The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 28, 1987, Page 5, Image 5

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    ASUN designates CU matchup
as UNL’s official migration game
By Lee Rood
Staff Reporter
ASUN members decided Wednesday
night that Colorado will be the site of
this year’s official migration football
game for University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Students can purchase tickets for
the game for $22.50 Oct. 12-14.
Joseph Selig UNL’s ticket office
manager, said 1,000 tickets are availa
ble. Selig said each student must pur
chase his or her own ticket.
Selig said because the game is dur
ing Thanksgiving weekend, he isn’t
sure how the tickets will sell.
“We don’t know what to expect. Some
students may make it a ski weekend;
others may want to go home,” he said.
ASUN President Andy Pollock said
members approved Colorado as the
official migration game last year, but
because the date for the game was
changed, members needed to revote
Wednesday night.
The Colorado game was chosen be
cause it is considered a “big game” and
it is one of the more difficult ones to
get tickets for, Pollock said.
“It also had something to do with
the fact that we lost last year,” he said.
In the hour-long meeting, members
also discussed Finding ways of promot
ing ASUN, improving the organization’s
image on campus and working more
productively together.
‘We can have a productive year if we
just stick together,” First Vice Presi
dent Shawn Boldt said.
Second Vice President John Berg
meyer said he thought it was important
that members present a “good image”
of ASUN and not say negative things
about the organization on campus.
“You were elected to this position
— you need to accept that responsibil
ity,” Bergmeyer told members.
Harris unveils ‘food-raising’ plan
By Amy Edwards
Senior Reporter
Lincoln mayor Bill Harris donned his
FarmAid cap Thursday afternoon at a
press conference to announce a “food
raising” project for Nebraska.
He introduced the Nebraska Cares
project, which will let Nebraskans par
ticipate directly in the FarmAid effort.
Deane Finnegan, project coordina
tor, said money raised through Nebraska
Cares will be distributed to Nebraskans.
Businesses participating in the Ne
braska Cares are asked to contribute to
FarmAid. Businesses can decide what
that contribution will be. In return, the
businesses are entitled to use the
Nebraska Cares logo in any sales or
promotions directly related to the
The Haymarket Harvest Festival Sept.
17-20 is a part of the promotion. Events
like parades, street dances, chili feeds
and crafts shows will be part of the free
Finnegan said 37 Lincoln organiza
tions are donating time and money to
the festival.
Crossover country singer Michael
Martin Murphey will perform Friday
Sept. 18 for the Haymarket Festival.
Finnegan said 50 percent of all pro
ceeds from the arts and crafts show and
sale will go to the FarmAid effort.
KLIN AM radio is asking people
who plan to attend the festival to bring
a can of food for donation to Nebraska
Harris said he wants to fill Nebraska
food pantries before the holidays. Har
ris said food donations do not go to
FarmAid, but FarmAid is the catalyst
for the project.
Jon Camp, of the Lincoln Haymarket
Development Corp. said he hopes the
Haymarket Harvest Festival becomes
an annual event.
Harris said he plans to keep his
pledge to Willie Nelson to raise $250,000
for FarmAid.
“I’m sure that Nebraska cares as
much as I care and will come forward
with contributions, Harris said.
Nebraska already has raised $110,000
for FarmAid.
“I just don’t see how anything could
go any better as far as the city of Lin
coln is concerned,” Harris said.
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