., . i i . Friday, March 13, 1937 Page 6 Daily Nebraskan 1 Asrfts AZzce Coover By Geoff McMurtry Staff Reviewer Alice Cooper. Just the name con jures up images of the kind of deca dence associated with rock'n'roll that makes parents groups want to censor things. But Alice Coopei needs a bit of historical context. At the beginning of the '70s, rock was becoming more and more fac tionalized: singer-songwriters, heavy metal, pop, art rock, and then the punks came along and condemned all of them. y Meanwhile, glitter rock, whose sole purpose was to be more theat rical, outrageous, or both than eve ryone else, split violently when Coop er arrived. With Bowie, the acknow ledged king of the early '70s glitter genre, it was all style: theatrical, ethereal and,' otherworldly. Space Oddity, Diamond Dogs, Zitfgy Star dust and the Spiders from Mars. You were supposed to wonder what it ail meant. With Cooper, there was no mi nit? Fresh Marguerite I lb IM. iHlu I 72 a . t iw PARTYPARTYTONIGHT! College Night For AH Ages. fill WE ROCK SPRING STUDENT SAVING SALE Saturday, March 14 50 off all clothing 30 off all furniture Must show Student I.D to receiva discount Scnfs T!;b L:!::::!!rp (:::!: fc:: cs!i) r::i f!;x-5;t. h r::J a hits Omaha doubt it didn't mean anything, but could he really mean what, he said? Did he really do the things on-stage they said he did? For better or worse, the day Vin cent Furnier first claimed he was the reincarnation of 17th-century witch, Alice Cooper, American pop music cuStuVe was altered forever. Alice Cooper's legacy includes hits like "Cruier My Wheels," "No More Mr. Nice Guy," "Billion Dollar Babies," "Sick Things," "1 Love The Dead" and "Cold Ethyl." "Eighteen" is probably Cooper's finest hour. One of the premier songs of the teen age experience, it perfectly sums up the paradox, of soaring adult confidence and cring ing childhood uncertainty that it is to be 1 8. And who can forget "School's Out," which guarantees Cooper per petual fame by getting him a whole new generation of fans every spring. For better or worse, Alice Cooper will be at Omaha's Civic Auditorium tonight, with Tesla opening at 8. Daisies a Bunch lii.. m( I In inn DIK5. MJULM Ul IVCUiaaixa wmv LINCOLN! Main8th & P 6030 Havelock Avt. 142S South Stmt 1128 No. 27th 1014 Cwitral Ave, Nbrtk City 9-5 p.m. All Stores tz:.l:j r'.h 1 474-3792 y 6M 1 1 A C)1 1 m m Texas iw Preview by Stew Magnuson Senior Reporter Yes, it's Texas month at the Zoo Bar. Take a quick look at the schedule and you'll see examples of every type of Texan music being played in juke joints all over America. Two nights ago the mad polkatharsis of Brave Combo bounced around theoo; further down the schedule, we'll ge the rootsy blues of Anson Funderburgh, the new-guard, power pop-rock of the Wold Seeds and the Tex-Mex blowout of Joe "King" Carrasco, early in April. And tonight, Evan Johns and the II Bombs make their debut appearance, yet another "Trash, Twang and Thunder" guitar band from Austin. How does Austin produce so many excellent guitar ists? How does Austin produce all those great basketball players? How does Lebanon produce all those terror ists? I suppose it's just tradition. Evan Johns isn't a native Austin player, but his guitar style is. He was invited to tour with the ultimate Texas rock'n'roll band, .the LeRoi Brothers, while living in Washington, D.C. In 1985, Johns invited his old D.C. friends to migrate south, and his origi nal band, the H-Bombs, was reborn. Their full length debut LP on Jungle Records is a little taste of each Texas style you might hear during the next month at the Zoo. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 $2 75 minimum charge per day on commercial ads Ten words included ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. $2 25 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads OVERSEAS JOBS Summei."year lOund. Euiope. S. $ 75 billing charge on noncommercial ads. All Ame Australia Asia. All fields. S900-S2.00 mo. Sight personal ads must be prepaid seeind Free into Write IJC, P.O Box 52-NE 1 Corona Del NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS Mat. CA 92625. NU HtSFUNblblU 1 Y AbMJMtU fUH IMUlit I nIN ONE INCOHRECT INSERTION mi IKin arlc mau hf cnhmiMprl tfpp nf f-harne DEADLINE: 1 p m. day before publication (Monday through Friday). The Daily Nebraskan wili not knowingly accept help wanted ads from businesses that are not equal oppor- tmity employers. MASTERCARD or; s . Friday F.A.C. Specials 65 Bottles 65' Hi-Balls $1.65 Pitchers: 3 ; 2:30 to 7:00 W.C.'s Downtown f aikM 101 11. 27th w foot COORS & COORS LT.I MILLER LITE 16 OZ. SO 7Q cold 6 pk. 2." cold 6 pk. 2. warm case $9.98 warm case s8.83 BUD & BUD LIGHT OLD MILWAUKEE 16 oz. REGULAR & LIGHT cold 6 pk. s3.22 sa 49 si a S3 warn case 0. warm case JLU. miCES GOOD WHILE QUANTITIES LAST mes to Mill Evan FOR SALE AIRLINE TICKE T to Denvei oi California. S60. Make olfei. 466-7861. COMPONENT STEREO -Yamaha teceivei. OD turntable. cassette, speakers, also albums, cassettes and case. Glen - 477-0277. RED UNIVtbA 25-inch ten speec1 bike. A meieS99. Call Qtiai at 435-5952. 7lWDA -Sp7mgT 474-1629. Sunday Specials 25 Draws On PER Beer 6:00 to 11:00 1228 "P" U G1 47G45C3 A A am te at tine Courtesy ot Jungle Records Johns AIRLINE IICKET to Denvei or California. S60. make otfei. 466-7861. BOOTS FOR SHOT-A-MINUTE Call Colleen at 476-1926. ""CONTACT LENSES: Name biand placements and spates. Soft lenses fiom S19 95 each. Fast set vice nationwide. EYE CONTACT! -800-255-2020 toll tree 86 SCHWINN WoildSpoit 12-speed. Brand new 42 9b56 . MOUNTAIN BIKE. Schwmn Siena 15-spetd. extias. like nevy S275. 488-1052 MOVING tot sale: gieen hide-d-bed coucli mattiess ano uox spiing. Sdiawei diessei. und table and chans, f tor at couch and love scat, new lawnmowei. Call 464 9534 . FORT LAUDERDALE Two luund-tup plane tickets Match 22-30, S180 each. 464-582J My nightmare could be your dream!) Desperately need to sell ticktt to Florida. Cheap1 Puce Negutiable472-0029ajtej 6 00. ROUNDTRIP ticket to L A. 477-33 17 oi 472-0488. FOIt HEMT CONVENIENCE PLUS Located close to work AND campus. Beautiful, clean, all appliance apartments Think summer outdoor pool. Off-stieet parking 1-bedroom S309. 2-bedroom. 1 bath S349; 2-bedioom. 2 bath S389 and up WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS 1800 KNOX 476-6200 Joseph E. Kean Co. ' 1 474-1666 810 H.. TWO BEDROOM. S305 plus deposit No childten or pets. 467-3145, 488-7755. 70 V .St. Patty's Bay Tuesday, March 17 doors open 6 p.m. -1 fl arc 0101 exuw jjl.li.li 331-62S3 ft -4 ft If ' V V I J J opening act: 'trim Saturday MARCH 14 9-1:30 ilk YMOOS o . ". v-, E Q 3 'JO 331-6210