The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 26, 1987, Page Page 9, Image 9
Thursday, February 26, 1987 Daily Nebraskan Page 9 o o Q oQ Q o ooooooQoo oop ooooooq V II I D oinis By "Twist and Shout," a Danish film playing this weekend at Sheldon Film Theatre begins with a crowd of young Danes tailing all over them selves while a Beatles sound-alike band rips through aversion of "Twist and Shout." Meanwhile, Erik stares longingly at Kirsten, dancing to the new beat. Soon, Erik's friend Bjorn starts his own Beatles cover band. This is 1964, the beginning of the Beatles explosion. Bjorn dresses like the Beatles and bobs his head like Ringo when he plays ,the drums in a band called SeaLionJ five lads from Denmark that even make the Finns ters look good. Is the film about the Beatles or Beatlemania? Nope. Director and co-writer Bille August just uses the Beatles as a lure. "Twist and Shout" has nothing to do with the Beatles, but it has everything to do with two young men growing up too fast and making hard choices. It sounds almost like "Danish Graffiti" or "Happy Days " but "Twist and Shout" 1 '" "" 'JP' 1 " IW" m i .MM . i .i ii.i, in i., i I 1 ' .. ' -.. -y -.'VvJi'.i I f 4 -' ' - - - -- - TIig jfaoteot 100 IBM Compatible CompBtero AT Tho Loueot Priceo in Toun 4 S3 O Final Week -s EXCEL PCST i 1599.00 u 255X RAM 1 SSCX DRIVE NOMOGRAPHICS AMEER MONITOR OYER 50 FEES PROGRAMS 4 ANNIVERSARY SALE THRU FEBRUARY U? TO 40 SAVINGS ON h iraffiu Stew Magnuson is more than that. Using the Beatles as a lure is kind of a cheap way to get people in the theater who might not have gone without the popular title. But what he's luring the viewer into is a mov ing story about growing up and one of the best foreign films to come out in years. Bjorn and Erik have problems that would have never touched their American counterparts, Potsie Weber and Richie Cunningham. Erik's mother is a paranoidschi zophrenic, and his father is a disci plinarian who believes the best way to treat his wife's illness is to keep her locked away in her room where others can't see her. Erik is shy, robbed of much of his childhood while taking care of his ailing mother. Erik is also madly in love with Kirsten, and Kirsten is madly in love with would-be drummer Bjorn. Bjorn, well, he doesn't have as rough a life as Erik. He falls deeply in love with the alluring Anna. Kirsten gets jilted; she's a spoiled, 30 Money ' jmmm r " it una i - i (illl M,t u Guarantee 1-12 SOFTWARE, HARDWARE rich girl anyway and not a really likeable character. Scenes of Anna and Bjorn doing the things young lovers do are inter cut with scenes of Erik discovering how to best treat his mother. Instead of locking her away, Erik takes her on clandestine walks through parks and to the library while his father is away at work. His mother looks and acts better. Everything goes wrong when Erik's father discovers the daytime walks and when Anna gets pregnant. Erik's father is screwed up, but there are no cliche characters in this film. Sym pathy can be found for him; he loves his family, even though he doesn't know what's best for them. After a horrifying illegal abortion, Anna, confused and afraid their love will never be the same, dumps Bjorn, who goes back to Kirsten on the rebound. Bjorn, living like a zombie, consents to marry the manipulative Kirsten while Erik's father locks his mother in her room for good. Both Erik and Bjorn have to make hard choices. "Twist and Shout" makes John Hughe's adolescent-in-crisis films look like a day in the park. And August gets exceptional perforr mances from all the actors, espe cially Adam Tonsberg as Bjorn, Lars Simonsen as Erik and Bent Mejding as Erik's father. Like any foreign film, "Twist and Shout" also gives a look into a dif ferent culture and lifestyle. No, "Twist and Shout" doesn't have much to do with the Beatles explo sion, but we've seen enough of those films and too little of films like this. "Twist and Shout" plays tonight through Sunday. Screenings are at 7 and 9 p.m. with a Sunday matinee at 5 p.m. (There- are no screenings Friday.) Final Week! 3 Ci n o O 1 EZCEL FC2IT 11399.00 Day Back ecx RAM 1 12MB DRIVE MONOGRAPHICS AMEER MONITOR Ycr OVER 50 FREE PROGRAMS Professional 4S3-4491 (jomputers 483-4965 Service 48th & Hwy. 2 Sutter Place Mail o c o o o o o o TAPE RENTALS AND SALES MAMA7IMCC Q1730 'O' St. No One Under 18 Admitted 476-6042y 00000000000000000000000 0 dcmcinq i if 2& Spring Break AUn HHXPI TIPQ February 26, 27, 28 at 8 PM and February 28 at 3 PM Kimball Kail 1- h Sljm Pi Presents: fc roi Bmk Pare' 20-29 includes 7 nights8 days at the famous Texan Motel, bar and restaurant dis counts, pool deck parties, optional excur sions and more. i MTV will be broad- I casting live in Daytona J March 27-29! 1 For more information or to sign up call 489-9701 or 475-0036. Hurryl Deadline to sign up is Friday, March 6. V- o o o o o o o