The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 22, 1987, Page 11, Image 11
Doug Carroll/Daily Nebraskan It’s not a long wait Students who found themselves waiting In line for season basketball tickets discovered that the wait wasn’t as long as it appeared. Cindy Bell, an administrative technician at the Nebraska ticket office, said the sale will be continued until 3,500 upper bench seats are sold. All the floor seats are sold, Bell said. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2SSS $3 00 minimum charge per day on commercial ads Tan word* included $2 SO minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads $ 75 billing charge on noncommercial ada. AM personal ads must be prepaid NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS FOR SALE ONE MORE TIME Quality home furnishings at affordable prices Open 7 days a week Free parking 850 No 27th _ 474-2065 EARN (HUNOREDS WEEKLY* in youi spare time United Services of America is looking tor homeworkers to perform mail services Incentive programs available For information sand large sett addressed stamped envelope to USA. 24307 Magic Mtn Pkwy . Suite *306 Valencia. CA 91355 _ _ THREE CUBIC toot dorm refrigerators Will sell. (59 95 or rent Peres Company, 1422 South St 435-5834 USHERS GIFTS! CLIFF S SMOKE SHOP 140 No 12th Street _ 4784)118 __ 4J4#> IBM PC SOFTWARE 100 s ol programs available Only (4 95 each CALL tor hee catalog. 466 3588 USED TANDY 2000 computer, includes printer and Tandy software 474 2447_ __ MOTEL TV LIQUIDATION 140 Sylvama 19 color TVs Solid State/$139 each „ ALL TRONIX S TV 364 So 33rd 2301 No 33rd AUDIO-VISUAL VIDEO 2301 No 33rd 3219SO 13th UNL IN THE 20TH CENTURY „ The history of UNL as It happened' See UNLs growth as repotted by THE DAILY NE BRASKAN. UNL s official newspaper for 86 years AMT8H6EY^I,LYReTOpSEK^VE perfect for anyone with an interest in journalism or Nebraska history Only (3 00 available in the Daily Nebraskan office, 34 Nebi Union 1400 R Street FINE AND BAD CIOARBI CLIFF S SMOKE SHOP 140 Ne 12th Street _ 4764)119 . teur diamond! (150 or B 6 Check f- i tits' Turntable ampklter speaker , i ORUif eel fiMan^Fibian (2 000 value sale i price, (1000 488 1286 19B3SII7UKI fiSflSOl ( ol<s ol extras 9 000 miles SI "X) o' best oltai 477 9145 after 6 00 p m and weekends 19 COLOR RCA TV and a 17 Zenith (75 12 B/W(20 FOR SALE: Trek 420 Lois ol extras Call 477-4284 after 5 PM Like new 1982 750 YAMAHA Virago, black. 6.000 mi., excellent condition, many extraa. Must sell 476-0140. YAMAHA R-70 reviewer, paid $430. asking $250. Turn table. $50. Ig dorm size refrigerator, $70 ALL NEGOTI ABLE 423-9951 after 5 PM ESCAPt WINTER chills on Texas Riveria Rdckport Country Club and Padre Island condominiums starting at $425 month Golf, tennis, beach and fishing available G.C.E 800-327-3189 FOR SALE: Weekly newspaper in scenic northwest Nebraska Grossing $120,000 annually Due to other business commitment must sell Will sacrifice for $80,000. Can partially finance Dave and Sandy Cook. 303 Elm Street. Crawford, NE 68339 1 800-665-2242 ★ Six month old day bed White with brass topping Asking $150 or best otter Call nights 474-0514 FREE OLD Gold shag caipet — 32 sq yd 488-6305. alter 4 PM_ BROWN 3PC - chair, sofa, loveseat - good condition $225 to needy students 464 0028 _ _ AUTOS FOR SALE 74 BMW 2002 Just overhauled engine Sunrool. sport lue, body good Asking S3 300 Call 476 2181 84 IA Red & Black sharp and clean Mileage 40,000 Call 466 8128 ask lor Allan FOR RENT 2504 VINE nice 1 bedroom new carpet most utilities paid, $290 2222 VINE large, 2-bedroom, 2 bath, most utilities paid Available now.___ STUDENT SPECIALS 3233 T", newel. 2 bedioom house, $290 Call 488 6738 1- BEDROOM 2540 S Heal paid $200 3179 R $200 4906 Lowell Heal paid $250 1020 C $260 2- BEDROOM 4909 Lowell $300 2-year old!¥ftdimom^ctoeff2^V^S^otl al Hub Hall 483 2551 01 see mgi in Apt 8__ BAST CAMPUS „ One bedroom, one block trom campus in buck 12 plex' Laundry facilities and off sheet paiking Call Mega Coipoiahon, M-f, 475-1407, 887-1879. JONES APT 477-7262 640 S 20th — 2 bedroom $300 and uo 2301 A. 1 bedroom $240 2312 S. 141 bedroom $265 with fireplace •48 0 2 year old complex close to downtown 2 bedroom unit. $375, low utilities Consolidated Realty. 476-0096 335 N 18th, 2 blocks from campus 3 bedroom, base ment apt $360/mo utilities paid 421 1328. 489-8620 ~ SPACIOUS TWO bedroom. Garage 33rd and Vine area. 3 unit building No pets 466-0928 CLEAN TWO bedroom, newly remoceled. appliances, shower, parking, yard, bus 19th & Sumner $295 475 CCCQ ww. NEED PRIVACY? Large remodeled, efficiency, unfur mshed/furnished. $185 00 plus low utilities, near capital 476-7416 TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent 800 H' and 3031 "O'. with fireplace. $315 00 plus deposit, no children/pets 467 3145 or 488-7755 HELP WANTED KFC is now accepting applications tor day and evening positions Apply at any of our five Lincoln locations TEMPORARY POSITIONS lor Animal Lover* Dependable and enthusiastic phone opeiatois needed tor Capitol Humane Society v io u-a-thon Help a woilhy cause and earn extra i c me during the month ol September Mon -Sat , 8 0 ? 30 or 4.00-9 00 474 6076 COMPUTER CONSULTANTS Advise and aid students in micro and mainliame labs Experience preferred -Maintrami CDC/NOS. VAX/UNIX. IBM/CMS (SPSSX.SAS) —Micro IPM-PC. MACIN10SH $4 00/hr . 10-20 hrs /week, full time student, at least Junior status, min GPA of 30 Apply at room 326 Administration. 8 00 a m to 5 00 p m Mon -Fri. Call 472 5870 lot mote information__ l INCOLN SPAGHETTI WORKS 220 N 1?th has positions open loi lunch, waiter, and evening prep Apply in person 8-10,2-4, M-F_ _ WANIED PART TIME sludent, alletnoons in shipping andwarehouse 483 4491 WANTED Live in attendant tor handicapped $550u month. Iree room and board Experience in nuises aid required Call 466 2126. ask tor Paul PRAIRIE LIFE CENTER Now accepting applications for part-time employment Afternoon and evening hours available Apply in person - no phons calls 1305 S 70th MICROCOMPUTER ASSISTANT Assisi taclty/staff/students with microcomputer prob lems Gain ixpqMenca with new computer software and hareware A minimum GPA of 3 0 and experience with IBM PC software Is requirad Salary atarta at $4 25/hr and 20 hr* /week Apply at 326 Administration during business hours or call Paul Mentar at 472-5761 for more infomtiflon. WANTED TEMPORARY part-time people to conduct market research by phone Mormngand afternoon hours available Nu experience required $4/houi paid weekly 2930 N 33rd 467-5433 Ask for Byron EOE __ I-back situation unclear By Tim Hartman Senior Reporter Strong performances by Nebraska’s top three I-backs in Saturday’s scrimmage leave it un clear who will see extensive action against Arizona State Saturday, Com husker football coach Tom Osborne said after practice Monday. Osborne said running backs coach Frank Solich would like to alternate between Keith Jones, Ken Clark and Tyreese Knox early in the game and then play whoever is performing best. “They’re all real close,” Osborne said. “They all scrimmaged and they all practiced well last week. Keith did much better, Tyreese is continuing to come on a little bit better and seems to have a little more intensity and better concentration, and Ken Clark contin ues to do well.” Quarterbacks Clete Blakeman and Gerri Gdowski practiced, while wingback Dana Brinson and defen sive tackle Lee Jones also returned to practice Monday after sitting out with injuries. Osborne said that Gdowski “was probably 75 to 80 percent well,” but said he was encouraged by the return of both quarterbacks. Osborne said the team was able to practice in the stadium because the cleanup from the Farm Aid III concert on vSaturday was completed on time. “We really believed in what they were trying to do and the university was supportive, so I think it really worked out well,” he said. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZlf WofOMoTATNTslENMlRioiMTF u T e|s|Wa‘L|o E SME RjT A S H A wpB77 E |A R[s|Bv ENT hIaImIainIpIcIhIeIeisTeIMM GUESS What’s The Hottest $ Item On Campus *Sweatshirts for All proceeds benefit the only $ 15 National Council on the •Available in all sizes Prevention of Child Abuse I 'Sponsored by Kappa TormmTy $ SororUy 'Orders must be in by ■ Friday, Sept. 25th |B ORDER vNOW! 1 Iluuiv lumaiu iu 77 vvcunouay Ml | MltifeLTS I WEDNESDAYS, 8 pm-12 am M I EVERYTHING IN THE HOUSE UiCfr I JUST 99 CENTS Yf § That means. . .99 cent pitchers ft®/ i 99 cent call drinks 99 cent imports ) I 99 cent blended drinks r A r I 99 cent ice cream drinks *7w TrhJCr f fV* S T I ^ ■ NEW! ^ DISPOSABLE CONTACTS for the student on the go! If you frequently tear or lose your contacts, or have protein build up problems, Bethany Vision Clinic has a new service for you — DISPOSABLE CON TACTS! The contacts last three months and are inexpensive to replace. Daily soft $7.50 each. Extended wear $10.00 each. For comprehensive eye care call: W VISION CLINIC Dr. John P. Lange O.D. 65th & Holdrege I Till FAR MOB By GARY LARSON Songwriter* of the Otd West