The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 16, 1987, Page Page 10, Image 10
Page 10 Daily Nebraskan Monday, March 16, 1987 MOUNTAIN BIKE. Schwinn Siena. 15-speed, extras, like new. S275 488-1052 MOVING lor sale; green hide-a-bed couch mattress and box spring, 5 drawer dresser, card table and chairs, floral couch and love seat, new lawnmower. Call 464- 9534 My nightmart could b your dreamll Desperately need to sell ticket to Florida. Cheap! Price Negotiable. 472-0029 alter 6 00 AUTOS FOR GALE iff! Call Us! 475- 7672 611 N. 27thMain Campus Open 11AM for lunch everyday! 476- 0787 11th & CornhuskerBelmont Harper-Schramm-Smith 476-9944 1415 South StreetSouth Area 466-2377 2933 N. 48thUniplace Hours: 4:30PM- 1AM Mon.-Thurs 4:30PM-2AM Fri. 11AM-2AM Sat. 11AM-1AM Sun. 489-9631 4728 Prescott'Collegeview Hours: 4:30PM-12AM Mon.-Thurs. 4:30PM-2AM Fri. 11AM-2AM Sat. 11AM-12AM Sun. !V1 L y $1.00 off any pizza. Expires 3-22-87. Good at listed locations. One coupon per pizza Cal CrAA AliiAri TfA mm m 1:11 iiaan IB MB Xfflft I i j Y-f T) 1 1 iv i i ( i : Li u hAy U J 0 UL e're passing the hat to our many different departments and passing the savings on to you! This week the hat stops in ... General Books: 20 off all Fiction & Literature sections Gifts: 20 off these items. .. all jewelry 18" Mylar Balloons Reg. Sale Buy xtowaiTd Savs! Smid Sm Open Mm thanerer f I N IhanaBccicstcre. Offer good thru Sat March 21. 13)QStrest 78 DATSUN 280Z, 2 x 2, AC. good tites. auto., sumool, Jarvis Redwine S ex-car. S2.900. Call 472-9263 FOR RENT LOVE MEMORIAL Cooperative Summer Contracts are available at the Division ot University Housing (1100 SjajoHahl i TWO-BEDROOM basement apartment. Stove and refrig erator. All utilities paid. $190 month. See 303 S. 26th, Apt. 2 alter 6.00. DOIHO'G PIZZA DELIVERS FRQC. Now, aren't you the lucky one! r Our drivers carry less than $20.00. Limited delivery area. S'1987 Domino's Pizza, Inc. T $2.00 off any 16" large pizza. Expires 3-22-87. Good at listed locations. I I One coupon per pizza.J I I Fast, Free Delivery all stuffed animals Reg. 295-$10000 Sale 236-$80 250 $175 Monday-Friday 8-5:30 Saturday 9-5:30 cj d $ f) VA (402)473-0111 CONVENIENCE PLUS Located close to work AND campus Beautiful, clean, all appliance apartments Think summer outdoor pool Oil-street parking 1-bedroom $309, 2 bedroom, 1 bath $3-19, 2-bedroonv 2 bath S389 and up WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS 1000 KNOX 476-6200 Joseph EKean Co 474 1666 810 H,, TWO BEDROOM, $305 plus deposit No children or pets 467-3145. 4B8-7755 2627 VINE Nice, clean 1-bedroom Smaller unit. S245 plus electric. 464-4862, 474-1380 EAST CAMPUS 33rd & Starr One bedroom apartment, just one block from campus, laundry facilities, off-street parking Call Mega Corp. 475 8407 Mo nday through Friday HAYWARD PLACE 9th & Charleston One and two bedrooms available, dishwasher, micro wave, laundry facilities, oil-street parking, excellent university location. 477-1535 or Mega Corporation 475 8407, Monday through Friday 640 S. 20th. One and two bedroom unit, carpet, drapes. laundry S279 up. 475-7262. 477-6347. 620 S 20th. Two room efficiency, full size kitchen, 34 bath S220. 475-7262. 1322 "A" Nice, off-campus. 2-bedroom unfurnished apartment on busline. Complete kitchen, carpet, drapes. CA, laundry, storage, parking No pets. 423-0673 alter 5 p m FREE RENT 2222 VINE Super big 2-bedroom, 2 bath. Free month with a year lease f2 month with a 12 year. Move in today. S370. 464-4862. 488-5750. NEAR CAMPUS 4-bedroom. remodeled New carpeting, new paint, very, very nice Only 5440 483-5573 1404 N. 24TH, 3-bedroom and study. $395. 423-1535. NEAR CAMPUS 3-bedroom. large kitchen, garage. Newly painted, only S325. 483-5573. 640 S. 20th Bike or walk to UNL from these two-bedroom units. Pool opens late May S289 up. 475-7262. 477-8347. 1236 "L." 2-bedroom apt. $255. Heat paid. 475-6518 after 7 p.m. APARTMENT FINDERS 435-5555 A service of Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1666 SUMMER SCHOOL Residence Hall Housing contracts are now available at the Division of University Housing (1100 Seaton Hall). Students may request any of the following housing options: Double Room & Board, Single Room & Board. Double Room Only, Single Room Only. 1 ilvif ..u cekinS" r" ,rtrA ana m 1 1 :30 to 1 :00 PM Program begins noon Room Posted Brown Bagger ALL FACULTY, STAFF, GRADUATE STUDENTS, LOCAL CLERGY & INTERESTED COMMUNITY PERSONS ARE INVITED AND WELCOME r s- X Saturday, March 28, 1987 Monday, March 30, 1987 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (No phone orders, special orders or lay-a-ways) Styla Show c In Apr!!! cotton clothes Birkenstock footwear 1219 "P"St., Lincoln, NE i EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. $165 a month. 1421 E Avail able April 1st. 474-5830. ItTmhunrTM apart mfnt near camuus Part of duplex. S330 utilities. Call Jeff at 475-0906. HELP WANTED ORAFTSPERSON: Primarily house plans. Part-time duiing school, full-time during summer. Lincoln Lumber Co J32 No. 23rdST LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING - northAmerican Van Lines needs owneroperators' If you need training, we will train you. You will operate your own tractor It you don't have one. noittiAmeucan ulleis a tiactur purchase program that can get you started lor an initial investment of St, 500 It you are over 21 and think you may qualify, we d like to send you a complete information package. Call any week day: TOLL FHLE 1-800-348-2191, ask for Oepl 286. INTERESTED IN being a NY summer nanny? Inquiries - call 472-8635. WANTED: A SELF-MOTIVAIED individual with man agement experience in retail grocery operations. Send resume to Kimball Coop Food Store. Box 94, Kimball, NE 69145. NEED ADVERTISING representative for your area for FarmRanch Register. Sales experience and a profes sional appearance is a must. Call Lynn toll free 1-800-233- 4493. ""EMPLOYERS NEED YOUi Construction (U S. 4 Overseas), Drivers. Machinists, Weldeis, Electricians, Plumbers. Mechanics. Engineers. Technicians (Up toS6,000month), TRANSCONTINENTAL JOB SEARCH (303) 452-2258 or (308) 382-3700 lee BUSINESS MANAGER needed lor financially strong, progressive rural hospital. Bachelor's degree preferred minimum of two years hospital accounting required. Proven experience in supervision, computer systems, personnel & benefits management, third-party reimburse ment and cost accounting. Successful candidate will assume H2 management position in hospital. Send resume, cover letter, references & salary requirements to: Personnel. Chase County Hospital Imperial, NE 69033. HELP WANTED: Person to do welding. Contact Corn husker Farms. Shickley. NE. Phone (402) 759-4700. TRIGONOMETRY TUTOR needed for prisoner at State Penitentiary Call Paulelle 474-7619. 475-2315. HIRING HORTICULTURE students interested in trans planting bedding plants. 464-5328. PLASMA DONORS Earn up to $30 a week or $120 a month. First donation $10, second donation in the same calendar week (Monday-Saturday) S20. New donoi s bring in this ad for a $2 bonus on the first donation. University Plasma Associated Bioscience ol Nebraska, 1442 "0 St. 475-8645 toga 'Theology for Lunch" is co-sponsored by: UNL Religious Studies Program Lutheratj Center-UN L St. Mark's on-the-Campus Episcopal Church United Ministries in Higher Education, Lincoln FOOTV7EAR 12th Anniversarv C "r Prices will t v increase March 31, 1937 68503 (402) 476-6119 CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boysgirls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, walersknng. gymnastics, rillery, arcnery. tennis, golf, spoils, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics. OR riding. Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary $700 or more plus R 4 B. Marc Seeger, 165 Maple. Nlld , IL60093. (312) 446-2444. "" "JOIN OUR "NANNY NETWORK" of over 500 placed by us in CT, NY, NJ and Boston. ONE YEAR commitment in exchange for top salary, benefits, room and board, airfare. All families presecreened for your satisfaction. MANY families for you to CHOOSE from. Contact HELPING HANDS. INC at (203) 834-1742, P.O. Box 7068 Wilton, CT 06897. As leatured on NBC's TODAY SHOW & HOUR MAGAZINE. A 4 S STUDENT ADVISERS The College of Arts 4 Sciences is seeking students in the College with Junior standing by Fall 1987 to be an Advising Assistant summer 1987 andor Student-to-Student Advisers and Advising Assistants during 1987 68. Applications available in 1223 Oldlather. Deadline: April 15, 1987. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT AFTERNOONS Need caregiver for two children, ages 8 and 10, in my home. 11:00-5:00. M-F South Lincoln. Begin June 8.423 2154 after 5:00. WANTED: EDITOR IN CHIEF A responsible individual is needed for the position of fall semester Editor in Chief of the Daily Nebraskan. Applicants must be UNL students and have at least one year of newspaper experience. Salary is S700 a month beginning August 1st. This challenging position includes: formulating edi torial policies, overseeing newsroom operations, hiring editorial staff and reporting to the Publications Board. Applications and sample of writings (prelerably edi torials or columns) must be submittedty noon, March 20. Applications are available in the Daily Nebraskan office, 34 Nebraska Union, 472-2588. E0J PART AND full-time help wanted for cash grain opera tions. Must have experience operating farm equipment. Call 6-10 p.m., 665-2464 CAMP COUNSELORS MaleFe male Outstanding Slim and Trin Down Camps: Tennis, Dance, Slimnastics, WSI, Athletics, NutritionDietetics. Age 20. 7 weeks. CAMP CAMEL0T on COLLEGE CAM PUSES at Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, No. Carolina. California. Contact: Michele Friedman, Director, 947 Hewlett Dr., No. Woodmere, N Y. 11581, 800-421-4321. LATE EVENING, part-time custodial help needed. Vari able nights, 15-20 hours per week. Apply room 314, NE East Union. AAEOE CRT OPERATORS needed immediately. Ideal for stu dents. Temporary position until May. Minimum 55 wpm, hours: 5-9 p.m., Monday-Friday. Call Laura, 474-5655 TELEMARKEING LABOR SURVEY The Lincoln Chamber of Commerce is working with a well known national company considering a Lincoln location. The company will provide profes sional ongoing training in the rapidly growing indus try of telemarketing. If you would be interested in applying for a part time telephone salesservice position in a downtown Lincoln location, please mail us your name, address, phone number and work experience. Please specify the schedule which best suits your needs 8 00 a.m. to 12 Noon 12:00 p m. to 5.00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. The infor mation will be forwarded to the company in confidence. No phone calls please. Mail to: Mr. PatMalloy Lincoln Chamber ot Commerce 1221 N Street. Suite 606 . Lincoln, NE 68508 WANTED BASEBALL CARDS: Going home for Spring Break? Bring your baseball, football cards, etc., back, I'll buy fhem. 477-3510. WANTED: 40 people to lose or gain weight. Call Bob 423-7946 evenings. WANTED BOATS, GUNS, Campers new or used. Harders 4th SPORT AND RECREATION CONSIGNMENT AUCTION April 1 1 and 12, Cairo, NE. Call now 308-485-4142, 308-485-4344,308-485-4434. A WONDERFUL FAMILY EXPERIENCE. Australian, Eur opean, Scandinavian high school exchange students arriving in August. Become a host family for American Intercultural Student Exchange. Call 1-800-227-3800. LOSERS WANTED. Lose 29 lbs. including cellulite this month. No Diet. No Exercise. Dr. recommended as seen on TV. Fast results. Call Barbara (312) 564-0110. LOSER WANTED: Lose up to 29 pounds, inches, cell-u-lite this month. Doctor recommended on TV. I've lost over 50 pounds myself!!! (612) 642-1915. ATTENTION CIVIL ENGINEERING STUDENTS Early Registration Meetings Freshmen Monday, March 16th Upperclassmen Tuesday, March 17th When: 5:30 p.m. Where: W347 Nebraska Hall NU MEDS We are meeting Tuesday, March 17 at 6:30 p.m. in the Union. Dr. Moriarty will be talking about the MCAT's and more!! INTRAMURAL DEADLINES Tuesday, March 17 is the entry deadline for co-rec slow pitch softball and mens' and womens' soccer. 472-3467. SPECIAL THEOLOGY FOR LUNCH Tues. March 17 Nebraska Union 1130 AM Brown Bag or Tray Lunch 12 Noon . Program Cotner Lecturer: Dr. Johathan Z. Smith "Current lisut in th History of Religions All Faculty. Staff 4 Grad Students Welcome The Publications Board will interview and select a summer editor 4 p.m., Tuesday in the Nebraska Union. Those that are interested are invited to attend. SUMMER STUDY OVERSEAS Earn UNL credit in history, business, languages, art, literature, and many other fields. Programs (2 to8 weeks) in 16 countries. Inquire UNL Institute for International Studies, 1237 R Street. 472-3076. ASUN DEBATE 2nd Vice Presidential Candidates Michelle Ardis vs. John Bergmeyer Monday. March 16 at 3 30 in the Union Crib. FALL SEMESTER IN BRITAIN Pall 1987 or full academic year at Universities of Lancaster, Reading, St. Andrews or Sheffield. All credit transferable to UNL, maintain all financial aids. Apply by May 1. For information contact Prof. Blaha. 355 Andrews (472-3191) or UNL Institute of International Studies, 1237 R St. (472-5358). UPC Talks & Topics and the College of Arts 4 Sciences Present: MR. TERREL BELL Speaking on ' Excellence in Education" Wednesday, March 18. 7 00 p.m. in the City Union. UNL students and faculty tree with 1.0. Public $2.00 at the door.