The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 09, 1987, SUMMER EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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    Aerobic activity benefits bodies f
By Ana Balka
Staff Reporter
Participating in aerobic exercise
programs can help students make the
right decisions concerning lifetime fit
ness, said Deb Loper, Health, Physical
Education and Recreation department
The university offers aerobic dance,
as well as running, and self-paced
aerobics classes, said Loper. Most
classes are one credit hour. Loper said
one advantage of taking a class through
the university is that it lasts a whole
semester, while many aerobic classes
elsewhere last only a few weeks.
Vicki Highstreet, an aerobics in
structor with the Health Center, ex
plained that aerobic activity requires
continuous and extended activity,
which utilizes much oxygen. This is
different from anaerobic activity, which
doesn’t require continuous activity,
and therefore requires less oxygen.
Aerobics doesn’t just mean dancing,
Highstreet said. She said that F.I.T. —
AIDS tests
available at UNL
STDs from Page 4
and have to wait a while to be admitted,
it may mean that some of the nurses are
occupied with testing, he said.
“HIV testing is currently offered
throughout the day, but with the ex
pected strain, these tests may soon be
offered only during designated times
beginning in the fall,” Fleischli said.
This may mean waiting for the test.
However, he said, this should not pose
any problems since the test is not an
emergency need. Tests other than for
HIV can be given with no waiting, even
at the “Acute Care” ward at the Health
Center, said Dr. Fleischli.
Along with the educational and treat
ment programs, the Health Center has
begun a preventive program in the form
of selling individually-packaged con
doms. The condoms are displayed in a
large fishbowl on the counter of the
pharma v and cost ten cents each.
“It’s all on the honor system,” said
Dr. Fleischli. "The students can throw
in a dime and take out a condom
without having to ask for it,” he said.
Studies show that about 70 percent
of college students were considered
sexually active, he said.
"Of those 70 percent, one-fourth to
one-third are using some form of protec
tion to prevent STDs," he said.
Work is now progressing on what will
be called the Patient Education Alcove
in the front eas* lobby of the Health
Cent°r. In the alcove will be a large
display of health information flyers.
Currently, the flyers are only available
in examining rooms, but once the
alcove is completed, the students will
be able to walk in and pick up informa
tion without a special effort, Fleischli
said. In addition to the display, TV
videos will be set up showing health
tips and features, he said.
Although the completion date was
not definite, Fleischli said the informa
tion alcove would be in operation by
the start of the fall semester. Additional
information on sexually transmitted
diseases, including AIDS, can be ob
tained from the University Health
Center. Their summer hours are 7:30
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays.
Frequency, Intensity, and Time —
determine the quality of aerobic work
outs. Swimming, jogging, biking, and
tennis are among sports that offer
aerobic benefits. People should exer
cise three to four times a week. Less
frequency means the body receives
little benefit from the workouts. In
tensity is determined by exercising at a
percent of the body's maximum heart
rate, determined by subtracting age
from 220. Highstreet said exercising at
70 to 85 percent of the maximum
heart rate is the target of good aerobic
programs. Workouts should last at least
20 minutes to be effective, she said,
although 30-40 minutes is more bene
ficial. She said that beginners should
be careful to start an aerobics program
gradually and not overexert themselves.
Exercisers should monitor their heart
rates during exercise, she said.
The Health Center offers aerobic
conditioning classes three times weekly
for $9, or twice weekly for $6 this
summer. Non-aerobic, firmer body
classes are also held.
Highstreet and Loper both pointed
out that aerobic exercise offers physio
logical and psychological benefits. They
said aerobics improves cardiovascular
fitness, increasing the body’s ability to
process oxygen; it improves muscle
and even skin tone. Aerobics can also
relieve everyday stress and tension and
improve one’s self-image.
I / ' \ r j
Andrea Hoy/Daily Nebraskan
Stephanie -rai er, foreground, leads her aerobic conditioning
class at the Lii coin Racquet Club.
continues . . .
Additional Reductions
on Great
Summer Fashions!