The most popular legend of all.. By Chuck Green Sports Editor___ Few legends are created overnight. Some take decades, and a handful aren’t recognized until they’re gone. But what is possibly one of Nebraska’s greatest legends took more than two-thirds of a century to surface, and it’s far from gone. It hasn’t even slowed down. If anything, Nebraska’s greatest legend is more widely recognized on a national level today than ever before. The legend is Comhusker football. Few states, if any, can boast such an all encompassing force as Nebraska can with its college football program. Almost nowhere else has such fervor and such nearly-unquestioning support for a single sports team taken hold of a state’s population, be it a collegiate or profes sional team. Some reasons for this are obvious. Nebraska has no professional sports organizations, aside from the Kansas City Royals’ farm baseball team in Omaha. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is the only m