The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 17, 1987, Page Page 7, Image 7
I Tuesday, February 17, 1987 Daily Nebraskan Page 7 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 FOX! RENT FOR SALE ONE MORE TIME Quality home furnishings at affordable prices, 850 No. 27th St. 474-2065 2 twelves, best oiler, Rick, PEAVE Y RLNOWN AMP, 423-5624, CONTACT LENSES: Name brand leplacements ana snares Soft lenses irom iiaas eacn. r-asi service natlOll WlOe CTC UUI1 I I l-ouu-tjj-tutu lull nco, infifi IBANEZ Pro Line electric guitar, 472-8473. "SONY RECEIVER less than one year old. 40 watts per channel. S225 or best otler. 477-8633. , 2-BEDR00M apartment Near campus. Stoverelrigerator. Coin washerdryer. Off-street parking 8260,476-1927. 3611 SOUTH ST. 1-bedroom basement apt, Clean, CA. carpeted, private resilience, laundry. 2 blocks. All utilitiescable paid. S290. Atter 5:00 - 488-6809. 2222 VINE Large. 2-bedroom, 2-bath. Heat paid. Start at S370. 464-4862M74-1380. UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom apaitment. Newly refurbish edJS290 plus deposit. 489-0980. 474-1513. GARAGE STALLS available near UNL. Only S25. 423 1535. ' 3BEDR00M flat near campus: pait ofa duplex. S330 plus utilities. 475-0906. askJoUelf. I foal ItubM ( Cfnl per WEEK . - I I 11 ' 1 ' Refinished Furniture Overhauled Appliances Winter Clothing Shoes and Boots Bric-Brac Wearing Apparel $5bag (bag provided) Feb. 21st ONLY OPEN 9:00-5:00 PM Mon.-Sat. K3 x w J e 69 Main -8th & P 6030 Havelock Ave. 1425 South Street 1126 No. 27th 1014 Central Ave.; Nebraska City Edited by EUGENE T. MALESKA ACROSS . 1 Altmanfilm: 1970 ; 5 Table Bay is one JO Hemitrope 14 "Of olive,-, ; and maize Tennyson 15 Lethal loop 16 Like cerium 17 Brave , Algonquian? 19 Senior cits.' nest eggs 20 Penniless 21 Saint , 23" nome," Verdi aria 24 Famed N.F.L. QB 25 English oval 28 Good for mudders 30 Rice or Fudd 33 Rang up 35 Walrus's protuberance 37 Actress Balin 38 Papal name 39 Antilles resort 41 Compete at Yonkers 42 Winged raptor 43 Absquatulated 44 Esprit de corps 46 Oblivion 48 Assam, e.g. 50 Days of yore for oldsters 51 Composer Grofe 53 Ivan the Great, e.g. 55 Morris or Elsa 57 Rocket phase 61 Designer Cassini 62 Sunny Tomas? 64 Roger! 65 Conscious 66 Author 10 Leffland 11 67 Estonian's 12 . neighbor 68 Praxiteles . 13 work 18 69Horsedfa " " "22 certain color 24 DOWN 25 1 Subjects of a T.S.Eliot 27 poem ; 2ActorBadel 29 3 Auction word 4 Tubas . 31 5 Kind of circle 6 Later 32 7SoHoabode 8 Comb, form : 34 for 5 Down 36 9 Dale Evans, 40 e.g. 41 Kind of dance Bull Halsey? . Land south of the Caspian Monster's loch Chalcedony -Shallot's kin' Pulverize Fencing ploy Stallone co star Tally the galleys? Debussy composition Col. Tibbets's mother Held in check, at Saratoga Pigeon pea Senator Nunn Plexus Gulliver, e.g. 43 Maidenhair or bracken 45 Siouan dialect 47 Extreme 49'... in every breeze": :'- ' T. Moore 52 "The Rehearsal" painter 54 I.L.A. man 55 Clown 56 Actress Sommer 57 Census fig. 58 City north of the Skagerrak 59 Suburb of Napoli 60 Dash 63 Hoot , Scot's "tut" 1 2 3 p 5 i 7 3 9 1 10 11 12 13 uT Ti "Ti 20 " 2l" 22 ,, 1,1. 11. rr J 1 , ' . 25 i6)zT """" "" 28 29 """" 30 31 32 33 " 34 35 36 " " 37 38 " "" " 39" 40 " """" "r4i "" " 42 43 44" 45 46 ! 47 48 49" ""50 " " 51 ' " 52" 53 54 '55" 1 56 "" 57 58"j59' t0 61 " 62 63 " " " 64 1 65 66 67 ' ,68 69 1 I ' i 1 1 I I Li 1 I I NEAR CAMPUS NICE 1 2 BFDROOM UNITS. NO RFNT UNTIL FEBRUARY 1. FROM $26SMO. PLUS DEPOSIT. 21-389. 474-1084 CLEAN AND CLOSE 2-bedroom apartment located close to East Campus and Unl Place shopping. All appliances. Laundry facilities. Otl-SUeet parkmrj HUNTINGTON SQUARE APARTMENTS 3300 HUNTINGTON AVE. 466-8611 Joseph Ei Kean Co. 474-1666 CONVENIENCE PLUS Located close to woik AND campus Beautiful, clean, all appliance apartments Think summer outdoor pool. Off-street parking 1-bedroom S309; 2-bedroom, 1 bath $349; 2-bedioom. 2 bath S3B9 & up WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS 1800 KNOX 476-6200 Joseph E. KeanCo 47i-.16f' NEWER OR recently redecorated apts; Except for water, tenant pays utilities unless otherwise noted: FurnisheiT 648 S. 12. Eft S213. includes steam heat Call 435-4258. 502 S. 12. Etl. S 186. S213. S221: 1 Bed. S266 Rental rehab, available Call 474-5618. Unfurnished: 1615 Gaitield. 2 bedroom. DW & disp Call 474-2490 3404 Neei Park. 2 story townhouse, S600. Call 423-5800 orjiiyofihe JLJmts 810 H.,TW0BtDH00M. 5305 plus deposit. No children or pets. 467-3145. 488-7755 EAST CAMPUS 33rd & Starr 1- BEDR00M apartment just 1 block from campus. Laundry facilities, off-street parking, Central Air. Call Mega Corp., 475-8407, Monday-Friday, 8:00-5:00. HAYWARO PLACE 9lh CHARLESTON (Excellent location, walking distance to university). 1-bedroom available immediately, 2-bedroom available tor March 1. Dishwasher and microwave, laundryu facil ities. Call 477-1535 or Mega Corp. 475-8407, Monday Friday, 8-5. WATERPARK CONDOMINIUMS 1901 "A" ST. (across from The Children's Zoo) New 2-bedroom units ranging from $460-$490 per month. Dishwasher, microwave and closed court areapatios. Call Mega Corp. 475-8407, Monday-Friday, 8:00-5:00. LARGE, CLEAN 4-bedroom. 2 bath, full basement, garage. 27th & "M". $375. 475-6669. 2627 VINE Nice, clean 1-bedroom. Smaller unit. S245 plus electric. 464-4862.474-1380. EFFICIENCIES AT 17th & M. S190-S260 month - heat paid. Nicely furnished & decorated. Newer two bedroom at 19th & R. unfurnished. 475-3111 or 489-6644. 3-BEDR00M, MOD. kitchen, bath with shower; CA; WD on premises. 3 blocks from City Campus. Jim at 464-6201. $375. , .-, ' 2- BEDROOM. South, spacious, clean, C A , tubshower, appliances, basement, hookups, parking. $300. 475-6669. 640 S 20th. Two room efficiency, full size kitchen, 34 bath. S220. 475-7262. ' 640 S. 20th. One and two bedroom unit, carpet, drapes, . laundry S279 up. 475-7262, 477-8347. HELP WANTED LOCAL COUNTRY CLUB is now accepting applications for Swim Team Coach, full-time and part-time lifeguards tor this summer. Send resume to Pool Manager: 3200 S. 24th, Lincoln, NE 68502. SALES POSITIONS, part-time, work around schedules, we train. Call in evenings, 488-2636. THE NU FOUNDATION has immediate openings fur 15 enthusiastic and reliable students to assist with 1M7 fund-raising phonalhons. flexible schedulesand evening hours make tins an ideal position lor sludents wishing to work 8-16 hoursweek. Strong communication skills a niusf $3 50 per hour. For an interview, call 42 2151. " WAN FED: 1 N T E LL I Gt N f ."eneV gel ic. responsible indivi duals (0 staff new restaurant downtown. All positions available, counter to conk. Part-time only Apply in jer son J4 12 0" St . Ask JqrBr uceJO 00-1 00 ajn UVE-IN M01HI K S "helper for loving NY family be ginning May 12 months. Child care tor three, light housekeeping, non-smoker. Must drive stick. Send resume references: Shearer, 75 Park Avenue. Bronxville. NYJ008. SUMMER JOB INTERVIEWS average eamings$3.400. Gain valuable experience in advertising, sales, and public relations selling yellow page advertising lor the Nebraska campus telephone directories. Opportunity to travel nationwide Complete training program in North Carolina (Expenses paid) Looking lor enthusiastic, goal-onented students lor challenging, well-paying summer job Sign up lor interviews with University Directories at Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid byFebruaiy 24 STUDENTS Great pait-time job Up to 20 hrs. per week We are a non-profit organization that needs phoners. We work evening hou;s. Sunday-Thursday. 5 9 p.m. Calls lor applications will only be accepted 7.00 9 00 pmTuesday & WednedjyjtisMorJiriC; D.J S WANTED. No experience necessary. Will train. Ca IM76-1323. FULL OR part-lime retail sales for new downtown Silkery. TextileFashion conscious person preferred. 488-2468. SOCCER REFEREES For information on getting mandatory training and state certification, call Larry Grimm at 472-2155 days. 467-1406 evenings. Starting soon! FULL OR part-time help on large grain farm. Experienced and non smoking. 781-2064. REWARDING SUMMER lor sophomore and older college men in Colorado mountains working with children. Backpacking, horseback riding, crafts, wildlife, many outdoor programs Write now: include program interests and goals, SANBORN WESTERN CAMPS, FLORISSANT. CD 80816. 1 PROOFREADER Position open immediately in Daily Nebraskan Adver tising Staff. Must be available Monday; Thursday & Friday. 1:00-4:00 p.m. Call Lesley or Bryan at 472 2589 for more information or to arrange interview. E0E OWERTOPnEVsCUSPyZZLE Sl PlUjPr iHlA iBlLjAf 1 E I R I R S je jr Tj A P-i-lii . P I I S C (J M B 0 B U r A TEP " Tj 0 I L E D.2JI2..L I s I a I l u t e He T Djo r aIdTo -.1.L0 e s jo n J.iiI.XsL2xill,X sta U D AR 12 A Jf S EJrt " A I D '"fo R" D I E ' Ree NC 0URA6E M E N T Lai. izpLfi. Lfi. Jl. II. l NONE T I E I SI JS jA 1GE Rj Jtm1an T0e5D2-lS.,:. 1412 by Dermis Drcstliscl ANAiROf-mmFWS expec mcFFMs of TuemmY a -i U U & ITvVv irVtSFWW TMFCR A WOf Fmm RRncit cm m fwuc mm wmroFAiPfi.. mp CHXF ePIWK AWWP PlFiyOHb Ntexp was mmwf atvctr AT X VVIVC 'W rfwvw P05S... to cm f 111 SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES The Young Mens Christian Auoclation Camp Kitakl, located on the Platte River, is seeking appli cants for the following positions: Boy's Counselors, Lifeguards. Girls' Counselors, Waterfront Director, Wrangler. Ass t. Wrangler, Cratts Instructor, Main tenance person, Ass t. Cook & Nurse. Must be available late May through mid August Call or write: Camp Office. 1039 "P" St.. Lincoln. NE 68508. (402) 475-9622. YATfTZD Part-time tellerfinancial counselor Sales-oriented person. Job requires good communication skills, math aptitude, and typing ability (45 wpm). Hours are M-F 11:30 a m.-1:30 p.m. at our Indian Village Office, Tuesday and Thursday 2 p m.-6 p.m. at our Belmont Office, and Saturdays 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at our Edgewood Office. For interview appointments, please call Personnel Department. 472-6224. FIRST FEDERAL LINCOLN ! 1 ' i ' : 13th 4 N An Equal OpportunityAffirmative Action Employer MF PI SIGMA ALPHA Political Science Honorary presents a discussion on United States policy toward South Africa tonight at 6:30 in the Union. Everyone is invited!! UPC VIDEO '' "-: FREE FREE FREE ' 1 Hear Whoopie Goldberg, Peter. Uberroth. Kenny Loggins, ; Stacy Keacn and others as they talk about drugs Wednes day. Feb. 18. 1:00 p.m.. City Union. Then, at 8:30 p.m. see the showcase performance live via satellite featuring Timbuk 3. The Rainmakers & Special Guest. It's all free!. TASSELS! Tonight in Union Everyone come! CBA SEMESTER IN JAPAN Fall 1987. sponsored by UNL" College of Business Administration. Also open to other UNL students. Study and live at Tokyo's Senshu U., Earn 10 cr Intro Japanese. 6 cr. Japanese Business. 3 cr. Japanese Civilization. For information and application (by April 1). see D'vee Buss. CBA 242. 472-2310. BEACH BASH II Dance Thursday, February 19 9:00-1:00 a.m. East Campus Union Spring Break fever is here!! Come Hawaiian!! Submit a Nomination! THE SUE TIDBALL AWARD FOR CREATIVE HUMANITY A chance to recognize and honor fellow students, faculty or slatl who go beyond the call of duty to help make the UNL campus a more humane place to be Call 476-0355 lor Information and Nomination Forms ALL STUDENTS interested in the Golden Key Honor Society are invited to visit our information booth Wednes day and Thursday from 9-3, UnionLobbyJ KIMBALLLIED PERFORMING ARTS COMMITTEE M e eU n g Jo ni 1 ght. 6 30. City Union Publicly. The Residence Halls give our highest praise and warmest thanks to each member ol our Maintenance Staffs. Your dedication shows concern for students and their well-being! We appreciate you and you should be proud! Maintenance Appreciation Day February 17. 1987 GET IN SHAPE FOR SUMMER!! Last week to sign up for: "An Active Way to Weight Control" Call 472-7447 or Stop by UNL Health Center INTRAMURALS Co-Rec Indoor Wiftleball entries are due Feb. 17 in either Campus Recreation Office. Basketball, golf and tree throw contests will be held in Ma bel Lee Hall Feb. 17 & 18. NATIONAL ACADEMIC RESEARCHERS is here to find you financial aid. Write: NAR, 6891 "A" St.. Suite A-1 15, Lincoln. NE 68510. JUNIORS Have you picked up your Student Alumni Career Guide? They are available at the Career Planning & Placement Center, The Internship Office, The Wick Alumni Center & on Feb. 18 & 19 at a Union Booth. MALE & FEMALE MODELS NEEDED for haircolor program Sunday, Feb. 22. Must be willing to receive hair coloring services, perm and or haircut. If interested, contact GA0 & Associates (Paul Mitchell Systems & Framesi haircolor) Monday-Friday, 4:00-5:00 p m. 489-6007. . ; ' ' WANTED: 50 people to lose or gain weight. Call Bob 423-7946, evenings. AMOIMCELIEOTS SUMMER STUDY OVERSEAS Earn UNL credit in history, business, languages, art, literature, and many other fields. Programs (2 to 8 weeks) in 16 countries. Inquire UNL Institute for International Studies, 1237 R Street. 472-3076. - ' " DESIGN CLUB Nebraska Union Thursday 6:30 p.m. Speaker: Jackie Beavers " ; FACULTYSTAFF INTRAMURALS Feb! 17 is the entry deadline for men's and women's faculty staff intramural racquetball doubles: '472-3467. GYMMEES Important meeting tonight 6:00 in Mabel Lee. Refresh ments provided. DELTA LITTLE SISTERS Meeting at 6:15 Wed. There is a lot of new business to discuss. 1 ' '' ; ' ; . , REPRESENT STUDENTS ON THE FOLLOWING CAMPUS-WIDE ADVISORY BOARDS NEBRASKA UNION BOARD UNIVERSITY HEALTH CENTER INFORMATION ft APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE IN 115 NEBRASKA UNION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 20TH ALPHA ZETA Meeting 7:00, Wednesday. Feb. 18 L.W.C. - They're Here!! " CULTURE CENTER SWEATSHIRTS Get Yours Today! ' ' Available in rm. 200 in the Union. , . Attention all Seward, York It Polk County students.; Be inlormed on the issues that face you & Nebraska. Meet Senator Scott Moore and be a part of his College Advocacy Board. Tuesday. Feb: 17, 8:30 p.m., Georgian Suites, City Union. UPC TALKS AND TOPICS NEW IMPROVED MEETING TIME 3:30 Tuesdays in City Union. Help bring speakers to campus. New members welcome! , BICYCLISTS! The Cornhusker Cycling Club is seeking new members interested in bicycle racing and related activities. We are a newly tormed organization interested in promoting racing in the Lincoln area. The Club's primary sponsor. Freewheelin' Bike Shoo is Drovidina substantial discounts for all members. USCF -licensed riders will receive greater , discounts. Annual memDersnip dues are Vdi U0. 1 he next Club meeting will be held next Thursday evening at 6:00, Feb. 19 at Freewheelin ! Please attend if interested. Riders of all levels welcome1 For more information, please call Freewheelin', 427 So. 13th St., 475-0204. RESEARCH PAPERS, 15.278 Available! Catalog-$2.00. Research. 11322 Idaho W206XT, Los Angeles 90025 T0LL FREE HOT LINE: 800-351-0222. Ext. 33. VISAMC or C0D SPRING BREAK Hurry' Limited space available at these number one collegiate beach and ski destinations South Padie Island, Daytona Beach. Steamboat Springs, Miami BeachFort Lauderdale. Mustang IslandPort Aransas, Galveston Island and Fort Walton Beach. Call Sunchase Tours Central Spring Break Toll Free Hot Line today for information and reservations 1-800-321-5911!!! ' SKI BREAK in Winter Park, Colorado. 33 new trails. Luxury family condos Irom S80night for March. Special Feb April rates. Free cross-country, hot tubs, shuttle. 1-800-443-2781, extension A50. ROOEIEIATES FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. One bedroom in fully furnished house. S200. Southwest location. Call Jacquie, 9-5:30 only, 474-2020, extension 207. NON-SMOKING, responsible female with good house keeping habits needed to share 2-bedroom apartment near 2fst & "C." $110 per month plus 12 utilities. 474 7977, keep trying. 17ZZ2 PAD By GARY LARSON ( s :-:: y..v.y,v l "Well, that cbout does it for tho nose I'm starting to hit cartilage."