Doug Vonderlage/Daily Nebraskan Get weld soon . . . Randy Pfeifer of Judds Brothers Construction welds some of the links between the new sports center and the Coliseum. flfe. v/a jm JOIN US FOR CHURCH ON SUNDAY! FIRST 5000 PEOPLE UNIVERSITY RECEIVE FREE LUTHERAN CHAPEL CINNAMON rolls Nebraska abortion rate down, I but average age on upswing I By Trevor McArthur Staff Reporter The number of abortions per formed in Nebraska decreased 4.2 percent in 1986, according to a report released by the Nebraska Department of Health. In 1986, 5,761 abortions were performed, compared to 6,012 in 1985, according to the health depart ment. Women age 20 to 24 were the largest group obtaining abortions in 1986 and 1985, the report said. From 1985 to 1986, however, the average age increased one-tenth of a percent. Also, as in 1985, the largest num ber of out-of-state residents obtaining abortions in Nebraska were from Iowa, followed by South Dakota. The majority of abortions, 5,528, were performed by only four doctors, according to the report. To insure confidentiality, the Nebraska Department of Health would not release information on who or where the doctors were, but indi cated that of the total number of abortions in Nebraska, 5,558 were performed in Douglas County, 202 in Lancaster County, and one in another county which was not named. The figures for Nebraska follow a general national trend reported in an abortion surveillance report issued recently by the Centers for Disease Control. Because of delays in the collection of data, 1983 is the last year for which a report is available. Since 1980, growth in the abortion rate in the United Slates has de creased. In 1983 it dropped 2.7 per cent, the first such decrease since the CDC began to collect abortion statis tics in 1969. i The number of abortions per formed in Nebraska began declining in 1981 after a high of 6,060 in 1980, but rose in 1984 and 1985 to 6,012. In Lincoln, abortions arc per formed at the Lincoln Clinic, P.C., 3145 O St. In Omaha, two organiza tions provide abortion services, Women’s Services, P.C., 201 S. 46th St., and Women’s Medical Center of Nebraska, 4930 L St., Omaha. The offices also provide other health serv ices for women. There also arc doc tors in Lincoln who will perform abortions upon referral of Planned Parenthood after counseling. Tim Moran a Planned Parenthood spokesman, said the counseling gives no bias for or against abortion, but includes all options and alternatives available, including adoption. Coun seling also is available at Women’s Medical Center. Facilities do not exist in Nebraska for late-term abortions. The Women’s Medical Center provides abortion services between six and 12 weeks into the pregnancy, and Women’s Serv ices performs the serv ice up to 16 weeks. If a woman needed an abortion for a late-term pregnancy, she would be referred to centers in Kansas City or Boulder, Colo. Both Omaha organizations oper ate privately by the fees they charge for services. The Women’s Medical Center charges $225 for abortions. At Women’s Services, the cost ranges r between $125 and $425, depending on what procedures are used. Some arrangements for changing the fee may be made for low-income patients on Medicaid or if their life is in imminent danger by continuing the pregnancy. -1 Bikes sold after 90 days BIKETHEFT from Page 3 computer, he said. If a bike owner doesn’t know the serial or license numbers, there’s no way to track down the bike, Manning said. To prevent thefts, cyclists should lock their bikes with a reli able combination lock, Manning said. Chain and cable locks can be cut off easily, he said. “Some people will spend $400 to $MX) on a bike and put a $6 lock on it,” Manning said. A good metal lock costs $20 to $40, he said. “The only way I’ve seen these locks taken off is with a culling torch,” Manning said. Cyclists should lock bikes to something immobile or to a bike rack. Manning said. The bike can be lifted off signs or parking me ters, he said. Thieves don’t seem to prey on any particular kind of bike, but more common brands like Schwinn and Varsity arc fre quently stolen, Manning said. Smith said some bikes are re turned to owners. Manning said the UNL police check with the state crime computer and Lincoln police when a bike is found to sec if it was stolen. Manning said bikes arc often recovered when the owner reports seeing someone riding it on campus. Others, he said, find their own bikes but don’t bother to tell police. Sometimes the owner will forget where he left the bike, report it stolen, then find it later, but not tell the police because he or she is embarrassed, Manning said. Pam Fittjjc, supervisor of the property unit of LPD, said the auctions are at Lincolnland low ing, 410 W. P St. Unclaimed bikes are also kept there, she said. During the summer there is a heavy accumulation of bikes, she said, so there are auctions usually every month. City ordinance dic tates that LPD must keep bicycles for 60 days before putting them up for auction, she said. ^ WELCOMES dim WORK K.C.IV1« jQ u R SPECIAL GUEST NOV. 9_7 PM PERSHING AUDITORIUM Tickets available at Pershing Auditorium Box Office, All Younkers Outlets, All Pickles Records, Both Dirt Cheap Stores, Both Nebraska Student Unions, or A JAM/FEY CONCERT Charge by Phone with Visa/MasterCard/Am. 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