The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 09, 1987, Image 1

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    JVHATIIEHr Increasing hifjh
j cloudiness, breezy and v.-srm
i Thursday. High around 70. Sout.V
! westwind increasing 10to20mph
in the afternoon. Mostly cloudy
and breezy Thursday night with a
20 percent chanca of showers.
I Low in the lower 40$. Variable
cloudiness, breezy and cooler
: Friday. H-nh In u"-?r5r?$.
News Digest Pags 2
Editorial Pas3 4
Sports P33 10
Calendar Pza 9
CI " -' J 10
April 9, 1987
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Vol.86 No.135
1 Xjvliti (McsfeLii U,
Swanson questions
food store's markups
By Eric Paulak
Staff Reporter
The Nebraska Union's food service
budget deficit may partly be the result
of the surcharges and markups on
items purchased from the UNL Food
Stores, which underwent a review
Monday and Tuesday, Nebraska Unions
Director Daryl Swanson said.
Because of UNL's policy that all
departments must buy their supplies
from the Central Stores, Swanson said,
the unions are losing money because
some supplies could be purchased
cheaper outside the university.
The food service's projected deficit
for 1986-87 is a 7 percent loss of
The food service budget is broken
down into three areas:' 40 percent for
food, 40 percent for labor and 20 per
cent for all other expenses, including
plates and silverware.
Swanson said that labor costs are
fixed by the university, and the miscel
laneous expenditures already are cut
to their limit. Now he is looking to cut
food costs.
Under a new pricing system imple
mented about two months ago at Cen
tral Stores, products can be marked up
as much as 40 percent. But UNL's Busi
ness Manager Ray Coffey said on the
average, items receive lower markups.
Some items can be marked up as far as
60 percent, but they have to be approved
by Jack Goebel, vice chancellor for bus
iness and finance.
With these markups, Coffey said
they are "just barely breaking even,"
but, as a whole, UNL gets cheaper pro
ducts than if each department con
I 1
Ward WiaiamsDaiiy Nsbraskan
A clean sweep
Jim Melster, foreground, and Scott Custard sweep up gar
bage along a sidewalk in the Haymarket as part of a philan
throphy project in conjunction with the Clean Community
System program for Greek Week 1S37. Other activities
included a risk-management seminar, "Greek sing" and an
awards banquet. The philanthrophy project continues until 5
p.m. Friday.
tracted for supplies individually.
The Central Stores receives no state
funds, Coffey said, so they have to
charge what they do to keep from los
ing money.
,Swanson said Central Stores does
not always carry specialty foods, such
as lobster, needed for the union food
services' catering. When they do have
them, he said, it cost more than if they
had bought them from a wholesaler.
Items can be purchased outside the
university only in special cases or when
Central Stores doesn't have it, Coffey
Central Stores is used so that uni
versity units can purchase items more
economically and use the volume pur
chasing power that Central Stores offers
because it purchases items at whole
sale costs, he said.
Swanson said, however, when the
unions buy something outside the uni
versity, do all of the ordering and have
it delivered directly to them, they still
have to pay the Central Store's markup.
This is a common procedure at many
colleges and universities, Coffey said,
including Iowa State University, the
University of Michigan and Texas A & M
Coffey said the review team was here
because Central Stores has some prob
lems. This is the fourth review Central
Stores had had in two years, which is
more than usual, he said.
Dick Williams, the new food services
manager, said he plans to look into the
causes of the deficit and try to turn it
around. Williams was the food services
manager at Kearney State College before
coming here. At Kearney he bought the
food from private sources.
4- .
UNSTA MM receives
fest-Fomdl approval
By Michael Hooper
Senior Reporter
State senators Wednesday gave
first-round approval to a bill that
would require the Nebraska Legis
lature to keep the NU School of
Technical Agriculture at Curtis alive
for the next two years.
On a 30-5-6 vote, the Legislature
advanced LB656 as amended, which
would give $2.5 million over a two
year period to the NU Board of
Regents for maintaining UNSTA.
After July 1, 1989, the two-year
technical school would separate
from the university budget and be
governed by its own board.
Proponents of the amended bill
said that the two-year technical
school is vital in helping the agri
culture industry out of its slump.
"It would be a great disservice to
this state and to agriculture if we
abandon this school," said Inidan
ola Sen. Owen Elmer, the sponsor of
the amendment.
Opponents said, however, that
the Legislature should allow the
regents the opportunity to close the
school, since they must reduce the
university's budget $3.1 million.
It's not the Legislature's job of
managing the university, said Papil
lion Sen. Ron Withem. He said that
earmarking funds for UNSTA shows
the "schizophrenic" way the Legis
lature handles the university budget.
The Legislature should, give the
regents one lump sum and let them
decide where the money should go,
he said.
Bellwood Sen. Loran Schmit said
that although he supported UNSTA,
Regents to
By The Associated Press
Budget cuts and the $14.9 million
student recreation center and indoor
practice field will be the major items
on Saturday's agenda for the Board of
Several people are expected to oppose
the budget cuts, made necessary when
the Nebraska Legislature cut the uni
versity's budget by more than $3 mil
lion in December. Public hearings were
held on the proposals last week.
If the regents approve, the College of
Dentistry community program on East
Campus would be closed no later than
July 1.
Proposed for closing by July 1, 1988,
are the school of Technical Agriculture
at Curtis, the adult services and learn
ing disabilities programs at Meyer Child
Professor: Women must fight language
By Joeth Zucco
Staff Reporter
Women have to fight for visibility
and stop letting language regulate
them, Professor of English Linda Ray
Pratt said Wednesday.
In a workshop entitled "Sexist Lan
guage and the Generic He," Pratt said
that grammar rules do not change, but
usage does. Because the United States
has a male-dominated society, she said,
sexist language abounds in Americans'
Housing fair
for summer
today in union
he was concerned that the Legisla
ture was interjecting itself in the
responsibility of the regents.
"But if we don't make the appro
priation, the board could still close
the school," he said.
Olher senators were concerned
about how UNSTA would be financed
after two years when the university
would not be held responsible for
financing it.
Elmer said that during the tvo
year period, UNSTA would be able to
set up its own board. He said the
Legislature cold allow Curtis to ask
the Appropriations Committee to be
funded as an independent unit from
the university.
Lincoln Sen. Jim McFarland sup
ported Elmer's suggestion.
"I think it's a good school. The
graduates remain in the state and
are a positive asset to the state,"
McFarland said.
Sen. Arlene Nelson of Grand Island
said she had heard a suggestion
that the financing of UNSTA be
added to the community colleges'
budget. But she said that after talk
ing with community college offi
cials, she wouldn't recommend it.
"They can't afford it," she said.
Sen. Vard Johnson of Omaha moved
to kill LB656 but later withdrew the
motion because he said there would
not be enough votes to kill the bill.
Nevertheless, Johnson said, the
Legislature should not tell the
regents how to run the university.
Sen. Rod Johnson of Sutton said
that the Legislature was not run
ning the university just by funding
decide on budget cuts
ren's Rehabilitation Institute in Omaha,
and the Lincoln division of the College
of Nursing.
Some regents have said portions of
the programs might be saved by rea
ligning other programs.
The board will be asked to select an
architect and design-build contractor
for the recreation center and Coliseum
renovation and to pick a firm to install
artificial turf on the indoor football
practice field.
The project has been approved by
the Legislature, and its financial ar
rangements will be considered by the
regents Saturday.
Other items that will receive the
regents' attention during the commit
tee sessions or the board meeting:
O A proposed supplemental-pay plan
under which certain non-state funds
vocabulary. She said Americans live in
a society where females are considered
Pratt cited the use of the generic
"he," feminine endings to male titles
and female names derived from male
Pratt said that "generic" is a spe
cific term used to categorize all items
in a similar group, such as Kleenexes.
But "he" is not a true generic
because if "he" is used, male image
The Student Information Center is
sponsoring a housing fair today in the
main lounge of the Nebraska Union
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Ann Mallatt, director of the center,
said the fair will provide information
about off-campus housing available
around May 15 for the summer.
sports bets
turned down
By Michael Hooper
Senior Reporter
On a split vote Wednesday, the
Legislature denied first-round ap
proval of a bill that would legal
ize and tax sports betting.
After the 21-21-3 vote, Sen.
Ernie Chambers of Omaha, the
sponsor of LB757, said the bill
failed to advance to the second
round of debate because some
supporters of the bill were absent.
He said that when the bill comes
up again, he would have the 25
votes needed to pass it.
Chambers said that the tens of
millions of dollars wagered on
sporting events cannot be stopped,
so the state would be wise to tax
the bets to raise some revenue
for the state.
Chambers won 25-8 approval
of an amendment to the bill.
Under LB757 as amended, book
ies would have to register with
the Department of Revenue and
pay a .5 percent tax on all bets
placed with them. The bill would
require bookies who accept $1,000
in wagers in any seven-day period
or $10,000 in wagers in a year to
apply to the department for a
license. The fee for the license is
Ralston Sen. Chris Abboud
moved to kill Chambers' bill, but
it was defeated 20-23.
Abboud said that legalizing
sports betting will send a nega
tive signal to children and will
have an ill effect on society.
earned by faculty members could be
pooled to improve faculty pay.
O Reports on student use of Bob
Devaney Sports Center and on UNL's
use of the former Whittier Junior High
O A proposed Burger King fran
chise in the Nebraska Union.
O A $500,000 academic facilities
improvement grant from the federal
Department of Education for mechani
cal engineering and veterinary science
at UNL.
O Plans for the food industries
complex on East Campus.
O Discussion of the status of Dr.
Edwin Leach, who filed a complaint
with the medical center's academic
freedom and tenure committee when
his program was phased out.
usually comes to mind, she said. Indef
inite usage, such as "everyone," "they"
and "we," should be used instead,
Pratt said.
Pratt said that people in the middle
class seems to be concerned about cor
rect grammar usage.
She gave several tips to eliminate
sexist language.
O People should commit to change
so they stop thinking in sexist ways.
Mallatt said at least five landlords
will be at the fair to present informa
tion on apartments.
Mallatt said the fair is the first of
three offered this year. The next ones
probably will be in August and late
October or early November.