Friday, January 16, 1987 Daily Nebraskan Pago 8 O f O ia & GL f f if' c JUNIORS Information sheets tor Mortar Board, an honor society recognizing scholarship, leadership, and service are now available at the CAP, CAP-East, and ASUN Otfices, and at the Culture Center. Date due: Monday, January 26, 1987. FRESHMEN SOPHOMORES SENIORS Applications tor Mortar Board Notables are now available in the CAP. CAP-East and ASUN Offices, and at the Culture Center Date due: January 26, 1987, UNL 4-H CLUB MEETING Tues., January 20th, 7:30 p.m. East Union New Members Welcome THE RAINMAKERS Anyone interested in helping with the Rainmakers concert come to the Concerts & Coffeehouses meeting Jan. 18 at 7:00 p m. in the City Union. Room will be posted. WELCOME BACK NU MEDS! We will be having an organizational meeting Wed. Jan. 21st in the Union (room should be posted this time!) at 6 30 p.m We will be setting dates for our meetings and planning topics please come and bring ideas' PADRE AHEAD1 7 Nights Lodging Rountrip Motorcoach S285 Land Package $185 Poolside Party Special options include: shopping in Mexico, partyship cruise, winsurfing and sailing. Sponsored by UPC Mam Events. Call 472-1879. DISCOVER THE BEAUTY OF BAJA SPRING BREAK IN THE SEA OF CORTEZ Discover the beauty of Baja. Mexico on a remote, unspoiled, uninhabited island in the Sea of Cortez. Swimming, snorkeling, boat rides, camping, and outdoor living. Contact Brent Toalson, Office of Campus Recrea tion, 472-3467, for details of a trip prospectus on the Beauty ol Bala, March 21-31, 1987. $750.00 (includes round-trip airfare, meals, lodging). Deadline Feb. 18, 1987. ADD Players need to help save the belliegured Hitada clan. Oriental rules used. Call Troy 466-5776. lit i b.iiiKo terfll If you've found yourself a few hours short of graduation . . . . . . consider UNL independent study. Over 70 UNL courses available; complete a course in five weeks or longer you choose. Visit room 269, Nebraska Center for Continuing Education, 33rd and Holdrege. Or call: 472-1926 for information. UNL is a non-discriminatory institution Campus Don't Put Your Decision to Buy Health Insurance on Ice. Are you willing to gamble that you won't have any medical bills during the school year? Why not buy Student Health Insurance and decrease your odds from financial disaster or illness or accident. After February 28, 1987 all enrollments are FINAL! Visit the Student Health Insurance Office at the Health Center by Saturday, February 28. A Student Insurance Representative is available to answer your questions Monday through Friday. For more information call 472-7437, 6 tudhit inuaana conipnnv P.O Box 809027 Dallas, Texas 75380 1-800-527-0519 ROOMMATES FEMALE NON-SMOKER; 12 rent and utilities. East Campus location: Evenings 467-2617, WISH TO share comfortable house near City Campus. HmJ7j-7561. wk. 476-3228 Request Oliver. MALE ROOMMATE needed to share nice. Quiet 4 bedroom house with business students. W 10, dish washer, microwave, own room, off-street parking, siau plus utilities. Call 435-2111, keep trying. FEMALE NEEDED to share 2-bedroom furnished apart ment on lbin & u. no ffmai F ROOMMATE at 13th & "0." $112.50, heat paid. 12 utilities. 477-0142. ffmai f ftR mai f tn live-in with wheelchair male. Free roomboard. Little help. 475-5228. RESPONSIBLE femalemale to share large house acre age bordering Wildnerness Park. 20 minutes from campus by car. $160, utilities paid. 423-0264. 2 FEMALE roommates needed to share apartment close toboth campuses. Call 466-7181. ROOMMATE WANTED: Male, non-smoker. 2-bedroom apt. 1800 Knox. 474-7564. FEMALE ROOMMATE to share apartment. Own bed room, own bath. $120 plus 13 utilities. Close to both campuses. 435-7975. ROOMMATE NEEDED, malefemale to share a large 2 bedroom apartment in the south area of town. On bus route. $195 plus 12 utilities. 423-2053. Nebraska Driving Dudes, When California Dreamin' remember: ,., . . . A Who farted?", "What hangs?". "Entricas ". . . and thev re not speaking Englishf," "Is it sunny? Hot tub, Ball-buster workout. "No Whining." Volleyball Team DiCi "purpleVerble.aWHAT?","SH00garBowl, spitting pretzels, 'Gotta hangover?", McConohay's, Mr. Happy. Tree chips, "I never : . .," "Where's Heidi? . STWA, shopping, ETM, "F-Johnny!" Sassy Seat "Al pull over. Climax, Mrs. Stoffy's. Until next year - SOL! , Nebraska Driving Chics To the ouy who blends in with the carpet: You Turn Me On!!!!! : Madison, Macy, and Erotic City Dancer (Molly, Jenny, Chr'missed you over break and I hope to see you Friday night, your party. Fishbone and those unforgettable n'flWs! Your secret but well known Princes RESUMES Professionally typeset, $15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan, basement of Nebraska Union. 8.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. Monday- Friday. SEXTON TYPING $1 25page, 6years experience, 7 daysweek 466-8651. TYPING One day service, quality work, reasonable rates 474-2150 PROFESSIONAL TYPING, 7 days a week. 20 years experience. 435-6301.. TYPEWRITERS WORD PROCESSORS RENTAL -SALES -SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 N. 13th 474-4136 DESPERATELY SEEKING LEAH Union Lounge 119, noon. RSVP, J. Lani, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Mike & Julie ROOMMATE WANTED to share house one block from City Campus. $175, utilities paid. 477-1646. To Kelly o'mine, my sugar lovln' fondle-bunny, Roses are red, Violets are blue Just a quick note, To say I love you. Get psyched tor Monday, babe. The ladies of my harem would die to be in your place! Catch ya' in the shorts! Me LOST a FOUND LOST IN Union, sterling silver infant ring; great senti mental value. Please call 488-3726. LOST FRIDAY, January 9, woman's Bulova watch, Gold's Building area or Celebrations. 464-3801 atterSp.m. FOUND' ONE ladies watch in Hamilton Hall Call to identify. 489-1574. GHE.EIL AFFAIRS i & usuiu SERVICES Happy Birthday Amy! SINGLE & PREGNANT LoveyConnie &MicneHe Adoption is a caring alternative. For confidential informa- tion call Nebraska Children s Home. 483-7879. P. Kauvar, FREE PREGNANCY TESTING yoWaSSSnifl MJlf blMASfi alwVy! PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping being there Happy Birthday! hand. Call us. 483-2609. " Love, Kari & Sherry WORD PROCESSING. Type anything. Reasonable rates, fast service 488-8208. ATO LITTLE SISTERS Important meeting Sunday night 7:00. Hope to see you there. Becky (May Morley) HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sara Glenda Hinz 475-2253 Dissertations, Theses, Term Papers, Etc. Quality Work, Reasonable Prices COPY SERVICE Reductions & Enlargements LAMBDA CHI ALPHA LITTLE SISTERS Want to start the year with a little fun? Come to the BACK TO SCHOOL party tonight. Hope to see you! CONGRATS Carol Jo on your engagement! We're excited for you. Love, Your Theta Sisters SIG EP LITTLE SISTER RUSH JAN. 20-23 SIGN UP AT THE HOUSE1 marram, mmmm HOW MMY MltilIES 6WCB I smi m. Hi comm. AC61UIS t'V 37. I I , N I ..- 1 STICK WIN V 3S. TTMIEOT FOR SINGERS o DANCERS Worlds of Fun is conducting an audition tour in search of the best in Midwestern talent to appear in our 1987 show program. If you sing (pop, rock, country), or dance (jazz only), you can earn over $5,000 performing six days per week during the summer, and weekends in the spring and fall. a "All The World's A Stage" at Worlds of Fun, from our lively 50's-60's rock revue, STAX OF WAX, to the PopCountry sounds of the Country Junction Amphitheater, to the all- I I I i it I ICW IllUilUcll dJCLlclOUIctI ctl II m Tivoli Music Hall. que Performing at Worlds of Fun can be a great part time job, or that important First Step. It's fun, profes-. sional experience and terrific expo-tv sure. More than 1 ,300,000 Worlds of Fun i;itnr; ptp wnitinn in Hicrnvor you! For more information and a complete audition schedule, contact the Show Productions Department, Worlds of Fun, 4545 Worlds of Fun Avenue, . Kansas City, Missouri, 64161: (816) 459-9276 THE CLOSEST AUDITIONS: O LINCOLN, NEBRASKA: Thursday, Jan. 29 at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln Westbrook Music Building Room 119 (Recital Hall) 3:00 P.M. (Registration begins at 2:30 P.M.) C KANSAS CITY (NORTH): Saturday, Jan. 24 at the Park Place Hotel (formerly The Inn at Executive Park) Front Street Exit off of I-435, approx. 2 miles South of Worlds of Fun 10:00 A.M, (Registration begins at 9:30 A.M.) f . . . The Bast Steers Experience in the Llidwost No jobs are available for dramatic actors, or instrumentalists. h ) . l III III) ki