The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1987, Page Page 11, Image 11
Page 11 Wednesday, February 25, 1987 Daily Nebraskan CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 FOR GALE $2 75 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. 52 25 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads. $ 75 billing charge on noncommercial ads. All personal arts must be prepaid. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted tree ol charge. DEADLINE; 1 p.m. day before publication (Monday through Friday). The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted ads (rom businesses that are not equal oppor tunity employers. VISA MASTERCARD MOUNTAIN BIKE, new condition. 18 speed, and lots ol accessories. S240 or oiler. 4M5-2b94. LPD NOTICE Of SALE ol unclaimed bicycles and miscellaneous pcoperty 28 at 10.00 a m 410 West P' St By the Pioperty Div nu cnecKS accepted Feb. ision. 10 X 50 2-bedroom mobile home 464-1038. keep dying. Air. must sell, nice. MISCELLANEOUS USED furniture: couch, tables, chairs, lamps, benches Call 421-3389 evenings to arrange to see, OVERSEAS JOBS. Summer, year round. Europe. S, Amer., Australia. Asia. All fields. S900-S2.00 mo. Sight seeing Free info. Wnt IJC. P.O. Box 52-NE 1 Corona'Del Mar, CA 92625. Every Thursday in the Daily Nebraskan AUTO 3 FOR GALE 75 VW RABBIT S600. 798-7807. leave message. A. NEAR CAMPUS NICE 1 & 2 BEDROOM UNITS. NO RENT UNTIL MARCH 1. FROM S265MO. PLUS DEPOSIT. 421-3989,474-1064 CLEAN AND CLOSE 2-bedroom apartment located close to East Campus and Um Place shopping. All appliances. Laundry facilities. Off-street paikinq. HUNTINGTON SQUARE APARTMENTS 3300 HUNTINGTON AVE. 466-8611 Joseph E. KeanCo. 474-1666 CONVENIENCE PLUS Located close to work AND campus. Beautiful, clean, all appliance apartments. Think summer outdoor pool. Off-street parking. 1-bedroom $309; 2-bedroom, 1 bath S349; 2-bedroom. 2 bath S389 & up. WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS 18C0 KNOX 476-6200 Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1666 ACROSS 1 Loose 6 Start of a G.B.S. title 10 Mildred Pierce's creator 14 Neutral color 15 "The best schemes. . .": Burns 16 "The and Future King": White 17 Trial's partner 18 Popular rock group 19 Follower of beef or fish 20 Before now 21 Posts 23 Festinate 24 Wizard in the 1939 "Oz" film 26 Jane Russell film: 1966 28 Shriveror Dawber 31 Medicinal herb 33 St. Merici 35 Ewe said it -3$ State 37 Kind of sauce 38 Mustard plant 41 Winter apple 42 Lasswell's Pepe" 43 Stout 44 Aim 45 Notorious 47 Forest humus 48 Bergere, e.g. 50 Flag 53Kobo , Japanese writer 55 Holidays 57 Avril follower 58 Woe, in poesy 60 Tie up 61 Forest 63 Bee genus Edited by EUGENE T. MALESXA 64 Musical role 9 Student org. in 5 Register 3 Try 67 Balance 63 "Pastures" poet: 1933 DOWN 1 Word with iron or table 2 Musical direction 3 Southern lights 4 U.N. officer 5 Iranian city 8 State motto of Wash. 7 Victoria and Waterloo 8" Solemnis" the60s 10 " fan tutte" 11 Third from last 12 Word with bag or cap 13 Neoteric 22 A liqueur 23 Kind of roll 25 Resort in Provence 27 Scouts' powwow 23 Winged ant 33 A giant among old Giants 32 Tech 34 Bad jokes produce these 35 Conductor ' Walter 23 Border 33 Import 43 Echo of songdom 4SIt's"blowin, in the wind" 43 Expiate 51 Winds of 32-63 m.p.h. 52Kol , Hebrew prayer 54 Outdo 53 Darn 58 Masterson 53 J.FredMuggs, e.g. 63 Del .Calif. city 62 Chemical suffix NEWER OR recently redecorated apts: Except for water, tenant pays utilities unless otherwise noted: Furnished: 648 S. 12, Eff. $213. includes steam heat: Call 435-4258. 502 S. 12. Eff. $186. S213, $221: 1 Bed. $266 Rental rehab, available Call 474-5618. Unfurnished: 1615 Garfield, 2 bedroom, DW & disp. Call 474-2490. 3404 NeerPark, 2 story townhouse, $600. Call 423-5800 for any ol the Units. 810 H., TWO BEDROOM. $305plus deposit. No children or pets. 467-3145, 488-7755. 2627 VINE Nice, clean 1-bedroom. Smaller unit. $245 plus electric. 464-4862. 474-1380. 3-BEDR00M, MOD. kitchen, bath with shower; CA; W0 on premises. 3 blocks from City Campus. Jim at 464-6201, S375. 640 S. 20th. Two room efficiency, full size kitchen, 34 bath. $220. 475-7262. 640 S. 20th. One and two bedroom unit, carpet, drapes. laundry. $279 up. 475-7262, 477-8347. HELP WANTED CBS RECORDS is looking tor a student to coordinate marketing activities. Must be a soph or r. next school year. Experience preferred Send resume to 521 N. 25th St.. 25. Lincoln, NE 68503 by Mar. 11. Jan Drakes Garden Cafe is taking applications lor the following positions: Food Prep(M-W-F). Waitery (T-R). Apply at 131 S. 13th. 9-11 or 1:30-3 00 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT for qualified individuals as crop scouts in the Fairmont-Exeter-Cordova area. Job involves weekly scouting of corn, milo and soybeans for insect, week, and disease problem j. Will provide on the job training College of 4-H experience in basic crop production, entomology, and weed science would be a plus. Farm background or previous experience is essential Applicant must have reliable transportation and a good driving record. Mileage will be paid on transportation. Ability to follow in structions and attention to detail, along with good communication skills are important Good physical condition would be beneficial also. Work will be ap proximately 40 to 50 hours over a five day week. A part time position may be available. Interested individuals should send a letter of application andor resume to the Quad County Co-op. P.O. Box 75, Exeter, NE. 68351. No phone calls. Closing date March 7th. Wanted: Summer babysitting in home during daytime. Salary negotiable depending on room and board. 488- 5476 or 473-1221, ask for Sherry. Basketball officials tor tournament on March 6th & 7th. Call 474-0363 or 476-2633 tor details. The Northeast YMCA is seeking enthusiastic individuals to be day camp counselors for the summer 1987 season. Prefer persons with camping skills and experience in working with children. Contact Cheryl at the Northeast YMCA. 2 PART-TIME positions 25 hours plus evenings and weekends Person must provide living skills to an adolescent female living in Wahoo Behavioi management ex penence desired. $5 1)9 hourly Contact Marilyn Car per at Saunders County Ollice of Mental Hetaidation. 443- 4694J0E " Tne YMCA Youth Spoils Dept is looking lor VOLUN TEER soccer coaches Low competitive leaque lor youth players. Conlact Youth Sports. 45-9622 now1 VANTED DO YOU HAVE THE DEST DUNS? The Daily Nebraskan is looking for the perfect pair of 501 s, tattered and wornout to appear in our fashion issue. If you think your buns and 501s qualify, come to the DN officeThursday at 1 p.m. wearin' your best entry! 2222 VINE Large, 2-bedroom, 2-bath. Heat paid. 4862, 474-1380. Start at $370. 464- 1 2 3 4 5 " " j6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ; ji5 i :vi 77 t i8 I fTi 20 .' 21 22 " 23 --1 24 25" " 26 27 ' j 23 29" JO" """" ,31 32" "' ""33 34 3sT""" 36 : 37 38" 3i" 40" 41 44 , ;45 46" j 47 hi 49T '450 avur 1 I 1 I 1 a3 54 ' 55 56 : 57 Mllll nTT Hill 909 N. 23RD ST. 3-bedroom house. $350. 435-1570 or 488-7358. 2-BEDROOM APT. with fireplace. Near campus. $335 utilities. Very nice. 472-3469476-8048. 4-BEDR00M. new carpet, new paint. Washer & Oryer. 236 N. 33rd. $495. 483-5573. 1245 NEW HAMPSHIRE St. - 2 level, 2-bedroom apt. with living room, dining room, range, tub-shower, washer, dryer, AC. garage, lurn. or unfurnished. Preference to ROTC. grad. students and upperclassmen. NO smokers. oogs, kios. t-3uta. 3-BEDR00M, 5573. 2944 "S" St. Nice and quiet. S330. 483- NOW AVAILABLE Affordable room and board in a Christian atmosphere. Only 2 blocks from campus. CCCF Campus House. 1633 U 51. inquire in person or Dy pnurie, ii-ao ui 1 j- 0398. ask for Dennis. OwEt T3 rrjvirjs fizzle B0CA SPA I NjlA n O AO S; PA UTj flllR. J. Jti 2. L IllliJi- sJta gg a a pjp iff aJsJeT " iR 0 TjE nVjE A R NT.' sTaI pfo r s s e "s h a rJie C RA V A Tl C jA SMUEIA A G tJ AMOR .C LlElM POL ,0 5 R ' IT A L E S E e mi oirs WW, M21 iN 5 jj .1 1 c xw I D O lNT H A iijH A L E TORN 1 111 IT 1 !L Ip ARE II iAlDlolRIEl. ;d1eEP1 SUMMER PLAYGROUND POSITONS Lincoln Parks & Recreation is accepting applications for the following positions: Playground Leader Playground At sistants Craft Specialists Theatre Specialists Activity Specialists At least 18 yrs of age (by June 1. 1987); mature with outgoing personality. Ability to relate to children. Ability to plan s conduct a recreation program for grade school. Experience working in a leadership role with groups of children. Physicaiiy able to perform all duties relating to active physical activities. MUST PROVIDE OWN TRANS PORTATION. Other specialized skills are required for the craft, theatre & activity specialist positions. Must be available for training session June 1-5 8:30 a m. -noon & for entire program period June 8-July 31, 9:15 a.m. -12:15 p.m. Playgrounds located at elementary school sites and city parks. Hourly salary: $3 90-S4.30, depending uponexperience and type of position. Apply at: Lincoln Parks & Recreation Office 2740 "A" Street Lincoln, NE 68502 471-7952 Applications received by Feb. 27. 1987 will be given preference. EOEAA . MOTHER'S HELPER BOSTON Professional Boston couple living in beautiful college town (Wellesley) seeks Mother s Helpei to care for two enthusiastic pre-schoolers. Light housework, some cooking. Seek energetic person to live in for 1-2 years, beginning June or August. Must drive, no smoke. References required. $700 per month room & board. Call: (Days) 617-570-8707, (weekendseves.) 617-235-8158, or write: The Lanes, 11 Longmeadow Rd. Wellesley, MA 02181. WANTED: 4 tickets to KU-NU B-ball game. 786 2240 before 4 30 pjn.4660250 afterj 30jHn W ANTED: 40 people to lose or gain weight. Call Bob 423-7946 evenings. ANTJOUNCELIEOTS RESIDENCE HALL WEEK CO-ED SAND VOLLEYBALL Thursday, March 5 Harper-Schramm-Smith Courts 5 00-8 00 PM $100 00 Prize Questions? Ca 1 472-0608 (Jill) PRE-PHYSICAL THERAPY STUDENTS If you do not start at UNMC in August 1987, you are under new entrance requirements. Visit the Advising Center for details. LAST CHANCE FOR SPRING BREAK '87! Limited space available at these number one collegiate beach and ski destinations. South Padre Island, Daytona Beach, Steam boat Springs, Miami BeachFort Lauderdale. Mustang IslandPort Aransas, Galveston Island and Fort Walton Beach. Call Sunchase Tours Central Spring Break Toll Free Hot Line today for information ana reservations. 1-800-321-5911. 2010 Wednesday & Friday at 6 & 9 in Avery Auditorium Thursday at 7 & 9:30 in East Union. Students$1. Sponsored by UPC American Films and Sights & Sounds. , WANT TOtEARN ABOUT PUBLIC RELATIONS?? t c Bob Bruce from University Information will talk on THE UNIVERSITY AND THE MEDIA Wednesday, 3:30, City Union. UPC Talks & Topics Faculty Series. FINANCE CLUB MEETING Wednesday. Feb. 25, 7 p.m. in the Union Guest Speaker THE UNIVERSITY & THE MEDIA Bob Bruce from University Information talks on Public Relations with the media Wednesday. 3:30. in the City Union. UPC Talks & Topics Faculty Series. Be part of Who's Who! Pick up an application in CBA 240 and return it by April 10. PLASMA DONORS Earn up to $30 a week or $120 a month. First donation $10. Second donation in the same calendar week (Monday-Saturday) $20. New donors bring in this ad for a $2 bonus on the first donation. University Plasma Associated Bioscience of Nebraska. 1442 "0 ' St.. 475-8645. SUMMER STUDY OVERSEAS Earn UNL credit in history, business, languages, art, literature, and many other fields. Programs (2to8 weeks) in 16 countries. Inquiie UNL Institute for International Studies, 1237 R Street 472-3076. APPLY NOW University Programs Council Applications available lor all (CHAIRS AND EXECUTIVE POSITIONS). Applications available in CAP offices, 200 Nebraska City Union, 300 Nebraska East Union. Due March 5. Need to reduce my Mary Kay inventory, 35-40 discount. 4756975. EE, 111:! HUI WANTED: INTELLIGENT, energetic, responsible indivi duals to staff new restaurant downtown. All positions available, counter to cook. Part-time only. Apply in person, 1412 "0" St., Ask for Bruce, 10:00-1:00 a m. The YMCA Youth Sports Dept. is hiring soccer officials for youth league. No experience necessary. We train. Paid oosition. Call Youth Sports. 475-9S22, NEEDED' BUSB0YS for noon lunch time and evening meal. Call'472-9861 for particulars. INNOCENTS SCHOLARSHIPS FRESHMEN & SENIORS The Innocents Society is offering Freshmen Schotarsli .is and Outstanding Senior Awards. Applications are a vailable in the ASUN, CAP City & East offices, and at the Culture Center. Deadline is February 27. Who's Who is CBA? You might be! Applications available in CBA 240. Please return by April 10. IN JOYFUL miY. v v I lr B fir I'll 11. I I'A.VWl A If I NO. torn ccvmrYsu just stick avi nivices r Peppermint Lounge niiTininn EBiran in ensnu Applications for Editor In Chief of the. summer edi tion of the Daily Nebraskan are available until 5 p.m., March 2. The Editor In Chief formulates editorial policies, oversees newsroom operations, hires editonal staff and reports to the Publications Board. Applicants must be students at UNL any time during the spring, summer or fall 1987 sessions and have at least one year of newspaper experience. Samples of work can be attached to the application. For further information, contact Daniel Shattil, Daily Nebraskan office, basement of Nebraska Union, 472-1769. ,Ebilyi UNL does not discriminate in the academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same. i s y.m mi - .. - - a ' T imM 4 fcJ ka fcj tJt J k-l l3 'j y ; -.ll iJJil I Entrance AEsy Between P & Q Streets " 1 :'f ,fSs u ' vy v-V"