Reagan does things right Policy of passivity keeps him young; 30 hours a week about does it Only a few years ago, it was being said by the experts that the pre sidency had become too big ajob for one man. It had become an impos sible burden — dealing with the com plexities of foreign policy, domestic problems, the economy, Congress, mil itary affairs. They pointed at the experience of Jimmy Carter, who had come into the White House with a youthful bounce to his step. After only one term, he was haggard and looked 10 years older. There was vague talk of somehow restructuring the job of the president to relieve the unbearable presures. Think tanks pondered the problem, but nobody came up with a solution. Then along came Ronald Reagan to prove how silly all those experts had been when they talked about what an overwhelming, impossible job the pre sidency was. With his remarkable talent for turn ing complex issues into simple ones, Reagan managed to simplify the com plex job of being president. And he’s done it in a way that should strike a responsive chord with all couch potatoes and park-bench sitters. His approach is to not do too much and to avoid paying attention to too many problems. Of course, Reagan’s critics have said for a long time that he has kind of a detached managerial style. But now we hear it, posthumously, from one of his most devoted followers — William Casey, who was head of the CIA. In a new book by Bob Woodward —“Veil: The Secret War of the CIA, 1981-1987” — Casey discusses Rea gan’s approach to work. Woodword writes: “Casey continued to be struck by the overall passivity of the President — passivity about his job and about his approach to life. He never called the meetings, or set the daily agenda. He never once had told Casey, ‘Let’s do this,’ or ‘Get me that,’ unless in response to the actions of others or to events. . . “Casey noted in amazement that the Presidents the United States worked from 9 to 5 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and from 9 to 1 on Wednes days, when he'd take the afternoon off for horseback riding or exercise; on Fridays he left sometime between 1 and 3 for Camp David. Mike Royko “During the working hours in the Oval Office, the President often had blocks of free time — two, even three hours. He would call for his fan mail and sit and answer it.” Reading about Casey’s observations has caused me to revise my views of Reagan. 1 used to think that Reagan wasn’t too bright. Sure, he was charming and capable of a brilliant reading of one of his speechwriter’s creations. And he had mastered the important task of saluting or waving at the TV cameras when he got on and off airplanes. But I had doubts that he was smart enough for the job of president. Now those doubts are gone. If any thing, 1 am in awe of anyone who is so efficient and mentally nimble that he can boil the overwhelming job of the presidency down to. . . to what? About 32 hours a week, at most, if what Casey said was true. Even less. As Casey said, a few of those hours are spent reading his fan mail. And other sources have said that Reagan regularly takes afternoon nappy-naps. So if you subtract the fan-mail time and nap time, we have a president who can handle his overwhelming chores in fewer than 30 hours a week. That is an amazing accomplishment. I know many small-business men who regularly put in 60 or 70 hours a week. And they’re not contending with the threat of Soviet expansionism. During his 21 years as mayor of Chi cago, Richard J. Daley drove himself 10 or 12 hours a day and was often in his office on Saturdays. And he didn’t have to deal with nuclear disarmament, the possibility of war in the Middle East or rallying Senate votes for a Supreme Court nomination. In every office building in New York, Chicago or Philadelphia, there are high-powered executives at, their desks long after the night cleaning ladies have arrived. And they’re not confronted with trillion-dollar deficits. Yet, Ronald Reagan can deal with all of these responsibilities — being Pres ident of the United States and leader of the so-called Free World — and get the job done in about 3 1/2 standard workdays. Someday, he should do a book on how to get things done fast and efficiently. I mean, if he can find the time. © 1987 The Chicago Tribune Royko in a Pulitzer Prize-winning co lumnist with the Chicago Tribune. Letters Here’s to Willie for FarmAid III Congratulations to Willie Nelson and h i s performance was marvelous talcnton his part, also superb talent and showmanship from his family and friends from FarmAid. He’s a truly dedicated, sincere and honest person who tells it like it is. I also would like to thank the University of Nebraska for its part in putting on FarmAid III. It was won derful organization and cooperation. I hope that this event will spark an interest and help the ones who feed us all — the farmers. If it wasn’t for them, we would starve. Mrs. Eunice Y. Everett ‘Hoots and honks’ go both ways, girls In her editorial (Daily Nebraskan, Sept. 30), Jeanne Bourne wrote about some interesting views on sexual har assmcnt of women by men. But she failed tocommunicaleclearly thatthis problem “walks on both sides of the fence.” I admit that it’s a shame that women don’t make as much money as men. They should. Some women arc more qualified than most men. How ever, I do not see it as out of the ordinary that we have a woman gover nor, women doctors and lawyers. I wouldn’t be surprised to sec a woman president in the near future. As for the hoots and honks that Bourne referred to, some women en joy being noticed in that way. In most cases it is very childish and improper, but I have seen and heard women hooting, honking and making gestures to just as many men on the street. Both men and women need to become more aware of what they say and think before they say it. Most people don’t take time to consider whether what they say might beoffen sivc to another person. I’ve said things 1 shouldn’t have and apologized for them. Sexual harassment is a problem that both men and women face today. We must work together to solve this problem. It can be solved if men and women realize what they’re doing and agree not to harass each other. They need to work with each other and respect each other for who we really are and can become. Chris Fair freshman architecture Letter Policy Letters will be selected for publica tion on the basis of clarity, originality, timeliness and space available. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit all material submitted. Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Anonymous submissions will not be considered for publication. Letters should include the author’s name, year in school, nuyorand group affiliation, if any. Requests to withhold names from publication will not be granted. TV AOf 5 f A Yj3Mu Hft - ' - fr^ 11 » I THINK THE NEXT WITNESS IS 601N6 TO SPEAK PoR 80RK... KENNEDY JUST PUT HIS PlNOERS IN HIS EARS A6AIN i " BUSCH $419 > $6.99 cold 12 pack warm case OLD MILWAUKEE REG.-LIGHT $3.99 $6.75 Cold 12 pack warm case OLD STYLE $3.99 $6.95 cold 12 pack warm case HERMAN JOSEPHS $2.99 $9.99 cold 6 pack warm case ^PRIC^GOO^WHIL^UANTTTIES^SIlJ SATURDAY NOVEMBER 21 ST 8:30 P.M. OMAHA CIVIC AUDITORIUM MUSIC HALL RESERVED SEATS: 516.50* • INCLUDES 25* USER FEE TICKETS: ON SALE TOMORROW ON SALE AT HOMER S RECORDS, PICKLES RECORDS AND ' ALL YOUNKERS -