Page 8 Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, March 4, 1987 7m t s , J : ,V t f A Specialty shop for: Brides AttendantsMothers V FormalsProms 2530 "0 " Street Lincoln, NE. 68510 parking in back 475-3741 J' V'.l W'J Win ill iTr?SY? If ;P O Ja iCT . - w - - j u fi c- or? jh Are those long walks to class wearing on your feet? Dr. Paul Klawitter Ambulatory Foo Ankle Clinic Says: THINK OF YOUR FOOT FUNCTIONING VERY SIMILAR TO THE FRONT END OF YOUR CAR. When your car's out of alignment The tires wear out Uneven stress is placed on the frame The steering wheel begins to shake Soon the car functions so badly, you can't drive it THE MISALIGNED FOOT DOES THE SAME THING. Pressures develop and trouble starts immediately Bones move against bones Ligaments become stretched Soon the entire alignment of your entire body is faulty SYMPTOMS OF FAULTY FOOT FUNCTION localized foot pain then bunions, corns, and calluses before long, pain in the knees hip pain, leg cramps back pain and even neck pain-headaches fatigue YOU JUST HURT ALL OVER! WHAT CAN YOU DO? Call Dr. Paul Klawitter and Associates at Ambulatory Foot and Ankle Clinic for free consutation or exam through the month of March. We are not listed under podiatrist in the yellow pages but under physician D.P.M. if 4413 Farnam Omaha, Ne. 600 N. Cotner Suite 116 4C3-0219 ,- , r M' f - - ! ' ) ( ' ' K ' Courtesy of Pershing 'Do you Wee parties?' Tickets for the Beastie Boys' March 1 5 concert at Pershing Auditorium are now on sale at the Pershing box office, all Brandeis outlets, Pickles Records, both Dirt Cheap stores and the Nebraska Unions. Call 471-7500 to charge tickets by phone. Holy TVs heaven can rate On-air evangelists: divine comedy for bored-again viewers By Charles Lieurance Senior Reporter omewhere between the Cable Value Network and the Lake of Fire are the TV evangelists, those purvey ors of hateful ignorance who have per formed the miracle of turning Elmer Gantry's traveling chautauqua tent into a multi-billion-dollar industry and gold plating the old rugged cross. Their con stituency is the old, the lonely and the uneducated, the narrow and the short sighted, those who have suffered insur mountable crises and those whose free minds have been crushed by the effer vescent, middle-class, Caucasian Jesus. This is not to say that there isn't also a constituency of viewers who watch these caterwauling Christians simply for the entertainment value. A whole generation of young Americans have discovered that watching Jimmy Swag gart pound his great gavel of a list on the old family Bible in condemnation of fags, freeloaders and free thinking, is far funnier than your average sit com. There are no noisy laugh tracks, no obsessive cheerfulness and, best of all, it's real life. Watching the eyes of some fundamentalist preacher's congregation tearing up as they're told they're heading for hell in a hand basket, and then watching them scrape our their pockets into the collection plate in gratitude sure beats the hell out of "My Sister Sam." In an effort to keep you up on which of the multitude of TV evangelists is the most entertaining, I've assembled a list of the loudest and most self righteous, those most adept at the spiritual blackmail that is funda mentalist evangelism. Tube Talk 1) Jimmy Swaggart: Swaggert is a spiritual terrorist, a mutant hybrid of his kin Jerry Lee Lewis, Captain Ahab, Elmer Gantiy and the Spanish Inquisition. He hates nearly everything about modern American life, except, of course, the currency. He is a ranting screamer who makes sometimes completely nonsensical poetry out of condemnation. His white hair falls in his face; he sweats and barrels through his ratty Bible like, dare I say it, a man possessed. And he finds verses that support the forced exile or death of liberals, rock Y rollers, gays, politicians, insurance salesmen, feminists, drinkers, smokers, college professors, cultists, tolerant Christians and sexual perverts. Hell hath no fury like Swaggart scorned. The only problem with watch ing Swaggart for entertainment value is that Swaggart is really a dangerous man. 2) Jim a id Tammy Bakker: Jim and Tammy are nowhere near as hypnotic as Swaggart, but they are surely funnier. So much has been printed in this newspaper about the Bakkers that I'll just say this: Tammy is not human; she's made of Mary Kay cosmetics through which an electric charge passes to keep her upright. So that this ball of makeup won't crack, the outer shell is continually lubricated by the discharge of fluid from the eye holes. Jim is a large toad. 3) Jerry Falwell: Falwell used to be at the top of the list. He started the whole idea of the evangelist sent to devastate this Sodom and Gomorrah called America by taking God out of the church on Sunday morning and into the streets, onto the airwaves and into the White House. Now, he's kind of boring and looks like he'd really rather be back in the church on Sunday morning. 4) Oral Roberts: Oral Roberts never would have made this list at all were it not for his recent attempts to extort money from his followers by threatening them with his death unless they gave him every cent they had. His approach to Christianity has been moderate and relatively innocuous, sticking with overexplaining the Scrip tures and selling his followers trinkets and bricks with names on them between monotonic spiritual pep rallies. He must have changed PR men somewhere along the line. , . 1 . a cennercui ;;;G; 0 'J ft i