The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 11, 1987, Page Page 12, Image 12
Wednesday, February 11, 1987 Page 12 Daily Nebraskan o tf o Tl iassii'ieci CXI H 1 3 72 H 14 SKI BREAK in Winter Park Colorado 33 new trails Luxury lamily CQiuios from S80night tor March Special Feb A p r 1 1 rates. Free cross-country, hot tubs, shuttle 1 800-443 ?81. extension A5Q ASUN ELECTION CALENDAR OF EVENTS FEBRUARY 11 4:00 P.M. FILING DEADLINE - ALL CANDIDATES FOR ALL OFFICES FORM A B C D E UNDECLARED STUDENTS FILE FORM F PARTY STATEMENT OF INTENT - FORM L REFERENDA FORM M SURVEY FORM N FEBRUARY 11 5:00 PM. BRIEFING FOR EXECUTIVE CANDIDATES - MAN DATORY FOR ALL CANDIDATES FILING FOR EXEC UTIVE POSITIONS. FEBRUARY 12 12:00 NOON BALLOT POSITION ANNOUNCED biacey and Jatque ikKli) Congrats on SAA & A&S Student Adviser. Board Treasurer I know you II both do a great ou' I oye.Sandjf Keaiest Keith. Happy Birthday 2.2 to the most wondeitul man in the whole woild1 Only 205 days left, and then well be Valentines for lile" Praise the Lord tot us, foi eveiythingn Love. Audiey Malt. Statf. Brian Scam DU Date Kings" BEWARE ol the BLUFFS! B , A,. E. T, P S Hey. OUudei let s parly' TYPING Reasonable rates, storage, spellchecker Computer Type 1630 Que 46 TYPE TYPING One day service, quality work, reasonable rates 474 2150 Who was that tall gorgeous brunette in Westbrook last week' RESUMES Starting at S6 00 Kepi on tile tor future use Multiple objectives and custom cover letters can be done COMPUTER TYPE 1630 QUE 476-TYPE Kitty. Happy 20th birthday little sister Kandy ROOMMATE FEMALE ROOMMATE needed One bedroom in lully furnished house S200. Southwest location Call Jacuuie 9-5 30 only.474-2020. extension 207 FEMALE needed to HELP CHOOSE nice 2-"bed7oom apartment 477-0541 NON SMOKING female needed to help lind and shaie apt with guiet pie-med student. 423-4153 (or 7 30 4.30. 471 7468 ask lor Lynn) NON-SMOKING MF loommate needed immediately nice 2 BH apt at 3320 Y No lease S162 50mo All utilities paid 466-4J68 attei 3 p m Keep tiying ROOMMATE" WANTED loi "newerS-b'ediooTn "home. S135mo plus shaie utilities 474-3369 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED DeluxeVbediooin apt with FP S167 50 plus 1 12 utilities Call Julie 472-3467 or 464-3704. ML. TS. GT, OS 4 MR You were the high points of my fall semester CELLO LESSONS Jane Hayes Eastman School of Music 489-1669 WO RDPROCE SSING Resumes. S5 00 1st page. IOCline 2nd page Papers SI 20page Letters SI 00 Call Jon at 435-0145 JH, The 3 dozen roses you gave me for Valentine's Day last yeai were nice, but f would much lathei have a Valentine s Greeting in the Daily Nebraskan It would keep so much longer! Love& Kisses. T D. P S Don't forgel the deadline is at I.OOon Wednes day. Feb 111! L D S TYPING SERVICE Always a giadejbove Hie rest11 423-7166 15 OFF FIRST PROJECT Professional resumes, tellers quality term papers, theses. Editing assistance included Bonnie s Word Processing 476-1635 AVIS Professional Typing & Word Processing Resumes, term papers, theses, misc. Compare costsservices hours open. Editing. Notary. Near main UNL campus. 435-AVIS. Daub: Oo you have a boyfnend? Our timing has always been off. (Might be inteiested again ) P S How about a game of snooker? USED PAPERBACK BOOKS Buy, trade. 340 N 27lh. Amen Gallery 476-8497. J PERSONALS Kim M. (KD). Congrats on Acacia Lil Sis You're a super friend KayejKKG) Paul S ' Thanks foi the conversation Friday mte Lei s do that again P S. Don t foi get about lifting Yow Friendly Neighboi Suzanne: Sorry I forgot your birthday! I ll make it up to you with a special Valentine's Day message in the Daily Nebiaskan on Fnday. Feb. 13th! Forgive Me?? Forgetful Deadline. 1:00 p.m. Wed . Feb. 11 SINGLE & PREGNANT Adoption isa caring alternative For confidential informa tion call Nebraska Children's Home 483-7879. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand Call us - 483-2609 LOST Gray champion sweatshirt with red Nebraska letters East Campus basketball courts Call 435-2318 . LOST Burgundy book bag filled with all my books and much more important stuff like my calendai and my favorite lead pencil. The bag is Jansport and theie is a teward lor any information leading to theiecovery of it if?-rm ask Ini Mark . - FOUND Very large male cat. gray stripped with white paws and a hint of yellow in places Call day or night 479 I7fi?n, ilhAW FOUND: Ring in Nebraska Hall restroom. -all to identify 477-5996 FOUND: Thursday at Sheldon parking lot. ladies wnst- watch.jCall 47246Jjnds "LOST. "Backpack" purple color at the Union Vending machine. Call 476-7134, GREEK AFFAIRS ONLY A FEW REAL MEN OF NEBRASKA CALENDARS LEFT Call 474-9455 to get yours1 WHY JOIN a fraternity? What can I expect? Call 474 2415 for details AGS. GPhiB. DU dates - get psyched1! Roses are red. violets are blue Come to the Unknown Valentine to find out who likes you1! Coming Soon JAILBRtAK 87 A-Phi Valentine Candygram Feb. 11-12 on sale at the Union A-Phi ATO to benefit Downtown Lincoln Senior Citizens. ATTENTION ACACIA LITTLE SISTERS Meeting at House a 1 6:15 p m. Thursday See you there! CONGRATULATIONS to the new Pythla Pledget: Chris B.. Renee H.. Kimberle M., Susan 0.. Marleigh 0 . Peggy R., Kathy S.. Tammy M.. Kris M.. Julie D . Jodi P., Darla G.. Marci N . Sandy P.. Traci C. Jean H., Krisi N . Tiacy G,. Sue V . Rhonda L. Lisa F. CONGRATS to the new KKG Officers: Pres ' B Pennor 1st Vice: J. Deveny. 2nd Vice: P. McKie. Rec Sec ; G fW Corres Sec : 0 Van Dyke. Pledge Tr,: V Domina Tre9' L. Timmons. Social: H Hughes. House: A. Get ken Phil u Jorgenson, Scholarship: J Hodapp, Frat Ed K HalstMrt Marshal, L. Heng. Reg.: R. Nelson. Mem,: P Heibnw Par. Hel.: K. Williams. Ass t. Mem.: V. Pavel. PR- K. Balfour Good Luck Kaopas SIG EP GOLDEN HEARTS Meeting Sunday at 6 00. The Thrill-Cam present Tne trip to K C. DELTA LITTLE SISTERS: We are moie alive than ever" Meeting tonmht a 6:30. Please be there. y Cindy LAMBDA CHI ALPHA LITTLE SISTERS Very important meeting Thursday. Feb. 12 at 7 p m in the Union Please be there! Movie at the house afterwards at 8 p m. SIGMA NU LITTLE SISTERS Meeting Thursday Night 8 p.m. Deb H. (Gamma Phi). Congrats on SAA) Super Job! I'VE LOST MY HEART TO YOU!! But I haven I lost my mind. That's why I'm sendinq my Valentine a special greeting in the Daily Ne braskan on Friday. Feb. 13th!! Deadline: Wed Feb 11 -1:00 p.m. AMEN ART GALLERY Ait display space available Shows welcome 340 N 27th 476-8497 Viigima S You looked veiy nice in chinch Sunday SERVICES buna, iy An aar inn mg sponsoi Jeff (Fuzzy). Happy 21st1 This time I II take caie of you Love. Michelle (MO) RESUMES Piofessionally typeset. S15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan, basement of Nebi aska Union, 8,00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. Monday-Fnday Bonei. Do you feel like fogging up the windows soon? I love you, Happy eaily Valentine's Day P S How about lunch 2-12 at Pizza Hut? SEXTON TYPING SI 25pg . 6 years experience. 7 daysweek 466-8651. YOU WRITE IT. IT It y pe it R e a s on aLTeTa t es 42 3 -070 77 CHERRY BLOSSOM WORD PROCESSING 10 yeais expenence SI 25pg 477-6757 MISCELLANEOUS VALENTINE BALLOON Bouquets DECORATED CAKES - LARGE COOKIES DELIVERY CALL 475-4876 RIDES Sexmuffm. Happy Buthday liom youi one and only1 Love. Youi Studmuffm TYPEWRITERS - WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL -SALES -SERVICE BLOOMS 323 N 13th 474-4136 WANTED: Ride or rider to Overland Park. Kansas on weekends. Call 475-8205. LOST & FOUND Mil, fit?. MLLAS... we've Hemp ycw mrr mswemririG as SOtibS... ainw r.( TLfnb msTTvrm, mmwcr, PRifc vse, CULTS, mMY$, svtcipe anp m? Hwm Am smnm wis mm. WVbHr YOU MIGHT UK6 Id SHAKE WITH THZ COfiWMSe AM PARTICULAR CGUSSS w film see mmse LAffiRPROSCmS.. j mm. mm we PWUFeRATMOf OFF mRRW WFFOCmiM WITH mUMY HISHW. mSQVeRAPINCr , as pftpmim t&cAtfr in this cowmy. po that, VTV TlFTf if r wi J mamwrn nan By GARY LARSON 1 I "Zzzrr.i Kto Grcrr.p's been tticro forever -fc::::!:d right thro on his fevcr"3 rock. Scores th3 heSI out of tha dog. i 7 15 to 50 OFF Every Bridal Gown Qniia inStock 3 Cl V s LIMITED TIME ONLY jenaiance bridal Free Gift to qualified Brides V L U y 10878 West Dodge Rd. In the Old Mill Shopping Center lr If 489-0900 o r - r V T TN.' I'M Li LXLLLLh ia i IFnEE OEUUEnVL 475 18" CHEESE & ONE TOPPING PIZZA tax Try an order of our new garlic bread. " For all those schedules that just don't mesh . . . ... let UNL independent study help. Day anc night testing hours; syllabi available for examination efore you sign up. Visit room 269, Nebraska Center, 33rd and Holdrege, or call 472-1926 for information. US) i UNL is a non-discriminatory institution L SOO&iik jampus If if CORNER OF 17TII '& Q ST. Expires 2-15-87- '. I J r .v ys W - - - ' "j