The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1987, Page Page 12, Image 12
Page 12 Wednesday, February 25, 1987 Daily Nebraskan P. 0 47225 pre-health professions Woikshop on "lest Taking Skills and Financial Aid toi Medical and Denial School Feb. 25 at 6.00 in City Union by Pie-Dent Club TEACHERS COLLEGE ADVISORY BOARD Next meeting is Thutsdav. Feb 26, 1987 al 6.00 Henzhk Hall Room 102 k it iz STUDENT REC CENTER WILL BE DISCUSSED & DE BATED THIS WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT 6:30, CITY UNION DURING THE ASUN MEET ING. ALL WELCOME TO EX PRESS!!!! We're Opan for 7 Days a Week 1 1 :AM 475-7672 611 N. 27th Main Campus 1986 Domino's Pizza. Inc. co":::ojo i rrv J. I 7. j M : LJ ( j I 1 i 11 L J -.ti,;,;,,;;,,,,:, - i- - - - i . -J I i .. , i J ave on the Emerson 10" Color television this week at Nebraska Bookstore. Features include Pre set soft-touch tuning D.C. car adaptor Audio video jacks Available in white, pink or red. Reg. 27500 Located m fib ! Mcetlimwr,' more than a Bookstore. Prices good thru fi r-' x a. f . vi SI k. it February 27th 10 a.m.-7 p.m. ASUN PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE Sponsoied by Moriar Board Thursday. Feb 26 3pm in the Crib Submit a Nomination1 THE SUE TIDBALL AWARD FOR CREATIVE HUMANITY A chance lo recognize and tionni fellow students, faculty oi staff who go beyond the call of duty to help make the UNL campus a mote humane place lo be Call 4 C3' for Information and Nomination Forms CBA SEMESTER IN JAPAN I all 1 9 a 7 . sponsored by UNI College ol Business Ailminisliahon. Also open to other UNL studenls Study and live at lokyo s Senshu U , e.1111 tOcr Intro Japanese. 6 ci .. Japanese Business. 3 ci Japanese Civilization For uitoi mahon and application (by Apul 1), sec 0 vee Buss. CBA 242. 472-2310 "What You Can Do Willi an English Maioi (If You Don t Want to leach)" panel sponsored by Under gt actuate English Otganization. fi ee Feb 26.7 9pm, Andrews 228. B-Week 1987 Schedule ol Events Thursday. Feb 26 - SHORT TOPICS 12 30-1.30 Speaker: Millie Kat? - Internships. Room 119. CBA LEARN MORE ABOUT THE STUDENT REC CENTER! THIS WILL BE THE TOPIC OF THE ASUN SENATE MEET ING THIS WEDNESDAY AT 6:30 PM IN THE CITY UNION. ALL ARE WELCOME! vac- , v r J0)g89 CM Open Monday-Friday 8-5 30 Saturday 9-5 30 13Q Street (432) 4734111 p .J U , ; . i m fe V. :if ikJ. ... m . -. UNL WILDLIFE CLUB Meeting tonight - 7 30 The speaker will be Joe Vondiuska who is an Ecological .Analyst. SPRING BREAK WITH SUNCHASEM Spaces aie still available al Padre Island. Mustang Island, Daytona Beach. Ft. LauderdaleMiami Beach Call 40 1973 " " UNL STUDENT GOVERNMENT 6 30 pm - TONIGHT r BRASKA UNION - CITY CAMPUS HOOMTOHEPOSTtD INI ORMATION & Af.LNDA AVAILABLE 115NI.ISHASKA UNION TREK will be announcing Its candidacy for ASUN today at 1 p m mliontol Mom ill Hal! by the Apollo Spacecraft1 LIVE LONG & VOTE TREK!! PRE-DENTAL CLUB Meeting tonight at 6.00 in City Union I est Taking Skills and Financial Aid " UNITE Congiatulales its following candidates on their recent appointments: Tre Biasheai SAA. Vicki Oomina -NS0. Nate Geisert - SAA. Craig Geides - NS0, bob Gesliing SAA. Greek Week Chan. Gieg Johnson SAA. Biad Katz Innocents. Kuitis Kienlz SAA. Rob Melhon CFA Chair. Andy Pollock Innocents, Alan Scairow SAA. ASUN PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE Sponsored by Mortar Board Thursday: Feb. 26 3 p.m. in the Crib Sigma Chi Basement Workers. GREAT JOB! Thankfully. Landshark vnn az: "Hava you noticed swinging behind loliygagging clong, ba wcrin' a hct on Dm wn Q3 j. r -A ATTENTION FRESHMEN If you have a 3.75 GPA you aie eligible for the National Fieshman Honoraries - Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi tta Sigma Watch youi mail lor information If you have any questions contact Sara Boatman in the CAP Office. PERSONALS Scott A K A. Rockey. Thanks lor the tour ol UNL We enjoyed the weekend. Love. Dad. Mom SHERR' " " , I win alway love you more than you Know! Joe Society. ,. "and the goodbye makes the journey harder slili. . . HA-HA' Jane Society - POLLY S. (PTpHI) (you Geek) Thank you foi being the best sistei in both senses of the word. , LoveJjiff folhemale with blackblue checkered suspenders: You were playing pool at Chesterfields Saturday I asked you to move your suspenders. You took them off. I'm interested! Pool sometime? RSVP. Female in gray & while shirt John: "Celebrating" with you Friday night was fun. May I have the next dance? RSVP. Suzanne Kim & Michelle (Husker Chefs). Thanks for the gourmet dinner. The unknown runner and the everpresent jumper are welcome back anytime. Steve. Jim & a week early Goober (FH), Congratulations you "little devil." Your "innocent" hard work finally paid off. You did it!! Love, Snookums By GARY LARSON that? ... You gst stuck soma guy who's just end sura enough ha'll tha bGck of his head." 3 Nebraska Stata Fairgrounds Exposition Eui'ding Jim (Sigma Chi) Hey. Snob! Why did you stop coming by to see me before class' Too busy writing creative poetry? That s okay I'm not too hurt (Sniff. Sub1) Lonelyj jeiected Gi aduale Student Biad Lee". I ll miss running my fingers thru your hair, you BIG teddy bear! Love, "The Thing liom Kearney' Katla Marie. You've got my attention and I want to meet you. Infatuated. J e I lT Anne (KAT). TKE a walk and crawl back in youi hole. i B f- B..:t:0y. Surprise! A personal! Thanks for being there for me1 Love. Weslin Judy K (X0). Congratulations on being selected lor Innocents Society. We're proud ol you! Your Chi 0 Sisters Brenda R The party tonight is in your pants. Happy birthday you wild woman. Love. Vinnie ATTENTION WINTER PARK SKI BUMS! To Steve for margaritas so lime To Brad for always bringing up the rear To Jetf tor unlimited entertainment To Beth and Kara for bringing "Rex" into the world And to Bob special thanks for making it all happen! Had a great time-same time next year! Love, the Theta Ski Bunnies LJ Thanks for last "Friday night" and "Rocky." Is there any chance for another night like it? Love LJ. P S. How about this Friday? FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share furnished. 3 bedroom house near 31st & "D". Near busline, WD. S125 12 utilities. 435-21844C3-0065 evenings. MALE ROOMMATE wanted for Large 3-bedroom duplex. S133 rent A 1 3 cheap utilities. Close to campus. 435-1514. NON-SMOKING FEMALE roommate. Nice house. East Campus. Near busline. UNL shuttle. S155mo. 14 share utilities. WD. 464-5226 afternoon, eves. 0-EIlICE3 TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL - SALES - SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 N. 13th 474-4136 RESUMES Professionally typeset. S15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan, basement of Nebraska Union. 8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. Monday Friday. SEXTON TYPING S1 25pg . 6 years experience. 7 daysweek 466-8651. TYPING One day service, quality work, reasonable rates. 474-2150 WORD PROCESSING SERVICE Glenda Hinz 475 2253 Dissertations. Theses, Ter -a Papers. Etc. Quality Work, Reasonable Prices COPY SERVICE - Reductions & Enlargements QUALITY TYPING, quick turnaround on most reports. 10 off with this ad at MY OFFICE, 421 South 9th Street, Suite 107. 474-6345. TYPING Reasonable rates, storage, spellchecker. Computer Type 1630 Que 476-TYPE 15 OFF FIRST PROJECT Professional resumes, letters, quality term papers, theses. Editing assistance included. Bonnie s Word Processing 476-1635 1 AVIS Professional Typing & Word Processing. Resumes, E? term papers, thesis, misc. Compare costsserviceshours y open. Editing. Notary. Near main UNL campus. 435-AVIS. fc!: MnAMAMuA. ioa omo i-- i- r . j Remember 483-8208 for vour Word Procession needs. Reasonable-quality-fast!" Pregnant? Birthright is a confidential helping hand. Call us -483-2609. . SINGLE & PREGNANT Adoption is a caring alternative. For confidential in formation call Nebraska Children's Home. 483-7879 FREE PREGNANCY TESTING GHEEIL AFFAIHS Congrats to Tami Johnson S Beth Penner on making Innocents. We're very proud of you. Love. Your KKG Sisters CONGRATULATIONS NEW SAMMY LIL SISTER PLEDGES: Donna T.. Maria C. Shawnda H.. Anne R.. Carol T., Jo M. Kris L., Holh B . Melinda J., Christy H.. Lisa P.. Ranae S. Jeanne S , Koki B. if : n ATO LITTLE SIS IS BROWN BAG AUt ION Thursday - 9 -0 Congratulations Warren Campbell - Active Sam my of th .lonth! PI KAPPA PH Little Sister Mei ng 800 p m. Thurs ?y Congratulations Eric L (Sammy) f our banquet position dunny B-Week. SIGMA NU LITTLE SISTERS Study Break tonight: 9' '5. Bring calendars. CHI OMEGA'S Revival of Woodstock THE PARTY PROHIDITION WEEK '87 XI LOVE CONNECTION "87 Alpha Xi Delta