Friday, January 23, 1987 Daily Nebraskan- Page 7 Fon refjt STUDENT SPECIAL: 5-bedroom. 2 baih.' completely remodeled. 4 blocks from campus New carpet, new lairii. greai (ocanun ana low umiiies. tall I err v. 4S3-673- 52 N 22nd, & ?8?6 R St. S495 2504 VINE Nice, clean 1-bedroom, heat paid S275. Available now. 46448f2, 474-WHO 2-BEDHobM. laige. clean, parking, central air. shower, bus. 18th & Euclid. S300. 475-6069. 138 SOUTH 29TH. Student Specialtwo units. S350 S325 plus deposit. East two bedroom, garage, remodeling now 'Help decide on decor. Bottom unit laundry, deck, fireplace. Rent both and have Iriends as neighbors. Call Kim today 421-1871 or489-6?S3 2222 VINE Large. 2-bedroom. 2-bath. heat paid. Start atS370. Feb. 1. 464-4862, 477-1160 NEAR CAMPUS NICE 1 2 BEDROOM UNITS. NO BENT UNTIL FEBRUARY 1. FROM $?65MO. PLUS DEPOSIT. 4;t-39P9, 474-1064 SPACIOUS TWO bedroom, two bath plus den Huge livingroomdining room with balcony. Cable paid. S375 Pi"Ll!il!liesiZ6J38: S165 EFFICIENCY. $200 1-bedroom 10th & "C." Newly remodeled. Most utilities paid. 423-7455, keep trying. 1-BEDROOM DUPLEX Furnished or unfurnished. S225 up. Nice, clean units. 435-6683, 3601 N. 1st St. CLEAN AND CLOSE 2-bedroom apartment located close to East Campus and Uni Place shopping. All appliances. Laundry facilities. Oil-street parking. HUNTINGTON SQUARE APARTMENTS 3300 HUNTINGTON AVE. 466-8611 Joseph E. Kean Co, 474-1666 NEAR CAMPUS, newer 2-bedroom. S295. 489-2203. 4-bedroom, 2 bath, double garage. 630 N. 34th St., S550. 489-2203. CONVENIENCE PLUS Located close to work AND campus. Beautiful, clean, all appliance apartments. Think summer outdoor pool. Off-street parking 1-bedroom S309; 2-bedroom, 1 bath S349; 2-bedroom. 2 bath S389 & up. WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS 1800 KNOX 476-6200 Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1666 CONTEMPO LINCOLN 2-bedroom mobile homes, S235 & up 435-6683 3601 N. 1st 2627 VINE Available now, 1-bedroom. smaller unit. Nice carpet. S245 pius eiecinc. tot-too:, trH-uou. UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom. fireolace. camel, oarkino. no pets. S280. 1833 Knox. 477-7684. UNFURNISHED 3-bedroom apartment, washer, dryer, air conditioner; 3114 Starr. S395 plus utilities and deposit. Phone 472-1836 (work) or 464-1867 (home). HAYWARD PLACE 9th & CHARLESTON Excellent university location for very nice, modern, 1 bedroom apartments. Dishwashers and microwaves, laun dry facilities. Call Mega, 475-8407 or 477-1535. 700 N. 26TH Nice 2-bedroom lower level apartment in older home. Close to campus, heat paid. S285. 464-4862, 474-1380. 3, 4, OR 5-BEDROOM house 6 blocks from stadium. Washer, dryer, range, refrigerator freezer, two bath- rooms, i nvingrooms, garage, irr-ouia. TWO BEDROOM upper duplex one block from Harper Hall. 477-5049. EAST CAMPUS 3600 Huntington. Large 2-bedroom. fireplace, appliances, laundry, parking. $300. 489-9916. 7-BEDR00M house, 2 baths, newly remodeled. Large kitchen, dining room and living room. $875 plus utilities. 477-3030. HELP WARTTED TACO JOHN'S is now hiring part-time help, both day and night time hours available. Apply at 831 No. 48tn Street, Monday-Friday, 2:00-5:00 p.m. AMIGO'S 14th & Que 'Great Work Environment 'Competitive Pay Flexible Schedule 50 Meal Discount Amigo's is seeking aggressive, dynamic person to work part-time or full time. Must have strong customer orienta tion and ability to initiate quick, positive relations with other people. Apply now at Amigo's, 14th & Que. Monday Saturday. 8:00-5:00. OUTDOOR TRIP PROGRAM STAFF Position open beginning February 2, 1987 for 2 UNL stu dents (prefer freshman, sophomore, or beginning gradu ate student) to work in Campus Recreation outdoor trip program and equipment rental. Applicants must possess or be willing to learn outdoor adventure skills and leader ship ability. Send letter of application and resume to Mark Ebel, Assistant Director, Office of Campus Recreation, 1740 Vine Street. Lincoln, NE 68588-0601 by January 26. 1987. WAITER, VAITRESS Openings for weekday lunches, good tips. Apply in per- son. 1:30-2.00 p.m., 1309 "L" St. MING PALACE MINla rMLMUt. COULD YOU BE A BOSTON NANNY? Are you a loving, nurturing person who enjoys spending time with children? Live in lovely, suburban neighbor noods. enjoy excellent salaries, benefits, your own living quarters and limited working hours. Year round-trip transportation provided. One year commitment neces sary. Call or write: Mrs. Fisch, thildcare Placement Ser vice, Inc. (CCPS), 149 Buckminster. Rd.. Brookline. MA 02146 (617) 566-6294. :.:),Wi(:hWra" 7 5:084:00 CCiO "wIILS (T3-I3) 7:15-9 :15 I. ttvi k,...J ij'CO 1 5:C7:1S-9:30 HlS.A It.-. ("3 1:15-3:15 mtrtW'-" 5:15-7:15-:15 til iti ii .---4 1:00-3:00 J" t , tTTln 5:03-;:c3-9:00 l L...J UUaQ 1:30-3:30 C'Tt f 1 5:30-7:30-9:30 j JP'3 V 7 inaaraiacia 2 ATv-.j Ci-i o 3 0. Ci r,. II n P-y I'"-'") r-f "'f V 7 Ll . ' 2 FEMALES NEEDED lor the SUMMER to care tor the children ol 2lamilies who reside on the same stieet In NEW JERSEY Convenient to N Y & Phila Must be non-smokers, dependable and good with children Salary, room and board. Send letter ol interest, including phone number to; Mrs. Herman, P.O. Box 3?9. Marlboio. N J 07746 SAMS 48th & Garland is now taking applications lor part-time counter help on both 5hilts. Apply in person alter 2 p.m. PLASMA DONORS Earn up to S30 a week or S120 a month. First donation S10, second donation In the same calendar week (Monday-Saturday) S20. New donors bring in this ad lor a S2 bonus on the trrst donation. University Plasma Associated Bioscience ol Nebraska, 1442 "0 ' St. 475-8645. DRAFTING TABLE, reasonable offer. 474-4120. Holli. WANTED: LIVE-IN female babysitter in exchange lor roomboard. Call Linda after 8 p.m. or before 7 a.m. 477-8135. AnnoiJKCixrjT3 UNL FACULTYjSTAFF, STUDENTS! FRIDAY GAtHERING TIME 3:30-5:30 PM Every Friday St. Mark's Episcopal Church 1309 ' R' Street Fellowship Refreshments ALL Welcomt THE LAZARE DIAMOND r " "' ' - - ...... o V, ABOVE ALL... JKCh BRILLIANCE. for brilliance beyond compare, Ah Oy only The Lazare Diamond will v C Sj ' do. Cut to ideal proportions, it vf -VV- achieves the ultimate in brilli- 4 ? v ance' beauty anc ql'ty One i k Y j look, and you'll see a difference '"" thats perfectly brilliant. I.- - -r-J The Lazare Diamond. Setting the standard for brilliance!" Downtown AJryi rih4C Gateway 13th &P V VOvfllS at Ben Simon's If- t ' '" Est i J LJ i- If you have 60 accredited semester hours, and can achieve a high score in a special aptitude test, you could be just 22 weeks from earning the gold bars of a second lieutenant in the Army Reserve. And ready to take on your first Reserve leadership assign ment. Qualify, and you'll attend an 8-week Basic Training Course, then go on to a 14-week Officer Candidate School (OCS) which will challenge you both mentally and physically When you gradu ate, you'll receive your commission as an officer in the Army Reserve, and continue training in a branch Officer Basic Course. Then you'll return home to serve in a nearby Reserve unit usually one weekend a month and two weeks annual training. It's a great opportunity to gain the skills and begin the practice of the kind of leadership and management prized so highly by civil ian employers. You need not have completed your degree, just have 60 semes ter hours and a lot of ability and confidence, to qualify. If you're interested in OCS, call: SPRING BREAK Hurry! Limited space available at these number one collegiate beach and ski destinations. South Padre Island. Daytona Beach, Steamboat Springs. Miami BeachFort Lauderdale. Mustang IslandPort Aransas, Galveston Island and Fort Wallon Beach. Call Sunchase Tours Central Spring Break Toll Free Hot Line today lor inlormation and reservations 1 800-321-591 1"! A DOY AND HIS DOG Starring DON JOHNSON will be showing this Wednes day & Friday 7 4 9 p.m. in Avery Auditorium and Thurs day at 7 & 9 30 p m. in the East Union. Only $1 lor stu dents. Brought to you by UPC American Films and Sights & Sounds. UNL STUDENT GOVERNMENT Represent your college on the Student Government Senate vacancies are in he following colleges: Arts & Science Graduate Home Economics Journalism Teachers If you are interested in the computing system at UNL apply lor: Computational Services & Facilities Applications and Information available in 115 Nebraska Union De a d I me January 30th ' A COMMUNICATION Workshop lor Married Student Couples will meet Mondays. Feb. 2. 9. 16. 23 from 7:00 8:30. If interested, contact Sue at 472-3461 (Counseling Division Student Center 4) SINGAPORE, FIJI, SWEDEN, MOROCCO We can t send you there but we can introduce you to someone from there. Consider the English Conversation Program, Inquire at the IES Otfice at 345 Nebraska Union or at 472-3264. DELTA SIGMA PI RUSH We mean Business!! See our booth in CBA Lobby Jan. 21-23. UPC PRESENTS Rev. Jesse Jackson Wednesday. Feb. 11, 8 p.m. Nebraska Union Centennial Room. Tickets available at noon, January 26-Feb. 6 in the CAP office, Room 200 Nebraska Union. UNL students show ID to claim ticketsGen. Admission S3.00. ',1 n nr? ; l cri l M-, i..,- -, -3 LJ V'i--J Round up the herd and stampede on down to Osndy's for uncivilized F.A.C. specials. 3-10 p.m. If You're Ocrnc. 122 N. 11th 475-2418 in n n r r f a-k, a . nuii I V ' II I ' J! I aaaoiaaEnanaaciaci-na mm i4 " 1 ja need until E-3 I 21 PARENTS WITH DRINKING i N i f m, f i SUPPORT & PROBLEM SOLVING GROUPS FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS UNL HEALTH CENTER-CAMPUS ALCOHOL SERVICES M '.V' 55-ir O f-fL-- u Sft ? g L-i a c-a a a a 1 III I r i r . 1 LnJcfe?2Gii8 fills ill u u y w u n u t- h t --s r - 1 I I I I n o n (1 C) U u t - ,.-.r 10:00 p.m. ion Hn. 14th. - - - a 3 FOR INFORMATION CALL: ALAN SMITH 472-7440 or 472-2351 - - j - r - r r- v Jov 1 pi I