The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 10, 1987, Page Page 12, Image 12
i Tuesday, February 10, 1987 Page 12 Daily Nebraskan To n ,0 (T1 Tf si V7 f ROW SENT STUDE NTS ON THE FOLLOWING CAM, 'US -WIDE ADVISORY BOARDS NEBRASKA UNION BOARD UNIVERSITY HEALTH CI.NILR TEACHING COUNCIL INFORMATION AND APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE IN 115 NEBRASKA UNION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 1 3th " SKI BREAK in Winlei Paik Culoiado 33 'new trails" Luxety lamily condus dom SBQnigiil loi Match SpeciHt Feb April i ales Fiee ciosscounliy. hot tubs, sltullle 1-800-443-281. extension AW MODELS Male and Female models needed toi Residence Hall Week Fashion Show Auditions Tuesday. Feb 10 at City Union. 7 00 pm Questions 472-9265 " " ' " " N U ME O S ' " WE WILL bemeeltnq Tuesday. Feb 1 0 a 1 6 30 p m in the Union ADMISSIONS INFO and a videotape ol things you'll wanUoknow! ASUN ELECTION CALENDAR OF EVENTS FEBRUARY 11 4:00 P.M. FILING DEADLINE ALL CANDIDATES FOR ALL OFFICES FORM ABCDE UNDECLARED STUDENTS FILE FORM F PARTY STATEMENT OF INTENT - FORM L REFERENDA - FORM M SURVEY FORM N FEBRUARY 11 5:00 P.M. BRIEFING FOR EXECUTIVE CANDIDATES - MAN DATORY FOR ALL CANDIDATES FILING FOR EXEC UTIVE POSITIONS. FEBRUARY 12 12:00 NOON BALLOT POSITION ANNOUNCED UNL Residence Hall Association invites you to be a contestant in The Dating Game' Auditions Monday. Fetiiuaiy 16 2-4 p ni . City Union Meet new people' Win lantastic pnes' 472-0608 lor inoie mloimation STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Theie will be a meeting Tuesday. Eel) lOat 5.30 in the City Union liioie will be a guest speaker. All students mviled to attend AGH RHOMATES VAl INLINE COOKIE SALES" SI 00 Deliveied onCiiy oi East Campus Sign up in East Union. Monday Thursday from 9 5 PERSONALS $2,500 REWARD Nominate an advisei ot (acuity member lor the CHANCELLOR S AWARD & THE STUDENT FOUNDATION BUILDER'S AWARD. Awaids will go to those who make that extra ellort to help make our umvesity gieat!! Applications tor nomination and mote mloimation aie available in the Deans Office ot your respective college. Applications are due Feb 13 Su?anne Sony I foigot your buthday1 I'll make it up lo you with a special Valentine's Day message in the Daily ivlebraskait on Friday Feb 13th1 Foigive Me77 Forgetful Deadline 1.00 p rn. Wed . Feb. 11 RESUMES Piolessionally typeset. S15 plus tax. Daily Nebiaskan. basememol 8.00 a in -5 OOp m Monday Friday -- ' SEXTON TYPING SI 25pg 6 years expedience 7 daysweek -406 B651 ' YOU WRITE IT '.Tll type itReasonable tales423707 CHERRY BLOSSOM WORD PROCESSING 10 years experience S1.25pg. 477-6757 . CONGRATULATIONS BETA SIG - Snowbowl 87 Champions! Ag Man TYPING Reasonable rates, storage, spellchecker. Computer Type 1630 Que 476-TYPE I'VE LOST MY HEART TO YOUtl But I haven t lost my mind. That s why I'm sending my Valentine a special greeting in the Daily Ne braskan on Fridav, Feb. 13th1! Deadline. Wed Feb 11 -1.00 p m. Lisa (Schramm 7). lime to party -you re now 20 -only 1 year until the big 21! Dawn P S. Watch out Padre1 TYPING One day service, quality work, reasonable rates. 474-2150 WE NEED YOUI at the BLOODMOBILE (Community Blood Bank) Tuesday. Feb 10.9-1 P.M. At CORNERSTONE 640 N. 16lh "Help Us Help Others'' JH. The 3 dozen roses you gave me for Valentine s Day last year were nice, but fwould much rather have a Valentine's Greeting in the Daily Nebraskan. It would keep so much longer! Love & Kisses. T O P S Don't forget the deadline is at 1:00on Wednes day, Feb 11'! RESUMES Starting at S6 00. Kept on tile tor future use. Multiple objectives and custom cover letters can be done. COMPUTER TYPE 1630 QUE 476-TYPE CELLO LESSONS Jane Hayes , Eastman School of Music - 489-1669 SAE SENIORS SENIOR LITTLE SISTERS Bar crawl this Thursday at 10:00. Meet at the house Be there or be a blow-off! P . S You too Shanny. Pi Phi Pledges. Prepare and Beware lor Friday the 13th iscoming soon Love. Your Sisters Wendy Reed (Gamma Phi), Congratulations on being selected for NSO1 Great Job1 Beta Sig, Snowbowl '87 was a great start, but Snowbowl 87 Party was the best finish! AMen n n nr We're Open for XT 7 Days a Week 1 1 :AM 475-7672 611 N. 27th Main Campus 1986 Domino's Pizza. Inc do:.::::o'G PIZZA DELIVERS ft" I RESEARCH PAPERS. 15.278 Available' Catalog S2.00. Reseaich. 11322 Idaho N206XT. Los Angeles 90025 TOLL FREE HO T LINE 800-351-0222. Ext 33 VISAMC or COD SPRING BREAK Huny1 Limited space available at these number one collegiate beach and ski destinations South Padre Island. Daytona Beach, Steamboat Springs. Miami BeachFort Lauderdale. Mustang IslandPort Aiansas, Galveston Island and Fort Walton Beach Call Sunchase Touis Cential Spung Bieak Toll Free Hot Line today lor mloimation and ieservaJions-800J21J9W MUSSONGS CANTINA Latest California Spring Bieak fashions. Send SI. 00 toi brochuie to Sea Coast Inc 6254 Cainmito Saldae, San Diego. CA 92111 Mi Caidiqan: Monogamy is an ideal The Woman Who Would Be Java Queen Maigaret Ellen Lotion. Roses aie led. Violets aie blue, What the is the matter with you'? -The Spaghetti Club P S. This is a funny attempt at a senous matter. We miss you! TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL -SALES -SERVICE BLOOM S 323 N 13th 474-4136 DELTA UPSILON LITTLE SISTERS Meeting tonight at 9.00 LOST WITHOUT YOUR LOVE?? Let them know with a Valentines Day gieeting in the Daily Nebiaskanon Fiiday. Feb 13th. Find out all the details in Rin. 34. Nebiaska Union. Deadline is Wednesday. Feb. 11 - 1:00 p.m. APPY BIRTHDAY - ROOMMATE1 Love. Jenlyn Lisa. Happy 20th Birthday Dude! LET'S PARTY! love ya. Lori Y V I o JL V ROOfJfilAXE .vwv rn WEDDING RING SPECIALIST Newest Styles Large In-Stock Selection NO GIMMICKS Lowest Possible Prices Immediate Delivery 474 6044 3111 "O " St Y Y Y Y Y Y FEMALE ROOMMATE needed One bedioom in fully furnished house. S200. Southwest location. Call Jacquie, 9-5 30 only. 474-2020. extension 207, N0N SMOKING MF loommate needed immediately foi nice 2-bedi oom apt No lease, no deposit S140 month plus utilities. 435-3101. FEMALE needed to HELP CHOOSE nice 2-bedioom apaitment. 477-054V N0N SMOKING female needed lo help find and shaie apt with quiet pre-med student. 423-4153 (or 7:30 - 4:30. 471-7468 ask foi Lynn); FEMALE TO SHARE house Piivaie iivmgioom and bedioom. S125 plus 12 utilities. 474-52261476-6520 NON-SMOKING MF loommale needed immediately -mce2BR apt at3320 Y. No lease S162 50mo All utilities paid. 466-4168 aftei 3 p m Keep hying Dr. Kangeioo: You have my permission to dale my daughter1 Your Nuises Dad Sally (lifeguard, last Fnday at Mable Lee). Which stioke is your favorite? I d like to meet you sometime, in or out of the water. Lane 4 Keven L: A fiiend has told me a lot about you and I'd like to meet you sometime. Would you be interested7 Susan SERVICES MISCEIXANEOU5 TO ANYONE with knowledge of vandalism to a white RX7 in front of Coliseum Thursday night at 12:00 a m. Please call 421-2403. VALENTINE S DAY GIFTS Need a gift for Valentine s Day77 Flowers and perfume will make her feel special. We also have cologne tor the man in your life1 3 long-stemmed, red silk roses and a special fiagrance or cologne in a beautifully wrapped flowei box Orders need to be in by Sunday. Feb 8 by 10 p.m. Orders will be hand-dehvei ed to your officework on Friday. Feb. 13. P' ices range S15-S25- tax. Forordeis or queslio ns call 489-0097. VALENTINE BALLOON Bouquets DECORATED CAKE?- LARGE COOKIES DELIVERY CALL 475-4876 LOST Cz FOUND FOUND: One glove in Nebiaska Hall. Call 421-3140 to identify. FOUND: Pair of female gloves in Hamilton Hall, room 0104. Feb. 4 Call 483-4684 to identify LOST: Gray champion sweatshirt with red Nebraska letters. East Campus basketball courts. Call 435-2318. GREEK AFFAIRS CONGRATULATIONS to the new AXiD Initiates Maxme A . Kristin A . Jenny B . Karen G . Julie B , Stephanie B , Sara C . Kara D . Heidi E., DebF.. Maggie G.. Kim I Shaion J.. Staci K.. Kerry K Lynn EL. Danelle P ChnsS. JanelleS.. TammieS, Melissa T.. Ann T .Jill V.. Julie W.. Wendy W., Michele W., Sandy W.. Jessica W. BETA SIGMA PSI Would like to extend welcome to its newest actives and offer sincere congratulations on a job well done! Kurt Ronnekamp Ben Powell Peter Lenz Kirk Heim Dan Meyer JayKlepper RichaidSpatz Paul Stemke David Boschen Joel Zmneckei Matt Mackeprang Roger Ooerr Chad Mayland CONGRATS to the new KKG initiates: K. Behmer. T. Faihart, J. Greenwood. T. Scherer, L. Gammell. J Ander son. K. Meyer. H Hunt. N Falk, J. Cervany. K McCann. S. Switzer. M. Sand berg. S. Bredell. K. Calvert. G. Tombrink. B Burke. D. Everett. K. McAulift. L. Goltl, M. Sample. A. Mitchell. K. Nedrow. M. Stoll. A. Wanetka. J. Keasling, C Butherus. M. Plager. Love. The Actives CONGRATULATIONS Kim McAuliff - A TO Little Sister President. Love. Your KKG Sisters SIG EP LITTLE SISTERS Valentine Party Thursday, Feb. 12 at 8:30. Your escorts will pick you up at 8:15. CONGRATULATIONS new Ag Men initiates: D. Cain. J Deprez, B. Ehlers. R. Kean. Meyer. E. Monson, M PareL B. Pfeifer. T. Saner. D. Schleufer. J. Shiet. S. Stoltze. M. Zoz. ' Wo uld Yo" o DeveloB A Relatio Caveman: Happy Valentine s Day1 1 still adore you! Love. Lola mshiB? XL If you have someone in your heart, or anyone in mind, let them know with a special Valentine greeting in the Daily Nebraskan on Friday, February 13th. Picture these: Line message: $2.25 minimum for 10 words 15? per additional word 50 additional for star, boldface or large type Box message: $7.60 per 1 inch box 40 word maximum Includes line border, boldface or large type No art work Heart message: $10.00 for 1 inch box with heart Your choice of pink or red art 25 word maximum Includes line border, boldface or large type CAITLAN: You re the best little sis a guy could ever have! It helps to know that you are always there. And I owe you so much. That s why I wrote you this Valentine Have a great day Nat Kathy: Happy Valentine's Day to a great friend! Here s hoping the rest of the semester goes well for both of us. Whats-her-name Place your ad by 1 :00 p.m. Wednesday, February 1 1th and you could win a free photo portrait of you and your loved one. For every ad you run, your name will be entered in our "Lucky In Love" contest. Come to our office in Room 34 of the Nebraska Union for more details. And then see what develops! in Daily ri k r n sum wmmm ALL YOU CAN EAT! 7& S' i 1 vi" V. iC'-'FV 1 rr-' ' " " ntV ALL IMIT TUESDAY! Every Tuesday through February Wendy's is serving up bowl after bowl of our hot, fresh chili for just 99 per person. Bring the whole family! No coupon necessary Offer only in dining room. Cheese extra. Not valid with other coupons or special offers. 930 N. 48th Street 2615 S. 48th Street 14th & Q Street 6404 E. O Street r ' JE, I, I OLD MKimxrrn 1 - -