The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 31, 1987, Image 1

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    y .-n Daily n -1
jw IP C tD''-:u' L
VJuAT!IE!!: Partly sunny Tues
day wiiti a hiQh ne.ji 33 acid wmo':.
out of the wesl at 20 mph. Low will
be 25. Partly cloudy and bivy
Wednesday with a high in the 40a.
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News Digest. . , . .
Entertainment . . ,
Pi ;-j 2
P23 4
Paga 6
Pr 5
Page 7
March 31, 1987
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Vol. 86 No. 2$
gams on rec centos
... )
J ... J
. x -
Paul VonderlageDaily Nebraskan
Jodi Kessler finds snowballs from this weekend's storm
useful tools against her adversary, James Smith. The
duo "hit the snow" during a walk through campus
Monday. x
Late s?iow tribulations:
4 k
UNL,Jriiehtdte closed
By Kevin Cowl
Jane Hirt
Staff Reporters
It's a cold (lu.. ' i-UNlJ
cials tell stv4 t kip 's,:'
Despite this weeivV., id,
that's what they di
Vice Chancellor tw.. J.J
son called Monday's cancella.. , 5'
classes "a fairly ipegular o ;ui
rence." It has to Be "pretty ad" i
before the university closes, he said. ,
Furgason and Chancellor Martini-., "
Massengale made the decision Suit-,
day morning.
Furgason said the timing, the
likelihood of closed roads and the -probability
of utility outages pi?,
a part in the decision. s
The weekend blizzard left stu
dents stranded in and out of state.
David Fitzgibbon, a senior in
broadcasting, was stuck with three
other UNL students in North Platte.
"We had called the state patrol
.id it said that there would be win
i . conditions, " he said.
' " didn't say anything about
,? C interstate?'
-; When they reached North Platte,
- ;er, they learned that Inter
s te ,vas closed and they would
$ to seek lodging.
JBnt Toalson, a senior in secon
ds ."e'ducaticu, was also delayed by
th; torn in ' Vth Platte.
k . ...K e topped as soon as
V " ' Jc?, but after
hi t ,ild have to
" t, here, everybody
i , , H p V
was Sunday at 2 p.m.
u rou fs back in
Uar t" "0 p.m.
Axe vi'avr, 'ng wasn't that bad,
bn you just hH to take it easy," he
T1 (T TI
Old Men's PE Building now being demolished
By Michael Hooper
Senior Reporter
Construction workers Saturday began
demolishing the Men's P.E. Building to
make way for the UNL student recrea
tion center and indoor practice field,
then were forced to quit because of the
But Hansen Construction Co. workers
expect to work again today with a
demolition ball, knocking down the old
P.E. building on 14th and Vine streets,
a storage building behind the P.E.
building and the nearby tennis courts,
said Harley Schrader, director of UNL
physical plant.
Although Hansen Construction Co.
was awarded a $30,000 demolition con
tract last December, the company waited
to begin until last week when the
Nebraska Legislature formally approved
the $14.9 million student recreation
center and indoor practice field.
The $3.9 million indoor practice
field will be built on the site of the
Men's P.E. Building, the field, which is
phase one of the recreation center pro
ject, should be completed by November.
"We're going to move ahead with
this without much delay and try to fin
ish the practice field by November
because that's when the weather beg
ins to look like this again," said Kim
Phelps, assistant to the vice chancellor
for business and finance.
Demolition of the Men's P.E. Build
ing should be completed by April 10,
Schrader said. At their April 11 meet
ing, the NU Board of Regents are
expected to award a designbuild con
tract for the indoor practice field and
choose an architect for the rest of the
three-phase project.
The $ 14.9 million student recreation
center and indoor practice field will be
financed by a $3.50 football ticket sur
charge, private donations, student fees
and an increase in faculty and staff
user fees.
Phase two, a $5.1 million addition to
the Coliseum containing recreational
rooms and equipment would be built
by January 1989. The football meeting
room, more racquetball courts and a
jogging track would be built by June
1989 for an additional $900,000.
Phase three would include renova
tion of the existing Coliseum sometime
after 1990 or 1991 at a current price of
$5.1 million. If UNL officials renovate
the Coliseum with revenue bonds, they
would again need legislative approval.
Last Thursday, on a 32-6 vote, the
legislature approved the university's
loan of $3.5 million from a bond surplus
fund for the project.
Phelps said that UNL's bid request for
the indoor practice field was changed
two weeks ago to remove controversial
language requesting a contribution to
the project. Last week, following the
change in the bid request, Attorney
General Robert Spire ruled that "ethics
. . . clearly dictate that pursuits for
contractor contributions to projects
like the indoor practice field should be
separated from the bidding process."
Stan Campbell, director of UiVL cam
pus recreation, said that although the
recreation center will be built in phases,
he's "elated" that the Legislature ap
proved it.
"Of course we'd like to have the rec
center built all at once. We've lived
with inadequate student facilities for a
long time," Campbell said.
But the three-phase approach to the
center's construction probably was the
deciding factor for the state senators,
he said.
UNL will be host to FarmAid III;
Sept. 27 date for benefit concert
By Christine Anderson
Staff Reporter
UNL officials and country-western
artist Willie Nelson have agreed on a
Sept. 27 date for the FarmAid III con
cert, but no official performance an
nouncement has been made, UNL foot
ball coach Tom Osborne said.
Osborne, who participated in dis
cussions with FarmAid organizers,
said an official request is needed
before the concert plans are finalized.
Cathy Danahy, office assistant for
Bob Kerrey, said an official written
request by Willie Nelson is expected to
arrive at the university this week.
Danahy, former Gov. Bob Kerrey and
his former chief of staff, Don Nelson,
began working with university officials
last fall to set up the concert.
Osborne said he supports plans to
have FarmAid III at the Memorial
"Anything that will benefit the farm
economy, we are 100 percent for," he
After the FarmAid organization pro
vides an official request, university
attorneys and FarmAid officials will
need to prepare a legal contract for the
concert, Danahy said.
Insurance, security, parking arrange
ments, programming and ticket sales
are among items yet to be discussed.
Gary Fouraker, athletic-department
business manager, said that some details
already have been discussed.
For example, the university already
has plans to protect the stadium
grounds. The football field will be
covered with plywood paneling and a
rubber matting to protect the artifical
turf, Fouraker said.
Ticket cost will be about $20. Sup
porters predict that at this rate, about
$1.5 million will help offset the $225
billion to $250 billion farm debt.
Osborne said he assumes that the
concert proceeds will be allocated to
farm organizations throughout the Mid
west and not to individual Nebraska
Proceeds may be used to support
agricultural legislation and to support
food pantries and hot lines, Osborne
According to a Lincoln Journal arti
cle, Nelson said that two artists already
have agreed to perform: Neil Young, an
organizer for the first Farm Aid show,
and Jon Bon Jovi, who played at Farm
Aid II.
Nelson also is trying to persuade
ABC, CBS or NBC to carry the Lincoln
show on prime-time television.
ummer aid
Today is the ht day ta con
piste ansd submit a UNL Summer :
Aid Application for financial aid.
will be used with sixdcRts' 1833-
87 Financial Aid Fcrr.s to
cli'S.liV.'Y f-r zi-i izx UNL
wt 11' stul ecu 2j-y fjr
icn-s and Pell Grants it UNI for
Even thech students who cp-pile-
J for aid by Rlrrch 3 ore cca-:-;i'ucj
cd priority... &pp!iCwi13 . vf
r.ecd-bcr-cd aid, zr.y stuisnt can
hr.d, financial dd director. All
students r.vjst ccrnf Icte the FAF
to be considered for assistance
for 1937-SS.
By Kip Fry
Staff Reporter
Increased product prices at UNL Scientific
Stores have many professors wondering why
they're paying more for products at UNL than
those of other suppliers, said Bill Saunders,
Scientific Stores manager.
Scientific Stores makes its profit from the
markup system, Saunders said, which confuses
customers when they order. Scientific Stores is
not state funded, he said.
"It is only when the financial pinch of the
total university has grown to be very evident that
the problem really came to light," Saunders said.
, The price system has been changed from vari
able markup to a flat markup through a joint
decision between Scientific Stores and UNL's
Purchasing Review Committee.
Jack Goebel, vice chancellor for business and
finances, formed the committee last year to
study the situation.
Under the new system, only 40 percent mark
ups can be authorized by Saunders, and 60 per
cent by Goebel.
Saunders said the committee didn't have
enough time to study the Scientific Stores
"They were really only concerned about the
highness in some areas of markup," Saunders
said. "We need to look at the total average of
prices, otherwise you don't get a total picture of
what is going on."
The store's purchasing finances its warehouse
and redistribution point for special orders,
Saunders said.
George Sturgeon, vice chairman and associate
professor of chemistry, told the UNL Faculty
Senate at its March meeting that the stores are
costing his department money.
"There is a failure to address policy in pur
chasing stores which is costing the university in
general and our department inordinate amounts
of money," Sturgeon told the senate. "We per
ceive inconsistencies and weaknesses in the
management of the stores and even abuses of
Saunders said marking up prices is the only
way Scientific Stores can meet overhead costs.
Many state universities have scientific stores
financed by the states.
When professors come to Nebraska from other
institutions, they tend to assume that they are
going to get products at cost, he said. But Scien
tific Stores is no different than any other private
Professors don't "realize that there are addi
tional costs of procurement involved in the pur
chase" such as research, transportation and
insurance, Saunders said.
" The primary problem with the system, Saun
ders said, was that certain items may be marked
up more than 100 percent while others may
increase slightly. When the prices are averaged,
they are not nearly as high, but many only look at
the extreme markups, Saunders said.
One of the extreme examples is the difference
in prices of a gallon of dichloromethane, Saund
ers said. He said that during the last week in
February, one gallon cost $59, but the same
product cost $14.25 on March 2.
Saunders said he is frustrated by the
"Wre have not been at odds with the faculty,"
he said. "We at Scientific Stores have known
that the problem has existed for years."
At this level of management, Saunders said,
he has no real authority to make changes. That
responsibility rests with UNL Chancellor Martin
Massengale, he said.