.. Classified 472-2588, NEED CASH? We ve raised our rates and donating plasma is an easy way to earn money while you study Were conveniently located downtown next to Ted & Wally s New plasma donors this ad is worth S15 on your first visit LINCOLN PLASMA 126 N 14th St Suite #2 474-2335 2 hours tree parking — Park n' Shop DELIVERY DRIVERS Domino s Pizza currently has full and part-time openings for delivery drivers We offer above minimum starting salary, tips and commissions Average $5 00-S7 00 per hour Advancement opportunities If you are over 18 and have a car with insurance, apply after 4 30 p m at any of ti e five Lincoln locations DRAFTSMAN Part-time draftsman position available for person with developed dr awing skills Hours flexible but 15-20 hours weekly required full-time during break and summer Prefer student with 2-3 year remaining at college Call 476-7545 Ask for Tom or Rob FOOTBALL HELP Temporary help needed football days and FarmAid as parking attendants Apply in person only between 2-4 p m at Centrum Parking 1120 N Street WANTED NEED 2 student season football tickets, together or separate Call Mike, 464-7110. Male/Female season football ticket 423-6071 Leave Message Need part-time childcare in my home Would accept someone sharing responsibility with a friend Tuesday thru Friday, 11 30 to 5 30 p m Call: Day 483-4116, ask for Susan, Nighl 477-2273___ NEED 2 student season football tickets, male and female Call 474-5451. after 5:30_ NEED 2 G A or student tickets together for 9-5. Call 464-1407 WANTED 2 season football tickets together. Call collect after 7 00 p m . 291 8420 STUDENT GOVT. INTER-CAMPUS BUS NOW WILL RUN BETWEEN CAMPUSES FROM 7:05 AM TO 10:35 PM - TOKENS AVAILABLE IN THE NEBRASKA UNIONS — QUESTIONS CALL A SUN-STUDENT GOVERNMENT 472-2581 NIGHT BUS SERVICE YOU CAN NOW TAKE THAT NIGHT CLASS ON THE OPPOSITE CAMPUS THE BUS WILL RUN TILL 10 35 PM TOKENS AVAILABLE IN THE NEBRASKA UNIONS QUESTIONS CALL A SUN-STUDENT GOV ERNMENT 472-2581 THE RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION IS NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR COMMITTEE CHAIRS AND DIRECTORS FOR THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEES PUBLICITY PROGRAMMING RESIDENTIAL ENHANCEMENT FOOD SERVICE TASK FORCE CALL THE RHA OFFICE TO APPLY _ 472-1095 _ ASUN UN L STUDENT GOVERNMENT THE FOLLOWING CAMPUS WIDE COMMITTEES NEED STUDENT REPRESENTATION ON THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEES STUDENT GOVERNMENT SENATOR-GRADUATE COMMITTEE FOR FEES ALLOCATIONS SCHOLASTIC COMMISSION CHAIRPERSON NEBRASKA UNION BOARD PARKING ADVISORY BOARD TEACHING COUNCIL RECREATION ADVISORY COUNCIL STUDENT EMPLOYEE RIGHTS CONVOCATIONS COMMITTEE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE GRADING COMMITTEE APPLICATIONS AND INFORMATION ABOUT EACH POSITION ARE AVAILABLE AT 115 NEBRASKA UNION DEADLINE - SEPTEMBER 10TH ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLI ■Sl i IaIm ££££ M £J__V _A J_ T E £IJH S £ £ £ 51 Tl I I LIT [PIN ME I Gil |SpM—i IBJn J! eJrJBa £ JJH £ M ££ _A £ T GIBE P I Clio V A I S N TBBC OPEN HjA GEN AST TWO R A T EBBB A R £ ~rTe|i |i Ji |a!yIEIrMaInIvIa r ANNOUNCEMENTS HOMECOMING ROYALTY APPLICATIONS available August 26th at the Residence Hal' desks, the East and City CAP offices, the ASUN office an „ the Culture Center The applications are due back in the City Union CAP office September 11, 1987 __ AUDITIONS For feminist satire "Ripen Our Darkness. August 26-28. 5 30-6 30 p m . in room 16. Temple Building roles for women and men Open to students, faculty and staff Call 476-0384 or 472-2072 for more information HOMECOMING ROYALTY APPLICATIONS available, August 26th at the Residence Hall desks, the East and City CAP offices, the ASUN office and the Culture Center The applications are due back in the City Union CAP office. September 11.1987 SPEECH COMM MAJORS Undergraduate Welcome back party for new and old maiors Wednesday. August 26 . 3 30-5 00 p m . Burnett 324 Food and door prizes __ HOMECOMING ROYALTY APPLICATIONS available, August 26th at the Residence Hall desks, the East and City CAP offices, the ASUN office and the Culture Center The applications are due back in the City Union CAP office, September 11,1987,___ PROBE MAGAZINE is looking for a staff for its Fall issue Editors, writers, photographers, advertising manager and sales staff are needed right away Probe is a College of Business Administration publication with a distribution of nearly 7000 Application forms are available in CBA 240 today Hurry-oeadline is Friday, August 28th MAJOR CONCERTS PRESENTATIONS TEAM Meeting Thursday at 6:30 pm, August 27 STUDENTS FOR FARM AID III VOLUNTEER MEETING Everyone interested in helping with FarmAid III is welcome to attend this information meeting Thurs day. 6 00 p m . Nebraska Union MIDNIGHT DRIVE-IN Ferns Bueller's Day Off Showing at East Campus Union August 27 Free admission A UPC East event ★ ★ ★ Would you like to get involved with a lun UPC committee’ Come to the Walpurgisnacht meeting on Thursday 8-27 at 3 30 in the City Union New members welcome ★ ★ ★ ATTENTION UNL WOMEN It you graduated trom a Lancaster County High School and are a full time student, find out what Towne Club has to otter you We ate an independent sorority for Lincoln women who desire more involvement on campus Open Rush starts August 31st For more into, call 472-2596 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT Welcome Fellowship Music and Pantomime Nebraska Union Regency Room (2nd floor) Tonight. 7M pjn ALPHA ZETA Tonight 7 30 p m 1229 P Street Be there lot pizza and tun 12 00 per person_ SOCIETY FOR CREATIVE ANACHRONISM Medieval and Remssance recreation 1st meeting Thurs day August 27th. 7 00 p m Nebraska Union Check schedule for room number Everyone welcome WELCOME BACK STUDENT PICNIC Today August 26th bOOpm at Van Dorn Park Fun, food and fellowship Come prepared to eat play softball and volleyball Southview Baptist Church 3434 So 13th Fora ride call 423 5062 In case of lain picnic will be at the church B F D The Precautionz 8-12 00 Sheet Dance CY Thompson Rain Site — East Campus Union FREE ADMISSION Thursday August 27th _ Sponsored by UPC East CAMPUS RECREATION MANAGERS MEETING There will be an informational meeting about Campus Recreatm programs on Thursday August 27. 6 45 p m in Henztik Auditorium 472-3467 _ ESIABLISHED FRATERNITY looking tor a tew good men It interested call 474 2415 Ask loi Chuck or Dean KLPAC Kimball Lied Pertorming Arts Committee Important start up meeting Thursday. 6 30 p m in Union uld members needed — new members welcome Time to get rolling on UNLive 87' Call Shawn Harnei Mindy White oi Jett Mailatt at CAP office it interested in helping but cannot attend meeting_ B F D The Precautionz 8-12 00 Street Dance * C Y Thompson Rain Site — East Campus Union FREE ADMISSION Thursday. August 27th Sponsored by LIPC-East ★ APPLICATIONS tor the COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES STUDENT ADVISORY BOARD are now available in the CAP office, ASUN and in 1223 Oldfather Want to be part of a fun interesting educational organization’ Join the staff of Nebraska Model United Nations First meeting, August 27th, 7 00 pm. room 216. student union. NEED A PART-TIME JOB? Then plan to attend the 3RD annual UNL PART TIME JOB FAIR 9 00 a m -12:00 p m and 12:30 p m - 2 00 p m , September 3rd at the Nebraska Union ROOMMATES NON-SMOKING FEMALE student to share house near East Campus and UNL Shuttle Serious student with good housekeeping habits, please S155/mo plus equal snare of utilities and garbage 464 5226_ M/F ROOMMATE to share 2-bedroom house Si50/mo plus 1/2 utilities 435-1187_ WANTED RESPONSIBLE roommate to share an apart ment $185 a month utilities included 1432 B St, Apt K2, 475-3005 FEMALE SHARE mobile home North 1st and Com husker Hwy $180 plus 1/2 utilities A/C. parking and other extras 435-3051 or 435-6801 ROOMMATE 1531 DStreet, $165/mo 2-bedroom, bin k 477-4280 FEMALE. NON-SMOKING roommate Willowhaven Apartments 475-3058 (day) or 477-6843 (evening) Ask for Gena or Kim_ NON-SMOKING MALE needs roommate with or without apartment Call 423-3086_ ^WANTED ONE female roommate, to share a large townhousp W/D, dishwasher and pool available. $112 50 plus utilities Call 464-9353 3-BEDROOM HOUSE Two females looking for a room mate to share furnished house with full finished base ment, C/A W/D Close to campus, bus route and shopping Rent $135/mo Call anytime 435-0597 _ NON-SMOKING MALE needed to share top-quality 2 bedroom apartment $162 50/mo plus utilities 435-0728 MALE ROOMMATE needed All furnished, all utilities paid $160/mo Call John W before 2 00 p m . 477-9553. after 3 00 p m_, 479-5400 (work)____ M/F ROOMMATE to share 4 bedroom house 2839 R Street $93/month plus $7 00 utilities Call 475-2179 Ask for Steve__ AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY $147 a month, 4220 Randolph. Contact Johnjt 483-6s32 NEED FEMALE loommate to share nice one bedroom apt immed'ately1 September 1 or sooner Call 477-2002 NEED 4 ROOMMATES IMMEDIATELY! Large house near campus, own room. m/f. preter stu dents $100/mo plus deposit plus utilities 1500 C Street, after 5 00 p m PERSONALS To the blonde sorority rushee from Billings Mon who stopped me Friday around 5 00 p m at the Broyhill Fountain to ask where Selleck was Enjoyed talking to you and would like to know more about you If interested respond via personals _—the trosh you thought was a Junior Dear Speech Comm Maiors See you at the Welcome Back party Wednesday August 26 Burnett 324, 3 30-5 00 p m III have food and prizes for you Guess Who9 Marcia Happy Birthday' Remember SAM will be 5 on Friday Love Shayne Maureen It was great to see you Saturday, night Lets get together again real soon Ive got a lasagna with your name on it Kart Shelly. I m wild about you and Chnstmas isn t very far away Stay happy and Hold On Ric Services p NBC National Bank of Commerce CqmPvs Office g Student Union. Drop Off Your Student Loan Apps NBC Campus Facility, 13th and R, open M-F 8:30-4:00, (402) 472-4530 MKMHKKKIJIC_ REX ROBINSON S K.obite Music foi weddmgtecep tions and private parties For bookings call 435-4263 or 477-4820 WORD PROCESSING SERVICE Glenda Hinz 475-2253 Dissertations, Theses. Term Papers, Etc Quality Work. Reasonable Prices copy service - Reductions and Enlargements PARKING SPACES available S15 a month Call or stop by Hoppe Manufacturing 421 N 9th, Lincoln. NE 68501, 475-4202 between 8 00-11 00 a m CHILD CARE provided in my home Weekdays and Friday evenings. NW Lincoln 477-3295 EXTRA MONEY is nice, but you can help people too' Donate plasma for up to S120 a month First donation in a calendar week S10. second donation in same calendar week $20 (Monday-Saturday) New donors receive $2 bonus on fust donation, with this ad UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER Associated Bioscience of Nebraska Inc Lincoln, Nebraska 475-8645 Effective until further notice CHILD CARE tor NE home football games Ages 18 months to 6 years Call 476 3800 weekdays lor more information Gingerbread Cottage -- TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE BLOOMS 323 N 13th 474-4136 ftUSCELLANEOUS ★ APPLICATIONS for the COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES STUDENT ADVISORY BOARD are now available m the CAP office. ASUN and in 1223 Oldtather RIDES WANT TO form carpool from Medcenter/Mutual areas of Omaha to Lincoln, Monday-Friday Must be on campus by 8 00 a m Call 553-0373. ask for Daryl LOST & FOUND” FOUND Set of keys on the hood of my car Call Michelle to identify, 472-2610 Monday-Friday 6 00 5 00 p m and 466 9515 after 5 00 GREEK AFFAIRS ■ SUNDAY I M 9 45 am CHURCH SCHOOL I ■ 11:00 am WORSHIP I 8 WEDNESDAY 8 9 7:30 pm PRAYER SERVICE 9 l44tJ^n^Oim^TRE^» CONGRATULATIONS to the new pledge class ot PHI MU. Get psyched for a super year' WELCOME Lambda Chi Alpha Associates We ll have a great year. ____Lambda Chi Actives Beta Sig Little Sisters. There will be an executive meeting Wednesday, and regular meeting Thursday Both are at the house at 7 30 See ya there__ CONGRATULATIONS K Mays (AKAK Little Sister) on becoming a pledge of Kappa Delta sorority' ____ The Men of Acacia CONGRATUL ATIONS fo the new pledge class of TRI DELTl Pam A . Laurel A . Cindy Bair. Michelle B . Patti B Patti B , Ann D . Cindy F , Vicxi F . Jamee F., Stacey H Chris H , Michelle H . Val J Tracy K . Kristi K . Susan L Deanna Z , Mary M . Janet Me . Susan M .Jennifer M Jacquelin M Michelle M , Julie N . Andrea N , KayP., Kris R . Tammy W Amy S . Kelly S Amy S . Ann S tile'’ S Lisa S . Jennifer S Vanessa T . Kelly W . Stephanie W.! Jacquie W ___ CONGRATULATIONS ALPHA XI DELTA PLEDGES Becky B , Julie C , Darcy D , Jennifer F , Sarah F , Kim G , Kim H . Anne H , Shawn K , Jill L , Shawn L , Kristi L Kaleen M . Pam M . Julie N . Pam P . Pam R . Sheryl S Kat S Michelle S Lisa S Mia W Lee W . Kristin W ★ ALPHA PHI S WELCOME BACKI Congrats on pledging another gieat group ot girls' We look forward to meeting all of them at our pledge dessert on Sept 16th __Your Lincoln Alums AGR LITTLE SISTERS Welcome back' First meeting August 27th at 5.00 In formal THE WOMEN of Chi omega proudly welcome our beautiful, new pledge class' Kristi B , Amy B . Tonya G . Regina J, Lisa K . Cami J . Amy K . Becky M Carolyn M , Susan R . Michele R , Jennifer S., Kara P . Lisa M . Carol L , Janet L . Dawn C , Paige C . Dianna D . Laure H . Ken T . Pamela J , Wendy K , Stacey L Kay K . Becky S , Jo Ann M . Stacy M , Kerry K , Tara T, Tina H Complete Bed i (any size) *139.95 FREE gift with any complete bed purchase. CAP RAILS $9/pr. MATTRESS PADS $9.95 each SHEETS $19.95 CONDITIONER $3 ctmo" oBED WN'* SHOPPE "CALL US BEFORE YOU BUY" 2541 Randolph Lincoln 475 4949 CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA AC KUSS 1 Angler’s device 6 Fur scarfs 10 Tot 14 Hogback 15 Chansma 16 Network of nerves 17 Mideast title 18 Fret 19 Colliers’ coolers 20 Roofed area between a house and ? arage atyr's cousin 23 Arias, often 24 Copy from an original 26 Formosa, today 30 Pulsate 32 Vedicgod of fire 33 Alternative word 35 Sheriff’s group 39 Funnel-shaped threat 41 Changed crops 43 Bagnold and Markey 44 Vault 46 Something to play 47 Foolish 49 Ultimate goal 51 Deny 54 Prefix for dollars 56 Hebrew month 57 Pertaining to taste 62 Piece of peat 63 Not worth (valueless) 64 Like Harvard Yard 66 ”-homo!” v iuxon.e.g : Abbr. 68 Division of a Dante work 69 Nostradamus was one 70 TV’s Jeannie 71 III. watch center DOWN 1 Browning's “-Lippo Lippi" 2 Branch 3 Polish boundary river 4 Writer James 5 Spanish saint f Rhine city 7 Exceeds in cleverness 8 Sector » i wain iaa 10 Selective Service group 11 One of the races 12 Devoured 13 Middle, in law 21 Restricted in use 25 Egyptian Christian 26 London gallery 27 Stravinsky ballet 28 Letters at Calvary 20 Sea-to-shore athlete 31 Wife of Zeus 34 Laze 36 Colonnade 37 Order to a broker Sts Pulitzer Knze biographer 40 Sale caveat 42 Verdi’s forte 45 Offensive sight 48 Papal envoy 50 Observe 51 Charges 52 Elicit 53 Slapstick vehicle 55 About-face movement for a driver 58 -car lot 59 Yale Bowl, e g 60 Wagnerian theme 61 Nepalese apparition 65 Rickies or Meredith