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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1987)
I ™ckVt°s I Fam id ui9^9^ tickets to /\ / / issgr*9zfigg 4:3/ / dte£, fstopern t;ckets e^h £ 4# / / ^icious fro2ePn;o^at our / / gf/ / IffF / I I BVF^-^8 7 ^Sfec^OalZy t^Hw kSx&sz, ,£s^s^iSSlJ NEW! DISPOSABLE CONTACTS for the sportsman If you frequently tear or lose your contacts, or have protein build up problems, Bethany Vision Clinic is offering a new service for you — DISPOSABLE CONTACTS! Thecontacts last three months and are inexpensive ■ „ , to replace. For comprehensive eye 1 Replacement rarp ran I daily soft contacts care’ caM I $7.60 each 466-6070 I Replacement BETHANY VISION CLINIC I I soft extended wear Dr John P Lange 0 D ^ $10.00 X j We 11 Deliver j A Large... For A Medium Charge! Use this coupon and enjoy a large, original (single topping) Valentinos pizza, delivered direct to your door, for the price of a medium pizza. Its a back-to-school special that no student body should be without. Call today. AN ADVENTURE IN ITALIAN DINING 3457 Holdrege • 467-3611 (campus delivery only) Please mention coupon when ordering Delivery Hours: 5 p m 12 midnight Sunday Thursday 5pm lam Fnday fk Saturday One coupon per customer, per order LOffer Expires September 30, 1987 Not valid with any other offer • mm mm mm mmm mmm mb mm mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mmm mm mm mm mm mm mm mmm mmm mmm — mmm mmm mm mmm mm m Actor Greene, singer Tosh dead By the Associated Press Actor Lome Greene died and reggae star Peter Tosh was killed Friday. Greene, who for 14 years played the firm but gentle father to three strap ping sons as Ben Cartwright on televi sion’s “Bonanza,” died Friday. He was 72. Greene died at St. John’s Hospital. “The cause of death is listed as res piratory arrest followed by cardiac arrest,” said St. John’s spokeswoman Mary Miller. She said Greene died at 12:14 p.m. A barrel-chested man with white hair, bushy black eyebrows and a deep, resonant voice, Greene tried different television roles late in his career, play ing a detective in “Griff,” a space commander in “Battlestar Galactica" and a fire chief in “Code Red.” But he remained most closely tied to his image as a widower in the old west, the patriarch who rode herd on a trio of headstrong sons — Adam, Hoss and Little Joe — played by Pernell Roberts, Dan Blockr and Michael Landon. Robbers shot and killed Tosh, a founding father of reggae, Jamaica’s vibrant music of revolution, police said. The attackers who entered Tosh’s home Friday night also killed another man and wounded the 42-year-old singer songwriter’s wife and four other people. FOR SALE WINDOW TINTING Look cool. Be cool Call Trim-Line today Close to Campus 474-2500 ask tor John__ EARN SHUNDREOS WLF.KLYS in your spare time United Services ot America is looking for homeworkers to perform mail services Incentive programs available For information send large sell addressed stamped envelope to U S A , 24307 Magic Mtn Pkwy , Suite *306. Valencia, CA 91355_ _ NON-REFUNDABLE non-changeable female AIRLINE TICKET to ASU game MUST SELL!!! Call 476-3587, Molly. 19 color TV, $55 Also 12" B/W, $25 467-5189 KING SIZE water bed, $500 477-3471. after 5 PM IBM PC SOFTWARE 100 s of programs available Only $4.95 each. CALL for tree catalog, 466-3588___ FARMAIO TICKETS $30 a piece Call 474-1927. Keep trying. FINE AND BAD CIGARS! CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP _140 North 12th Street_ USED TANDY 2000 computer, includes printer and Tandy software 474-2447__ FARMAID TICKETS $25, 477-6320 FARMAID TICKETS Best offer 483-4373 __ SILVER DRUM set — five drums, one high hat, three cymbals, $450 00 489-9560 _ _ FARMAID tickets $25 or best offer. Call Lisa 466-6509 Keep trying__ MOTEL TV LIQUIDATION 140 Sylvania 19" color TVs Solid State/$139 each ALL TRONIX A TV 364 So 33rd 2301 No 33rd AUDIO-VISUAL VIDEO 2301 No 33rd__3219 So 13th FOR SALE - two FarmAid tickets $25 0B0 475-3276 1982 SMITH CORONA typewriter Best offer Call 476 2606_ FARMAID III ticket, make an offer, cah 464 4447. LIKE NEW 135 gallon oceanic marine squarine complete problem free system With Angels, Tangs, etc Must see to believe $1.500 value for only $700 464-5390 FOOTBALL POINTSPREAD software Complete database includes scores and pomtspreads from 1979 Statistical analysis of team performance in any given situation vs the spread Menu driven, on-screen help Pro or college $49 95 f or details or demonstration call 474-7991 FORSALEoi lease NewHaybustei tubgnnders.*1100. $14,800 or lease $3 896, #1000 $11,350 or lease $2 988 Demo *111 $9,350 or lease $2 460 Anderson Leasing Co , Edgeley NO 70 1 493 2241, evenings, 701 483 2048 1000 SUNBEDS toning tables Sunal-Wolft tanning beds SlenderOuestpassiveexercisers Call tor fiee color catalogue Save to 50c 1 800 228 6292 All STEEL buildings Lowest price per square foot Low cost per bushel Don t hesitate, calfnow1 1 800 362 3145 ext 168 HALF PRICE1 SaveSOV Best large flashing anow sign $339' Lighted nonarrow S3291 Unlighted $269' Free box letters' Warranty Factory direct Call today 1 800-423 0163, anytime TYPEWRITERS DUE to school budget cuts Royal otter s new eleCtnc models Full 88 character keyboard plus tenor out) correction 5 yi warranty $159' List $259' (electronic office models), slightly higher Check, credit cards C 0 D or layaway Free delivery'1-714 548 4425 anytime' _ ARMY STORE for sale Have a lot ot fun in the letail business See Wendel Cawley at Cawley s Army Store. 1118 12th Ave Scottsblutf NE 308 632 7117 I 1HREE CUBIC loot dorm refrigerators Will sell. $69 95 or rent Derex Company. 1422 South St. 435-5834. USHER GIFTS CLIFF'S SMOKE SHOP _140 No 12th Street_ 12" B/W portable TV Asking $30 Portable AM/FM cassette playei, detachable speakers, 5-band EQ Asking $50 Call 467-2654 ONE MORE TIME Quality home furnishings at affordable prices Open 7 days a week Free parking 850 No. 27th 474-2065 AUTOS FOR SALE 1974 VW BUG, reliable, good condition 483-7046 after 5 30 PM 82 DATSUN 2Q0SX. blue, high mileage Must see 477 3398, 1-5 00 p.m.__ '81 PRELUDE excellent condition Good gas mileage Great school car $4,500 Best offer 466-4094 FOR RENT_ 2504 VINE nice, 1 bedroom, new carpet, most utilities paid, $290 2222 VINE large, 2-bedroom, 2 bath, most utilities paid Available now._,_ TWO BEDROOM mobile homes, one bedroom duplex $225 and up 435-6683 Contempo 1- BEDROOM 2540 S. Heat paid $200 3179 R $200 4908 Lowell Heat paid $250 1029 C $200 2- BEDROOM 4909 Lowell $300 1948 D K $300 (Fireplace) Call Kim, 421-1871 or 489-6258 VERY NICE, newly redecorated, 4 bedroom house, 2 beds Close to campus. 1427 N 21 466 1166 or 488 0061 TIRED OF DORM LIFE ALREADY? 2-year old, 2-bedroom, close 2212 R Call Scott at Hub Hall 483 2551 oi see mgi in Apt 8 NICE 2 BEDROOM house at 30th & Vine $250 per/mo with $250 deposit Call 475 2453 Ask tor Chi is 1724L ST newei large 2bedroom furnished, parking Adults Cable free. $29? 477 5194 471 7500 EAST CAMPUS One-bedroom, one block from campus in brick 12 plex' Laundry facilities and off-street paiking Call Mega Corporation. M F. 475 8407 HAYWARD PLACE 9th & Charleston One bedroom available Dishwasher microwave laundry facilities oft stieetparking Excellentumveisity location 476 8566 or Mega Corporation M f 475-0407 JONES PA I i 640 S 20th — 2 bedroom $300 and up 2301 A 1 bedroom $240 2312 S 14 1 bedroom $265 _ with tireplau1 _ 945 D 2 year old complex close to downtown 2 bedroom unit $375 low utilities Consolidated Realty 476-0086 335 N 18th. 2 blocks from campus 3 bedioom. base ment apt $360/mo utilities paid 421-1328 STUDENT SPECIALS 1735 No 29th — Nicer 5 bedroom, 2 bath, $550 3233 "T", newer, 2 bedroom house, $300 Call 488-6738 STUDENTS One bedroom in excellent university location at 870 No 25th&835No 26th Air conditioning, dishwasher, laundry facilities and plenty of off-street parking Call Mega Corporation at 475-8407 or 435-5362 HELP WANTED ~ TACO INN 11th & Cornhusker Applications are now being accepted for lunch help (11 2 001 Nighl hours possible also1 Apply in person anytime RECEPTIONIST NEEDED Typing Required Flexible Hours, M-F Send resume to 1st Mortgage Trust, 3031 0 Street, Lincoln, NE 68510 _ KFC is now accepting applications for day and evening positions Apply at any of our live Lincoln locations TROUT MYSTERY needs a drummer If interested call Terry 488-2444 or Christ 477-2191_ TEMPORARY POSITIONS lor Animal Lover* Dependable and enthusiastic phone operators needed for Capitol Humane Society phone-a thon Help a worthy cause and earn extra income during the month of September Mon.-Sat, 8:00-2:30 or 4.00-9 00 474-6076. NEED EXPERIENCED harvest help! Grain truck and grain cart operator 789 5135 Greenwood _ PART-TIME' HELP wanted - nights, must apply in person, between 6-10 p m at Southwest Civic Center See John.__ WANTED: PROFESSIONAL 0TR drivers, 24 years or older, clean driving record Good salary, incentive pro grams. Moore's Transfer, Inc . Norfolk, NE 68701, instate 800-672-8362 _____ ADMINISTRATOR WANTED for 53-bed. Deshler. Nebra ska. nursing home Send resume to Mayor H Struve, Box 546. Deshler. NE 68340 No phone inquiries accepted AMP MECHANICS Instructor Experience required Benefits Excellent opportunity for aggressive, hardwork ing individuals Walt Mellott. Cheyenne Aero Tech, 1-800 824 0417 Resume lo 3801 Morrie Avenue. Cheyenne, WY 82001 CARPENTERS, DRIVERS, Construction, Plumbers, Pipe titters. Welders. Engineers Up to $6.000/mo USA/Over seas ^Transcontinental 800-255-8365 fee FARM TRACTOR driver, gram truck driver for fall harvest 489 7532 _____ WENDY’S is now hiring highly motivated team oriented people to fill breakfast, lunch, evening or late night shifts Flexible scheduling available Apply in person at Wendy s, 14th & Q PART-TIME SUPERVISOR This position requires a mature individual with good communication skills who can motivate newspapei car nets and work with parents and customers as a city earner route supervisor This is an excellent opportunity tor a university student which requites being available by 2 30 pm daily 9 00am Saturday and some Sunday mornings This position requires approximately 35hours a week Your own vehicle is requited with mileage expenses paid Applications will be accepted at the Journal Star office. 926 P 8 00 am 400 pm thru Wednesday 9 16 87 JOURNAL S1AR PRINTING COMPANY EOE/AAE __ LOVE LIBRARY Onentation touts Check libraiy daily for scheduled times | I MUFFLER‘24?. * • Famous Midas quality • 1 year guarantee • Fits most cars j[ (Pipes, clamps and hangers extra.) I PER AXLE MOST CARS 9 < 1 • New Guaranteed Brake l Pads or Shoes B» 111 M/mWIIl (Semi-metallic pads extra.) 1 • Recondition I )rums or Rotors 1 • Inspect Calipers B • Inspect Wheel Cylinders J F^ 9 • Inspect Brake Hardware 9 9 I • Road Test 9 9 | FREE: BRAKE INSPECTION II I Additional parts and services may be B B B required which are not included in this price B B B See warranty terms at your local Midas dealer B B 2118 N Street 7030 0 Street 477-7724 464-2252 MIDASIZE. GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. Midasi/e is a registered servicemark of Midas International Corp. FREE CAR SPEAKERS with each car stereo Sound Wave i 1700 West “0” 474-7695 Hrs: M-F 10-8 Sat. 10-6, Sun. noon-5 FREE WEEK New Doumtown Location! Eagles Lodge 14th & P (1 blk. No. of Hitchin Post) Classes: 4:00 M W 5:30 T TH OFFER EXPIRES SEPT. 20 423-9682 Jud! Sbt/1/mnl MiUI-II l ^ rjrwd±w