Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1987)
MOTELS FOR SALE 25 area motels to select from Midwests largest motel brokers Gil Gradv and Associ ates. Inc. 201 West 0 Stieet. Lincoln Nt 68528. (8001 742-4422_ NEBRASKA BUSINESSES for sale Convenience stores, ice cream drive-inns. liquor stores, bars and numerous other businesses, some with seller financing Business Broker S Corp 402 362-7472 AUTOS FORSAEE 73 CHEVY 350. S150 or best otter Before 9 00 or after 6_00 474-7774_ 1980 VW RABBIt Body, interior and engine good Needs fuel pump, fuse bo* and electrical work S800 Steve 435-6439 FOR RENT SUMMER COED HOUSING 1st & 2nd live week sessions at Triangle Fraternity An conditioned laundry facilities large rooms parking etc Call 472 0587 1109 NORTH 28TH Attractive 1 bedioom apt between campuses Pool most utilities paid Cats OK S275 464-4862 oi 488 5750 WALK TO CAMPUS You II love the liveability in these supei large 1 & 2 bedioom 2 bath apartments Most utilities paid S275 370 464 4862 or 488 5750 CALL US tor your apartment needs Real Property Services 475-9516 SUMMER LEASE AVAILABLE One bedioom in excellent university location at 870 No ?Sth&835No 26th Air conditioning dishwasher laundry tacihties and plenty of off street parking Call Mega Corporation at 475 8407 or 435 5362 HAYWARD PLACE 9th & Charleston, excellent university location One and two bedroom apaitments in recently renovated historic building Very nice unique apartments Call Mega Cor poiat'on at 475-8407 or 477-1335 __ _ 18th & F one bedroom, S235 11th & A. one bedroom. $250 All remodeled 466 5192 First month tree rent with six month lease 3-BEOROOM APARTMENT available through August 15th or one year lease 24th & Vine. S345/mo plus utilities 476-1927 3212 S FOUR bedroom home, central air. rec room, parking $475 2740 R, LARGE 3 bedroom apartment air. laundry, garage S325 No pets 488 6738 IDEAL FOR 3 to 4 students Walk to UNI Central air newly remodeled 1428 N 14th $450 466 1168 488 0061 ONE BEDROOM etliciencies. $230 and $175 1345 H Street 475 2937 __ _ NEAR DOWNTOWN — ACROSS FROM GOVERNOR S MANSION - NEWER BLDG 'One Bedroom “Parking “Laundry Room “Security Lighting “6 Month Lease “Central Air/Gas Heat $235 per month plus deposit and utilities Utilities very reasonable Deposit is one month rent which can be paid in 2 monthly installments SUMMER RATES EFFECTIVE THROUGH AUGUST AT S215 PER MONTH Phone 488 6889 FANTASTIC RENTALS! 3 6 bedioom house in UNL area Call to see 423 1535 6 BEDROOM HOUSE Walk to iJNL 1/2 utilities paid Call 466 9212 Immigration Lawyer STANLtY A. KRIEGER 9290 West Dodge Suite 302 Omaha, NE 68114 (402) 392-1280 Member American Immigration Association of Lawyers Practice Limited to Immigration Law It's new! It's fun! It's all the rage on the coasts! The AQUA CYCLE Rent it now at HOLMES PARK MARINA | Rentals & Sales | Sail Boats Canoes I Sail Boards Paddle Boats | 483-6532 EAST CAMPUS 1 bedroom. 1 block trom campus, in brick 12-plex Laundry facilities, off-street parking and A/C S265 Call Mega Corporation Monday Friday. <75-8407_ ... 2301 A... Barbeque on the balcony 1 bedroom $250 2 bedroom S295 Central Aid & Laundry __ 475-7262, 477-8347_ TAKE THE PLUNGE— INTO OUR POOL 640 So 20th 475-7262. 477-8347 2-bedroom, shag carpet $300 New carpet. $325 1-bedroom, shag carpet $260 New carpet $285 Balconies extra, central air and laundry facilities HELPWANTED” OCCASIONAL evening/weekend babysitter for 4 and 1 1/2 year olds Non-smoker, need car 65th & A area 489 3947 L___J WHITE HOUSE NANNIES In exchange tor providing excellent child care you can live in a lop Washington 0 C area home with a fine family and earn a good salary Travel opportunities Minimum 1 year commitment Olivers license, child care experience and references required For more information call Jennifer 474 0578 evenings _ NUTRITION SERVICES Evaluator Cheyenne $1 988 $2.305/mo Registered Dietitian inspects, evaluates nutritional care/ser vices in Wyoming Personnel Division Emeison Building 2001 Capitol Ave Cheyenne WV E0E VOCAL/INSTRUMENTAL music teacher 7 12 vocal 5 12 instrumental, needed by Wausa Public Schools Wausa NF Send resume credential*; tn Rnhert Rnners Superintendent, phone 402 586-2255_ PHt IPS MEMORIAL Health Center has openings tor two registered nurses 6 00 pm 6 00 am shift Contact Rosalee Eckhott DON PO Box 630, Holdrege, NE 68949 RN WANTED full part time tor Home Health Dawson County area Contact Charlanne Jenkins, Central Plains Home Health Agency Co/ad Nt 69130. 308 784-2261. AEOE__ STREET AND UTILITIES Commissioner Geona. NE. immediate opening Experience preteried water, sewer and street departments heavy equipment operation Salary negotiable Apply Jane Kaup (402) 993-2400 NANNY POSlTlONS-Child care in their East or West coast home Room board $120-200/week One year commitment Non-smokers preferred Call La Petite Mere. 1800-62 M 985 ___ FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP One of the nation s largest insurance companies has openings lor new people Complete sales traminq program with guaranteed income upon completion Submit resume to 4780 So 131st St Omaha NE 68137 MANAGEMENT TRAINEES Specialty transportation company needs individuals with degree and wilhng to relocate to further career Submit resume to Herman Bros Inc P 0 Box 189 Omaha NE 68101 Attention Lyman Bell _ FOOD SERVICE WORKER Day and evening shifts available Benetitpackage $4 36/ hourly Contact Lancaster Manor 421-7101 for additional information and appointment EOE/AA SCARLET & CREAM Singers are looking tor a piano player lor 87-88 school year For more information contacl Prot Ray Miller 472-2490 EXTRA MONEY is nine but you can help people too1 Donate plasma tor up to $120 a month First donation in a calendar week $10 second donation in same calendar week $20 (Monday Saturday! New donors receive $2 bonus on first donation with this ad UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER Associated Bioscience ot Nebraska Lincoln Nebraska 475 8645 Effective until further notice Footloose & Fancy 1219 T St. ffl-9119 PART-TIME EVENINGS Apply in person Mike 0 Street Drive-In. THEATRE TICKETS FREE WANTED ASSISTANT SOFTWARE developer requires IBM PC or compatible and knowledge ol C Great experience Potential tor future earnings 477-/488. leave message “PRE-TEEN PAGEANfTseeking girls 9^ 12 for Nebraska National Pre-Teen Pageant Winner tlys to Orlando for National finals Awards tor all participants Call Karen at 414-233-7869 ANNOUNCEMENTS VACATION COLORADO or tust a weekend get away Breckenridge condo sleeps eight Kitchen, fireplace S40/night (402)783-2252 (Ray mond) _ _ _ FREE FILM UNDER THE STARS! And what better film to show than Star Wars7 This Thursday June25th.at9 30p m intheHarper-Schramm Smith courtyard It s so cool it s crazy' FLEA MARKET July 4 in Fairbury City Park sponsored by Pioneer Shrine Club Drawing for $100 first prize After dark 4th of July fireworks' ROOMMATES MALE to share 2-bedroom apt AC/fireplace S175/ month. 476-7837_ NEED ROOMMATE 16th & D area Low rent plus utilities Clean apt own room Call 475-0458 alter 5 30 pm M-F, all day Saturday & Sunday Leave message PERSONALS Greg. Had tun playing volleyball Would like to talk more If interested respond via personals Angie (All-State) SERVICES CINDY S FAS TAN Tanning Salon The Highlands, Lin coln Call 476-1341 for appointment WORD PROCESSING SERVICE Glenda Hinz 475-2253 Dissertations. Thesis. Term Papers, Etc Quality Work Reasonable Prices COPY SERVICE - Reductions and Enlargements FREE PREGNANCY TEST Confidential Counseling Available Call tor appointment LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER _475 2501__ SINGLES LEI Country Connections help you meet othei singles throughout rural America Confidential reputable free details Country Connections PO Bo* 406 Superior NE. 68978 f ARM DEBT reorganization all lenders Chapter 12 and non bankruptcy workouts Hahn Law Ottice Lincoln 402 483-626b Member American Ag Law Association NEED TO U DOCTOR YOUR B MCAT SCORE? ■ If your MCAT score needs a h shot in the arm. come to the 3B experts in test preparation— |l| Stanley H Kaplan B Our test taking techniques B and educational review will ^B help you be in top condition B test day We II not only sharpen B your scientific knowledge, but B your reading, problem solving, B and essay writing skills too B Summer courses are regis- B tenng now. So call the best in H test prep—Kaplan And get an Jjt M(' AT score t hat you deserve B t KAPL AN | STANUY M KAPlANEDUCAnONAL (ENTER LTD ■ IX)NT COMPETE WITH B A KAPl AN STUDENT—BE ONE B For More 9 Information Call 475-7010. 9 TYPING/WORD PROCESSING Reasonable Rates - Prompt Service Any Project — Resumes From $6 Spelling Checker — Proof Cooies Storage Included Edge ol Campus 'WMSS? 1630 Oue Street 476-TYPE BONNIE'S WORD PROCESSING Term Papers. Theses. Resumes. Letters. Editing Transcription Service __476 1635 __ RESUME WRITERS Word Graphic 489-WORD '_ Call 488 8208 lor WORD PROCESSING needs Reason ably priced_^_Quahtyj^Jasl^__ 'AVIS PROFESSIONAL TYPING & WORD PROCESSING specializing in papers, theses, misc Resumes start at $10 Comparecosts/services/hoursopen Editing Notary Near UNL mam campus 435 AVIS " TYPING One day service quality work reasonable rates 474-2150 PREGNANT7 BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand Call us — 483 2609 RESUMES Professionally typeset. $15 plus tax Daily Nebraskan basement of Nebraska Union 800a m -5 00p m Monday Friday SINGLE A PREGNANT Adoption is a caring alternative For confidential information call Nebraska Children s Home 483-7879 FREE PREGNANCY TESTING 1 WORD PROCESSING WORD GRAPHIC 489-WORD -- ;—:—| TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL - SALES - SERVICE BLOOMS 323 N 13th 474-4136 MISCELLANEOUS California couple wishes to adopi newborn May come to California to have baby if desired Pregnancy expenses paid Will use attorney Call Shaun collect 714-865-1125 LONGDfSTANCE trucking — north American Van Lines needs owner /operators' If you need training, we will train you You will operate your own tractor If you don t have one. northAmerican offers a tractor purchase program that can get you started for an initial investment of $1 500 If you are 21 or over and think you may qualify we d like to send you a complete information package Call any weekday toll tree 1 800 348-2191 ask for Dept 286 _ A WONDERFUL family experience Australian. European Scandinavian high school exchange students arriving in August Become a host family tor American Intercultuial Student Exchange Call 1 800 227 3800 WANTED 100 OVERWEIGHT people tor new weipht control program Doctor recommended guaranteed' Call Dede today’ 1800-821 1969 ext 571 UNDERGROUND TANKS storing petroleum products and chemicals must reqisler and pay registration fee by June 30 1987 Forms available from State Fire Marshal s Office. 402-471 9465 HALLEY S 2ND CHANCE Unique consignment shop By the people for the people Collector s paradise 924 Lake across from Ben Franklin, Gothenburg. NE 308-537-2616 W.C.’sSPECIAJLS r PITCHER COUPON • T Sunday Special ^ I £ -g AC I 25< Old Mill Draws 1 . vl*/7 ■ Wednesdays * * W.C.'S — Expires 8-16^7 * Penny Pitchers 8 to 1 | r “piTCHER COUPON“"j „„ „ Thursday , 51. yy I ™ay | ■ W.C.’S _ FAC^Specials^M)^ _ j |WX/$Downtowi^^^^^l228^P” CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Judith Anderson, e.g. S Island near 54 Across 10 ‘Take Her. -Mine*’ 14 Collections of items 15 Shade of yellow It Elephant's eat 17 Time for celebrating in U.S.A. 20 Lake, to Luther 21 Father of Calydon 22 “Tears” poet 23 Casts metal bars 24 More widely spaced 28 Desire stropgly 2t Ruthian clouts 30 Stake 31 Surrounder of Notre Dame 32 Choose 35 Sousa subject 39 P.M. period in poesy 40 U S. author and family 41 Beth’s Greek cousin 42 Cross as 43 Device on a textile machine 45 Cleopatra’s Needle, eg. 48 Holly tree 49 Flowering shrub 50 Gelatinous material 51 Onager 54 Bartholdi sculpture 58 Feminine suffix SI Oscillograph inventor M Writer O’Faol&in •1 Exigency •2 Language of Iceland 13 He wrote'‘Meh Lady" DOWN 1 Tribune 2 Poet Sexton 3 Constructed 4 Suffix with Annam 5 Finish spelunking • Sites of many strikes 7 Opercula 8 Canon follower • H.H.H. was one 10 Coxes 11 Pluto, to Plato 12 Obliterate IS "Street Scene” painter 18 Au-(at par) 19 Lunar feature 23 Pilaster 24 Sculptor Giacometti was one 25 Fight for breath 28 Che vet 27 Please a gourmand 28 Townsend -: 1933 29 Passover feast 31 Kind of attack 32 Frank 33 Jazzman Fountain 34 Autocrat 38 Wood resembling mahogany 37 wnai trees rings reveal 38 Wild goat 42 e parts 43 Galahad's mother 44 Part of speech 45 Ole of comical fame 48 Please, in Berlin 47 Raise spirits 48 Arctic dwellings 50 On the horizon 51 Hectarage, eg. 52 Smoker 53 Since then, to Bums 55 Naut. direction 58 Gold, in Genova 57 Phenomenon studied at DukeU.