The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1987, Page Page 10, Image 10
Thursday, February 5, 1987 Page 10 Daily Nebraskan 0Kt 5) OU deals Nebraska 80-66 tonne setback By Chuck Green Sports Editor A win for the Nebraska men's bas ketball team against Oklahoma Wed nesday night just wasn't in the cards. Literally. Before the Cornhuskers' game against the Sooners at the Bob Devaney Sports Center, Lincoln-area Burger Kings had approximately 1 "),()()() cardboard signs that read: "Busker Power." The signs were distributed to most of the 1 2,S84 fans before the game. The spirit didn't last very long, though, as the No. H ranked Sooners jumped to an early Hi ") lead on their way to a HO GG win over the Cornhuskers. Nebraska coach Danny Nee said he felt that the Buskers' missed shots were t he key to the game. They sank 26 of 04 shots for a 40.0 percentage. "We played hard but we just couldn't execute all the things that we wanted to," Nee said. "We haven't really shot well (this season). We had a lot of good shots and some of them have to fall for us to be in the game." Before the game, Nee said that Nebraska would have had to play an error free game and t hat he would have to out-coach Oklahoma coach Billy Tubbs. Tubbs said he did not appre ciate the comment. "I'll tell you one thing," Tubbs said. "It's going to be a hell of a long time for someone to out coach me. 1 advise him (Nee) to get some damn players!" Oklahoma jumped to a 16-5 lead with 15.-22 left in the first half. Nebraska cut the Sooners' lead to five, 16-11, on a Bernard Day layup with 1:5:10 left, then narrowed the deficit to 16-1:5 on two free throws by Anthony Bailous. The free throws capped an 8 0 Nebraska run. The Sooners increased their lead to r Drake, Tulsa to visit By Rich Cooper Staff Reporter Nebraska's women's tennis team will be host to Drake and Tulsa at the Lincoln Racquet Club and Woods Park Tennis Complex on Feb. 13 and 14. The Cornhuskers last competed in the Minnesota Doubles Tourna ment Jan. 23 through 25. Nebraska women's tennis coach Kathy Hawkins said she was happy with her team's performance at Minnesota, where her doubles teams won 12 of 21 matches. Hawkins said she used six differ ent combinat ions at Minnesota. She said she thought everybody seemed to work well together, and inexpe rience caused Nebraska's loss. "Traditionally, we are more of a doubles team," Hawkins said. "If we go into a in itch in which we h::ve CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 $2 75 minimum charge per day on commercial ads. Ten words included. $2 25 minimum charge per day on individual student and student organization ads. $ 75 billing charge on noncommercial ads All personal ads must be prepaid NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID ADS NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: t p m day before publication (Monday through Friday). FOHGAI ONE MORE TIME Quality home furnishings at affordable pi ices 850 No 27th St 474-2065 AIRLINES NOW HIRING, Flight attendants, agents, mechanics, customer service Saianes to SSOK. Entry level positions. Call 805-687-6000. Ext. A-9636 loi cunent listings. REFRIGERATOR, like new 2.5 cu. ft. (twice dorm size), used one semester by conscientious female Paid S160 new - will sell for S95. Call 475-O0S9 after 6 00 p m. M-F or on weekends. nine, 20-17, on a dunk by Harvey Grant with 7:40 left in the first half, but the Buskers fought back. Nebraska cut Oklahoma's advantage to five on two occasions, but that was as dose as the Buskers would come for the remainder of the game. A tip in basket by Nebras ka's Bill Jackman with two seconds left cut Oklahoma's lead to 155-26 at halllime. Oklahoma shot 15 of 34 (44 percent) from the field in the game's first 20 minutes and connected on two of two free throws. Nebraska was 10 of 2!) (35 percent) from the field and hit six of eight shots from the line in the first half. Oklahoma shot 50 percent from the field in the game. The Sooners hit 3 of 9 three-point shots in the first half and 5 of 1 1 for the game while Nebraska connected 6 of 14, including none of five attempts in the first half. Oklahoma wasted no time in the second half, outscoring Nebraska 16-7 in the first four minutes. Nebraska pulled to 10 points mid way through the half, but the Sooners' talent and top -10 ranking became even more evi dent as the game wound down. "We kept coming after them but they always seem to handle them," Nee said. "They're a talented team, so their strength, their speed, whatever it took, they got something, even when they made one or two mistakes." The loss dropped Nebraska's record to 2 5 in Big Eight Conference play and 1 28 overall. Nebraska travels to Boulder, Colo., Saturday to play the Buffaloes. Oklahoma, 6-1 in the Big Eight and 18 3 overall, plays Missouri in Norman Saturday. Nebraska was led by Bailous and Brian Carr, who scored 15 points each. Day added 1 1 points for the Buskers, and Keith Neubert pulled down seven rebounds. split the singles, we're pretty confi dent we can win the meet with our doubles." Hawkins said that until the meet against Drake and Tulsa she will be holding in practice matches to de termine who her singles players will be. At the end of the fall season Nebraska's no. 1 singles player was Vicki Martin. Senior Jill 1'isarcik and freshman Donetta Holmen are strong contenders for the top three singles positions, Hawkins said. The Buskers play Drake on Feb. 13. Sin gles competition begins at 1:30 p.m. at the Lincoln Racquet Club and doubles starts at 6:30 p.m. at Woods Bark. On Feb. 14 at Woods Park the Buskers will face Drake at 9 a.m. Hawkins said that since the Big Ei.'.ht season doesn't start until April, experience will be her team's r.uia goal in the meet. assioect WHITE WEDDING gown with hat sie 10. nevei worn. S500 oi best offer Will sell sepaialely464 1677 . 81 SUZUKI GN 400. uiidei 6.000 miles, windshield, looks qieat. luns qieat. Veiy quick Call John 476-2475 AUTOG Fan SAHS 240Z. 1970 Classic 53 000 actual S4.950 firm Seiious inquir ies aftei 6 00. 489 3076. 1985 Chev Spiint. 5-speed. an conditioned, hi-fi cas sette, ciuise. 22.000 miles Excellent condition 423-2585 84 NISSAN SENTRA. spotless. AMFMcasselteTT speed no AC Eves or weekends 475-4634. 2-BFDR00M. large, clean, paiking. central air. shower. bus. I8th & Euclid. S300. 475-6669 NEAR CAMPUS NICE 1 ft 2 BEDROOM UNITS. NO RENT UNTIL FEBRUARY 1. FROM S265MO. PLUS DEPOSIT. 421-3889. 474-1064 1-BEDROOM DUPLEX Furnished or unfurnished. S225 & up. Nice, clean units. 435-6683. 3601 N. Is! St. J Y S"" .-7 T' i i Nebraska's Bernard Day puts up a shot over Oklahoma's Harvey Grant while Keith Neubert gets ready to rebound during Wednesday night's 80-66 Sooner victory. N still in first By Rich Cooper Staff Reporter LAWRENCE, Kan. - The Nebraska women's basketball team continued to have problems winning on the road Wednesday night as it lost to Kansas 88-74 at Allen Field House. The loss dropped the Cornhuskers' record to 12-9 overall and 5-3 in the Big Eight Conference, and moved them into a tie for first place with Missouri and Oklahoma State. Nebraska coach Angela Beck said her team was too aggressive and that it played sloppy basketball. "We played Kansas' game," she said. "(It was) very sloppy, physical and that got us out of sync. We over-tried all night and that hurt us." Kansas capitalized on 20 Nebraska turnovers in the first half to grab a CLEAN AND CLOSE 2-bedioom apaitmenl located close to East Campus and Uni Place shopping. All appliances. Laundiy facilities. Ott-stieet paiking HUNTINGTON SQUARE APARTMENTS 3300 HUNTINGTON AVE. 466-8611 Joseph E. Kean Co 474-1666 CONVENIENCE PLUS Located close to work AND campus. Beautiful, clean, all appliance apailments. Think summer outdoor pool. Olf-slieet paiking 1-bedroom S309: 2-bedroom. 1 bath S349. 2-bedioom. 2 bath S389 & up WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS 1800 KNOX 476-6200 Joseph E. Kean Co 474-1666 CONTEMPO LINCOLN 2-bedioom mobile homes. S235 & up 435-6683 3601 N 1st EXTRA NICE house. 3-4 bedroom. 1 12 baths, garage, newly remodeled. 1626 N 22-between campuses. S425. 475-1579 or 488-0061. 2504 VINE. Attractive, two bedioom. two complete baths, new carpet, wel bar. heat paid. Start S335 464 4862. 474-1380. 230 S. 26th Efficiency Apartment S185. Lights and cooking gas. No pets or children 466-5393 or 488-4802. WE LOVE STUDENTS!!! 51 18 Slarr 3-bedioom near 48th & Holdrege Just East of Ag. campus. Low utilities & great landlord. S385. 423-1535. ! ,ut on 7 in! p- i J- ? L W--T - ---tte- -' . r... - place tie in Big Eight 24-13 lead with 9:17 left. Lisa Dougherty scored nine of her team-high 23 points in the first half for the Jayhawks. Nebraska battled back to as Stacy Imming sank two free throws at 4:05 to cut the Jayhawks' lead to 30-29. On Nebraska's next possession, the Huskers' Shelly Block sank a jumper to give her team the lead, 31-30. Amy Stephens hit a follow shot at 3:17 to increase the Huskers' lead to 33-30. Stephens led the Huskers in scoring with 27 points. Maurtice Ivy and Imming added 24 and 16, respectively. The Jayhawks scored six unanswered points in the last two minutes to take a 37-35 lead at the half. Beck said Kansas did a good job of breaking the Huskers' tempo through out the game. Because of that, Nebraska wasn't patient on offense, she said. The Huskers had 32 turnovers. NEWER OR i ecently redecorated apts Except for water, tenant pays utilities unless otherwise noted: Furnished: 648 S. 12. Eff S213. includes steam heat: Call 435-4258. 502 S. 12. Eff S186 S213. S221 : 1 Bed. S266 Rental rehab, available Call 474-5618. Unfurnished: 1615 Gaifield. 2 bedioom. DW & disp. Call 474-2490 3404 NeerHark. 2 story townhouse. $600. Call 423-5800 for any of the Units 1121 N 28th NICE 1-bedroom unit in quiet complex between cam puses neai paio oij a ocod. 4oMop:. 44-iJou. 2 BfcDRUOM duplex for rent. S250 & S280. 1405 C St. 810 H.. TWO BEDROOM. S305 plus deposit. No children or pets 467-3145. 488-7755. TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent. 3601 Baldwin, fireplace, and all appliances. Available immediately S350. 467-1786. 466-0535. HELP VAjOTED NEWSLETTER EDITOR, part-time, must have micro computer and previous writing experience, agricultural background helpful. 467-3591. PART-TIME POSITION available. Farm experience help ful Flexible hours. Apply ,rom 8:00-4:00. Horizon Seeds. 1600 Cornhusker Hwy. X Linda StoryDaily Nebraskan "We were being hunted tonight," Beck said she though her players this situation of being in first place, and so we weren't concentrating on winning the game." In the second half, Kansas never gave up its lead. The Jayhawks scored eight unanswered points to extend their lead to 57-45 with 10:58 left. Nebraska never came closer than 1 1 the rest of the game. Beck said she thought her plkayers weren't prepared for the road game. The loss was the Huskers' second straight and lowered their Big Eight road-record to 1-4. Kansas, now 4-4 in the conference and 11-11 overall, will play Oklahoma Slate Saturday in Lawrence. Nebraska's next game will be at Colorado Saturday at 2 p.m. DO YOU NEED MONEY? Part-time commission sales Set vour own hours. Potential S100 plus per day. Call 466-8598 tor interview. WENDY'S Now seeking highly motivated, team-oriented people to fill daytime or night shifts. Paid vacation, competitive pay and flexible hours available. Apply in person at Wendy's. 14th & ' Q ' BETHPHAGE at Lincoln, a private facility for mentally retarded adults, is currently taking applications for part time direct care staff. If interested, please apply at 904 Sumner. EOE. IT'S THE PITS Barbecue restaurant is now hiring for all positions Flexible scheduling, minutes fiom either campus. Apply . in person at 49th & Holdrege. 1-5 p.m. PART-TIME SUPERVISOR This position requires a mature individual with good communication skills who can motivate newspaper car riers and work with parents and customers as a city carrier route supervisor. This is an excellent opportunity for a university student which requires being available by 230 p m. daily. 9 am. Saturdays and some Sunday mornings woiking approximately 35 hours per week. Your own vehicle is required with mileage expenses paid Applications will be accepted at the Journal-Star Person nehMice. 926 P St.. 8 00-4 00 daily through Monday. TRAVEL PROMOTERS WANTED Earn HIGH COMMISSION and FREE TRIPS!! Destination Travel is looking for individuals or organiza tions to market Soring Break trips to South Padre Island. Call Steve at 1-800-525-1638. " - a m it a r' n ni