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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1987)
_ Npw<! Digest By The Associated Press_ 1 i’-w, --LT : :—■—^— Brian Barber/Daily Nebraskan Whooping cranes begin trip Record number to migrate through Nebraska in future The annual migration of the world’s only wild flock of whoop ing cranes is under way, and their stops in Nebraska and other states have taken on new importance, wildlife officials said. A record number of whooping cranes will migrate through Ne braska within the next six weeks, officials said. As many as 133 whoopcrs could be winging south, 3,500 miles from breeding grounds in Wood Buffalo National Park in Canada to winter ing grounds at Aransas National Wildlife Refuge along the Texas Gulf Coast. That number compares with 16 when the endangered species reached its lowest number 46 years ago, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said. Although the number in the wild flock is increasing, the number in an experimental group is decreas ing, officials said. Whooping cranes generally lay two eggs but nurture only one in each nest. For several years, Cana dian wildlife biologists have taken one egg from nests and have flown them to Grays Lake refuge in Idaho to be placed in nests of sandhill cranes there. Sandhill cranes have raised the whooper chicks, but no male and female whoopers have mated to produce chicks. Of the 12 eggs transferred to Grays Lake this year, two chicks survived to fly. That group, total ing 27 whoopers last year, is down to about 22, officials said. The Grays Lake whoopers migrate 850 miles south to Bosque del Apache refuge in New Mexico. If the experimental group of whoopers docs not survive, pro tecting the main flock and its habi tat becomes more important, said Ron Klalaske, regional vice presi dent of the National Audubon Society, and Ross Lock, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission non game specialist. In Nebraska, most whoopers in the main flock fly between Grand Island and Lexington and through the Valentinc-O’Ncill area, offi cials said. Their favorite habitat is the Platte River, the Rainwater Basin Loup River drainages and some Sandhills lakes. The flock is expected in Ne braska between now and Nov. 15. Federal law forbids people from shooting whoopers. Officials cau tioned people against frightening the birds into wires of other ob stacles. Whooping cranes are white with black wing lips and a red crown. Their wing spans may reach 7 feet. Adults are 5 feel tall. Sharp aftershock shakes quake area LOS ANGELES — A sharp after shock from last week’s severe earth quake jolted Southern California be fore daw n S unday, causing at least one death and dozens of injuries, damag ing buildings, knocking out power and sending jittery residents into the streets. The quake, centered in suburban Rosemead, Calif., about eight miles northeast of downtown Los Angeles, registered at 5.3 on the Richter scale of ground motion, said Don Kelly of the U.S. Geological Survey in Golden, Colo. At the California Institute of Tech nology the quake was measured at 5.5, according to a spokesman, Robert Finn. “It was pretty wild,” said Mark Rosenker, who was on the 18th floor of the Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles. “Let me tell you, it does get you up.” The 3:59 a.m. quake was the 22nd aftershock registering more than 3.0 or more within four hours. Power outages occurred in numer ous areas, and many residents, some in bathrobes, gathered outside apart mcnts and houses, waiting for more shocks. Others, camped out in a down town parking lot, said they had been there since Thursday. “We are glad we stayed out here,” said a man who identified himself only as Hector. “At least here we feel safe.” Mildred Robbins, 66, of Arcadia, Calif., was pronounced dead at 5:14 a.m. at Arcadia Methodist Hospital after going into full cardiac arrest, said administrative supervisor Terry Pis enti. Efforts to revive her failed. More then 60 other quake-related injuries, mostly cuts from broken glass, bruises from being hit by falling objects and anxiety-related chest pains and bieathing problems, were reported at area hospitals. “All the lights went out. It felt like the sky was falling. I thought the whole house was coming down,” said Marta Jimenez of suburban Monte bello. The Jimenezes moved a mattress and cushions onto their lawn and set up camp, listening to a portable radio. Many neighbors did the same. Crime down 20 percent since 1981, government says WASHINGTON — Americans were victimized by an estimated 34.1 million crimes last year, a decline of three-quarters of a million from 1985 and down more than 7 million from the peak year of 1981, the government reported Sunday. The survey of about 100,000 people in 50,(XX) households by the Bureau of Justice Statistics found that the rale of violent crimes dropped 6.3 percent last year compared to 1985 and has fallen 20 percent since 1981. The survey counts crimes whether or not they were reported to the police and uses the results to estimate the number of criminal incidents nation wide. Criminologists say the five-year downward trend is due to the aging of the baby-boom generation, the move ment of people bom after World War II out of the age group most prone to commit crimes, those from 15 to 24. As the children of baby-boomers come of age in increasing numbers later this decade, crime levels should begin turning upward because of the “sheer number of children entering their teen-age years,” said Marvin E. Wolfgang, professor of criminology and law at the University of Pennsyl vania. Curfew imposed in the Tibetan capital LHASA, Tibet — Chinese authorities im posed a curfew Sunday and tried to stop at least one busload of foreign tourists from leaving this Tibetan capital after pro independence demonstrations that killed at least six people. Dissidents proclaimed the six as martyrs. They put up signs saying those who died in Thursday’s demonstration “died for all the Tibetan people, not for themselves.” Nineteen policemen were seriously wounded in that demonstration, staged to pro test the arrests of participants in an earlier, Sept 27 demonstration. Buddhist monks at the Sera Monastery out side Lhasa said they hoped to stage another protest on Wednesday, the 37 th anniversary of the day that Chinese communist troops moved into Tibet to annex it in 1950. The monks also said in a taped interview with three French tourists that the 20 monks who staged Thursday’s protest had not returned to the monastery and were believed to be h id ing from police. In London, a representative of the Tibetans’ exiled spiritual and civil leaders, the Dalai Lama, called the protests “the tip of the ice berg.” “It doesn’t matter now harsh the Chinese may come down on them. It will continue until we can find a lasting solution which is accept able to the Tibetans,” Tsc Wang Top Eyal, the Dalai Lama’s deputy representative in Europe, said in an interview' on the British Broadcasting Corp.’s “World This Weekend” radio program. The Dalai Lama lied to India in 1959 al ter a failed uprising against the Chinese. Meanwhile, an American diplomat in Ch engdu, the nearest large city to Tibet, said two Americans detained in Lhasa al ter the Sept. 27 demonstration were released and believed to be still in the city. A 10 curfew was imposed on Tibetans in Lhasa, although foreigners were allowed to move about past the curfew. Travelers pooled medicine to give to wounded Tibetans who feared going to hospitals for treatment. Chinese authorities, however, posted warn ings at several hostels that foreigners should not become involved in the unrest, said William Milberger, tourist from San Francisco. The nation’s leading newspaper, the People's Daily, carried a detailed story and pictures of last week’s demonstration. The evening television news for the first time showed film of the protest. It showed a crowd surging through Lhasa’s Jokhang Temple square and tossing stones at police and the police station there. T Nebraskan * Editor Mike Reilley 472 1766 Managing Editor Jen Deselms Assoc. NewsEditors Jann Nyffeler Mike Hooper Editorial Page Editor Jeanne Bourne Wire Editor Linda Hartmann Copy Desk Chief Joan Rezac Sports Editor Jeff Apel Arts & Entertain ment Editor Bill Allen Asst Arts & Entertainment Editor Charles Lieurance Graphics Editor Mark Oavis Asst Graphics Editor Tom Lauder Photo Chief Doug Carroll Night News Editors Curt Wagner Scott Harrah Art Director Brian Barber General Manager Daniel Shattll Production Manager Katherine Policky Publications Boaid Chairman Don Johnson. 472 3611 The Daily Nebraskan (USPS 144-080) is published by the UNL Publications Board Monday through Friday in the fall and spring semesters and Tuesdays and Fridays in the summer sessions, except during vacations Subscription price is $35 for one year. Postmaster Send address changes to the Daily Nebraskan. Nebraska Union 34.1400 R St.. Lincoln. Neb 68588-0448 Second-class postage paid at Lincoln. NF. ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT 1087 DAILY NEBRASKAN Reagan hails trade pact between U.S., Canada WASHINGTON — President Reagan hailed a tentative U.S.-Cana dian trade agreement Sunday that would eliminate all tariffs between the two countries as a historic pact beneficial to both nations’ econom ies. “Now, in addition to sharing the world’s largest undefended border, we will share membership in the world’s largest free trade area,” Re agan said in a statement released at the White House. Treasury Secretary James Baker III and Canadian Finance Minister Michael Wilson said at a joint news conference they were confident the agreement would be approved by the U.S. Senate and Canadas parliament. Both described it as a “wimwin situ ation,’’ good for both countries. U .S. T rade Represen tali ve Clayton Yeutter said some tariffs would be dropped upon implementation of the treaty and others would be phased out over five to 10 years. Baker said the tentative agreement also eliminates other trade barriers and will improve trade in agriculture. He called it a “political signal against protectionism.” Baker described the negotiations, which he said culminate a 100-year effort to reach trade agreement be tween the two countries, as “taxing and at times overwhelming.” U.S. and Canadian negotiators had settled on the general framework for the pact linking the world’s two larg est trading partners just before the midnight Saturday deadline that had been set for submission of the agree ment to Congress. Either side gave many details of the agreement at the news conference. “There is a lot of text,” Baker said. “I would characterize it as an agree ment in principle. We still have to cross some t’s and dot i’s. We are continuing to clean up loose ends.”