Thursday, February 12, 1987
Page 8
Daily Nebraskan
Susie 's
Gateway North
10 discount wstudent I.D.
No. 1-Grade Roses
Sorina Bouauets-Proteas
, Jin u.i jw.ii n u w
"One of the major ballet
companies of the twentieth
DANCE Magazino
fzshuahy ss
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Or send check money order and a s-addresd, stamped emtio pe
payable to: CONCERT-OF-THE-MONTH CLUB, P.O.Box 6323, Omaha,
NE 631 03. Ticteta ciso ct EfWSDEIS and TIX.
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"Any country that has built
a wall visible from the moony
can stack 14 acrobats on
top of a bicycle with no
trouble at all."
LA. Times
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$ 18.53, t14.E3, $12.53, S3.5S) ty3ont tsrtisr end Cxcca Dfeoounti
Or sond chkmony order crvi a tz:i-t:2Znzz34, vcmpsd cnvelspa
pyc55la to: CCtJCEnT-CF-TKE-MC? CLU3, P.O.Ccx 333, Omsht,
r42C31C3. TietoftB cJlao ct CRANOSiS and TDC
We Deliver J
jui VCTiM.
and Croup Discount.
$20.60 $18.60 $12.E0 t3.S0
, wonders
.'ks from China
for centuries.
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OK, so, two classes down and
one to go and two hours to kill.
There's probably just enough time
to read that chapter that was
assigned this morning. The one
for tomorrow. Nan, me neither.
So, how to waste time con
structively? Could go to a bar. No,
one of the things old men do, that
brands them distinctively as old
men, is sit around in bars during
the day. No sense getting old
before my time.
Could go home and have a
beer. Too far to walk. Need to do
something close by. I could eat
today. Now there's a thought. A
quick inventory of my wallet
reveals several scraps of paper
with illegible lists of things to do
today written on them. They're
all too faded and beat up to read.
Check the reserve tanks.
The left front pocket holds a
crumpled dollar bill, four pennies
and a dime. The right pocket
offers another stupid list, a phone
number, some keys, three colors
of lint . . . VOILA! another
crumpled dollar bill. Two dollars
and 14 cents. Looks like a McTaco
But wait! There's hope. Walking
past Kinko's jolts the dim recesses
of memory. This used to be a
sandwich place, didn't it? Big
sandwiches, and cheap. And video
games were two plays for- a
quarter. It was called Tommy's, if
I remember correctly, and I prob
ably put enough quarters into
Tommy's Galaga machine to pay
tuition for the average strangely
lettered household. But where
Geoff McMcrtoy
could vou find a place like that
Well, it isn't easy, but in the
Gunny's building is a pleasant
little establishment called the
Loft. Just go in the door in front
of Daylight Donuts, take a left
and climb the stairs.
Owned and operated by Bob
Petersen, the Loft is an attempt
to recreate Tommy's unique
atmosphere and position as a
stopoff or hangout between or
after classes. Even now, several
students conquer space, defend
the galaxy, fight off marauding
hordes or just mindlessly blow
things up while three others talk
about their calc test as they
munch on a sandwich. That was
what Tommy's was all about, and,
for the most part, so is the Loft.
The sandwiches are very good
and large enough to get most
anyone through the day. The
bread is fresh, the meat is the
good stuff (no bologna or Spam),
and you can get extras like lettuce
and tomatoes, and top it off with
melted cheese, and you've got a
sandwich. Prices started at $1. 19
for pepperoni and cheese and go
up to $1.90 for pepperoni, ham
roast and cheese. There are 10
varieties of meats and six kinds of
cheeses, including a mild spicy
cheese ailed friendly onion that
is highly recommended. Also, for
Paul VonderlageDiversions
mm mmm
the adventurous, Bob has a chili
that he guarantees will raise your
temperature, and he won't feel
right if it doesn't
The clientele is mostly students,
maybe a friendly wino now and
then, with the busiest time being
around midnight during the week,
when the college bar crowd comes
in, and early Friday evening,
when high-school students come
out and play. The open hours are
being rescheduled, but for now
it's open from 10:30 a.m. to 1
a.m., Monday to Saturday.
The connection ta Tommy's is
no coincidence. Bob was an owner
and manager there, but the bus
iness dissolved amidst the land
trades between the Nebraska
Bookstore and the Lied Center.
Compared to Tommy's, business
at the Loft has been somewhat
slower because of the move but is
starting to pick up again, almost
completely by word of mouth,
and with almost no advertising
The Loft isn't as spacious and
doesn't have the two-leveled
atmosphere that Tommy's did,
but it is comfortable and has an
upstairs window, and most games
are still two plays for a quarter.
And it's still a pretty good
place to get a sandwich and a
Coke, read the paper and blow up
a few spaceships for less than $2.
John BruceDiversson?