The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 19, 1987, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Thursday, March 19, 1987
Page 4
Daily Nebraskan
JHT Korlu-lik, Editor, 4 72-1766
James Utters, Editorial Page Editor
List' Olson, Associate News Editor
Mike Roilley, Night Neivs Editor
Joan Rozao, Copy Desk Chief
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Qmjgs and quotes
Let's be careful out there
The Daily Nebraskan hopes
that UNL students didn't
think they could get away
for a week without reading an
editorial on spring break. The
DN would like to wish everyone
an enjoyable vacation. Lord knows
that some of us need it. And if
you are planning a trip to South
Padre Island, Daytona, Fort Lau
derdale or wherever, be careful,
more so now than ever before.
In past years the DN has
warned students to "behave."
Not to mix too much alcohol
with fun. Every year one can read
in the papers of students being
arrested, hurt and even dying
from alcohol-related incidents.
This year, though, another prob
lem has creeped to the surface
AIDS. It's no longer consi
dered a homosexual disease. It
can reach anyone. And what bet
ter place than in areas filled
with young adults ready to shed
all inhibitions.
The DN urges students to be
aware of the AIDS problem. Too
often AIDS is joked about, but it
isn't a laughing matter.
O In this week's Newsweek
was an article noting that the
Alpha Tau Omega national fra
Editorial Policy
Unsigned editorials represent
official policy of the fall 1987 Daily
Nebraskan. Policy is set by the Daily
Nebraskan Editorial Board. Its mem
bers are Jeff Korbelik , editor; James
Rogers, editorial page editor; Lise
Olsen, associate news editor; Mike
Reilley, night news editor and Joan
Rezac, copy desk chief.
Importance of nurses not realized
I am beginning to think that I am
;!o of the very few in this state who
i oalize the importance of nurses. Nurses
iuive always been an extremely impor
tant part of medicine and they always
will be. Nurses are not always given the
credit they deserve. They often carry
most of the responsibility and work
load in hospitals.
Granted, in the past there has been
an abundance of nurses, but today and
- in the years to come there will be nurs
ing shortages across the country. Isn't
it ironic how when nurses are most
needed UNL and the Nebraska Legisla
ture are seriously contemplating cut-
Minority should unite against Greeks
I've been a student for the past three
years, and I've never seen a real change
in ASUN. It's the same old platforms
from the same old parties with the
same old results. Greek-dominated
parties win for three major reasons.
One, it seems that the majority of
non-Greeks don't give a damn when it
comes to voting. This year, the Greeks
outvoted everyone with room to spare.
You have to remember that fraternities
and sororities are only a small part of
the university. The rest of the student
population is several times bigger.
Two, the Greeks were, in my opinion,
far more organized and better equipped
for an election. Three, and probably
most disgusting, the Greeks literally
outspent and bought their way to vic
tory. With all that money and resources
they had, I would be surprised if they
didn't win.
ternity has produced an anti
hazing video called "Hazing on
Trial." The magazine reported
that hazing was formally out
lawed by every national frater
nity more than 50 years ago. Yet
in the last 10 years alone, at least
39 students have died and count
less others have been injured in
fraternity hazing incidents.
ATO is circulating 120 copies
of the show nationwide. The pro
gram shows the fictitious prose
cution of a fraternity president
on manslaughter charges after a
pledge he's ordered to get drunk
chokes to death.
Although hazing is not an evi
dent problem at UNL, ATO's
efforts are noteworthy and com
mendable. O Newsweek also noted the
popularity of a growing sport
that originated at the University
of Nebraska. Oozeball regula
tion volleyball played in 60 tons
of mud has spread nation
wide, wallowing in its reputation
as a no-booze fund-raiser and
good time."
Its nice to see the university
noted for a sport (if you can call
it that) other than football. Go
Big Ooze!
According to policy set by the
regents, responsibility for the edi
torial content of the newspaper lies
solely in the hands of its student
Editorials do not necessarily re
flect the views of the university, its
employees, the students or the NU
Board of Regents.
ting the nursing program.
The nursing students in Lincoln are
a vital part of the survival of Lincoln's
hospitals. The nursing students do
clinicals (volunteer work) at many
medical centers in Lincoln to help the
hospitals maintain their quality of
care. If Lincoln ever lost the Nursing
College, the community would feel a
great strain. Today and every day nurses
will have a vital part in maintaining the
health of all people. s
Danelle Pinger
Oormies, off-campus and foreign stu
dents: What is your problem? Do you
want to be ruled by the minority? Do
you really want to be represented? It's
about time that you stop your com
plaining and organize. Unite for a
common cause. When next year's elec
tions come around you can make the
difference. Topple the old decrepit sys
tem and establish a newer, more repre
sentational one. Say "no" to apathy, get
involved, or else it will be the same old
thing all over again.
Timothy D. Jacques
elementary education
Chris Yost
political science
Jeff L Porter
construction management
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Wisdom seen ttooiiagM slaves
The one-eyed man would be king of the blind
"So will it be, O Zarathustra,"
answered his animals, and
pressed up to him; "but wilt
thou not today ascend a high
mountain? The air is pure, and
today one seeth more of the
world than ever."
Nietzsche, "Thus Spake Zara
thustra" hus 'tis obvious, pupils, the
darkness we see and em
brace is truly our light."
The class nodded and blinked as if
shielding their eyes, in some small
measure, from the brilliant darkness
which, as just revealed, shone so bright.
And they donned their shades. All, that
is, except for one dull-witted pupil.
Professing exasperation, professor
asked, "Oh youthful worm, why haven't
you donned your shades?" The other
pupils tittered, whispering, "Sregor's
done it again." After all, Sregor was
something of an embarrassment, being
so frightfully unclever.
After what seemed an interminable
period, Sregor's pupils focused on pro
fessor, but he only mumbled.
"What?" the professor insisted, his
patience wearing thin with him so dull.
"What was that?" he repeated, half
bemused and half pityingly.
Said Sregor, after some thought, "I
don't see the darkness that blinds
Laser-show review 'dismaying,
t We at the Planetarium were both
amused and dismayed by Chris Mc-'
Cubbin's attempt to review our spring
laser shows in your February 25 edition.
While he is certainly welcome to his
opinions, we would like to point out
that they are opinions based neither on
knowledge nor experience.
Guest Opinion
The idea that one could review the
merit of shows in advance is certainly
novel and should save you lots of
money. After all, you no longer need to
pay reviewers to attend any films since
they can write their opinions in advance
without actually having to see the
films. The same could work for con
certs. What a novel idea. The fact that
some of these shows McCubbin re
viewed (or as he said, "previewed")
had or have not even been created yet
is also rather amusing.
Actually, McCubbin raises a serious
question in attempting to decide which
"Bands go well with lasers." He gets off
the track by giving his opinions of each
band's music This is not the same as
through brilliance. I see light, though
that only dimly."
Professor, half suppressing a chor
tle, "Worms and worms, we have a pupil
in our midst that discerns light, though
that only dimly, no wonder.
"We obviously have not learned our
lessons, have we? Did you eye the les
son, pupil?" professor asked, his pointed
tone expressing the righteous contempt
of the other pupils. After all, the lesson
was the only one taught as far as
memory could recall.
"Oh, yes, oh yes!" Sregor said, tears
welling up in the pupil. "I so want to
understand but the light, though dim,
showed only a void where the lesson
would be."
Shrugging, shaking his head and
turning professor, no longer the Prophet,
but the Priest, said, "the psalm should
teach our blind who would see light.
"From whence I spake," and with
the bright pupils, he chanted:
"Ah, where in the world have there
being able to tell what will make a good
laser show. In fact, some of the best
laser light shows we've seen used some
music we personally detest. It was the
quality of the show that made them
McCubbin has an image in his mind
of Pink Floyd with lasers. The truth is
that Floyd was one of the first bands to
use lasers in their shows. Also, the
technical developments that make laser
shows possible came along about the
same time Floyd's music was released.
This is an accident of history. In fact,
most bands do not use lasers the way
they are used in our shows or in any of
the shows done by major companies
(AVI, Image Engineering, Laser Fan
tasy, etc.). Bands (including Floyd)
tended to use simple beam effects
rather than scanning. But perhaps we
are getting too technical for your re
viewers. Suffice it to say that we consider our
Dire Straits show to be better than any
Floyd we have done to date because it
represents the current state of our art
and technology. (By the time we do
Floyd again it will also be significantly
better.) McCubbin said Dire Straits
tan, i
greater follies than with the pitiful?
And what in the world hath caused
more suffering than the follies of the
Woe unto all loving ones
who have not an elevation which is
above their pity!"
"Amen," said professor, "Amen and
Amen," said the class, "Amen," said
the pitiable Sregor, quite belatedly as
was his course.
"And what do we know, oh pupils?"
professor queried. Eager and anxious,
the pupils sought his favor.
"No . . . no" said professor, "this is
for our rather slow-witted friend."
Sregor blinked, and again.
Insisted professor, "And what do we
know? You know the liturgy."
Purposefully, with no little effort,
Sregor recited: "As Socrates said, 'I
know that I do not know.' " And he
blinked. Continuing his profession, "The
light grows all the dimmer and is
Asked professor, "What do we seefl"
"Pupil eyes the dark, profoundly."
Widsom finally glinted in his pupil.
Not to be so pitied, Sregor donned his
shades. "
Rogers is a law student and graduate
student in economics. He is also the DN
Editorial Page Editor.
was too subtle for lasers. The best laser
light 'shows have subtlety (even in
; Floyd). They work cerebrally with color
and form. Maybe this is too subtle for
McCubbin. Light shows are complete
audiovisual productions, not just a few
blasts of light with the loudest chords.
Good shows don't use "megalasers."
You may notice that we have not said
that Dire Straits music was better than
Floyd. We haven't taken sides with our
favorite groups. Those are individual
preferences. But we believe that an
objective person out for a good evening
of entertainment can't find it in any of
our shows regardless of his or her pref
erences. It would probably shock McCubbin
to know that back in January we visited
Bradenton, Florida's Bishop Planeta
rium (the home of the original "Laser
Fantasies"), and saw a '"50s Flash
back" show and a "big band" show.
Both were excellent. But they might be
"too weird" for reviewers who havt
never seen anything of their type.
Jack Duna
program coordinator
and four others