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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1987)
Thursday, March 19, 1987 Page 12 Daily Nebraskan O Q rfl Ff'i) ) (C5 (Q 11 i vt r,t p i MH LINCOLN CON U SI Mai ch 19 9 00 p m a) CeleOi aiiort Sponsored by Lincoln Jaycees Pioceeds lo SI. Jude CluUlien s Research Hov UNIVERSITY AMBASSADORS Meeting Thuisday Match IS al b UU in the Union, We will be discussing the tutui e ol the 01 gamation so attendance is veiy important. FOOD SCIENCE CLUB MEETING Ihuisday, Maich 19 6 30. East Campus Union IMmninalinns loi Offrceis FRANCHISE CLUB MEETING Jim Gaylord. kl-C lioui) March 19th. CBA 107 al 6pm New membeis welcome1 MANAGERS' MEETING There is a mandatoiy managers meeting loi both co-iec tootball and mens and womens soccei manageis. The Softball manageis' meeting is 319 at 6 p.m.. the soccei manageis meeting is 3 19 at 7 p;n Both meetings will be held in the Nebiaska Union (loom will be posted) 472-3467 YOUNG DEMOCRATS Meeting. 7.30 p m Ihuisday al Union. Guest Speakei' O CHARLIE BURTOlf & THE HICCUPS T0NIGHI East Union Gieat Plains Room B-Mrdmght S2 with UNL I 0 S3 otheis DANCES & C0HNSI0CK UPC Groceries Milk Fresh Fruit Snacks Fresh Rolls (From the Donut Stop) Pop Coffee And More Special" B-B-Q Pork Sandwich Plus: Potato Chips & Small Pepsi Expires 33087 $1.49 tax yr Everything tXaA You Need ) Without The Drive!V . ffv 126 N. 13th StreetJYjrVV FOOD 7 . V. J 1 I 47G4C23 '7 7'7 1 Q LJn .1 Plans are bpmq madetoi a memonal event tor DR. L. BRENT BOHLKE.Calhet scholar totmer memlier ol the tngiish (acuity and Chaplin al Si -MaiKS-On-The-Campus Episcopal Chinch It yon are inteiesled in couliibuting ideas 01 help, please contact Richaid Boohai, School ot Biological Sciences, 4'2 2J06 or Andy Cunningham. Policy Reseat ch Olfrce.41 2414 CAMPUS RED CROSS Remember committee meetings on Ihuisday March 19th in lire Union1 BAT -6 00 EAT 6 30 Bloodmobile 7,00. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Mon March 30 Last Campus Union It 30 a m. Brown bag ot Tray lunch fellowship 12 Noon Program "Nebraska Agriculture to 1995 Prospects and Priorities" Di Roy f-iedetick Depl ol Ag fccon FACULTY, STAFF, GRAD STUDENTS WELCOME FOR A GOOD TIME: Thud Annual Abel-Sandoz Co-ed Campus Wide Water Volleyball Tournament. Moie info. call. Dan 472-8480 or Tami 472-8750. SUMMER SESSIONS EARLY REGISTER March 16-Apnt 3 ROOMMATES RESPONSIBLE ROOMMATE wanted to share large, older home with single patent Woods Park area 46-31b6 S175. " RESPONSIBLE, non-smoking person". S108 13 utilities per moiith466Jj976 j MALE TO shaie3 bedroom apartment S136monthplus 13 utilities. Call 483-0092 or 476-0261. FEMALE ROOMMATE needed "beginning April. SI 57? month plus 12 ulihtres. Call atier 9 00 p.m., 464-0453. Neai'tast Campus. NEED MALE ROOMMATE S 150 Next to East Campus Available immediately. 466 6096 after 6 p.m. Q PERSONALS The ' Assassin" (ATO). The last 2 12 yeais have been eveiy thing but dull I'll be thinking ot you Saturday Love. Shel (AOPr) Sliiilmulfin Even it Rliett Builei & in Atlanta he doesnt stand a chance compared to you1 Love, your Sexmuffm P S Be very good in Daytona C ELDER KMKf tttt; V I JfcWfcLrVI U"TT DIAMONDS ? f f y o WEDDING RING SPECIALIST Newest Styles Large In-Stock Selection NO GIMMICKS Lowest Possible Prices Immediate Delivery X x t A O 474-6044 3111 "O" St J r h sn?; km. a) t it i !MMI To Hopefully, Whai shall we do lo banish ghosts' Frighten them with Swords, or blind them with the Sun'' Do messages like this get through9 Do lives hany on just so little? 0o you weai lloweis in your hair'' L,0,TLilieLMS!Le!l Shai on F. . , ,. . Too bad we couldn't spend the week in Colorado. I II be thinking about you . JJ Tond M B . Legs. hanks lor Wed. night. Lei s chat some more, soon1 R N P. Colleen L . , t , Now you're one year older than you are inches tall. Happy 19th. ' Mike (K-Sig) SoTden Key & Golden Corral Gal; I leally enioyed yout company, Kurt Nebiaska Crew; Have a "rowing" good time in Texas. Stud Muffin, Heie it is Have an exciting break I can t wail to see Anstociats1 ME AYE MATE1 We re off lo the land of the big and beautiful today . . . TEXAS! It's gonna be extiemely fabulous. Too Lovely. The Other Mate Cindy & Teresa. Spnng Bieak. Phoenix, Arizona. Sun. Fun. Alcohol. How many limes will Cindy throw up on the plane? Will Teiesa be able to decide, are blondes moie fun? Will Sandy have a cultural experience' 4 moie days. Sandy CONGRATULATIONS CINDY ISKEt! You'll do a great job as DN Office Manager!! It was worth the wait!! SERVICES RESUMES Woid Processors and Willing Consultants Suite 33. Gold s 476-WORD WORD GRAPHIC WORD PROCESSING SERVICE Glenda Hmz 475-2253 Dissertations. Theses. Term Paueis. Etc. Quality Woik. Reasonable Pntes C0PY SEJRVtCE Reductions & tnlargements NOBLE WORD PROCESSING Pioofieadmg and special features avaiable. Free on campus pck-up and deliver y 435 427 1 PROFESSIONAL TYPING j Fiee pick-up & delivery 421-2007. RESUMES BY ANN JssmjiaJjesjjmesat aflojdableJees.jMWB TYPING One day seivice. quality woik. reasonable rates, 474-2150 JIFFY TYPING SERVICE Resumes, Teim Papeis. Etc Free On-Campus PickupDehveiy 466-3456 QUALITY TYPING, quick turnaround on most leooits. 10"u off with this ad at MY OFFICE. 421 South 9th Street. Suite 107. 474-6345. WORDS ETC. Headquaiteis for Student Typing Resumes-Papeis-Forms Graduation Announcement Cards Copies-Binding 1321 P St. 476-2039 OERT0FV:3RJZZU A SS Tf iRlAlDll Of ISll Am" 1 n j u TW ' si" cTa" b lIe 'TO E MO T I C j fa" R R "i Pp" T T E j Rj jT A cTl H AL i ow7' ;;meje s eOdIa'z'e ii A L 1 M B MP eIFm ed" Hi i- X s LJlfl.L!L " , : R a" v el l a p r p Is f j aTd o b eHd A R js It 0 LIS m s ot j hTT" n ge I i s aw IC ASCOT IN OTA o1ose: Jscene g"m E N -if if sm if ',-v ( , 1(;)yrjj !( ((IK j?M II H OHM! ' RESUMES Professionally typeset. Sib phis tax. Daily Nebraskan, basementol Nebiaska Union 800am, 5 00pm Monday Fridajv , SEXTON TYPING rr S1 25pq .6 years experience. 7 daysweek -466-8651. TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS RENTALS SALES SERVICES BLOOMS 323 N. 13th 474-4136 LOST & FOUND FOUND: Totes umbrella on 12 05 bus leaving East Campus Monday, March 16 Call 472-2826 to claim FOUND. Gold rimmed glasses in black case in front of W i c kC e nter. C I aim at Daily Nebraskan Iront desk ""FOUND: Ladies watch in back row of Love Library Auditorium, 1 30 p.m. Friday Call 472-0766. GREEK AFFAIRS Men of Farm House You are cordially invited lo a 2nd "Reggae on the Angle" concert Sunday. March 22. Alicia & Dan P S. Just kidding' Sorry about the lack ol sleep. Karren (Phi Mu), Congratulations on .J selection into Mortar Board and for the election of Piesident of Phi Mu. You aie the best and I wish you luck. AngieiAXO) :; FAQ 22 Tf- K :v&P!?.. "For heaven's sake, Rogor stop dragging that ona leg." Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS 1 Border on 5 Catalogue 9 Redact 13 Italian painter: 1575-1642 14 Subsequently 15 Turkish coin 16 Jumble 17 Alaskan highway 18 An uncle of Joseph 19 Postulate 21 Footstools 23 Early 20th- century -French art style 25 Ogled 2$ Gladden 27 He wrote "Leaving on a Jet Plane" 30 The Greatest 31 Sibyls 33 Dated 34 Door fastener 35 Dutch genre painter: 17th century 33 State of agitation 33 Russian workers' cooperative 41 Flat baking tin 43 Digit 44 Lebanon's capital 43 Beg 48" fan time," Mozart opera 49 Observer's activity 53 Race officials 53 Also-ran SS Jot 53 Reach by radio 58 Chits 63 French violinist: 18th century 61 Young eel 62 Full of juice 63 Native of Ecbatana 64 Barasingh, e.g. 65 A Borgia in law DOWN 1 Weapon 2 Horn signal 3 Ingenuous 4 Kind of paper 5 West role 6 Deficient in mental grasp KATHY V,. WENDY R MARY N., CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING TAPPED FOR MORTAR BOARD! GREAT JOB! Lve Vour Gamma Phi Sisters AXOS. ' - - - Thank you for one of the greatest casino nights ever'1 TheLambdaChi s A-Phi Open1" " A-Phi Open!" DanWull. Congratulations on making Business College Senator" P.S.Pjnning? HollisH, (TXO). This is your week! Congratulations on your selection into Mortar Boaid and lor being elected PRESIDENTOF UNION BOARD. We are extremely proud ot you. Love. Your AXO Sisters CONGRATULATIONS to the AGR Wrist Wrestling Team on then victory at the Sigma Phi Epsilon Wrist Wrestling Tournament. Team Members Troy, Lloyd. Monte & Sonny. ' Your Brothers THANKS Sigma Alpha Mu and ThetaXi lor inviting us to the St. Patrick s parlies. We had a really great time. The Men of Alpha Gamma Rho SORORITY WANTED: FOR MELODRAMA '87 We re makrn a list, checkin' it twice, Tryin' to find which one would be nice. Study breaks ana serenades (hint-hint). Just might get you there. The Men of ACACIA ARE YOU READY???? AOPi Hoop-It 87 Coming Soon Congratulations elected to Mortar Board Susan Benson' lor being Love. Delta Gamma By GARY LARSON I5 ZKJ-h i 7 Ella's forte 8 Sheltered, in a way 9 Wolfram and selenium 10 Unfavorable 11 Teheran is its capital 12 Greek letters 14 Works like Butler's "Erewhon" 20 Angers 22 Hear ye! 24 Certain fats 26 Cartoonist Briggs 28 Author of "The Hollow Men" 29 Neural network 4 30 A king ft Israel 32" evil. . ." 35 Declaim 37 Provoking person 40" rfor Life": I. Stone 42 Ramsey Lewis, e.g. 45 Like a stadium 47 Store fodder 50 Tuptim'sland 51 Resiliency 52 Anagram for real 54 Corrode 57 Sun. talk 53 "Ain't Sweet?" i 2 3 p T 5 i 7 fa I 9 10 11 12 13 : jTST " , Ti """ ii " 117 la " T5 " ' 2o " TT" """" 22 " " """" "" . 23 . . , , . j 26 27 ' 'iT" 29 3o ' 31 iiTT - - ' I mm j ... 34 35 36 3 38 33" 4CP " 41 "" 42" 43 " 44" "" " " 45 j 46" " " 47" "" " " L ;48 r 49 Wl s7 " " S2 63 - ,.. sr """"si - ' m -61 """j j62 a i " A """" " " " I I I ' ' ' 1 ' 1