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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1987)
Opposing crowd may be beneficial to volleyball team By Mark Derowitsch Senior Reporter Colorado State volleyball coach Rich Feller said that playing before 5,(XX) fans in Fort Collins, Colo., will be an added advantage for the Rams, but Nebraska coach Terry Pettit said that playing before a large crowd could benefit both teams. The No. 4-ranked Comhuskers will play Colorado State Saturday at 8:30 p.m. “We have one of the highest atten dance averages in the nation,” Feller said. “For Nebraska, we’re expecting at least 2.000 fans, and with our give aways, it’s possible that we could have 5,000 fans there. “It’s going to be loud and crazy in Mobley Gym.” Pettit said he doesn’t think the crowd will be a big advantage for Colorado State since Nebraska has played well on the road this season. “Of course, it’s different to play on the road,” Pettit said. “But in the past couple of years, we’ve been a very good road team. We’ve played in front of a lot of people before, and I think this team is pretty comfortable with it.” Nebraska will take a 13-0 record into the match with the Rams, who arc ranked No. 7. “If you’re 13-0, you must be doing a lot right,” Pettit said. “We’re men tally tough and very consistent. But for us to maintain our success, we have to outwork everybody.” Pettit said Nebraska’s early suc cess should lead to a very successful season. “At the beginning of the year I assumed that we had the personnel to have a very good season,” Pettit said, Butch Ireland/Daily Nebraskan Nancy Brookhart and Disa Johnson of Illinois attempt to block a spike from Kathi DeBoer of Nebraska during Saturday night’s Gillette Dairy/Prairie Maid Nebraska Invitational. “but I think that it’s important to keep improving. We have a team that could put itself in a position to accomplish what last year’s team did.” The 1986 team finished ranked No. 2 in the nation. Feller said that even though Ne braska is rated higher than the Rams, he feels confident about the match. “At this point in the season, against a ranked team, it’s a good situation for both teams,” Feller said. “Whoever wins or loses, it won’t change the rankings too much.” The Rams are led by seniors Angie Knox and Diane Saba. Knox is No. 6 in the country in average kills per game with 5.03 while Saba stands at No. 13 with an average of 4.56. Setter Cindy Cox has recorded 703 assists this year and is second in the nation with 13.61 assists per game. Feller said he didn’t think his team would have a 12-1 record after its first 13 games. “I was looking at some of our early season matches like Stanford, Ken tucky and Northwestern, which are rated teams,” Feller said. “I didn’t expect to go 12-1, but I thought we would have an excellent record.” Nebraska will try for its 50th con secutive Big Eight victory against Colorado Friday night in Boulder, Colo. Pettit said the Huskers have a good chance of beating Colorado. Lack of depth hampers line FOOTBALL from Page 10 Sun Devil quarterback Danny Ford threw for 200 yards. Nebraska ranks 85th in the nation in pass defense, according to NCAA sta tistics. McBride said he hasn’t been happy with the Nebraska pass rush. This week, he said, the defen sive line has to play better. “No question,” he said. “You have to get more pressure on the quarterback.” McBride said the Run and Shoot offense South Carolina employs puts a lot of pressure on the defen sive ends because Ellis is mobile and will throw a lot of sprint out passes. In South Carolina’s first three games this season^ Ellis has already thrown for 880 yards. “This guy may throw every play of the whole game,” he said. He said a lack of depth on the defensive line and chronic injuries have kept it from fulfilling high expectations. “I know a lot of people were saying the defensive line is going to be the strength of the team, but we’re a little thin. I mean behind (Tim) Rother we have a freshman (Tim Brungardt).” He said an ankle injury that has limited Jones’ playing time has hurl the unit. To add depth, he said, Willie Griffin has been practicing at both defensive tackle positions. But Jones’ injury has given Rother a chance to shine. Against UCLA, Rother sacked quarterback Troy Aikman six times and was named the Big Eight Defensive Player of the Week. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 $3 00 minimum charge per day on commercial ads Ten words included $2 50 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads $ 75 billing charge on noncommercial ads All personal ads must be prepaid NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION FOUND ads may be submitted free ol charge DEADLINE 1 p m before publication The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted ads from businesses that are not equal oppor tunity employers VISA MASTERCARD FOR SALE IMPORTED & DOMESTIC CIGARETTES CLIFFS SMOKE SHOP 140 No 12th Street _476-0119_ MOTEL TV LIQUIDATION 140 Sylvama 19 color TVs Solid State/S139each ALL TRONIX A TV 1364 So 33rd 2301 No 33rd AUDIO-VISUAL VIDEO 2301 No 33rd _ _3219SO 13th UNL IN THE 20TH CENTURY The history of UNL as it happened1 See UNL s growth as reported by THE DAILY NE BRASKAN UNL s official newspaper lor 86 years THE DAILY NEBRASKAN AN 86 YEAR RETROSPECTIVE perfect tor anyone with an interest in journalism or Nebraska history Only $3 00. available in the Daily Nebiaskan office. 34 Neor Union. 1400 R Street WHY RENT when you can buy7 Mobile home, close lo Fast Campus 12 a 57 468-2149_ 11/2 year membership lo Golds Gym $300 or best offer Females only 423-0096 After 6pm TWO 19 Color TV and 12 B/W 467-5189 YAMAHA GUITAR and Peavey amp Call Terry 483 6763_ ALVIN SPACE saver told away (hawing table $150 « dian speakers^$250 472-3514,475-1296 ' OR SALE 4person tent, very sturdy — $90 2chesis of 'awers — $25/ea . single bed mattress box frame — ->30. double bed mattress, box — $30 Call alter 6pm 475-8960 DRUMS — 5 PC Sltngtrland 88t Like new 474-6252 aids is not |usi a biy city problem Protect yourself now Order TROJAN CONDOMS the direct way 18/$10 95 check or money order HEALTH SENSE INC. 1700A Unhca Square. 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South Lincoln location Send resume to Personnel Director, P0 Box 81906, Lincoln. NE 68501 __ COMf&TER GRAPHICS IBM-PAGEMAKER DAILY NEBRASKAN The Production Department of the Daily Nebraskan re quires additional help for editorial layout Sunday Thursday from 5 00 PM to completion Apply for position room 34. Nebraska Union, ask for Kitty Additional information 472-1762 daily ^ 7:4aHM5 DIRTY DANCING tP013)[ rL’j.*, ROXANNE (PO) nmi BI6 SHOTS (PO 3) I 7:WE» LIKE UTlfHI LIKE SOiT^I KBytHTWES Ik IA»T SITTIH6 (PQ^3)| —nw—wnniiiiiiBiiinsn—r 111 Tl! / 1 DRAGNET (poi3>_ 2 HEAVY METAL ,r, 3 LIKE FATHER LIKE S0N(poi3> 4 ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW(R) EXPERIENCED DELIVERY drivers wanted lull and part time S3 75 an hour plus mileage, bonuses, and tips Must have own car with insurance and good driving record Apply at 230 N 17th, Pizza Shuttle DANCERS WANTED, top pay Call alter 12 noon Must be 18 or over 474-6469 Happy Hour Lounge. 1705 "0" St CUSTODIAL HELP NEEDED Supplement your income Part-time early or late evening hours Work a little or a lot Reliable, hard working men and women needed Must be a minimum of 16 years of age Schroeder Building Services. 4033 Progressive Ave . 464 8308 Apply between 9 a m and4 30p.m MANAGEMENT AND full time sales position now open at leading Midwest junior fashion cnain Looking for people who are ambitious and hard working Apply in person at Vanity at Gateway Mall, next to Sears EOE PART-TIME ASSOCIATES needed at a rapidly growing fashion chain We need a few reliable and hard working individuals with an interest in sales Apply in person at Vanity at Gateway next to Sears EOE STUDENTS WANTED to earn$$during football season New York novelty company is seeking distributors of new hat craze Free sample to promising self starters Call 212 496-6291_ PART-TIME DELIVERY help Door to door flyers 475 4938_ EAST CAMPUS STUDENT UNION Cafeteria server needed 11-1 30 PM, M. W.Th.F Also Sat 11-2 Apply Room 314 East Campus Union. M-F, 8-5 AA/EOE WANTED NEED FOUR Oklahoma-Nebraska football tickets 489 5137 _ WANTED IMMEDIATELY 2 tickets to Kansas game. Oct 10 M/F if student tickets (402) 274-5641 AIRLINE COUPONS WANTED: United Bonus Tickets. Western Extra. Northwest Bumps, etc Upjo $350 each 800 255-4060 _ NEED 10 FEMALE tickets. 9 male, preferably together Call Marylin 476-9297 NEED TWO tickets for Momix bands this Friday Call 477-5120 STUDENT GOVT. BIT RED RALLY ON THE PLAZA GET READY TO PLUCK THE GAMECOCKS!!! 7:00 PM FRIDAY COME GET PUMPED UP FOR THE GAME SPONSORED BY ASUN-STUDENT GOVERNMENT KFRX AND YELL SQUAD ANNOUNCEMENTS LOVE LIBRARY Orientation tours Check library daily for scheduled times LETS GO skiing over Christmas Break" Sunchase Tour s Sixth Annual Collegiate Winter Ski Breaks to Vail/Beaver Creek, Steamboat. Breckenridae and Winter Park for five or seven nights including lifts/parties/ picnic/races and more from only $154' Optional round trip air and charter bus transportation available Call toll free for your complete color ski break brochure. 1-800 321-5911. TODAY!! CASINO ROY ALE A James Bond Spoff directed by John Houston STARRING PETER SELLERS AND WOODY ALLEN. Showing 9/30 and 10/2 at Avery Auditorium. $100 student w/ID $2 00 non-student Brought to you by UPC American Films CROCODILE DUNDEE East Campus Union. Oct 1 — 6 PM, Oct 2 —7 PM, Oct 3 —8 pm. Admission Student (ID) $1. Non-students $2 -1 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON i ■ ... 1 ...—.. “And always — always — remember this: A swimmer in the water is worth two on the beach."