Friday, February 27, 1987 Daily Nebraskan Page 11 LOOKING FOR Interested Student Programmer to work lor Athletic Department. Working on an Altos 926 supported by Unix Systems. Hourly wage. Ask tot Mike 42-3333. lute1co p e D jllRlElS asin; 'AjOLHlt Nlli j TtIeTrO R P0 I N T E R IdT E TR SI IT E ase 1 R o t s ! le s e ' ' tlAlTp" ns '"s ECE DjE I R I S M O R G aN O R S U I F F 0 L K EUR " N E R V EL' IEL LE drE . G Etr'jEjG" RjEjsJS "It ! li . Hi " VrofTtr e 'it' a lie sTfj A JM jG 0 R a6 R M A lt E S jf e rIrIsI J s a t 1 y 1 r l I i 1r k PART-TIME wailerAditiess and bartender Nighttime and weekend hours. Will tiain. Call Rick at 423-9'jOO, iliLQP lJl5H " 'a m a jit SUMMER RESORT EMPLOYMENT uowtey sHioh Country Hestauiant and Loungein beauti tut tsles Park. Colorado. Gateway to Rocky Mountaian National Park, and 65.miles N W. ol Denver will be interviewing in the Lincoln area tor the lollowmq posi tions: waitpersons. hostpersons, cashiers, cooks dish washers, and bai tenders. Salary based on experience, bonus piogram. employee housing available We are looking tor quality individuals who aie responsible, ambitious, honest, and interested in earning money the mZt l net,lAA5,Vlllai-'t!r Mo,' lim' Lincoln. NE CAMP COU NSELORS - MaleFe male. - Outstanding Sinn and rim Down Camps Tennis Dalian WSI. Athletics. Nutr it ion Dietetics tll'JK,ksSmP WMtLOT on COLLEGE CAM t UbLb at Massachusetts. Pennsylvania. No. Carolina u Contact: Micht'le Friedman, Director. 947 Hewlett Or No Woodmeie. N Y 11581. 800-421-4321 i r'V fAD- " home Monday & Wednesday lioTn '6 H0' Iu?,?daV & Tl1"lsf'iy iom 3 00-10.00. Call 466 225a aitei 5 00 1112 FAB 122 By GARY LARSON I -TV X:.: i.,-....iw. i m i i J When a body masts a body com!n' through fto rya W.yjltl!!lH!M ACROSS 1 Scrutinizes 6 Wrinkle 10 Young stallion 14 Moroccan capital 15 Baghdad is its capital 16 Migrant worker in the 30's 17 Undebatable subject 20 Ladylike 21 "The Human Comedy" author 22 Decorative container 24 As well 25 Evidence giver 34 Overhead 35 Corrida creature 3S Opposite of long. 37 Neck area 38 Altercation 33 Pablo's valentine word 40W.W.IIarea 41 Work units 42 Climbing vine 43 Perry Mason, eg. 47 Decalogue adverb 48 Droop 49 Parish leaders 53 Kindling's kin 58 Judge's command 61 Fabricator 62 Center 63 Warbucks's ward 64 Beasts of burden 65 Identical sibling 63 Loamy deposit Edited by EUGENE T. MALESXA DOWN 1 Rialto signs 2 Ann or Charles 3 Retired for the night 4 Dog in "Peter Pan" 5 Height 6 Cover 7 Tax org. 8 Slangy negatives 9 Algebra problem 10 Hit film in 1985 11 Rubber-stamp 12 "Mona " 13 Rock lover 18 Saint Philip 19 Jog 45 Jordanian 23 Mother queen 25 Like Leo 43 London art 23 Let up gallery 27 "On Old 43 Many: Comb. Smokey" form 28 Preceding S3 Peters solo night 51 Loc. of Pierre 23 Alba 52 Winter 23 Watch holders whiteness 31 Violinist 54Asinsation Mischa 55 Desert sight 32 Burgundy 53 Discordant river goddess 33 Wander 57Hwys. 33 Limit 53 Prefix with 33 It's all around pod or cycle us 69 Barnyard 42 Sensible denizen 44 Comes in 1 Ti 3 4 Is r s p a 9 f 1 10 In 12 13 : 1 I 14 15 16 17 " 18 " " TiT " 20 " 21 J JH t LJL 22 23 I j24 isT 2127 2" " " " ' jf-Jg- 31132133 i3r j y 73 41 """" "42" """" TT" " ' 44 45" " " " 46 """" 47 49 "1 Tif" """" 62 " "" I S3 """"" M 65 i"j5 " I j I 64 .i ; M 1 I 1 M 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I UnivGfGiij F Miff MUflCh of fresh daisies. 4, ONLY 474-3792 k J) 118 N. 14th VA blks. south of Nebraska Union 1 WANIED. IN TELLlGt NT. eneigeiic. tesponsible indivi duals to stall new resiauiant downtown. All positions available, counter to cook Parl-lnne only. Apply 111 ptsison. 14 12 0 St .Ask Jor Bruce JO 00J 00 a 111 the YMCA Youth Sports Dept. is hiring soccer olhcials lor youth league No expenencenecessaiy. We train Paid position. CdlfVouth Sports, 45-9022. rtie VMCA Youlh Sports Dept.'is looking lor VOLUN TEER soccei coaches Low competitive leaque lor youth player s Contact Youth Sports J5-9022 now' NttDED. BUSD0YS toi noon iunch tune and evening meal Call 42 96t1 loi paiticulais. C000 LOOKING7' I) ynu think you might have what it takes to be in the 190 8 Men & Women ot Nebraska Calendars, then now is the time to apply Star Promotions is interviewing NOW for their 19H8 models, For more mloimalion call Lu at 42-954 or Rhett at 46 0550. UNL FACULTY, STAFF. STUDENTS! FRIDAY GATHERING TI,!E 3 30-5 30 PM Every Friday St. Mark s Episcopal Church 1309 H Street Fellowship Relieshments ALL Wtlcom JAN DRAKE SGaiden Cate is taking applications lor the following positions. Food Prep (M-W-li, Waitery (T-R). Ajj ply at " 131 S 13th, 9-11 or 1 30-3 00 C0UL0 YOU BE A BOSTON NANNY? Are you a loving, nuilunng peison who enjoys spending time with children? Live in lovely, suburban neighbor hoods, enjoy excellent salaries, benefits, your own living quaiters and limited woiknig hours Your lound-tup tianspoitation piovided. One year commitment neces saiy. Call 01 wnte. Mis FislIi. Cluldcaie Placement Service. Inc. (CCPSl. 149 Buckmmstei Hd.. Biookhne. MA 02146 (617)566 6294 CBA STUDENTS Ouit griping to youi tnends, it doesnt get anything accomplished Talk to Dean Schwendimln Monuay in CBAJ20at3 30 J LUTHERAN COLLEGIANS Bowling at East Campus Union Sunday at 6 30 PM FOREIGN STUDENTS A special session on Federal Income lax tor nonresident taxpayers (loreinn students and visiting scholars) will be held on Friday. February 27 at 3 p.m. in the Nebraska Union, Who's Who in CBA' You might be1 Applications available in CBA 240 Return completed applications 10 CBA 238 Please note change in deadline to Match UNITE UNITE UNITE UNITE UNITE Meeting Sunday 7 00 in the NE Union uwie PLASMA DONORS l ai n up to S30 a week 01 S 120 a month Fust donation SI0. Second donation in trie same calendar week (Monday Satuiday) S20 New donors bung in tins ad loi a SZ bonus on (tie tust donation. Urnver sity Plasma Associated Bioscience ot Nebraska. 1442 "0 St . 45-8645 Hey UNL Women! Gel excited. WOMEN'S WEEK IS COMING! (call 42 259lot into.) SPRING BREAK WITH SUNCHASE!! Spaces are still available at Padie Island. Mustang Island Daytona Beach. Ft LaudeidaleMiami Beach Call 46 193 WANTED WANTED: 40 people to lose or gam weight. Call Bob 423-7946 evenings ANWOUWCEE-aENTO it ISO SOCIAL NIGHT Dance to D J music, 8:00 p.m. 12:30 a.m. Friday, Feb. 27, Union Ballroom. Punch and popcorn provided. Be part ot Who s Who1 Pick up an application in CBA 240 and return it by Apr il 10. 2010 Wednesday & Fiiday at 6 & 9 in Aveiy Auditorium Thuisddy at 7& 9 30 in East Union StudentsSI Sponsoied by UPC American Films and Sights & Sounds Who's Who is CBA? You might be' Applications available in CBA 240. Please return by April 10. YOU COULD be in Daytona Beach for spring break. Think about it, time is running out. Sign up in the CAP office today! INNOCENTS SCHOLARSHIPS FRESHMEN & SENIORS The Innocents Society is offering Freshmen Scholarships and Outstanding Senior Awaids. Applications aie avail able in the ASUN. Cap City & East offices, and at the Culture Center. Deadline is February 27. PERSONALS DISCIPLES UNITED METHODISTS PRESBYTERIANS U.C.C. Anybody else! SUNDAYS AT CORNERSTONE 10 00 AM Bible Study 10 30 AM Fellowship Hour 11.00 AM Sunday Woiship All UNL students, faculty and staff are invited and welcome to shaie in then community of inquiiy. fellowship, celebiation. and giowth in Jesus Chnst. DAYTONA IS WONDERFUL THIS TIME OF YEAR RESIDENCE HALL WEEK CO-ED SAND VOLLEYBALL Thuisday. Maich 5 Hai pei -Schramm-Smith Courts 5 00-8 00 PM S100.00 Prize Questions? Call 472-0608 (Jill) ?! I like to sit on the west end ot thii d floor (dread). Maybe you should be more perceptive. Brimstone the Draqon Male sponge sulfering severe nocturnal myopia desper ately seeking a sex life. If drunk andor interested, please call 472-029T. Ask tor JimBob. To UNL Male Students. : Would you consider dating a fat girl" We need companionship and affection too I'm looking for an occassional date with a non-smokei If you te interested, wide P 0. Box 6744. Lincoln. NE 68506 Latora You re still a stud!! P S. Kick some A- tonight! Love. Your Neighbor Submit a Nomination! THE SUE TIDBALL AWARD FOR CREATIVE HUMANITY A chance to recognize and honor fellow students, faculty or staff who go beyond the call of duty to help make the UNL campus a more humane place to be. Call 476-0355 for Information and Nomination Forms SUMMER EMPLOYMENT. 12 weeks work. S2.400 guaranteed. For more intormation. come to room posted in Union. LAST CHANCE FOR SPRING BREAK '87! Limited space available at these number one collegiate beach and ski destinations. South Padre Island, Daytona Beach. Steam boat Springs. Miami BeachFort Lauderdale. Mustang IslandPort Aransas. Galveston Island and Fort Walton Beach. Call Sunchase Tours Central Spring Break Toll Free Hot Line today for information ana reservations. 1-800-321-5911. J. Sullivan. You have something of mine that I want back. You. I. and Kuzu know what it is. II it's not back on my office bulletin board by next Wednesday, the Kabao will go up in flames. Consider yourself warned! The lives of innocent people are on the line! THE SPORTS GUY DAYTONA BEACH is great this time of year. Come with UPC sign up in the CAP office. Time is running out! Jear Fat Girl: Have you ever considered losing some weight? Male UNL student PEACE CORPS FILM March 5, NE Union 7 p.m. Room Posted Jelf. Thanks for being a great friend!! Rhonda HPL-r musu stum m tmm , J. BO If (VCN THOUGH IT 3 STILL iSlj V -liter TOC riRST HERCTIC CP graffj fWCNSLY HlH-3HmLCfiS mi? i rti a. twu ) ii here ret state vwmmSttZ JKUDRCMir.j ll y . IS 1 5TAW -KFORB MY PRNOIB PORTAL OF imnm. nmr MYSOr...A5IUfU TWENTY YBARS FROM NOW. v r i WPWLOSOPHICflL IMPLICATIONS WHAT PCS9 A FOIOWASKHIS ft f 3 iV Wl - AROUtiP ABOUT I I r-M M rm "" " t - ' 7 if lUAdl I .i . ntwnnm f(. mm V M M I f dli uuonvi I I J ONLY I 14" CHEESE Ci ONE TOPPING PIZZA EXPIRES 3-4-87 18" CHEESE & ONE TOPPING PIZZA I I I TAX j I 1 A 6 R7 I I I I I ONLY KU U O LV KM TAX EXPIRES 3-4-87 ! BONUS COUPON i CORNER OF 17TII i Q ST. FAST & FKESH 3 TYPES OF CUUST Try an order of our new garlic bread. j wany other coupon on this ad I EXPIRES 34-87 I h V