The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 22, 1987, Page Page 9, Image 9
Thursday, January 22, 1937 Daily Nebraskan Page 9 ('' I 1 I J V ' 1 JM5- - n V 1 f (9)65) N "RATE IT X" Sheldon Film Theatre Today & Friday 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. Saturday at 3, 7 & 9 p.m. 472-5353 "A BOY AND HIS DOG" Friday 7 & 9 p.m. Avery Auditorium TONIGHT 7 & 9:30 p.m. East Union $1 students, $2 general admission UPC American Films & Sights & Sounds My Beautiful Laundrette Sheldon Gallery Sunday, Jan. 25, 3, 5, 7 & 9 p.m. On Stage Special Events U v J Y-PALS BIG BROTHERBIG SISTER BENEFIT: UNLseniorCornhusker foot ball players vs. Lincoln celebrities Tonight at 7 p.m. Southeast High School gym, 2930 S. 31st St. Tickets available at the Downtown YMCA, any U-Stop shop and at the door. For information call 475-9622. NICHOLAS JOHN HABRAKAN, pro fessor of architecture at the Massa chusetts Institute of Technology HYDE LECTURE SERIES: Today at 4 p.m. Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery audi torium " Reception following in Architecture Hall Link. 3RD ANNUAL METRO NEW CAR EXPO: Today 5-1 0 p.m.; Friday & Saturday 1 1 a. m.-10 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Featuring Jan & Dean, on stage Thurs day8p.m.; Friday & Saturday 3 p.m. & 8 p.m.; Sunday 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Adults $3.75, Senior citizens &children 6-12 $2.75 At Omaha Civic Auditorium Concerts "Dixie Jamboree" Omaha Symphony SuperPops concert with pianist Max Morath Friday & Saturday 8 p.m. Orpheum Theater, 409 S. 16th St., Omaha Tickets $18.25, $15.25, $12.25, $7.75; charge by phone 342-3560 THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY Conduct ed by Sir Georg Solti Tuesday, Jan. 27 8 p.m. Orpheum Theatre, 409 S. 16th St., Omaha Tickets $25, $20, $15, $7 Charge by phone 342-3560 Bands & Bars -3r '4 CHESTERFIELD, BOTTOMSLEY & POTTS Friday & Saturday Big Dave & The Turbans $2 cover Monday Mother's Big Band Jazz, no cover Lower level Gunny's 475-8007 ROYAL GROVE NIGHTCLUB Thursday through Saturday Ex calibar Wednesday through Jan. 31 On the Fritz; dance contest every Wednesday $1 cover 340 W. Cornhusker Hwy 477-2026 PLA-MOR BALLROOM Saturday, Jan. 24 8:30 p.m. Greg Spivak $4 cover; no blue jeans Sunday, Jan. 25 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Adolph Nemec $2.50 cover 4 miles west of Lincoln on O St. 6600 West O St. 475-4030 LITTLE BO'S Thursday through Friday Airstrike Saturday The Verandas 27th & Cornhusker Hwy 464-1492 THE HORNY BULL Thursday through Thursday The Sandy Creek Pickers $1 cover Friday & Saturday 27th & Cornhusker Hwy 464-7248 COUNTRY MUSIC OPRY Saturday, Jan. 24 8 p.m. Roca Country Music Showhouse Roca, NE DRUMSTICK Thursday The Precautions $2 Friday Soul Aslym Metcrats $4 Saturday Sidekick $2 Tuesday DMR $1 ; Wednesday, Swing Cats $1 547 N. 48th St. 464-4745 ZOO BAR Thursday through Saturday Jail breakers $3 cover FAC Friday 4:30 p.m.-7 p.m. with The High Flyers, $1 cover Monday Bruce Koenig $2 cover Tuesday & Wednesday The Switch $2 cover 136 N. 14th St. 435-8754 ANTHONY BLUES Thursday Jazz Underground no cover Friday Jazz jam session, 5 p.m., no cover 1042 P St. 474-9138 ARTHUR'S Thursday through Saturday Flipside 8025 W. Dodge Road Omaha CHICAGO BAR Thursday through Saturday The Front 3259 Farnam St. Omaha HOWARD STREET TAVERN Thursday The Floyd Brothers Friday & Saturday The Perkolators 1112 Howard St. Omaha LIFTTICKET Thursday The Fabulous Floyd Bro thers Friday & Saturday Charlie Burton & The Hiccups 6212 Maple St. Omaha THE BRASS RAIL Friday & Saturday Sunrise, no cover 1436 0 St. 474-4741 Sport (V4 f TO UNL Cornhusker Basketball: Women's Wed., Jan. 28 against Missouri; 5:15 p.m. at Bob Devaney Sports Complex Men's Wed. Jan. 28 against Mis souri; 7:35 p.m. at Bob Devaney Sports Complex Beginning Weight Training Classes: Tuesdays & Thursdays Jan. 27 through March 5 Call Campus Rec, 472 3467 for information "Mama, I Want to Sing," Award-winning black musical Monday, Jan. 26, 7:30 p.m. Orpheum Theatre 409 S. 16th St. Omaha Tickets $25, $18.50, $14.50, $10 Charge by phone 342-7107 "She Was Only a Farmer's Daughter but All the Horsemen Knew 'er" Melodrama Thursday through Saturday 8 p.m. The Acreage Country Emporium 26th & Saltillo Road 423-6138 "1940s Radio Hour" Musical Thursday 8 p.m. Friday & Saturday 8:30 p.m. Sunday 3 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. Omaha Community Playhouse 6915 Cass St. Omaha "Soaring" by Kathleen Quinlan, dance Creighton Performing Arts Center Saturday 8 p.m. 30th & Burt Streets Omaha - I .J "Rate It X," a look at male chauvinism, today through Saturday. Andrea HoyDaily Nebraskan is showing at the Sheldon Film Theatre Winter Hike at Chet Ager Nature Center Sunday Jan. 26 1 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Sponsored by Lincoln Parks & Recrea tion $2 per person. Call 471-7895 to register . Intramural Deadlines: Tuesday, January 27 is entry deadline for the following intramural activities: Men's Indoor Soccer, Men's & Women's Water Polo and Co-Rec Innertub Water Polo. Entries will be accepted at both Campus Recreation Offices. Inquires: 472-3467. Cinema "They're Playing Our Song" Musical Thursday through Saturday 8 p.m. Sunday 2:30 p.m. Lincoln Community Playhouse 2500 S. 56th St. 489-9608 Meetings Dart League Chelsea's Pub Monday & Tuesday 7 p.m. East Park Plaza 66th & O "101 DALMATIANS" UNO SPO Film Series Friday & Saturday 5, 7 & 9:30 p.m. Sunday 4 & 7 p.m. Eppley Administration Bldg. 62nd & Dodge Streets STATE OF THE ARTS will be part of every Thursday's Daily Nebraskan. Please let us know about any special events, meetings and other activities your group has planned. Send information to: STATE OF THE ARTS 34 NEBRASKA UNION 1400 R STREET LINCOLN, NE 68583-0443 or call & leave a message for Julie Jordan Hendricks, 472-2588.