Thursday, April 16, 1987 Daily Nebraskan Page 7 Confe By Charles Lieurance Diversions You rationalize. The dormitory is one of the few institutions in America where social ism and communal living are prac ticed The dorm is a cooperative effort in which thousands of young people, still shaky from adolescence and a little oily around the edges, are thrown into a situation where people continually tell them to be rational. To make matters worse, they try to separate these trembling sacks of hormonal discharge from the vices that keep these discharges at bay. Selleck Quadrangle cruelly puts little fire ramps between the boys' and girls' halls. During the warmer months the doors between heaven and hell are wide open, but guarded. Some halls try to dam up the hor monal flow by drawing invisible lines between boys and girls on the same floor. So much for the simplest and cheapest way to keep hormones at bay. Of course, major-league drug use is out of the question, whether liv ing cooperatively or living out in the world of individual needs, desires, wants, passions, greed, avarice and door-to-door solicitors. Everybody from the first lady of these United States on down to the dorm-floor nark just plain says no. Besides there is alleys the of drugs making you hyperhormend. No, alcohol is viqe that saves. Outlawing alcohol &nd enforcing that policy is like putting tele screens in the rooms to nab those who have long, intimate moments with the palms of their hands at night by candlelight. For the most part, dormitories work. People don't really mind sharing space with one another. You're never lonely, and most inmates don't really expect you to be quiet while they study. But outlawing alcohol is tanta-; mount to outlawing tolerance. I'm mms 23 (ootir wallop ssions or a dorm cirmkei' much more tolerant of others and their annoying little quirks when I've had a few beers. The worst part is irfoving back into the dorms after a few years of free-form drinking out in the real world. The move from drinking as an improvised, on-the-spot thing to drinking as art is a harrowing exper ience. Selleck especially encourages open drinking. There are those great balconies disguised as flower beds outside the second-floor windows. The roof is easy to get onto from the fire walkway, and there's a senti mental view of the whole campus at night from the west windows. It's hard to be sneaky when all you want to do is buy a bottle of Night Train Express, take out your screens, crawl onto the balcony and relax. The police once informed me that the thing I was sitting on wasn't a balcony. My roommate asked him why, if it wasn't a balcony, he wasn't falling. Policemen rarely have an swers for such fiercely logical ques tions. Here's a list of some of the things you can't do in dormitories with alcohol. After 40 alcohol-related write-ups on this campus, I assure you I speak from experience. 1. Drinking with firearms. It was . only a B3 gun, but when the student assistant saw five inches, of Hei neken bottle glass spread over the floor target shooting), the broken vanity mirror nd beer running down the Tvdls, he didn't even bother to -. tsk-wh&t caliber the weapon was. 2. Drinking and animals. Some friends and I decided to go to Pio neers Park and ride one of the state's confined llamas back into town. It was 10 p.m. By 10:30 we had consumed a sufficient amount of alcohol to form a parade of cars out to the park. Someone told the police what we were about to do. They were waiting for us inside the park. . Also, bringing geese into your hall from the same . park is ill- advised. Your S.A. naturally assumes you're drinking if you're wrestling a goose into your room. 3. Drinking and fun places. If you're going to drink, the authori ties would just as soon you did it in your own room with the door closed, the lights off and your lips and ste reo quiet. You know, the way old people like sex. Places they'd just as soon you not drink: the roof, the balcony, the lawn outside, the furnace room, the music practice room, the dining hall. Drinking at the Wick Alumni Center is also inappropriate if you're not wearing a suit and tie and sip ping Zinfandel. While passing the Wick Center one day I noticed a crowd of people was drinking out side the cement garden. I thought that looked like fun, so I got some friends, bought a six-pack of Old Milwaukee and joined them. Apparently the Wick Center is private, or semi:private, property. A very officious woman asked me if I was renting the cement garden that night. We'd bought the Old Milwaukee, so of course there went the rent money. 4. Drinking and bunk raising. Having a bunk-raising party in youf room may seem like a very prairie thing to do, like a barn raising, and may seem well within the spirit of , cooperative living. Unfortunately, bunks are sometimes tricky things to raise, and having 15 drunken people running around in a 10-by-lO space with saber saws, drills, ham mers, lathes and all the other tools from home is potentially dangerous. Two human beings were injured the night I tried it. One was hit in the head with a hammer, and the other was hit in the head with a fist. The bunks wound up about a foot and a half from the ceiling and eventually collapsed, nearly killing my roommate. True stories are always the hard est to take. John BruceDiversions r wmm cos a ts:e famous um m mwi witm comim tifiii cash m&i m $o, is. ttmrniz a hot cs.7 band mma M COLLECTORS tsr ti::e m at po's mm sat. m. is s .-o-C -C :Z v 3 Y( j. Are those long walks .... on &fc?;V.'.". Dr, Paul Ambulatory Foot-Ankle Clinic Says: THINK OF YOUR FOOT FUNCTIONING VERY SIMILAR TO THE FRONT END OF YOUR CAR. : When your car's out of alignment This tires wear out ; . r Uneven stress is placed on the frame The steering wheel begins to shake Soon the car functions so badly, you can't drive it THE MISALIGNED FOOT DOES THE SAME THING. Pressures develop and trouble starts immediately Bones move against bones Ligaments become stretched Soon the entire alignment of your entire body is faulty SYMPTOMS OF FAULTY FOOT FUNCTION localized foot pain then bunions, corns, and calluses before long, pain in the knees hip pain, leg cramps t back pain and even neck pain-headaches fatigue YOU JUST HURT ALL OVER! WHAT CAN YOU DO? Call Dr. Paul Klawitter and Associates at Ambulatory Foot and Ankle Clinic for free consultation or exam throuah the months of April and May. We are not listed under podiatrist in the yellow pages Jj but under physician D.P.M. 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