The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 11, 1987, Page Page 10, Image 10
Page 10 5 THMGSVILLE o I I 9 9 99999999 Anywhere Greyhound goes. . Gre'hound 10th & "P" Street 474-1071 Must present a valid college student I.D. card upon purchase. No other discounts apply. Tickets are nontransferable and good for travel on Greyhound Lines, Inc. , and other participating carriers. Certain restrictions apply. Offer effective 2187 through 43CV87. Offer limited. Not valid in Canada. 1987 Greyhound Lines, Inc 9 Create your 9 9 own Balloon Bouquet Vvl 9 Jn1pwt)v)p'Q Jin on 9 9 Thingsville has over 100 styles to choose from . . . and they also have the lowest prices in town! 9 9 g Q 9 9 -ST Centrum Gateway 475-1655 466-4488 $ 9999999999999 tl ' " tl " ' Vl OA Tliis Spring Brealc, catch a Greyhound to the beach, the mountains, or your hometown. For just $89 round trip, you and your friends will have a great time wherever you go. ('()) (a And leave Daily Nebraskan CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2i88 S2 75 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included $2 25 minimum charge per day on individual student and studont organization ads $ 75 billing charge on noncommercial ads. AH poisonal ads must be prepaid NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE. 1 p m day before publication (Monday through Friday) The Daily Nebraskan will not knowingly accept help wanted ads from businesses that are not equal oppor tunity employers VISA MASTERCARD FOR GALE ONE MORE TIME Quality home furnishings at affordable prices, 850 No 27th St. 474-2065 AIRLINES NOW HIRING. Flight attendants, agents, mechanics, customer service Salaries to S50K. Entry level positions Call 805-687 6000. Ext. A-9636 lor current listings. BROTHER portable electronic typewriter, like new. S125. Fender Squire electric guitar with 20 watt amp. S225 464-9353 1936 Black & White Ibanez Pro-Line electric guitar. Crushed velvet case included. Looks and plays like new1! Best offer. Call Tim. 472-8473. APPLE IMAGE WHITER PRINTER Only 1 year old! Goes with all Apple and Macintosh syjtemsS250 oi L best j0fferCall 477-8633 SANYO AMFM cassette car stereo. Auto reverse and repeat, locking FFRev. Will fit most imports and com pacts Pan of 3-way box speakers for car or home All new. nevej used. CaH 474-2540earl AM. Jate PM MOTORCYCLE foi sale 1985 Honda CB450, 2700 miles.' like new 435-3298caJI anytime. 4 x 5 View Camera. Poleroid 545 Back. 475-5801. AUTOS FOR SALE '84 NISSAN SENTRA. spotless. AMFMcassette. 5 speed. no AC Eves or weekends 475-4634 77 CHRYSLER CORDOBA. Runs great. Looks nice. 472 0025 Best ofler. r 1 1 ' J the driving to us! FOR RENT CLEAN AND CLOSE 2-bedroom apartment located close to East Campus and Urn Place shopping All appliances, Laundry facilities 0tf-strei!l parking. HUNTINGTON SQUARE APARTMENTS 3300 HUNTINGTON AVE. 466-6611 Josepji EJ(ean Co. 474-1666 CONVENIENCE PLUS Localed close to work AND campus Beautiful, clean, all appliance apartments. Think summer outdoor pool. Off-street parking, 1-bedtoom S309. 2-bedroom, 1 bath 5349, 2-bedioom. 2 bath S389 & up. WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS 1800 KNOX 476-6200 Joseph E KeanCo 474-1666 " EXTRA NICE house. 3-4 bedroom. 1 12 baths, garage, newly remodeled 1626 N 22-between campuses. S425. 475-1579 or 488-0061. , NEWER OR recently redecorated apts: Except for water, tenant pays utilities unless otherwise noted; Furnisher; 648 S. 12. Eft. S213. includes steam heat: Call 435-4258. 502 S. 12. Eff. S186. S213. S221; 1 Bed S266 Rental rehab, available Call 474-5618. Unfurnished: 1615 Garfield. 2 bedroom. DW & disp. Call 474-2490 3404 NeerPark. 2 story townhouse. S600. Call 423-5800 for any of the Units. 1121 N.28th NICE 1-bedroom unit in quiet complex between cam puses. Heat paid. S275 & S285. 464-4862, 474-1380. 810H.,TWO-BE0RO0M.S3O5 plus deposit. No children or pets. 467-3145. 488-7755. TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent. 3601 Baldwin, fireplace, and all appliances. Available immediately. 5350. 467-1 786. 466-0535. 2 BEDROOM huge kitchenliving room, clean, near campus, off-street parking, coin washerdryer S280. 476 1927. UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom apartment. Newly refurbish ed. S290 plus deposit. 489-0980. 474-1513. EAST CAMPUS 1-BEDR00M apartment just 1 block from campus. Laundry facilities, off-street parking. Central Air. Call Mega Corp.. 475-8407. Monday-Friday. 8:00-5:00. HAYWARD PLACE 9th & CHARLESTON (Excellent location, walking distance to university). 1-bedroom available immediately. 2-bedroom available for March 1 . Dishwasher and microwave, laundryu facil ities. Call 477-1535 or Mega Corp. 475-8407, Monday- Fnriay. 8-5. WATERPARK CONDOMINIUMS 1901 "A" ST. (across from The Children's Zoo) New 2-bedroom units ranging from S460-S490 per month. Dishwasher, microwave and closed court areapatios. Call Mega Corp. 475-8407. Monday-Friday. 8:00-5:00. Wednesday, February 11, 1987 NEAR CAMPUS NICE 1 & 2 BEDROOM UNITS. NO RENT UNTIL FEBRUARY 1. FROM S2P5MO, PLUS DEPOSIT, 421-3989, 474-1064 LAHGE. CLEAN 4-bedroom. 2 bath. lull basement, garage inn &jm 5jj 45-w9. ... - 2627 VINE Nice, clean 1-bedroom, Smaller unit. S245 plus electric. 464-4862. 474-1380 2222 VINE Large. 3-bedroom, 2 bath. Heat paid. Start at S370. 464- 4862.47411380. EFFICIENCIES AT"l"7th & M. S190-S260 monlh - heal ' paid. Nicely furnished & decorated. Newer two-bedioom at 19th & R. Unfurnished, 475-3111 or 489-6644. 3-BEDROOM. MOD. kitchen, bath with shower. CA: WD on premises. 3 blocks from City Campus, Jim at 464-.6201:S375, 2 BEDROOM. South, spacious, clean. C A . tubshower, appliances, basement, hookups, parking S300. 475-6669. 640 S. 20th. Two room efficiency, full size kitchen, 34 bath. S220. 475-7262. 640 S. 20th. One and two bedroom unit, carpet, drapes, laundry. S279 up. 475-7262. 477-8347. HELP VANXED PLASMA DONORS Earn up to S30 a week or S120 a month. First donation $10. second donation in the same calendar week (Monday-Saturday) S20. New donors bring in this ad for a S2 bonus on the first donation. University Plasma Associated Bioscience of Nebraska. 1442 "0" St. 475-8645. PART-TIME SUPERVISOR This position requires a mature individual with good communication skills who can motivate newspaper car riers and work with parents and customers as a city carrier route supervisor. This is an excellent opportunity for a university student which requires being available by 2:30 p.m. daily, 9 a.m. Saturdays and some Sunday mornings working approximately 35 houis per week Your own vehicle is required with mileage expenses paid. Applications will be accepted at the Journal-Star Person nel Office, 926 "P" St.. 8:00-4:00 daily through Monday. 2-16-87. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - Colorado mountain resort employer, in Estes Park, is seeking applicants for. Retail Sales, Food Service and Miscellaneous obs Openings from May thru September. For information write, National Park Village North C0 Mark Schifferns 740 Oxford Lane Fort ColJrnsCO 80525 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Familiar with Commador 128 to write a data piogram. Experience is preferred. Please call 47-1008, ask for Mark. TRAVEL PROMOTERS WANTED Earn HIGH COMMISSION and FREE TRIPS" Destination Travel is looking for individuals oi organisa tions to market Spring Break trips to South Padie Island. Call Steve at 1-800-525-1638. lOlAL JOB FOR STUDENTS' Cruise the fast-food lanes with us. Must have own car, proof of insurance and good driving record Good com munication skills a must. Evening and weekend very flexible. S4 per hour plus tips and commission. Call Jay at Goldentoes, 477-8888 , THE NU FOUNDATION has immediate openings for 15 enthusiastic and reliable students to assist with 1987 fund-raising phonathons Flexible schedules and evening hours make this an ideal position tor students wishing to work 8-16 hoursweek. Stiong communication skills a must. S3 50 per hourFor an interview, call 472-2151. LOCAL COUNTRY CLUBIs now accepting applications for Swim Team Coach, full-time and part-lime lifeguards for this summer, Send resume to Pool Manager: 3200 S. 24jhJLmcoljrUIE2 SUMMER STAFF: Nurses. Counselors, Cooks. Riding Stall. Anderson Camps, near Vail. Colorado, will interview students with two years of college and a strong com mitment to working with children on February 16. Sign up and pick up application at Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid SUMMER CAMP OPPORTUNITIES The Young Mens Christian Association Camp Kitaki, located on the Platte River, is seeking applica tions foi the following positions: Boy's Counselors, Lifeguards. Girls' Counselors. Waterfront Director, Wrangler. Ass t Wrangler. Crafts Instructor, Main tenance person. Ass t Cook & Nurse. Must be avail able late May through mid August. Call or write: Camp Office. 1039 "P' St.. Lincoln. NE 68508. (402) 475-9622. JUVENILE CARE SPECIALISTS Some expenence working with juveniles in a public or pnvate social service, juvenile detention or corrections piogram. College level course work in criminal justice, adolescent growth and development, psychology, soci ology or social work plus experience working with juveniles in a locked environment desired. MUST HAVE OWN TRANSPORTATION AND HOME PHONE. Females. 6-10 openings 0N-CALL Must be available to work at least 7 out of 21 shifts during a 7 day period, need females for all 3 shifts: 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m.; 2:30-11 p.m.; 11 p.m.-7 a.m. Male. 1 opening. Part-time 16 hrs.wk. Hours: 2:30-11 p.m. Sunday and Monday. All applicants must complete a Supplemental Question naire in addition to CityCo. application. Closing date: 4:30 p.m. Friday. February 13. 1987. APPLY AT: CityCo. Employment Office 555 So. 10th Street. Rm. B113 Lincoln, NE 68508 EOEAA PART-TIME SECRETARIAL position available. Good typing and some bookkeeping skills required. Computer knowledge helpful. Starting wage S3 90 hour. Call Ne braska State Student Association at 474-0335. If you need help thinking of gift ideas for Valen tine s Day you need a personal greeting in the Daily Nebraskan! See us in Room 34. Nebraska Union for details! Deadline is 1:00 p.m., Wed., Feb. 11. WANTED: Someone who can sew for someone who cannot. Call 475-8205. Eating Disorder Treatment Group A group approach to treatment beginning February 19, 1987. For further information, con tact the Psychological Consultation Center in room 111 Burnett Hall or call 472-2351.