coordinator at the U.S. Naval Air
Station in Pensacola, Fla. Powell is an
assistant professor of naval science at
UNL. The on-campus program was
coordinated by Midshipman Hal
Okey, a junior business administra
tion major who also flew with the
Powell said the program, which is
the only one of its kind in the country,
came about as a result of budget cuts
in the training program.
In the past, he said, students made
a trip each summer to the air station in
Florida. With new budget restrictions,
the trip will only be made every three
years. The flight programs allow stu
dents to become familiar with naval
aviation before their senior year.
“This is the type of experience we
try to push for our students,” Powell
said. “It’s this kind of hands-on train
ing that we try to provide.”
Fourteen ROTC students went up
in the planes on Friday and four flew
on Saturday. Midshipman Amy
Wood, a UNL freshman chemistry
major, was one of the students who
flew on Saturday.
Wood admitted to being nervous
before the flight, but said she was
excited about it. Her previous flying
experience had been limited to com
mercial airlines.
“It was great. I loved it,” she said.
“I wanted to stay up longer, but my
stomach got a little queasy during the
stall-spin. I did get to control the plane
through an aileron roll.”
Comments from the other UNL
students were as enthusiastic.
Midshipmen Keith Hays, a fresh
man electrical engineering major,
said, “Nothing I have ever done before
beats it.” Hays has had some limited
flying experience.
Although queasy stomachs were
routine for die day, only one of the
midshipmen actually got sick in
But Midshipman John Adams was
not the one.
“It was great — one of the best
things you could ever do in your life,”
said Adams, a junior psychology
major. “I didn’t feel liked was going to
get sick at all.”
Midshipman Mark Sarmast also
flew Saturday morning.
“It was fantastic. I’d do it again
right now,” the freshman mechanical
engineering major said.
Two flight instructors and two stu
dent naval aviators from the U.S.
Naval Air Station in Pensacola intro
duced the students to the world of
naval aviation. Marine Capt. Mike
Hurley and Navy Lt. Nancy Charles
were assisted by ensigns Mike Pollock
and Steven Laux.“We were lucky to
have two beautiful days to fly,” Char
les said. “All of the students did a fine
job. After each maneuver, I would ask
the students how they felt and took
their wishes into account. Each one
got to fly through a maneuver. It was
fun to take someone up who hadn’t
had much flying experience.”
The planes used for the flights were
training planes used by the Navy to
train student aviators. The planes are
cross-country capable, fully aerobatic
and are also used for formation flying.
They maintain a cruising speed of 180
Student bikers pay for moving violations
BIKE from Page 1
nomics and pre-med student, said he
wasn’t going to be late to class.
Weisser was standing in a metered
parking place on the northeast side of
14th and P streets. He said bicyclists
don’t see him standing at his post.
Bicyclists usually wait for cross traf
fic to pass and then ride across, Weis
ser said.
When bicyclists run the red light,
Weisser walks into the street and calls
them over to the side to ticket them.
Stop-light violators must pay a $25
fine and $21 in court costs, he said.
Weisser said noone has tried to ride
away from him after running the light.
But if a violator did, he said, he would
call it in on the radio, and another
officer in the area would come and
assist. Fleeing from arrest would just
compound the problem and could lead
to a jail sentence, he said.
“If I didn’t get them today, I’d get
them the next,” he said.
Officials say cup throwing ended
CUPS from Page 1
empty), it’s good, clean fun, but when
they’re full of chew and pop, then
they’re dangerous,” Moore said.
Schultz said he thought the injuries
during the UCLA game were caused
by flying objects, such as bottles or
full cups, rather than empty cups.
Some students said they thought
officials were blowing the cup throw
ing out of proportion.
“They’re overplaying it,” fresh
man Chris Peters said.
“I’ve gotten hit by as many cups as
anybody else. It’s all in good sport,”
Schultz said.
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Sophomore scholarship available
TRUMAN from Page 3
From the applications, an inde
pendent panel appointed by the
foundation selects semifinalists
based on potential leadership in
public service and academic per
formance. Semifinalists are then
interviewed by the Regional Re
view Panel and winners are c hosen.
To qualify for the competition,
a student must be enrolled in an
undergraduate field of study that
will perm it admission to a graduate
study program leading to a career
in government or public service.
Students must also carry at least a
3.0 grade point average, be in the
upper fourth of their class, and plan
to be a junior, full-time student
during the 1988-89 academic year.
The Truman Foundation de
fines a junior as a student who has
completed more than half of the
second year of college but not more
than half of the third year before the
beginning of the 1988-89 aca
demic year.
Along with applications, stu
dents must submit an essay of 600
words or less focusing on an issue
of public policy chosen by the stu
dent. Transcripts of high school
and college grades and three letters
of recommendation also must be
Several different fields of study
may qualify as public service.
Students who have questions about
the scholarship should contact
Berger at University Honors Pro
grams, Nebraska Union 345.
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