NU rec office hopes softball remains a hit SOFTBALL from Page 4 Campbell said he remains optimistic because the entire intramural program showed an increase in participation last year after showing a decrease the previous four years. He said he attri butes the increase to the fact that individuals are becoming much more active. “Our situation has been common,” Campbell said. Campbell said the increase was pleasing to see because a recent study showed that UNL had more non tradi tional students than ever before. He said many of these students feel they don’t have time to participate in the intramural program because they are either working or raising a family. 48th and “0” ZACKS: *is made from skim milk and has Vz the calories of premium ice cream. *is high in protein and calcium. B vitamins (Folacin Niacin, B-l 2 and Biotin). *is 98.5% fat free, all natural and contains no pre servatives. *is to put it simply, a super delicious, wholesome complete food. TREAT YOURSELF TO A NUTRITIOUS SNACK THAT TASTES OF ICE CREAM WITHOUT THE CALORIES. Doug Carroll/Daily Nebraskan A member of the Douglas III softball team awaits the “pitch" from Woodman’s Life Insurance during a game Monday night. Woodman won the game 10-5. -■ ■ I-1 UNION BANK DEPOT has the Ticket to Financing your Education see us^ jgpgl for your " Student Loaur^ * Guaranteed Student Loans * Parent Loans (PLUS) * Supplemental Loans for Students (SLS) * Ask us about consoldation loans jTj7UNION BANK L I J & TRUST COMPANY 1944 0 Street 488-0941 Just 6 blocks Member from campus FDIC • T iaa * YOVS^C * Cult ★ Vaueese^0™* atley * ^CEMENTS RCS*TeenT The Call * A« _ Anthrax