The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 27, 1987, Page Page 16, Image 16
Monday, April 27, 1987 Pago 16 Daily Nebraskan D K !?, JON'S NOTES Don 1 wait to get ready until the night before your test Buy Jon s Notes now and get up to 4Q"o oil through finals week. Jon s Notes is located in the lower level ol the Nebraska Bookstore Hours 9-4. Monday through Friday. 46-8006. Amaretto Sour Man. Three more history classes left. It's been fun. We ll have to celebrate m Jodi! laune ROOf.IMATES 2 ROOMMATES wanted to sublease nice 4-bedroom home for summer $119month plus utilities. 11th & JudsoirCall Gina 435-2029 or Teny 435-0711 FEMALE TO sublease apaTtment aT2619"J" St $150 a month, utilities paid. Air conditioned, cable, large drive way and near bus stop Will consider leaving furniture. C ajl.l 486. a s Morjer I 2 ROOMMATES needed for large 3-bedroom apt. Spiral staircase and loft bedroom $425 plus utilities. Call Sheri. 435 1034 NEED NON-SMOKiNG female roommate. Close to East C a m pu s406:6 729 NEED FEMALE roommate, non-smoker for summer. Share 2-bedroom apartment Central air, 01 W. off-street parking low utilities 475-2360 or 472-8749 Call today! FEMALE ROOMMATE to share 2-bedroom, 2 balh apartment beginning July or August $195 a month 12 utilises 640 17th St Please call 476-0739 ROOMMATE NEEDED to share large house. FP, wood floors, laundry, no utilities. Rent negotiable. 477-1619 early mornings & evenings. NON-SMOKING FEMALE to share newer house in S.E. $200 00 per month & 12util Nancy '714' This really is your personal and you really do make every day great Love always, Dave Wendy (NRC Head Warrior), Thanks tor all your help, friendship, and enthusiasm, We re glad you came back Distinctly, The Nuggets TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL SALES SERVICE BLOOMS 323 N 13th 474-4136 Happy "21" NEILY WAYNE Have a Great Day From Your Little Gril and Jeremy SINGLE & PREGNANT Adoption is a caring alternative For confidential informa tion call Nebraska Children s Home 483-7879 FREE PRtGNANCYTESiNG PREGNANT' BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand Call us - 483 2609 FREE PREGNANCY TEST Confidential Counseling Available Call for appointment Lincoln Crisis Pregnancy Center, 475-2501. Chris Happy 4 year Anniversary! We love you very much!1 Michele & Nathan A Good Idea (KD) You're HOT. Your ice cream cone Lincoln Loaded wgarage. laundry, mostly furnished , avanaDie. wo-iito Thanks to all those who helped us through the sup plements this semester, reporters who made zillions ol phone calls, ad department lor making the space; artists and photographers for all those minute tilings production for making it fit even when it looked impossible. Linda & Jen WE WANT IT NOW! A call trom you saying you'd love to live in our 7 bedroom, 3 bath, close to campus house for the summer. Call 472 9464 tor into. Keep trying SERVICES PERSONALS APDCPDACPORD'S. In an effort to recognize your hard work, today is the day we have chosen to appreciate you. In your honor there is a display in the east glass case on the Union Plaza. UNL SA's FREE STATE park permit, hunt or fish permit or eye level brake light with any windshield installed anywhere in Nebraska. Phone NEBRASKAIand Glass, toll free 1-800-742-7420. LOSER WANTED: Lose up to 29 pounds, inches, cellulite this month. Doctor recommended on T V. Free shipping I've lost over 50 pounds myself! 612-642-1915. TOY DEMONSTRATORS and managers Earn top com mission selling guaranteeed line of toys and gifts American Home Toy Parties, P.O Box 1320, Estes Park, CO 80517, 1-303-586-TOYS RESUMES Professionally typeset, $15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan, basement of Nebraska Union 8 00a m.-5:00p m. Monday Friday WORD PROCESSING SERVICE GlendaHinz 475-2253 Dissertations. Theses. Term Papers, Etc. Quality Work, Reasonable Prices COPY SERVICE - Reductions & Enlargements BONNIE'S WORD PROCESSING Term Papers, Theses, Resumes. Letters. Editing. 476-T635 SEXTON TYPING $1 25 pg, 6 years experience, 7 daysweek 466-8651. MY OFFICE 421 South 9th Street, Suite 107 474-6345 Resumes, reports and more! Quality typing, quick turn around on most projects. 10 off with this ad. FOR YOUR typing needs, call 489-2442. Wordprocessor with Dot Matrix printer. $1pg. Keep for future typing needs TYPING One day service, quality work, reasonable rates. 474-2150 RESUMES BY ANN Professional composition, affordable fees. 464-0775 CUT THIS OUT So you don't have to cut class typing. NOBLE WORD Word Processing 435-4271 by Derlie Dreathod mat's THAT? WHAT'S WATT you mm bRltiPINb your mm. I IMS 11 1HBARP IT. TUB WHOM MP WAS 5HAKW. IPONST WIMP MY ieeiH. 0. : WELL. OKflV so nt, mm MY lOS FIRST 1HIN6 in we MORNlMO... L BLOULl COUNTY H0M6 I Q 9. MHO, IF I'M BVBR FORCE? TO SH(R si ,yvrr I fry n r-'r-l WITH HIM AbAltl 1 M me wy has mn me VMPLY LASCIVIOUS mms mint mm a WWW THAN MB . i Y ' ft- 1 I'm torn ee r.iArmrmiai i v nrur, i FOR TUB RBST OF MY I L I WHAT 11 APmRBHTLY, HAPPCm? ItX&P hisnosf; AROUNP H-am.. 0o iiil.Uft ii Hi) am riuii Cs- 83-4129 L O s TYPING SERVICE A grade above the rest!! 423-7166 -AvTsTrolessional Tvpmg & Word Processing. Term papers, theses, misc. Resumes. S10 1st P9n S8 pg 2. Compare costsserviceshours open. Editing. Notary Near mam UNL campus. 435-AVlS. WORDS ETC. Headquarters for Student Typing Resumes Papers Forms Graduation Announcement Cards Copies Binding 1321 P St. 476-2039 GREEI AFFAIRS AGS FOGCUTTER Tonight! BUS CELLANEOTJS A WONDERFUL family experience Australian, European, Scandinavian high school exchanae students arriving in Auqust Become a host family tor American International Student Exchange. Call 1-800-227-3S00. DELUXE STYLING Vintage Clothing for Men Burlington Arcade 210 N. 7th Lincoln FlAlClTj T R F. sjsT j T Q nG L.J m..U a.Ll" A N JL K..N XLlr. N X Zlll!L? IxICi. l Jed ..0 ' ste r 0.1 o R k.a gJeTs Mi El ST N S T A IL ? 1 1 Jill .19, 9. LI. "il A E 1 H E T N A St L A S TS"Tte s LE I D J- X L 2. 11 iK L llslE R lL.J tA.. Sf AIT I R E IT A I L 0 rTeJd OME tX AL,,.e" ..., !.,. iE" aidIpIsl jsa t y rl jeked 7i: fah c:z: By GARY LARSON 4-17 j IM UnxmrMI Prw SyrMlcal Man, J h a ca$roh my icy years a an ard bnv r)'id ;f ifchi... Drove me Crazy ytnow whzt I'm sayto'?... cause you (.am r'in ti j Don't th'inK tbout nchwy any where, ACROSS 1"... with a runcible spoon": Lear 4 Moslem prayer leader 8 Roamed 14 Cumberland , Tenn. 15 "A Doll's House" inhabitant 18 Annual 17 Friend, to Pierre 18 Clothing 19 Durant and Sharon 23 Kind of carriage 22 Female gametes 23 Lanchester or Maxwell 24 HenryVIII's second daughter 29 Newman role 31" to the West Wind": Shelley 32 Prefix with mission or press 33 Aegean island SSIt'sbustin'out all over 33 Opposite of non 33 Boleyn, Seymour etal. 43 Subject of a Keats poem 44 Trampled 45 Surpass 43 Suffix with baron or tutor 47 de vie 48 Film holder 43 "South Pacific" role 53 Kind of palm 57 Between chi and omega S3 Statue on the Thames Embankment Edited by EUGENE C3 This may be adverbial 3 Predecessor of bus or present 6-4 Seaman 5 Homily 3 Unprofitable 67 One-time comic Olsen 8 Yours for the 3 Suffix with defer 70 Carmine DOWN 1 Sisal plant 2 A language of Sri Lanka SDeMille productions 4 " the jaws of death. . .": Tennyson 5 Anchored 6 Potter's clay 7 An African T.MALESXA people 8 Scandinavian rug 9 Oxygen requiring microorganism Ingenuous Outer garment Annex Prefix with function 21 Sierra Nevada lake 25 Partitioned 23 Indian Ocean gulf 27 Basset, e.g. 23 Of an organic compound 33 Armed services abbr. 33 Short news item 34 Of the ear 35 Where 47 Down worked 14 17 20 23 33 IS a 18 21 39 43 46 49 s0 34 J5 29 24 30 1 Li 13 33 Large drinking vessel 37 Flying saucer 43 Dog owner's command 41 Indian region 42 Dimanche follower 47 Famed inventor 43 Bluish, as a flower 53 Japan's Islands 51 Over 52 Casca was mc 54 Player 55 Naturalist Ed win Way 53 Like some seals 1 53 Wine and 3 R. E. Lee's group 61 " Miserables" 62 RR man 13 ,31 m 40 S7 o5 61 50 37 22 10 11 32 41 SI t 63 jf X 42 I S3 3d 12 27 2d 64 64 f I .67 70 33