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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1987)
SERIES TICKET SALES now m progress for 87-88 Foreign Film Series. Tickets on sale tjmijuesday. Sept 15 at the Union PLAN rASIA 87 Exotic plants for fantastic prices1 Union Centennial Room, 10 5 MEN SAND Women s Club Soccer organizational meet mg, 7.30 p.m Thurs Sept 17. Meeting will be held in Nebi Union Room k will be posted Yes, Women s Club Soccei loo1 _ ★ ★ ★ CAMPUS''ED CROSS ★ ★ Tuesday (Sept 15) at 6 30 p m Topics FaimAid, Com mittee sign-np ROOMMATES ” SHARE LIVING quaiteis M F, pnvate bedioom $100a month plus S50 deposit, S25 rent break for people before the 18th 476 1836 _ URGENT Need 1 oi 2 non-smokers to share ext nice 2-bedroom apt Prelei females Call Clay 475-1396, please leave message__ RESPONSIBLE NON-SMOKING roommate to share completely furnished 2-bedroom apartment Lots of extias. S150/mo plus f/2 utilities and deposit Call 466 3747 altei 5 00 p m _ RESPONSIBLE NON SMOKING female loommate to snaie nice thiee bedioom apt w/male and temale $143. 1/3 utilities, $133 deposit, must be neat and tidy Call 4/4 3939 oi 475 1501 Ask lot Caimen oi Dennis NON-SMOKING FEMALE to shaie 2-bedioom duplex Gaiage. W/D $150 plus 1/2 utilities 472-3145,483-6344, attei6 00 p_m M-TH__ E t MALE NON SMOKER/net lovei with good house keeping habits 474-5810 after 3pm PERSONALS NU FOOTBALLER: #85 MONTE K. It was exciting foi me to watch you in action on Saturday1 Go Get em1 Jom P iSellecki Burl— t guess I don't need flowers so where is the rock7 _ Elmo Brett fh. Happy ne year _Love, the Wife 1910 KNOX #22 Think you re pretty sexy' _ LAH Eric (KE) Who are you7 EEhhh— _ Luv Richards Lisa (Buffalo) Happy B-lated Birthday What are we going to do7 Party7 End room buddies THETAS IN Rm 211 What would my life be like without good tnends and Oreo cookies7 Thank you for all the needed TLC Haigis ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE S Musil You came in the DN and I find you more interesting than my typewriter! I know how my typewriter feels, and was wondering if you respond quick to touch also If interest ed, RSVP! The new woman P S You should’ve kissed me! P S S This is just a joke! ATTEN: Tomorrow (Sept 15) is J. PHILLIPS' Birthday Happy Birthday, Jim P S Questions pertaining to this ad should be directed toward Brion F__ _ _ K E Y L A N C EH Hope your 21st birthday is as special as you are DRH To the IKE Pledge, Denny in my 11 30 Bus Ed class I was sorry to hear about youi accident I d like to get to know you better, how bout it7 Your PC WHITE Partner. at Milli Scrinny, Always rememBer rooftop nights, submarine laces, and burning ski lifts Friends forever, Jo P S There s a full moon tonight to the sexy smart man with the DiscManlRichard7) I love you __ _R K Schmidt Renae. Thank you for the last 2 1/2 years They have been the best Let s taco out I love you’111 Jon ★ MAGOO— You re a stud and I’m glad you re mine1 Love you, Froggie P S Six months down and many more to come' Teri B Hope you had a gieat birthday1 Here s to your fust personal See ya soon1 ____Love afways Mike M Tracy, Your too cool' Mike Abercrombie Suicide notes aren’t funny Don t run the other waylike in Pound for the rest of your life How old are you anyway7 Don’t reply via personals or otherwise • —Obvious <,KM K AFFAIRS STUDENTS: Have you heard of the PRIVILEGED HUSKER CLUB? You gel 10% off from 20 different merchants everyday for the whole semester Call 435-1071 for further information THETA XI LITTLE SISTER RUSH Tuesday September 15 7 00pm For more information, call Jeff at 4/7 4837 or Chris at 477 9633 ALPHA PHI ALPHA Beta Beta Chapter The brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fiate1 ty Inc Bela Beta Beta cordially extends tneir green .g ill college students of the 198i 88 school year Foi ^eu pledge information contact Glen Cunningnam ATTN: DELTA SIGMA PI Meeting at 6:00 PM at the Union on Monday, Sept, 14th Bring money lor dues and pizza A GReat Experience Alpha Gamma Rho's Little Sister Rush! September 17, 7:00 and 8:30 p.m Call Lori at 475- 1004 or Kelly at 477-7186 for information See you there! _ PLANTASIA '87 Sponsored by Kappa Alpha Theta and Beta Theta Pi, Sept 15. 16. 17 in the Centennial Room from 10-5._ LOST &FOUND LOST Consolidated Freight key ring. (4 keys) 477-3445 (night) or_472-4432 (day! LOST Man s gold wedding nng. neai Mable Lee. call 474-2581 SERVICES TYPEWRITERS — WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL - SALES - SERVICE BLOOMS 323 N 13th 474-4136 WORD PROCESSING SERVICE Glenda Hinz 475-2253 Dissertations, Theses. Term Papers. Etc Quality Work. Reasonable Prices COPY SERVICE Reductions and Enlaigements Witt TYPE anything SI/page Neai both campuses 476- 9383 _ Fast, professional & reasonable , _ 488-4486 TAN, unlimited now until Dec 31st S99 00 Body Flex 1316 N St 476-1492._ EXTRA MONEY is nice, t ut you can help people too' Donate plasma for up to S120 a month First donation in a calendar week S10. second donation in same calendar week S20 (Monday-Saturday) New donors receive S2 bonus on fust donation with ttvs ad UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER Associated Bioscience of Nebraska Inc Lincoln, Nebraska 475-8645 Effective until further notice --j WORDS ETC. Word processing with laser printing Resumes — Placement Center Forms — Letters Reports — Programs — Copies 1321 "P" St. 476-2039 TYPING/WORD PROCESSING Computer Type and Services 1630 Que St 476-8973 CALL 488 8208 Word Processing/typing needs Reasonably priced quality - fast!!_ PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or Advanced ZAGER STUDIO 423-2709 SINGLE A PREGNANT Adoption is a caring alternative For confidential information call Nebraska Children s Home 483 7879 FREE PREGNANCY TESTING - I In Concert KRONOS QUARTET “Kronos Quartet . . . one of our foremost interpreters of new music of a range and diversity largely unknown.” New York Times Shows are at 9:00 and 11:00 $4 per show or $6 for both Monday, September 14th THE ZOO BAR, i36No.i4thst. Tan By WOLFF® 300 minutes Only *35 with ad Reg. *45 n. 475-8989 818 “P" "HOttub’ 2g*7.°° 2g,12.00 ExP'res Daily Before Sun.-Thurs. 9-20-87 6 P.M. 6:00pm-close 12 Styles of Super Single Waterbeds Priced Complete s89, *99, *109, *129. *139, *149 ect. Sound Wave 1700 West “O” St. 474-7695 Mrs: M-F 10-8 Sat. 10-6 Sun, noon-5 ASIAN PALACE CHINESE FOOD Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 9p.m. Saturday 1 1 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sunday ) 1 a.m. - G p.m. SHLCIAU/inCi Ih CAHKYOUT j Any first meal $2.50 '2 3 4 5 Alter .5 dishes, yet any meal FRttl Centro Plaza 48th St K Street GRAND OPENING ASIAN PALACE CHINESE FOOD & HOAGIES Our cook has over 12 years experience OVER 50 DIFFERENT DISHES 48th & R - Centro Plaza 464 8884 Mon.-Fri. 10 am 9 pm Sat. 10 am 9:30 pm Sun. 12 noon 8 pm SAVE YOUR NECK! ‘The Student Guide To Calculus ” for Math 104 & 106 Available only at University Bookstore Lower Level Ne. Union Hang onto this ad for the desperate times to come. COMEDY y.r For All Occasions Impressions of: Ronald Reagan Rodney Dangerfield John Wayne REASONABLE RATES 402-423-8432 ——Cut & Save——— Valuable Coupon? From Starkey’s Pizza FREE DELIVERY North of “O” St. 838 N. 27th St. OPEN 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Introducing Reusable Coupons Use your favorite coupon as many times as you wish. -1-1 Medium 12” j Two Medium j Pizza j Pizzas 1 Topping I 1 Topping |onlys4.95|onlys9.95! Offer expires 10-1-87 | Offer expires 10-1-87 1_«_I-* Tuesday, September 15 at Chesterfield's Screaming Trees!! SST Recording Artists from Los Angeles Opening for Screaming Trees New Brass Guns! Show starts at 9:00 p.m. Doors open at 8:00. *5.00 charge. Chesterfield’s Lower Level Gunny’s Mall 13th & Que Umi ImI Wl IM CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Wedge-shaped piece 5 “Essaysof Elia” author 9 Bravura 14 Mata 15 Cohan’s” There” 16 Like a babe in the woods 17 Privy to 18 Machete 19 Come (confess) 20 Gardener’s headache? 23 Strong thread 24 Nutmeats 28 Frame for Fragonard 32 Kind of strip or point 33 Resort of a sort 36 Intaglio’s opposite 38 Canadian prov. 39 Squirrel’s headache? 43“ partridge in a pear tree” 44 Twilled silk 45 "-will be done.. 46 Views 49 Postulate 51 Airport structures 53 Buckaroo’s rope 57 Cricketer’s headache? 61 Hit hard 64 Bellow 65 Philosopher Immanuel 66 Willow 67 Having what it takes 68 Major suffix 69 Dillydally 70 Ball- 13 Number to 41 Western hammer count to Hemisphere 71 Letter opener 21 “Stick’em gp. up!” 42-con came - w - 22 Haw’s partner 47 Hash house 1 Pitchman’s 25 Gulf of Aqaba 48 Hindu title accomplice port 50 Fastened 2 City on Asia’s 26-onto temporarily Red River (grab) 52 Bit 3 Things in the 27 Convolutional 54 Do a figure fire 29 Word with Jose eight 4 Mix or Juan 55 Berger of films 5 Timber wolf 30 Flightless 56 Furry water 6 Declare openly birds mammal 7 Thaw 31 Ease 58 Japanese port 8 Bear 33 Salt away 59 University . 9 Audience’s 34 Siouan Indian founded in 1701 appeal 35 “The Age of 60 Songbird 10 Ours is Anxiety" poet 61 Kitty Gregorian 37 Other, in 62 Happy 11 Kind of Orense lark detector 40 Little Caesar, 63 Walter 12 Actress for one Raleigh, Gardner among others