The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 22, 1987, Page Page 11, Image 11
Thursday, January 22, 1987 Daily Nebraskan Page 11 Tennis season begins By Kyle Schurman Staff Reporter Nebraska's women's tennis team opens its spring season this weekend with a first-ever trip to the Minnesota Doubles Tournament. The tournament begins Friday after noon and concludes Sunday afternoon. Only doubles teams will compete at the tournament, and no team scores will be kept. Nebraska coach Kathy Hawkins said the tournament will help prepare her team for the upcoming season. "I feel that doubles is our team strength," Hawkins said. "Doubles usu ally determine a match, so this will be a good tournament for us. This is very early to be competing, so I'd be a little leery about having both singles and doubles competing." Six complete teams will participate in the tournament, while a few small Minnesota colleges will send individ ual doubles teams to the tournament. Hawkins said Minnesota and Iowa will be the strongest teams, with Nebraska, Ohio State, Notre Dame and Drake close behind, Each complete team will send three doubles teams that will play in seven matches during the weekend. The dou bles lineups can be changed each day. "We're going to try some new combi nations," Hawkins said. "We'll see how the new people do together and possi bly make some changes." Hawkins said she wasn't too sure how her team would fare in the tournament. Wrestler's skill offsets size MALECECK from Page 10 Malececk has proven he is good at winning. Following a strong wrestling tradition at Osage High School, he posted a 64-2-0 record in his last two seasons and amassed a 75-10-0 record overall. As a senior, he took the 1985 state title in the 185-pound class after finishing fifth the year before. Neumann said he knew Malececk was a potential All-American when he recruited him for the 190-pound div ision. "He's a better heavyweight for hav ing wrestled at 190-pounds," Neumann said, adding that Malececk's quick ness and superior technique make up for his lack of size. In order to become more competi tive in the heavyweight division next season, Malececk says he wants to con tinue to gain weight. "I'm not at the point where I feel I'm at my best," he said. "I still want to get heavier, stronger and improve my con ditioning." Malececk said he's working espe cially hard this season to fit in as a heavyweight. He said he hopes to gain All-American honors in the future and hopes to be an NCAA qualifier this year. Moving wrestlers from the 190-pound weight class to heavyweight is a com mon change, Neumann said. He said Malececk has made the adjustment to his new role very well and has the potential to be a great heavyweight. AmrtcanHart Association Nebraska Affiliate CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 FOUSALE ONE MORE TIME Quality home furnishings at affordable prices. 850 No 27th St - 474-2065 AIRLINES NOW HIRING. Flight attendants, agents, mechanics, customer service Salaries to S50K. Entry level positions. Call 805-687-6000. Ext. A-9636 for current listings DUE TO DEATH, must sell new stereo equipment. Bang & Ollson turntable. Yamaha disc player. BSR equalizer. . Canton speakers. AKAI computer time. NAD cassette deck pre-amplifier and power amplifier. Retail: S5.000 will sacrifice for S2.000 (402) 223-5892 SMITH CORONA electric typewriter, cartridge type, car rying case. S65. 476-8938 nights AUTOS FOR SALE 1976 CHEVY MONTE Carlo, maroon. AC. AMFM, two door, skylights, 92.000 miles. Car can be seen at Govern ment Employees Credit Union. 330 N. 48th. M-F 9:00-5:30. Make an offer by Jan 27th. We reserve the right to reject 2 and all offers. 1977 BUICK LeSABRE. blue, engine needs work. Car can be seen at Government Employees Credit Union. 330 N. 48th. M-F. 9 00-5:30. Make an offer by Jan. 27th. We reserve the right to reject any and all offers 1984 TRANS-AM. loaded with equipment with 1986 spoilers and stripes. White with graphite interior. S8.250. 423-7455. keep trying. CLEAN AND CLOSE 2-bedroom apartment located close to East Campus and Uni Place shopping. All appliances. Laundry facilities.-Oft-street parking. HUNTINGTON SQUARE APARTMENTS 3300 HUNTINGTON AVE. 466-8611 Joseph E Kean Co. ' - 474-1666 . NEAR CAMPUS, newer 2-bedroom. S295. 489-2203. 4-bedroom. 2 bath, double garage. 630 N. 34th St.. S550. 489-2203 435-6683 CONTEMPO LINCOLN 2-bedroom mobile homes, S235 & up. rnmvcMiPMr.F PI IIS Located close to work AND campus. Beautiful, clean, all appliance apartments Think summer outdoor pool. ' Off-street parking. 1-bedroom S309; 2-bedroom, 1 bath S349; 2-bedroom. 2 bath S389 & up. WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENTS 1800 KNOX 476-6200 Joseph E. Kean Co. 474-1666 FOnilEOT STUDENT SPECIAL: 5-bedroom. 2 bath, completely remodeled. 4 blocks from campus. New carpet, new paint, great location and low utilities. Call Terry. 483 5573 527 N. 22nd. & 2826 R St. S495. 2 EFFICIENCIES 1345 H Street. S175 plus electricity. cooking gas. 475-2937. 2504 VINE Nice, clean 1-bedroom. heat paid. S275. Available now. 464-4862. 474-1380. 2-BEDR00M. large, clean, parking, central air. shower, bus. 18th & Euclid S300. 475-6669. 136 SOUTH 29TH. Student Specialtwo units. $350 S325 plus deposit. East two bedroom, garage, remodeling . now ! Help decide on decor. Bottom unit laundry, deck, f.replace. Rent both and have friends as neighbors. Call Kim today 421-1871 or 489-6258. cccc vim. r I arno O.hoHrnnm O.hath heat nairi Start l S370 Feb. 1. L 464-4862.477-1160. NER r.AMPUS NICE 1 & 2 BEDROOM UNITS. NO RENT UNTIL FEBRUARY 1. FROM S265MO. PLUS DEPOSIT. 421-3969, 474-1064 SPACIOUS TWO bedroom, two bath plus den. Huge livingroomdining room with balcony. Cable paid. S375 Plus utilities. 476-1368. S165 EFFICIENCY. S200 1-bedroom 10th & "C." Newly remodeled. Most utilities paid I 423-7455. keep trying. 1-BEDROOM DUPLEX Furnished or unfurnished. S225 & up. Nice, clean units. 435-6683. 3601 N. 1st St. iifN7o(ri rr- in" rtYi sees1 0tu -7 "Tif"1''t''''''''' "" ii ta-a MlVrrtStn ' Vwaa Un,lm 11:30 to 1:00 PM Program begins noon Room Posted Brown Bagger 'Theology for Lunch" is co-sponsored by: UNL Religious Studies Program Lutheran Center-UN L St. Mark's on-the-Campus Episcopal Church United Ministries in Higher Education, Lincoln ALL FACULTY. STAFF, GRADUATE STUDENTS, LOCAL CLERGY & INTERESTED COMMUNITY PERSONS ARE INVITED AND WELCOME "It'll depend on how well our new combinations play together," Hawkins said. "They'll need to adjust to playing with each other and communicate a little better." Seniors Carri Groce and Jill Pisar cik, junior-college transfer Jenny Died rich, sophomores Vickie Martin and Anne Stephens, and freshmen Donnette Holmen and Mary Jo Young will com pete for Nebraska. The Cornhuskers posted a 3-1 dual record during the fall season, and a doubles team advance to the quarterfi nals of the Central Regional Tournament. "It was kind of an average season, but I was basically pleased," Hawkins said. "I was impressed with Donnette Holmen's play in the regional's singles and doubles." BIKE PEDALERS 1986 Cannodales and Centurions at Blow Out Prices. Over 50 accessory items on sale thru January. Free catalog, 33rd & B Streets 474-7000 VELDER ONrV American Heart Association WE'RE FIGHTING FOR YOUR LIFE I ? k X o s JEWELRY UAUTY o'a-onm A WEDDING RING X SPECIALIST V Newest Styles w Large In-Stock Selection NO GIMMICKS X Lowest Possible Prices y Immediate Delivery X 74-S044 3111 "O" St. 3601 N. 1st 2627 VINE Available now. 1-bedroom. smaller unit. Nice carpet. S245 plus electric. 464-4862. 474-1380. UNFURNISHED 2-bedroom, fireplace, carpet, parking, no pets S280. 1833 Knox. 477-7684. 4-BEDROOM. 2 bath, newly redecorated home; well insulated; immediate possession. $400 per month plus S400 deposit; 1427 N. 21. 475-1579 or 488-0061. , . HAYWARD PLACE 9th & CHARLESTON Excellent university location for very nice, modern, 1 bedroom apartments. Dishwashers ana microwaves, laun- dry facilities. Call Mega. 475-8407 or 477-1535. 700 N. 26TH Nice 2-bedroom lower level apartment in older home. Close to campus, heat paid. $285. 464-4862, 474-1380. Mr w Y . . relaxing . . . energizing . . . One of the Midwest's largest collections of new music. . . t. ii I'll i l: o Windham Mill vangeiib Brian Eno Vollenweider Fresh Aire Paul Winter Listen Before You Buy! 4203 So. 48th 483-7284 PesteeV Abski4 . ."Iks tefctt Besr" h n...r7 AV.V.V.W.SV.V f 9 V.V.V.V.V.W.V. i I j.v.v.x.V.w.v.: lit? f ..V.V.V.W.V.V. ft " :) II r r uuium BEER LIQUOR WINE THE LITTLE STORE W HIE 016 DEALS" old mimm Rs. cr ti$$, bsa cs. nna '6.29 wm mm mmn. . . m SCfUlH?S Rs. cr t, xizm cs 5.49 T);3 Ofkr Sf: . . . Dckpr Peehtr:3. . . .750 d. . .'4.99 Ssfbra Csnifsrt 750 d. . SS9 E E J Orsr 750 vi . .'5.99 Pci, S!. . . cr Diet, 6 fk. J1.69 12337 feW27thVb 477-7515