The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 09, 1987, Page Page 11, Image 11
Monday, March 9, 1987 Daily Nebraskan Page 11 CLASSintD ADVERTISING CALL 472-258$ $2.75 minimum charge per day on commercial adj. Ten words included. S2 25 minimum charge per day on individual student and student orgamzanon ads. $ 75 billing charge on noncommercial ads. Alt nersonal ads must be prepaid, wn REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION.. FOUND ads may be submitted tree of charge. pday before publication (Monday through The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted ads from businesses thai are not equaloppor umriy employer.. ; MASTERCARD 1322 "A" Nice, oil -campus. 2-bedroom unfurnished apartment on busline. Complete kitchen, carpet, drapes, CA. laundry, storage, parking. No pels. 423 0673 aliei 5 p m 1-BLDR00M basement apt. 1230 S. loth. Clean, SI95 plus utilities. No pels. 474 M)3. 423-1427. STUDENT SPECIAL Four bedioom. new carpet and new paint, off-street caiking. great location, 236 N. 33rd. S4i"5. Evenings 483- 5573 . ; ; ' . CHFAT LOCATION - 2 bedroom apt. available March 18 S255. 475-6518 alter 9 00 pm. FREE RENT -- 2222 VINE Super big 2-bedroom. 2-bath. Free month with a year lease f2 month with a 12 year, Move in today S370. 4t4 48G2T. 488-5750. NOW AVAILABLE Affordable room and board in a Chnstian atmosphere. Only 2 blocks from campus. CCCF Campus Mouse. 1633 "0" St. hiouire in person or by phone. 474-5828 or 475 0398. ask for Dennis. t()P TECHNICIAN II COMPUTER OPERATOR Exper ienced operator using IUM 4341. 4381. 370X. MVS. OS or VSE MVS experience highly desiied. Experience with VTAM. CICS and TS0 (ISPr SDSF) is also desired. Famrlianiy wrlh DEC compulers desired. Ability to work independently. Work in a 24-hour environment on any one of three 8-hour shifts: some weekends required. One yeai hands-on working experience supplemented by a two-year degree ol technical schooldata processing course woik desiied. Stalling salary; SI. 219 92 1 Must complete a Supplemental Ouestionnaii e in addition lo CityCo. application. Closing date; 4:30 p m. Fnday. March 13. mi. Apply at' . ' CttvCo Employment Office , 555 S. 10th Street Rm. B113 WANTE0. INTELLIGENT, energetic, responsible indivi duals to stalf new restaurant downtown. All positions available, counter lo cook. Part-time only. Apply in person. 1412 0 St.. Ask for Bruce. 1000-1 .00 a.m. VANTED " NEEDED NOW. Caring homes lor hiqh school foreign exchange students Irom Europe. South America. Japan and Ausiiarlia. Shaie homeheart. Please call Aise at 1-800-227-3800. UNITE This is our week" Mufce II Happnl UNITE Lincoln. NE 68508 EGEAA OVERSEAS JOBS. Summer, year round. Europe. S Amer Australia. Asia. All fields. S900-S2 .00 mo. Sight ema Free into. Write IJC. P.O. Box 52-NE 1 Corona Del Mar. CAJ2625 ""PIRANHA with complete 20 gallon tank set-up. 435 5755 . . SPACE MUSIC A new form of music derived from the classical, folk, jazz traditions Stop in and hear Fresh Aire. Eno. Vangelis. Phillip Glass Paul Winter. Windham Hill and lots moe. I isten before you buy!! Over 450 titles in slock. WAV HOME RECORDS BOOKS 4203 S. 48th St. 483-7284 inierestinqmusic and books for interesting people TOrTSALE 9x12 bounded area carpeting. This rust colored high density low shag carpet is in excellent condition. It would be perfect for dorm room or any hard wnnrl sui face. Call 421-3753. - TORX SOLID state AMFMFM Stereo receiver with record and 8-track player and cassette tape olayei re corder. Grat condition! S150-negotiable. 472-8i35. "lJVERNMENT SURPLUS typewriters, brand new Royal electronic, dual pitch, pnntwheel. tabulation, relocation, hti-olf collection, memory, word correction. Student, home. olliceonlvS199 1-716-684-4880. "TrtTL BUILDING sale: 30 x 40 . 2-50 x 100 . 1-60 x 120'. 40 x 60 Delivery now. spring or summer. Fiee fr eight, save 30" Have 2nds in over head steel doors. Western Steel. 30836-9779. ; "OUTBOARD SALE: 1985 60hp Merc. . S2.395. electric start tank, control box. prop and cables. Financing available Buzz s Marine. 507 S. Central. Kearney. NE 3084576. " GOLFERS' NEVADA Bob's Discount Golf now open at 2301 Hwy. 2 in Lincoln. NE. All maior brands of golf equipment. Repai is available. Mail oiders welcome. 402- 423802. . BUSINESS IS booming! Carpenters, diives. millwrights, weldeis heavy equipment operators, mechanics, elec tricians, machinists, engineers, (up to S32 60m .). Transcontinental Job Seaich 303-452-2258 r 308-382- 3700. tee. HELP VANTED PLASMA DONORS Earn up to S30 a week oi SI20 a month. First donation S10. second donation in the same calendar week (Monday-Saturday) S20. New donoi s bung in this ad for a S2 bonus on the In si donation, university Plasma Associated Bioscience ot Nebraska. 1442 0 St. 475-8645 HASHER NEEDED Free food . Call Pippy at 472-1088. cruAf k vFNfiiNfi!! S525U & uol liioli oualitv machines lor an untouched market; FfPT. CO. set locations; financing lor expansion equipment: call lor info. 800-641-4626. ext. 230, , SIGNS. HALF price! Save a5". Large Hashing anow sign $339. Lighted. nuii-aiiowS323! UnlightedS-69! Free letters! see locally. Call today! Factory direct: 1-800-423-OjMjwyjlime. 1 ; STEEL BUILDINGS. Huge savings on 1986 materials in stock, ideal gram and machineiy stoiage. Offer good while inventoiy lasts. Immediate oi (all delivery Call toll hee 1-800-362-3145. ext. 168. POLY STORAGE tanks. 250 tu 5.250 gallons, planter tanks and Uemco fertilizer equipment available im inediajeiy Lowest puces. Tanks. Ltd.. 712-324-2040. "TOOO SUNBEDS. Sunal-Wolll. Save 50"... Call toi free color catalogue wholesale prices. Commercial 4 residential units. MC or Visa accepted. Call 1-800-228-6292; OVERSEAS JOBS S20.000 16 S60.000 plus bonus.' Job ! olteis guaranteed. For information wnte: Doycoip. Box 697-VGS. Pocatello. Idaho 83204. 24 MENS Schwinn 10-speed. Excellent conttition. S85. 472-1762 alter 6:00. FOR CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boysgirls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, watersknng gymnastics, ritlery. archery, tennis, golf, sports, computeis. camping, crafts, dramatics. OR riding. Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary S700 or more plus R&B. Marc Seeger. 1765 Maple. Nfld.. IL 60093. (312) 446-2444. POLICE OFFICERS The City of Lincoln. Nebraska is seeking intelligent, sensitive individuals who can adjust to an ever changing work environment. Minimum requirements for application are: High school graduate or equivalent At least 21 yearsot age (on or before June 8. 1987) No felony convictions Valid Nebraska driver's license Statement of aided and unaided vision. Eye examination forms aie available at the CityCounty Employment Office. FDA approved soft contacts are permissable. Eye examinations must oe witnin tne last year trviarcn , 1986-March 27. 1987) Applicants who successfully meet minimum require ments listed above are scheduled lor a two (2) hour Reading Comprehensive and Writing Skills examination and a one (1) hour PAF (Police Attitudinal Factor) test. Both exams to be given consecutively (the same day). Consequently, be prepared to be at test site at least 3 12 hours. APPLY AT OR CALL: CITYCOUNTY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 555 SOUTH 10TH STREET. ROOM B113 LINCOLN. NE 68508 (402) 471-7597 CLOSING DATE for receipt of applications and eye examination forms: 4:30 P.M.. FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1987 Equal OpportunityAffirmative Action Employers AMIGO'S A quality-oriented Mexican fast-food chain is expanding into delivery and has excellent part-time job opportunities open. If you aie an aggressive, customer-oriented person and like to work at a fast, intense pace apply now at Amigo's 14th & Q' from 8 a.m,-5 p.m., Mon.-Sat. ATTN: AG STUDENTS Wanted: Farrowing & Breeding Manager tor 600 sow farrow to finish operation. KEESECKER Agri-Business Inc. P.O. Box 120 Washington. KS 66968 ' ' Call 913-325-3134. ' JOIN OUR "NANNY NETWORK "of over 500placed byus in CT. NY, NJ and Boston. ONE YEAR commitment in exchange lor top salaiy, benefits, room and board, airfare. All families presecreened for your satisfaction. MANY families for you to CHOOSE Irom. Contact HELPING HANDS, INC. at (203) 834-1742. P.O. Box 7068 Wilton, CT 06897 As featured on NBC's TODAY SHOW & HOUR MAGAZINE. LONG DISTANCE ducking NorthAmencan Van Lines needs owner operatoi s' It you need training, we will ti am you. You will operate your own tractor, ft you don'l have one. NorthAmencan otleis a tractor puichase program lhal can get you started lor an initial investment ol SI. 500. If you are 21 or over and think you may quality, we d like to send you a complete information package. Call any weekday. Toll free 1-600-348-2191. ask lor Dept. 286. REGISTERED RADIOGRAPHER needed lor progressive hospital Experienced UltrasoundMammography pre ferred. Salary depends on educationexperience. Send resume: Gordon Memorial Hospital. 300 E. 8th. Gordon. NE 69343 WANTED: A self-motivated individual wrlh management experience in retail grocery operations Send resume to Kimball Coop Food Store. Box 94. Kimball. NE 69145 HELP NEEDED. Full time larm help. Center pivot irrigation, no livestock. Send resume to. R.R. 1. Box 104. Geneva. NE 68361. WANTED. . . PROFESSIONAL 0TR drivers. 24 years or older, clean dnvmg record, salary, incentive programs. Moore s Transfer. Inc., Norfolk. NE 68701. in state 800-672-8362. WANT TO RENT SS Your place to study tor comprehensives dur ing Spring Break. John 784 6591. LOSERS WAN I ED: Lost up lo 29 pounds, inches, celluhte this month. Doctor recommended on T.V. I e lost qveSO pounds myseiH 612-642-1915. LOSERS WANTED; Lost 29 pounds, including cellulite this month. No diet, no exeicise. Dr. recommended as seen on TV. Fast results. Call Barbara. 312-564 0110. WANTED; 40 people lo lose or gain weighl. Call Bob 423;7946eeninS FUN COUPLE interested inshanng Bieckenridgecondo over Spring Break. Excellent rates. Call Marian at 443 3541 weekends or 488 1244 Monday-Thursday - 5:00 lOJJOp.m. WANTED: BOATS. Guns. Campers, new oi used. Haiders 4th Sport and Recreation Consignment Auction. April 11 and 12 Cauo. Nebraska. Call now 308 485-4142. 308-485-4344 OR 308-485-4434. V. " Saturday, March 14th Bowl from Noon to 3 PM (other times available) East Campus Union For more information pkzzs call Y-Pals 475-C322 CONVENIENCE PLUS Located close to work AND campus. Beautiful, clean, all appliance apartments. Think summer outdoor pool. Ofl-stieet parking. 1-bedroom S309; 2-bedroom, 1 bath S349. 2-bedroom, 2 bath S389 and up. WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS 1800 KNOX 476-6200 Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1666 810 H., TWO BEDROOM. S305 plus deposit. No children or pets. 467-3145. 488-7755. 2627 VINE Nice, clean 1-bedroom. Smaller unit. S245 plus electric. 464-4862. 474-1380. EAST CAMPUS 33rd & Starr One bedroom apartment, just one block from campus, laundry facilities, off-street parking Call Mega Corp 475 8407 Monday through Friday. HAYWARD PLACE 9th & Charleston One and two bedrooms available, dishwasher, micro wave, laundry facilities, off-street parking, excellent university location. 477-1535 or Mega Corporation 475- 8407. Monday through Fnday. 234 S. 27TH All new carpet. 1-bedroom apt. on 2nd level. Off-street paiking No pets. S219 plus electric. 483-4003 640 S. 20th. One and two bedioom unit, carpet, drapes. laundry S279 up 475-7262. 477-8347. 620 S 20th Two room elliciency. full size kitchen. 34 bath S220 475-7262 STUDIO HOUSE Small 1 or 2 bedroom. Cedar ceilings, quarry tile lloors. tneplace. lenced backyard Lots of windows S325. Avail able immediately. 435-8464 evenings or 467-5717 days. Ask for Pat. PLAN AHEAD FOR SUMMER WORK Save S3.000. gain expei lence tor resume. Call 473-7950. TELEMARKEING LABOR SURVEY The Lincoln Chamber of Commerce is working with a well known national company considering a Lincoln location. The company will provide proles sional ongoing training in the rapidly growing indus try of telemarketing. If you would be intei ested in applyiny for a part time telephone salesservice position in a downtown Lincoln location, please mail us your name, addiess. phone number and work experience. Please specify the schedule which best suits your needs. 8 00 a.m. to 12 Noon 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p m. The infoimation will be forwarded to the company in confidence. No phone calls please. Mail to: Mr. Pat Malloy Lincoln Chamber ot Commerce 1221 N Street. Suite 606 Lincoln. NE 68508 Edited by EUGENE T. MALESXA ACROSS 1 Jack the quipper 5 "Where's the ?" 9 Mama's man IS Salt tree HKovacsorPyle IS Poet translated by FitzGerald 17 What some maids have? 19 Rani's garb 23 Tries to equal or surpass 21 Took a sip 23 Certain annexes 24 Honor at a party 25 Spoil; botch 23 Top Warsaw athlete? 22 Expunge S3 Find a buyer Zi quanon S3 Aries S3 Blabs S3 Application item 43 March 15, e.g. 42 Mouse, to a skunk 43 Darnels 45 Gob's source of news? 47Moliereplay 43 Once more 43 Egypt's lifeline S3 Rival of Athens 53 Ph.D. courses 57 Elegance S3 Drenched in the belfry? 3 Writer Kingsley 1 Commence C2 Roof edge C3Tor2alant CI Sponsorship C3 The vat man DOWN 1 Book unit 2 Mighty mite 2 Matty of baseball 4 Old World birds 5 George Har rison was one 6 Sea eagles 7 Biblical patriarch 8 Douglas SOwn 19 She loves: Lat. 11 Whittle 12 Dry as dust 15 Actress Parsons 18 Croquet implement 22 Lunched 24 Unwise behavior 25 Deserve 23 Plowed land, in the Southwest 27 Christener 23 Actor O'Toole 23 Queenly headdress S3 A deadly sin 31 Singer Delia 33 Make a dis orderly mess 37 Comes onstage S3 Yalta figure: Feb. 1845 41 Least fleshy 44 Got even 43 Formicary dweller 47 Boundaries 43Polaofsilents S3 Bridge coup 51 Cougar 52FoesinW.W. II 53 Stumbling block 54 Not at home 55 Pierre's dream S3 Suffix with old or young S3 Ending for Jersey VOTE GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS 8:C3 a.m. to C:C-l p.m. POLLING SIT-r NEBRASKA UNION CITY CA!U3 ENGINEERING UUILDING HAMILTON HALL NEOHAGKA UNION EAST CA!lU.S . STUDENT I.D. ft PyOTO I.D. MANDATORY TO VOTE PART-TIME COCKTAIL Enthusiastic individuals to work eveningsweekends. Apply in person. Suite 9 Lounge. 2137 Cornhuskei Hwy. RESPONSIBLE STUDENT wanted to do housekeeping, laundry, ironing and run eirands for divorced business man one afterpoon per week. References required. Call Pat or Shirley. 477-377 JAN DRAKE S Garden Cale is taking applications for the following positions. Food Prep M-W-F. 9:00-2:00 or T-R. 9:30-3:00. Apply at 131 S. 13th St. from 9:00-11:00 or 1:30-3 00. WANTED: DJ. outgoing, energetic, experience not neces sary but a definite plus Must be 20 years old. 20-25 hours a week. $4 25 hour. Apply in person to Celebrations. Lower Level Gold s Galleiia alter 3:30 p.m. ADVERTISING MANAGERIAL POSITIONS We are accepting applications for the positions of sales manager and office manager for our advertising depart ment. Positions begin April '87-May 88. All applicants must be students and have basic advertising and sales knowledge. Pick up full job descriptions and applications in Room 34, lower level. Nebraska Union by Wednesday. March 11th. DAILY NEBRASKAN EOE TEMPORARY. PART-TIME billing, mail and file clerk. Good handwriting and zip code sorting expeiience helpful. S3.35 per hour. 472-3000. CAFrfSP COUNSELORS MaleFe male. Outstanding Slim and Trim Down Camps: Tennis, Dance. Slimnastics, WSI. Athletics. Nutrition Dietetics. Age 20. 7 weeks. CAMP CAMELOT on COLLEGE CAM PUSES at Massachusetts, Pennsylvania. No. Carolina. California. Contact: Michele Friedman. Director. 947 Hewlett Dr.. No. Woodmere. N.Y. 11581. 800-421-4321. INTERNATIONAL WO?.! EN'S PANEL and food festival! North Lobby Neb. Union. 11:30-1:30 p.m. today. Over live countries tepreseiited. A part of Women s Week. UPC VIDEO NCTU in the main lounge of the Union 10 30-2:30 daily. See conceits, caitoons and creative lun1 E I o 1 U U I L f i T 10 1 J 1 0 "Tf g : I A n H M 1 jQ -t - Ji 9J-Q- soot S T El X MOT uffi6jcjgs stC e e v e SA Rjo - A I R I A ji .Fills' CAR El "TTIsTl-T', II nK A Y JSil-Isi-- L XLtJ JL L 1l n lets" 1 O MjEi I EAT tee! M dlo il E jmgi G E Jets" bu" .uTt s sJa I" U j Ml dT-Ir" Of ( S H 1 A T I S I Ol R 1 A ' 1 1 G T) 3 A Vel ERAS S R Ej ! X. J -. N 2 ll U I 5 la 7 k I 110 111 12 L.. 1 T7 1, ! o "j" -r aria-""." -J -J J 41 m Jj LJ , ' U" "" " wTHf aa" "" ' "jsT"""" 35 i rri hm s t i iw t:::2 c:z2 By GARY LARSON 1 r ' 1 ,1 PMll k : . - - -- -' ' '" I'lmnmii Just when you thought it was scr?3 to go back into the topsoil. 111 EI I II I L imm-... swtmSm m. MM QJOQi JQJJ S)m .0X0) i ''Am-